I~, 1944 = anON CALENDAll PIIOC!SSED ,"ooDS blue atamp. A8 throu,h Q8 vl11d Inddlnll~ly: Cloudy 1IlA'I: l'1li stomps A8 throu.h T8 v.11d Indeltnll.ly; SUGAR llamp .. U (book 4) vl11d Indefinitely ••tamp 40 lor oannln, .u,ar ..,,­ DAILY IOWAN IOWA : Cloudy and Warmer • plitt reb. 28. 1845 ; SHOE .tamp. airplane stamps I aod 2 (book 3) THE folld indefinitely; GASOLINE A-It oouPOn explr•• June 22; FUEL On. Ptr. 4 and 5 oOUPQllI """Ire Sept. I. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper tM CENTS THe AIIOCIATZD ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY, MAY 11 , 1944 THe ASSOCIAT.D ..... VOLUME XlJV NUMBER 193 Allies B?~bard Hitler's T~d~y's Nominates Forrestal FDR . , . Europe In 2-Way Blow Iowan .. .. ... IFor Secretary of Navy 707 Enemy Prisoners- President ROO'lc.velt nominates Giant Fleets James V. Forrestal Cor sccretary ---_.- of the navy. U. S. TANKS PREPARE TO 'MOP UP' AT HOLLANDIA Reveal Jap Atrocities AUles hammer Nazi Europe I Both Parties Make Attacks !rom~ Italy, Britain. By MURLIN SPENCER (ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- Singapore to Kuala Lumpur (in Court drops litigation 0 v e r Montgomery Ward seizure_ -I Urge Choice British Air Ministry QUARTERS, New Guinea, Thurs- Malaya) we were herded along a Announces Losses day, (AP)-Japanese atrocities, road like cattle. At one place we Announcement made of Japan­ including nailin~ Chinese to palm saw a number of Chinese who had ese a troci ties. Navy's No.2 Man, Of 1t2 to 1 Percent trees by driving iron spikes been nailed to palm trees with through their foreheads, were iron spikes drivcn through their Democrat, Advocates L NDON, 1'hnl'sday (11 P) ­ made public today simultaneously foreheads. Big Peacetime Fleet Ureal fl eets of allied warplanes. with the rclease of a headquarters "Fifteen Sikhs who had become Avery Vows Issues lotalling HI 0 l' e t 'h a n 3,500 report that American invaders of ill were put to death at Rabaul W A HI -GTO~ (A P ) - Hollandia and ' Altape freed 707 (New Britain). bombers and fighlc l"S from bUiles l nder-ecretllry of NII\'," Jllmel! enemy prisoners. "On a ship whieh took us to the Of Ward Seizure in both Bl'itain and Italy, V. Forre tal. a D Ino'rat and pla.tel'ed llitlel"s Europe with Gen. Douglas MacArthur's com-' Admiralty j s I and s, we were munique said that 462 of the 707 herded below decks like cattle-. To Be Settled in Court bi~ navy advocate, was nomi­ SQme 4,500 tons of. bombs ~·cs· nated ye~t rday by I?r ~idl.'nt; Betty in the 26th were Sikhs who are natives of 2,000 of us." Crain, tmlay consecutive India. "The men were Crequently Hoe,' It for tb na"y' o. 1 Mary dHY of the historic aerial offen- At the same time, the Austral- beaten with sticks and ritle bults. Federal Judge Drops job a~ secreta ry to slIcceed the Davis, , ;ire lind the re wer'e indicatlons ian department of information an- "At Manus (in the Admiralty Litigation; Await lale Frank Knox. Irene that RAP night raiders were nounced that the liberated Sikhs islands since captured by Mac­ FOlTestal. on -time New YOl'k Alice followi ng up lhe daylight at­ strongly indicted Japanese treat- Arthur), we had to dig slit Union Developments investmenl banker Bnd neighbor tacks. ment of them. trenches for the Japanese but of the pr(wi<lcnt in DutC/)().~,9 CHICAGO (AP)-Board Chair­ S a I' a (A "nuisance" l'aid on Buda- Some of the Sikhs were quoted were left entirely unprotected 'Ollllty r. Y., has been under­ man Sewell Avery came back to Jlest was announced by the radio by the department as saying: ourselves." secretary for foul' years And "On an 18 days' march from (See ATROCITIES, page 5) in the Hungarian capital in a briet his Montgomery Ward and com­ . ince Knox's d ath April 2 ha broadcast recorded by the Federal pany headquarters ye1>tet'day and been acting secretary. Communications commission., declared the basic issues In the His appointment, urged by The daylight assault was spear_ Ames Press Nazis contl'oversy that led to govern­ many Democratic and Republican headed by American heavy bomb­ IDe Valera ment seizure or the firm's Chicago ers based in Italy with attacks on congressmen, climaxes the Wash­ Wiener Neustadt in old Austria In Italian Retreat propertL "6till must be deter­ Ington career he started In 194.0 and Knin in Yugoslavia. mined in the court.'