Congressional Record—House H5648
H5648 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 19, 2003 There was no objection. or maybe to New York, more recog- and catcher Jim Hegan, and coach Bill f nized as media centers than the corn- McKechnie. They were the closest to fields of eastern Indiana, and Jim him that first year. He also was friends GARFIELD’S 25TH ANNIVERSARY: Davis said to me, ‘‘Mike, I always turn with the late Arthur Grant, the father ‘‘I’LL RISE, BUT I WON’T SHINE’’ them down, because you have to have a of one of my childhood friends, Laureen The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a sense of humor to live in Indiana.’’ Let Grant Beach. On many occasions I had previous order of the House, the gen- us hope Jim Davis and this big orange an opportunity to see him and enjoy tleman from Indiana (Mr. PENCE) is cat always live in Indiana. They are a time with his daughter Kristie. recognized for 5 minutes. source of pride, not only their cre- As a baseball pioneer, Doby also re- Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, as the Con- ativity and their energy, but their phi- ceived encouragement from black ce- gressman who represents Muncie, Indi- lanthropy and their commitment to lebrities of the era. Heavyweight box- ana, and Delaware County, home to the the quality of life for the families of ing champion Joe Louis, singers Lena most famous cat in the world, I rise our region. Horne, Ella Fitzgerald and Dinah today for the awesome and important We thank you, Jim. Congratulations Washington and musicians Duke duty to pay a happy birthday wish to to you and that big, fat, lazy cat.
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