19. 19(3 • w, = ------' .. Ration Calendar Warmer rland OA8 "A" eau pobl G ex,... Mar I I : COFFBE taupon 23 eKpJrea IIlAr M: 8UG"'" ... p.. 1% o.pl,.. MOJ II: JOWA: Oecaslonal U, M rain in B.d E. F. G. D mell .l.nlP culr. MI Y al l ··.DAILY·· IOWAN lOuth portion Thursda,.; nol O. D. Ind J l'amp, uplre ilia, aI: !FilE ~wa I, • SHOE8 .upta n uplre. J u. U: much chanJ'e in temperature. FUEL OIL ... pOD Nt. ~ .,.plr.. .'1 .... Iowa C i ty ' s Morning Newspaper roup = FIVE CENTS THB AII80 ClAriD • • £l1li IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY. MAY 20.1943 1'81 A. OCIATID ra ... VOLUME Xl.ID NUMBER 201 I, chier en's hos. !d presl. r of the e aSSOCia. Mission To ne Frost women'; Mnl. Moscow I lherapi I s elected of the Din Joseph E. Davies ----=---_ .. SOciation Arrives in Russia les frolll Y which With Letter to Stalin e CounCil MOSCOW CAP)-The Ictter ,e Amer_ trom President Roosevelt to Pre­ he Iowa mier-Marsball Stalin arrived 'yes­ ree yearg teroay in a brieCcase carried by former ani\>assador Joseph E. ChurcHill Pled ge·s Defeat of·.Japs :::~!.~:iS to Iowa Davies on his second and perhaps tee, Wls -!:;...------'"'!"---' . . ' more 1atefully significant mission I I vith th; ,led chll_ 10 Moscow. THESE ARE THE MEN WHO LEAD CHINA'S GREAT FIGHT He is expectcd to deliver the Jaws '0 ' f Trap British P~ime .Minister Declares England. ' Labor Schism :an work lel1er loday. 'as form. Davies will be in Moscow only a chool to\' Will Stick With UI S. to Pulverize Nippon William Green, Head Ippleton, sbortlime and probably will car- rJ back to Washington a letter (lose Tllghter Of AFL, Announces {rom Stalin 10 Roosevelt in reply. Present Allied Aerial Bombing of Italy and Germany Davies completed the last leg of ReaHiliation Request his aerial postman's journey hnlf AHu Japs History'S Greatest Military Experiment, around the world on a hop from On Members of Congress Hear By JOSEPH A. LOFTUS ler the alternato capital of Kuibyshev • WA,'£I[NO'rO (AP) wllh an escort of !lve Soviet fighl- , lur er planes. By THE ASSOOIATED PRESS ,John L. L wi , the unpredicta' Tha briefcase containing the Advancing Yanks Push W A nINOT N (A P).- P)'ill1c ,\Iillistl'r 'hurt'hill y(,,>let'doy ble, In·t night I d hi nited ~lill Workers back to the Amer­ ! C CT e t conespondenee was promis d t would stick with til' ('nit I in rector Nipponese Forces Into hilt Bl'itain ('(1 !ttc~ nn lin· or clutched under his IIrm as he ap- rlcllli11g campaign to pul\'criz .Japall. llnd tli8clo~l't1 that thc ican Federation of JJabor, which oC Iowa peared al the top of the plane's II' b k d tl T .. h tore asunder in Jabor's great. landing laddcl'. He wore the Escape-Proof Pocke, a ICK HI'C llOW 01' c 011 IC g]'cutest tnl ItUl'Y (,XP!'I'II11cnt HI ning for em c~t !;chi/lm eight years ago. to spend a (irst Panama hat seen in Moscow I WASHINGTON (AP) _ Ad- liistol'Y- drtel'llline ",h ther air oollluul'(.ll1Icnt cIIn bring Ocr­ AFL Pre ident Will i am conler. In many a day and, of course, vancing United States troops ap- IlIUUY and Ituly to thcir knce , Green rc\'en led 1he news in the Visiting 5Omeone shouted: peared last night to be driving In a momentous war rC"icw bcfol'c a joint nwcting 1'01' tllC s('n- !'orlll of 11 motter-ol-foet on­ "Where did you get lhat hat?" hard-prcssed Japanese lorc;es on Ilt' and houlic, Rrituill'~ wor Icuurl' took not!' o[ the oulcn' in Ihia nOllllCcml'nt lhat 1he u~nv lInd renee or Davies appnrenlly didn'l heal'. Attu island into a pocket around CoulltlT thut ,JOplllI i the No. 1 encllIY Ilud told thc cllcci'in:r I(':;t- Ip of the Among the greeters wns Ad- Chichagof harbor, whcre they can islatol's: llIadc "formal application to rches in thl' ('xC'cuti"e council for 1'1'0[­ miral William H. Standley, the only sUl'l'endcr 01' fight to the •• [Jet 110 one ~ugg{'st tlint Wl' BI'itish hll\"(~ no! at INlst a.~ t,("('ut filiation with the AFL" and that 'rofessor incumbent mnbassador to Russia, ldeath. an intcrest as the United Htatc ill the IInflillchin~ uml ,'('I('utic . seminar the council WIiS conSidering It In who called, "Come on to thc (Sov- The Aleutians trap sct up last wllgiJlg of Will' agllinst .Jllpall. 