(Iowa City, Iowa), 1946-05-21
GOOD MORN lNG, IOWA CITY! Youse 011 is in for a good day today. The boids will choip, the woims will toin, and a cumulo-stratus OWGJ1 currus-fluffy cloud says it will be fair and warmer. Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, May 21--Five Cents Largest Post-War Plane Hits 72-Story New York Building; Five Die Iran Launches Air Bombardment Test Herb Olson Being Held in Europe No One Nation Heavy AHack WIESBADEN, Germany (AP) Named Student -B-29 Supel·fot·tresses, which never flew in combat over Eu Should Velo tope, are being used with On Azerbaijan B-17 !lying fortl'esses and RAF (ouncil Head Lancasters in what is described as the largest experimental air Peace Trealies Government Troops bombardment in Europe since President Hancher, the war's end, an official an Use Mortars, Artillery nouncement said yesterday. C. Woody Thompson Secretary Threatens In Fresh Offensive The attacks are being carded Speak at Banquet To Transfer Problem out with British-developed 22, To U.N. Assembly WNDON (AP) - A broad OOO-pound bombs and other Herb Olson, A2 or Willfield, British bombs, and American cast from Tabriz, capital of was announced as t.he new presi WA IIJ IOTO. (AP)- ee separatist Azcrbaijan prov'incc, t,liOO-pound "rocket assisted" dent or Student. Council at the armor piercing bombs, with the first annual Council banquet last l'ctary or I talc Byrncq, niming declared last nighL that Iranian $50,000,000 German submarine bi word . traj~ht al Hu i~ government troops had monnl('d night. He will serve out the t.erm pens near Bremen M the target.
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