Wanted\ Notice

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Wanted\ Notice "•V“ The Weather THURSDAY, MAT *«, 19i PA)B^ FOURTEE* Manchester Evening Herald Average Dally Cirealatlon For et oi li. s. ueatxer Burmi rur tlw Month o< AprO, 1844 Partly cloudy wttb little cheegr Mr. Hnd Mrs. Leo CobgHlin have tlon Oxdet Carl J. Schwarz, The Service club of St. Mary's A meeting of the Zoning Board Mr. and Mrs. Ern^stLJnderxof in temperature toaight; Saturday sold" thcli two laniily 12 room aohon of Mr. and Mra. Friedrich Rpiscopal church will have a food of Appeals will be held tonight at Parker street a:ylbunce that the^ 8,746 fair and warmer. Aboi^t Town house :ind tw.> car garage on Schwarx, 6 Lewla street Manches­ sale ‘-In Hale'< store. Saturday, 8 o’clock in thp Municipal building. next social and Mrd party will be Member ef the Audit Griswold street to Mr. and Mrs. ter, haa aucceaafully completed h.i from 9:30 a. m. on. The commlt- There are five petitions to be pass­ held this Satplday night at their Private. First Clau, JolMI RIrtw John Dleta. Tba oala w u nego- basic flying training af'^he Lc- tt« In charge promise the usual ed upon by the board tonight. It home. Activities vrill start at 8:15. Manchester-^A CUy of VOlage Charm mond, U. S. Marine Oupa, arrived tlaM throuirh the agency of Roo- mdore, Calhf., Army Alr iQeld, and line of baked goods, cakes, plea, has no other matters pending. ^ hoir.*- today from C bar^ Point, N. ert J. Smith. Inc., of 963 Main now takea hla final hurdle at an bread and baked beans. Members (IXIURTEEN PAGES) PRICE IMREE CENTS C., for a short fnrloagU to visit street. Army Air Forcea Advanced Flying of the club and othera in St The Orford Soap Co. plant will, (OleirlSri 'Advertlalag on Page U) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1944 his wife. Mrs. B a itim LUcttgens Training School befor» receiving Mary’s parish who haven’t been close tomorrow evening until next n ,O O R LAYING For Sununer Comfort and Style! >li. L x m ,. NO. 202 Richmond, and hla mother, Mrs. hla silver wlnga. Before enterlnir contacted and .are willing to con- Wednesday morning. TTiis will give, Miss Lillian G. Grant s classes the Service, Cadet Schwarz was ai tributs something for the aale, are AND SANDING Uda Richmond, who la confined to In elocution will have their closing the employeeii a long week-end the Memorial boapltal. atudent at the Unlyeralty’ of Con­ asked'to deliver It as early as vacation. exercises tomorrow evening at the necticut. possible at the store Saturday ReUnlshlng and Waxing. Happy Reunion of Fifth Army in Jlaly y.M.C.A. The program will - be- mbrning. Estimates Gladly Given in Swift NeW ghU at 8:15. LEE HATS oosevelt Issues Allies Lieutenant ChMter Koiak ar rived home laat night from New. TALL CEDARS ’ CALL 8254 The Lee Orleans, La., having been granted Members of Sun.set Rebekah Plumber Johh.L. Jenney, who has had an lodge who were planning to attend Insurance office for the last 10 leave ofi newa of the death of hla ‘ SPORTWEIGHT F lather, John Koaak of Kerry th^ reception in honor of Mrsj; years In the Balch and Brown BINGO With Medium Brim and atrt*f, whoae funeral will lake Olive Skarln, by Jenny Lind Jxxlge Toward Rome; building oh Depot Square la .to Narrow Band. Gains Steamfitt'er of West Hartford, tomo'rroW eve­ change his location on Saturday. place tomorrow morning at 8:30 TOMORROW NIGHT at the Holmes Funeral Home, and ning, are hereby notified that it AT 8 O’CLOCK 4 Hti Is to have his office equipment has been postpqned on account of WILL BUY ANY moved to the south store In the nine o'clock in St. John's church. Golway street. , her illness. Mrs. Skarln is the $5.00 Bids to 43 Allies Pump Mechanic Spencer building, now owned by ntw vice president of the Rebekah ORANGE HALL GOOD / i Erling Larsen. Thi.s will give him As.sembly. She was also employed The Lee w__ Members of the American Le­ 23 REGULAR GAMES AT Cut Two Key Roads a ground floor office'. on Depot gion Auxiliary who have reserva­ for several months by the Savings $3.00 A GAME FOR 25c! REAL ESTATE Lmerican Delegation to ^arl J. Nygren Square. tions for the card party at Mrs. Bank of Manche.ster. ■■ WATER-BLOC Grave Coal Elmef Weden’s tomorrow evening, 7 SPECIAI. GAMES ■Bretton Woods Con- J 5 South Street Light AX a Feather, Roll Back Germans at an* reminded that it Is a deasert Fair Prices With Hand-Felted Edge. telephone 6497 bridge and that dessert will be SWEEI»STAKES Iference to Be Headed Pinch Seen . Baker Drivers Extra Job Both Emls of Italian .served at eight- o’clock. • The $5.00 WEEKLY PRIZE [By IViorgenlhau; W ill Woodland Street pre.sident, Mrs. Viola Rice, hopes WE PAY CASH Wm. F. Johnson $6.50 Battle Line; Qsterna for a large turnout o f the Unit $25 WAR BOND Builder — Real Estate In W inter For E very FOR GOOD MONTHLY PRIZE [Begin July 1; French Again Refuse Captured by Fifth Barber Shop members at thr* Memorial service MODERN FURNITURE Telephone 7426 or 46.14 In Platinum Gray — Sky Blue — Sage Green RoefiDg^^^^be8to8 Sunday at ’ 1 o’clock, in St. ’To" Be Given May 26 Lt. Side Tan [Committee Is Invited. Open Only 2 Hours Per Day James’s church'. WE BUY 38,000,00a-Ton Defi To End Strike Four Need Army Troops; Aquino, Siding and\Rock 4:.'i0 to 6:30 P. M; - — ENTIRE ESTATES And Piedimonte Also The Ladles’ Aid Society of the Washington, May 26.