1 {1m ItCI'C to tell ~'Oll thot wc will icl) guest house." week by two American landing an "orderly and sympathetic way." lual scs­ "Dh, lio," said Davies. "I want parties, one of which arove into . W8gC thut. wur sidc by ide with Thus Lewis was not yet actu­ conrer­ ally back in the AFL fold, but II to go to the American embussy Allu rrom the .north and .the othor U- S.'Bombers YOll ill Ilct'onlan'c{' with thr b st was considered a foregone con­ tornoI'. first." rrom th'e south, has been clo~ed, a ~f I'll t('gi(' ('ll1pluYI1I1'nl of Oil!" ! baeea­ "rine," said Standley, "come on navy communique reported yes- fOP'I's while 111('1'1' is hi'rllth in clusion that he would be relld­ iilming_ down." tel'day_ . Forward patrols of the ( .' our bodies and Whilc blood flows mitted since Green had repeatedly Sunduy adjured him to "come back home." When he descended to the two units met soutb of Holt.t bay. H't S bY d in our veins." The healing of this hlstotic ground Davies was warmly greet- The Japanese p6sitions on the I U ar S The cities and munitions cen- Iso visit ed . by Standley and Brig.-Gen, bnoj. OU","" Old. c.u>itol. r~ tor the GJQallAL NOTICES .... Student Publications Incorporated at 126-13il deposited with thiI oampua editor of The DaUy Iowan or mar be Iowa avenue. Iowa CitY, Iowa. The 2nd Front Won't Open Until ~. \1~1 tI\e ~ provided fot thelt dOUlOAlt In the oUlua of TIle OENEllAL NOTICES mlHt be at 'PI. DaUy Iowan 1>, Allies Pound- Coast Defenses p. m. the day precedlnr lINt publication: noUOd will NOT be aceepied by teleplione. and muot be TYpeD Oll LEOmLY WlU'l"ftH Board of Truatees: A. Grai, Baird, Kirk H. B)' PAUL MALLON and 9IONJ':D by .....pOn.lble person. Porter, Paul E. Olaon, Jack M 0 1u'" Dan Churchill Reassuring lem McLaughlin, John Doran, Donald Ottilie, Ed ThIU'lllb" May I •• lHJ trill p Bowman. WA HINGTON - ome radio commenta: In Congress Address (OIIcert tors have b en reporting the intensified An"'· Winston Churchill's address to UNIVERSITY (ALENDAR II the Fred M. Pownall, Publisher lo.American bombing of we. tern Europe as a ~ongress was the most optimistic Marie Nau, Advertisina Manager "prelude to invasion," causing people to run and heartening survey of our ThW'Sd&7, May 20 Wednesday, May 26 )l. Hul James F. Zabel, Editor to the front door for tbeir paper each day to PI'OSpects in the war yet to come 3-5 p. m. "May Tea"; business 7:30 p. m. Society tor Experi- ,am, \ see if it has tarted. from the leadership of the united meetin8 with presentation of new mental Biology and Medicine, e nations. It contained, besides its officers. University club. Room 179, medical laboratories. osrm Entered as second clllllll mall matter at tile post­ The air and pr imultaneou ly have ACCO: office at Iowa Citro Iowa, under the act. of con­ heen fi lied, naturally enough, with specula. exultant summation ot the Afri­ Saturday, MaJ 21 Sunday, May 30 can triumph, reassurance on sev­ Group ll'e8S of March 2, 1879. tion suggesting a direct immediate l-S p, m. Open house, Iowa 7:30 p.m .. Student rhristi~ driv eral points concerning which there Union. "Y pjaIIo : through Holland into th heart of Germany, has been anxiety. 8-11 p, m. All uuiversity party, council vesper service, west ap. rY Group Subscription rate~-By mall, $5 per year; by 01' a nankin invasion through Italy or Nor· He indicated unmistakably that Iowa Union. proach, Old Capitol. , piaIIO : carrier, 15 cents weekly, $5 pel' y~. way, or both imuitaneoll. ly. the urgency of China's peril and (Por lDtonaalioD reaatdIDI' data be,084 this .... Me Piano ~ Member of The Associated Press It all depends on onc factor-plane. Its importance to the cause of the e4. retervailon. In ibe office of tile Presldeat, Old Capitol.) GrouP The Associated Press is exclusively enUt1ed to • • • allies is appreciated fully in the 'l'bir( use for republlcation of all new. diapatcb~ If ! r has a form 'dable air fone highest quarters. He replied vig­ pjJlIO : credited to it or not otherwise credited in thI {Jvailabl in westcl'll E1trope, all in va iOIl orously to those who have ex­ GENERAL NOllCES Pilno ~ pressed doubt that Britain would paper and also the local news published herein. C(I1lt1ot be uece sftlllV att mptcd. 