Ferndale Specials!
i WEDNESDAY, MAT 10, 1960 UtiOE TWENTY-BIOHT jSlattrlrfBtgr 'jEagtiing Ijpralii Avange Dafly Nat Preae Ran . Vkr the Moatk of AptO, leae The Weather V r ■ rwssam at O.JMBwtaa ing their benefits totaled 976 for Gibbons Assembly List Engagement Another Drop the week, making the total 30,225 pair Slid mild this Handicap Camp since January 1. 9,891 fair taalgkt aad rrtdayt aa A bout Tow n Layoffs were reported In the A a «t To Seat Officers In Idle Here following Industries: Textile, gar sight aad little chaaga la Mta. Dorothy A. K m A tt 1m Funds Sought ments, hats,* woolen yarn, draper-, stars rrtdag. Moved from the Unden Anurt* ies, zippers, electrical products HOUSE PAINT MmehMUr— A Ctty of Vlttago Charm menu on Unden etreet to the low Miss Marjorie Taylor of Oria- and brass. Rehirings were noted er lint of Mr. end Mre. ^ h e rt D. wold street, state president of the Local Bureau Reports in brass, textiles and watches. No (OtsaalSad AdvavtWag sa FMe IS) Welmun’e houee et wd Mein Four Physically Dis Catholic Ladies of Columbus, will changes were reported here. VOL. LXIX, NO. 188 MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. MAY 11, 1950 etreet The Walnume here moved Decrease of 4.4 Per * OUTSIDE WHITE (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR (»N T S abled from Town to Install the officers of Gibbons As to Weethrook. Cent; The Statistics Be Sent, Report sembly, C. L. of C.. Wednesday Would Like to See * INTERIOR WHITE The D oreu Society of Bmenuel evening. May 17 at 9:80 at the Last Rites for Trapped Well-Digger Uithenn church will hold n tale of Mancester Country Chib.
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