!." when he gave up the presidency American and British me­ Sets Election Twenty hours after federal au­ of a Wall street investment firm dium, 11 g h tan d flrhter­ German Withdrawal thorities had relinquiShed control UNITED STATE General herman tanks, landed during the Invasion of Hollandla, Dutch New Guinea, to serve as a presidential assistant. bombers from Britain spenl Viewed as Desire of the plants and 13 days flfter he assembled to form a patrol for the purtlo II of "moppln&, up" the remaining J apanese and knocking out the day In methodical blows any stubborn resistance. In the backl'round' a Jap ammunltlon duma blazes "ner having been set afire As the navy's No.2 man, he To Straighten Lines was carried out by soldiers, Avery at rail centers and an air field FO'r May 10 by preliminary naval and all' bombardment. U. S. Sll'nal Corps photorrapb. was Knox's right hand In In France and Belglum_ returned to his office and issued n ALL lED HEADQUARTERS, bulldlnr the world's bluest The continuing onslaught quick­ DUBLIN, (AP)-Prime MiniS- I tat.ement. n"vy. lolng frequentlJ to ly followed over-night and pre­ Naples (AP)-The Germans have , Court Decision dawn attaCkS by 750 RAF planes I'etreated across the Little Aven­ tel' Eamon De Valera yesterday set Reds Sink Two Nazi Liberal Policies May Capitol 11111 to testlty before He B~serled thc war labor board on III nigh-priority targets that tlno river in a second day of May 30 as the date Cor the hurry­ Sedition Trial committe considering navy has "thus far bcen successful in included the channel coast and withdrawal on the British Eighth up general election which he an­ Ships Off Sevastopol Defer Men Over 30 aproprlations. depriving Ward's "of II judicial Ihe Paris and Berlin areas. Ger­ army front and allied forces mov­ nounced Tuesday, defying out­ On many occasions, he has man installations along the French determination of the legality · of ing up behind them have occupicd spoken opponen ts and sections of Lawyer Fined urged the maintenance of this coast received probably their three villages and are onlinuing the Dublin preSs which bitterly board's order affecting the con­ Russians Begin Task Course of War in Fall heaviest attack ot the war. giant fleet in peacetime. declaring to press the pursuit, allied head­ cern, and because of the ~overn- 'l'be American Llberalors quarters announced yesterday. denounced him. Of Repairing Port May Bring Reduction that peace which Is not backed by menl's IIction In trull1ng back lh'J Ind Fortresses based In BrU­ The German retrea't has ranged While the election probably will Withi ... Short Time In Future Inductions power "is only a dream." facilities to the management For Contempt aln stayed al home today, the from seven to 11 ~ miles from prove to be free of international At 52, 18 years Knox's junior, first time in 17 days Ihal a their line as last announced sev­ "Ward's has once again been de- LONDON. Thursday (APl-In WASHINGTON (AP)-Selec- he wUl be one of the youngest men implications, It will be full of fury, fuD day has passed without al eral weeks ago, although some al­ nied the right to a decision by the one of the final chapters of the WASHINGTON, (AP) - Trial tive service was I'eported Tues- in the presldent's cabinet. with the lrioh politica I temper least one mission for Ihe blr lied forces have been well beyond courts." There was no immediate fall of Scvastopol, planes or tho ot 29 persons accuscd 01 scditious day night to have adopted a lib- His appointment breaks up the "dump trucks." it more recently. likely to have full sway. erotized policy of deCermenL~ lor policy President Roosevelt estab-­ comment on Avery's new state- Black ea fleet sank two 4000- conspiracy was resumed alter 8 The British air ministry broke In their advance behind the The opposition, which had stood men over 30, with employment in lIshed in 1940 by naming Repub­ ment from govcrnment o!ficials. Iton German transports a p~trol defense lawyer was Lined $150 for a precedent today by annOUncing withdrawing foe the Eighth army by the prime minister when he These other developments oc- ' . an essentlal industry the only IIcans, Knox and Secretary of War officially that 4,000 British and occupied Palena, Fallascoso and resisted allied pressure and re­ curred dllring lhe day: Ilaunch and several high-speed contempt. yardstick. Stimson, to head the navy and war American bombers and fighters of San Angelo and at last report was fused to close the German and A ncw struggle between Mont- Janding craCt and damaged sev­ The llttOl'ney, James J. Laugh­ Draft oCfLcials, prepared to an- department, a move Interpreted moving directly toward the im­ all types made Tuesday's attacks. Japanese legations, declared he gomCl'y Ward and a CIO union, eral other veels aboard which lin, counsel lor deCendants Ed­ nounce details of a broad new at the time as a gesture for war This was the fIrst time that the portant German base of Sulmoml, program tonIght, declined to dis- unity.
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