(Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-07-30
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Dodge,. Clip LiHle Change St. Lou. Cardinals, lOW A-Not much change in tem )Us • to 3 perature today, except not quite so See Sto..,. on Pare • Iowa City'S Morning Newspaper warm in eJ[treme west portion. urs nvECENTS TK& A810ClATID pal5S IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1942 Tal AlllOClATIO rUss VOLUME XLDNUMBER 264 rlYe• Shows Scraps .vers ling the Ust f the wool be co llected leI' blankel arung Sat. exhibit in are yester. Biddle ~Iays ' Nazi Ie window V Mrs. Wi!. iam Horra. A DIRECT HIT-AND THE TANK TURNS INTO JUNK nd Francis High Tribunal Defense in ·Pelley Sedition Case Requests RAF Bombers Paste Hamburg; is n Pari to collect Subpoena of Eccles, Lindbergh to Testify !'aid shelter 00 blanket.<; Urged 10 Deny \ INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The Germans AdYance Below 'Don or Johnson 1942," tog,ther with statements defense in the criminal sedition of the feder~l, statc and municipal ,Id woolen trial of William Dudley Pelley, bond and mortgage indebtedness By CAKL C. CKANMEK silver shirt leader, requested last Associated Press War Editor Ilnel, worl/ Pleas of Men of the government, "and also com nIght a subpoena of Marriner S. Germany ostentatiously r inforced her coastal west lanketa " Eccles, chairman of the federal plete statements of the assets and wall with Into bu.n- reserve board, along with "any liabilities of}he United States." scm of II r b t specialized troops yesterday and Berlin's propa on their D.fense Argue. Right and all statements" showing the Pending Approval gRnda ageneies fot· the first time told the people that an American morn in,. To Use Civil Courts "gross worth" of the United States. The request still requIred the British invasion is expected. ~wa ell, Post Guarantee approval of Federal Judge Robert The German thL'U$t below th o Don toward the Cauea8us deep. wllect the &.Iongs to Everyone Earlier Pelley ))Osted a :finan C. Baltzell. However, Oscar R. ened despite II slir£ening red army stand which was exacting cial guarantee of expenses for thl' Ewing, special assistant to the frightful ca. llaJti s, and the Germans were aware that this very made here. WASHTNG'!'ON (AP)-At appearance of eight other wit U. S. attorney general, said the success might foree the United tates and Britain to answer Soviet ill measure tomey General Biddle de. nesses, including Col. Ch.Jrles A. prosecution would not oppose it with cotton pleas fOf a second front with something more than air war, nounced the alleged nazi sabo Lindbergh and others of national i! the defense insisted Eccl~s' tes 'fhiR was so even thougb the RAF in it latest assault of the lined with prominence, but the move to bring timony was necessary. I with car. teurs in the supreme court yes campaign to " scoUI'ge the third rich from end to end," sent terday as enemy aliens who came Eccles here was in a ditierl'lIl Defense counsel did not disclose legal category. lh eir purpose in .asking for Eccles' perhaps 600 mil .. cd bombers to Hamburg 'I'ue day night for their ted by Oct to this country bent upon de seeond mighty blow in thl'ee ni ghts against that eradle of U-boats. strt1ction but who, now thRt they The request for Eccles and [pd testimony but the government pre .ipment to el'al reserve board records sought viously' had submitted In evidence Advertising thaI lh(' y wer en route from the Russian front to possessJons are caught, seek to avoid wartime a showing of the nation's "gross an IlI'Ucle in which Pelley had as the fortified English Channel coast, the Germans paraded "im. penalties by appeal to the civil worth as of, or as near as possible serted the United States was bank portllnt eontingl'nts" of We showy S elite guard in the Champs courts. to, Dec. 31, 1941, and Jan. 12, rupt." Ely ees in P aris. eds Emphatically, he urged the high 'fo this Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels, writing in ~rson tribunal to reCuse to issue a writ his pCl'iodical Das Reich, added that the Americans and British 01 habeas corpus demanded by ' would be given " a h IIl't y welcome" if th y decided to try "an act Service oounsel for seven of the eigh t de Typical of Rugged Frontier Life, of madness." ITc said Rome of O(' fmuny 's best and most efficient troops were )een made fendants. Such a writ would have , t being transfer red to Ill ' west. :ine Smith, the effect of freeing them from the An ' AustralIan soldier, practicln'; guerilla tacUcs a t a special obs~acle training coursc somewhere In German oR timatNI placin g the number of German troops spread Irs. Dewey custody of the military commission 1Australia, Is about to nurl a hand grenade at· an approaching tank. Should the throw ml 8, the soldier Alaskan Fun Is Rough, ' Tough to Thomas which has been conducting their ducks safely Into the foxhole In which he c.rouchn and the metal monster passes overhead. It II be· from Norway to the Pyr enees at 50 to 120 divisions- 750,OOO to and Mrs. I lleved AmerIcan SOldiers 8110n will be undergoing like tralnlnr on this course. 