1t1ltil MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE Saturday, June 30, the Newman • GroUP stick to the end in the job of wip­ ai Ihat air force i beat 11" Tlte same factor Thursday, May 20-10 D. m. to club wHl hllve an informal dance voc TELEPHONES • ing out the scourge or Japanese 12 M. and 7 to 9 p. m. applies evcrywlw·e. We can go wlI f'revcl' fl\ilitarisll\. He gave assurance in the river room of Iowa Union Editorial Office ...... 4192 Friday, May 21-10 a. m. to 12 from 8 until 11 p. m. ill coo get superiority ill the air-mId that the war against the submar­ M. and 3 to 5 p. m. Society Editor ...... 4193 1.0wllt'B elSB. ines is eoine weil. Business Office ...... 4191 Saturday, May 22-10 a. m. to PRE-MEDICS • • • • • • 12 M., 1 to 3 p. m. and 4 to 6 p. m. All pre-medics who have made The latcst authentic reports suggest Hitler It might have been more reas­ THTJR DAY, :MAY 20' 1943 suring had the British prime min­ application for the January class has about 6,500 actual fighting planes, a still STUDENT BOOMS in medicine or who intend to do • ister been able to tell more con­ formidable numbel'. About one-U1ird of them oeming the significance of his beinr lIrepared 10 reopen an ef­ tlons In the Orient and so brinr ThOOIe persons who will have so, may attend the organization'S (something Over 2,000 planes) are. upposed bringing Britain's Indian com­ fective avenue for help to all the Washin,ton plans to rooms to rent for the summer ses- party SlIturday afternoon by con· Jhe Juvenile Probfem- to be on the Ru ian front and will have to manders to the Washington con­ China, may strike first with ov· nauaht. The Japanese In China. sion, beginning June 7, are asked tacUng Jim Odell, 3159, for reser· sultatjons, to glve more basis for to list them with the division ot vations, before Thursday ev,ening. Last lUlday in the colllmn we publi beel remain there for the forthcoming drive , erwhelmlnr force, not a&ainst do not have to walt for the po. ib)y against Moscow and LeningJ,'ad. confidence that somethine can be the British and Americans but rains to end. Tbe halt year Just student housing not later tban JlM ODELL 8 I t.ter from a young man whQ tated that done about Burma and China be­ aralnst the Chinese. Such a ahead affords tine weather tor Wednesday at 5 o'clock. lIe believed ther wa. a erious juvenile prob· The Russian. claim to ha,'c de. troyed 1,300 IMELDA C. MURPHY STUDENTS NOT IN RISEI."'.s plancs in the la. t two welt. H th(>y rlicl, fore the monsoon rains end a hal! blow ml&M end that heroic six. tlrhUn, in the Yanclze valley. lem in Iowa City and that no slleees ful at· year hence. year resistance on which we Mr. ChJ.lrchill's answer to the Dlvislon, of S&udent HOlUlhr~ Unless you are deterred from. they have decimated Nazi ail; power on their service, or iess than eighteen, YOU tempt had ~en made to corr(lct it. He offered The danrer is that JaplLR, to have connted to retain a. con­ considerable number of doubters front, but Russian repor are alway 0 en· should soon call at ihe offlce ot several methods of attacking the problem. forestall the blows that are now tinental base tor the united na- (See INTERPRETING. page. 5) PKENCH LUNCHEON thu. iaslie that none of Ollr military d eision Sluden\f interelited in speaking student aftairs ~or a copy of YOur Publication of the offender' name would are likely to be based on what falin gives French Will meet for luncheon at personnel record. Furlhennore, 70U aid. in combating the juvenile (,lelinql\ency, the should get two letters of recom­ out in his new paper. the Mad Hatter at 11:45 Thurs are being tea.tured this week on I-Musical Chats 7:45-Evening Musicale fill out a current free hour sched­ MOUN'J;AlNEEIt MEMBERSHIPS Ing. In the first place, 110 probl m that is controls 111 I'C lal(>l\· have bE'cn maintained the Musical Chats procram. 