— (A*) If you arq moving and have cit in Production Pre­ Wool Insult Sal. 4:30 to 8:30 P. M. Covenant-Congregational church KELLER’S MEN’S WEAl -President Roosevelt today ' Seized; Canadians Win will met-t tomorrow evening at execM Items, cull ua. “ As Iilillvidual As Your Finger Print” iIM an international mone- dicted; Loss o f Miners Detroiters Virtually Seen Way to Avoid IJn- Bxperl wurkmansiUp. Closed Thursdays. eight o’clock In the vestry. 887 MAIN SY. NEXT TO FEDERAL BAKE SHC conference to meet in Without Bread as Re-! employment or Gov Crossing of Melfa. nanuiteed. Beaa<Hiable ROBERT M. REID WANTED To Army Obstacle. No oMlKan*"* tor an ratio lis country beginning July eminent Employ- & SONS suit of Refusal to Re-| Bulletin! Write. to discuss post-war finan- Philadelphia, May 26.—(X^— 201 Main St. Phone 8198 ment After War Ends. Allied Headquarters, Na­ i\ problems. Invitations Robert F. Duemler, chief of the turn to Their Jobs. THE SHERIDAN Mancheuter, Conn. BICYCLES TRICYCLES ples, May 26. — (/P) — The Burton Insulating Co. [ere issued to 42 countries Anthracite Dlotributlon division Detroit, May 2 6 - (X>)-Detroit­ Salt Lake City, May 26— — Fifth Army captured the IM Oxford St. Hartford REGARDLESS OF CONDITION. »d the French Committee of the Solid Fuels Administration, ers were virtually without bread "Mass unemployment or mass town of Cork seven miles PtNine Hartford K-4SI5 RESTAURANT lational Liberation at 11:00 predicts a 38.000,000-ton deficit In Notice To the Members ■clock (e.w.t.) this morning. and other baked goods today as | government employment^ after the outside the former Anzio coal production for next winter. Invites the People of ITTie conference will be held at 1,000 drivers f«i 46 bakeries war can be avolded only If five “ We know that we shall need beachhead today as Allied ( ALSO PARTS, ETC. ireUon Woods, N. H.. and the Jobs can be created by Indiuitry, Manchester To fry Their. of The Italian Society Imertcan'delegatlon will ^ head- approximately 685,000,000 tons b f handling 90 per cent of the city’s forces rolled the Germans .supply reiterated their refuaal to business and farming where four 81 SEAMAN CIRCLE — ORFORD VILLAGE by TreMury Secretary Morgen- bituminous and anthracite coals back in swift advances to­ WANTED! of Manchester: zjiu. The official name of the return to work until aaaured of existed before,^’ P. G. Johnson, ward Rome. 65c Leeting will be the ’’United Na- . and the best we can hope to senrt W Cumber (left) of Londdn, England, and Sergt. D. RuaseH rf 8t. Louis. Ma. * 1 ^ hands immediate War Labor board c'on- West Coast industrialist, told re­ Monetary and Financial con- produce will be 647,000,000 tons In Allied Fifth Army forces from the Anzio beachhead In the Pontine mar :hes Joln^ other alJeratlon of their wage demands. Full Course Luncheon Your presence is requested at a general gional representatives of the Coml- Allied Headquarters, Na­ SHOE DEPT. u r k e © tfence." the face o f present manpower Ftfta A rm y^ntts S n g northward on the main Italian batUefnmt. This official British photq was Three other walkouts In Michi­ mlttee for Ek:onomlc Development. meeiingjo be held Text of Announcemeat trends.” he told the Pennsylvania received In New York by radio from Italy. _________________ __________________ gan brought the atate’s total to Jotuison, president of Boeing ples, May 26.-:^yP) — Allied Retail Coal Merchants AssoclaUon nearly 7,000 idle because of Served 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. I The text of the W tlto Houae Aircraft company o l .Seattle, Is forces rolled back the Ger­ MANAGER last night. • strikes. conducting a western states con­ nouncement: . The WLB warned bakery driv­ mans today in swift new ad­ B 1^ "President Roosevelt has called He said the loss of miners to ference of the committee of which TONIGHT vances toward Rome at both Fine opportunity for air* X military service Is a principal'ob­ ers after the walkout began yes­ he is a trice chairman.
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