1,800,000 men- came ill tho wake> or reeent aecounts describing Ir~ . Lafayette. ... • • II deeply enchcloned" coastal de- Proeedure Challen,ed Pi991y Wiggly Ad cry thing and everybody In , place July frontier area. The whole military procedure, BU LLET INS fen80s as a veritable west wal[ Te"s of 'Junk Sale' Yet, despite its lack of sophis 011 which hundreds of thousands 'idegroom's and President Roo$evelt's procla ticated contrivance, the idea of :, and Mr. And Gets Results! GENEKAL MacARTHUR'S of wO"k r have been engaged mation ordering it, had been chal lanky northerners stralght-facedly HEAQUARTERS, AUSTRALlA, ride's par lenged earlier in th,e day as illegal watching tourists walk up to that fOI' two years. (TI&i.~ i.. tlla lourtl. story ilf a Thursday (AP)-Allied bomb ng. and unconstitutional by Colonel C. box containing the "red bat" is German nervousness over tbe 8~rie8 01 artiolc3 by E(I MallllKm seored a direct hit on a at 804 S. Royall, one of the two officers as hilariously funny. en cO'lur"i,U! lil e in Alaska tlflrill!l Japanese destroyer off Gona state of their western defenses signed to defend the accused men. -Jll tt held 1u [·ther evIdence wdrt i >n~. A f""mlT Daily /oll',ln r lf' MISsIon on the northeastern coinciaed Wilh a Birtish neW8 we were in no ordinary countt·y. Beyall, who Wall IIwom bt A I t" H d A portor, Mmln/o ll w e ~,t to AI&ieG coast of New Guinea, Gen. Mac agency dispatch from Moscow say " given to hII superiors to exhaust every I 1 bought a copy of the Alaska via Ion ea s gree University Student · IMt Sevtnuber to wo rk lor tile Arthur'-t he d qua r te an s the Suo JOSilble tactic for defense of the Daily Press and began examining a. r s ing Marshal Semeon Timoshenko, Kodiak Nava/. Air base l orillo nounced ,oda),. ~ Greatest it with professional interest. To who had stayed his hand through prilOlJen, arrued that everyone, On Cargo Fleet Idea Sic",s Drake Puyet So'und c ~n · enemy allen and loyal citIzen Heard in Aroff Case one accustomed to reading the pol out a cruel retreat of 250 miles lUke, had a clearly defined rirM tractors. Durino hi8 slay, II ~ was ished and persuasive purr of our CHUNGKING, Thursday (AP) editor of the " Will'W(llvB, " a1l(1 as' 10 the prot.ecUon of the civil advertising writers, imagine the -United Sta~ army richter from Kharkov to below Rostov, at courts. But Caution Against Stanford Girl Says sooiate rditor of the Kodiak Bcar. planes shot down three Japanese last had thrown in his reserves into - TILe E.·liitor.) surprise ot seeing a two page ad And to an accompanying stir of Expecting Impossible She Saw Navy Man by a Piggly Wiggly stare headed ~ bombers over Henll'yang this titanlc effort to turn the tide. amazement in tbe courtroom, he "Junk Sale!" mornln&' without 1018, Lieut. Gen. Stout RUllllian Stand By ED MANNION Joseph W. Stillwell's headquar said the prisoners contended they Feats of Production 'Sell' Commissions Let Us Cheat You The Russian midnight com were not saboteurs at all, but It was in Petersburg, quaint lit "'qon't Go Elsewhere To Be l.ers announced today. munique, indicating a stout Rus merely refugees from Germany:. WASffiNGTON (AP)-A\riation SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- Pa- tle Alaskan seaport town whlch Cheated- Come In Here" went the In order to escape from that coun experts agreed yesterday that huge lies between Ketchikan and Ju ad . "We've got the stuff and we're BEKLIN (From German sian stand, said the red army was try, he said, they had consented fleets of cargo carrying planes WASHINGTON (AP)-The new tricia 1. Bouchard, StanCOI'd uni- neau, famed lor its beautiful lawns tired of looking at it. You probably Broadcasts), Thursday (AP) fighting west of Kletskaya, on the to adopt the role of saboteurs and would add tremendously to Ameri- re.venue bill was vigorously criti- versity student from Beverly Hills, and lumber-paved streets, that I won't bc able to eat any of it, but Brltll h air raiders last \ night Don 120 miles northwest at Stalin be put ashore here by German U ca's war potential, but cautioned cized yesterday before the senate told a naval court martial yester learned about Alaskan .humor.