2-Campus News 8-Y Glimpses uie. Memberships and member$hip the l' nit of laxity on the part of the public rno tly by Ge tapo' lender. and inc1lltdal tartlng at 1 o'clock today. 2:10-Early 19th Century Music 8: 15-Album of Artists R. L.BALLANTYNE renewals in the Iowa Moun­ I1s a whole-and certainly juvenile delin· plant. m!lllagel·~. lie would b in 8 d rel'atc " ymphony No.6" \Viii be heard. 3-Adventures in Stol'ylnnd 8: 45--News. The J)~lly Iowan Manarer taineers for the 1943-4.4 scbool 9-University Ploys Its Part quency is just this-eaQ bc remedied nnl !'lq ('oncutioll, inde d if he intC'nded to I t 11 ~ct 3:15-Melody Time year are now ,,"vailable. NEWI\IAN CLUB Illustrated lectures, motion pic­ every (letail of that problem lR brought to thl' Italy witllOUt fig-htinD' and acq\lire ail" basps IOWA WESU~"AN COLLEGE- Newman Glub wjjJ hold a picniC tures, and other indoor and olt!. 0 thcre with which bomb all Germany. 1.'he last in a series of dramatic surface. True, publication offendCl'R' to The N twork Highlights door programs or the orga~ization and musica l productions will be Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clocl, in names is Il blow direct~d at the eHect rat hel' Put. all t11c. e mlthelltic reports of the ail' the City park. All Catholic stu­ will be enjoyed with It member. than the cause-bnt it ilt alRo one way of gel­ ituation together nucl 'on Ullist cooel ude we presented this afternoon at 5:15 NBC-Rei! • 9-Rnymond Gram Swin~ ship fee. Those interested may by the Iowa Wesleyan college, on dents and servicemen are invited. ting at the cause. The public rou t know who alr('ady have 8 ir snperiority over .onthern WIIO (1040); WMAQ «(;70) 9:30-Wings to Victory contact Gordon L. Kent, oWce ot the Mt. Pleal/a nt campus. The pro­ IO:I5-Russ Morga,n the univerSity photographer in the the offenders ar what kind of families they Italy, Sicily nod Sardinia, bnt will hnve a gram will be resumed in the lall. come from, and what their environment has fight on our hands yet to acqnil'c it 0\'(,1' flol­ 6-Fred Waring 10 :30-Tommy Dorsey Claim Isolation Physics buJldin&, or call 74J8 aller 6:15-News, John W. Vondcl'· 10:SS-War News been before group pl'eRSUre can be brought to Jand, :8elgium 01' Fl'on e. G p. m. ONE MAN'S OPINlON- cook II-Joe Venuti Of Paralysis Vi~us LEAVITT LAMBERT bear. ~ . One Man's Opinion, the editorial 6:30-Bob Burns . . Chairman STOCK HOL M (AP)-Two Admittedly, the problem is too broad to be Jnvasi01~ of Italy, thel'cfore, seem page of the air, is a new 15 min­ 7-Maxwell House Co tree Time CBS Swedish scientists, Professors Sven entirely remedied by publication of na,me . frasibee, thc northwest E1tropeal1 coast· ute transcribed program to be 7:30-Aldrich Family W1\lT (000); WBBl\f (780) No one is so naive a!! to think that. But it i. li11e still difficult. Norway 1Julltl(Z JJe heard for the first time over WSUI 8-Kraft Music Hull Gard and Arne Tiseilus of the j -Jp:A -.- ~_ certainly a move which, if combined with mlLc" em iet·. lhis evening at 7 o'clock. "Can a 8:3a-Rudy Vallee UniverSity of Uppsala, announced ,r...ll:o tu~ ~~ Lasting Peace Be Planned?" is the 9-Jimmy Durante 6- 1 Love II Mystery practical rc reational improvement and both • • • 6:l5-Harry James that they have isolated Dnd photo- I tJ)'n ()K~plnn 'nnrJ parental and juvenile "1' . ducatiou", would Th . e eurr nt lnten ifi d bombing of er· subject ot this evening's program, 9:30-Mal'ch of Time to be presented by W. Earl Hall or 10-News 6:30-Easy ACe; graphed the virw of infantile i fill U 'j: lf1{tfllt: go far to aid a itnation that mnst not be many 1\1' thel'cfore only long eli tance p.t.;;. paralysis for the first time. 1.'heir l ':';I·___ .",· ___,.,j the Mason City Globe Gazette. JO:I~-Harkness or Washington 7-Farm Ad Program ;. ";·'~ __'~ __ allowed to rY t or evcn. remain llldc to invll ion. Heavy bomb jt i. tL'ue, wOrs ... rs, 10:30-Muslc of the New World 7:30-Death Valley Days work is expected to go II long way By JOHN SELBY I'tntic. are us d a artillery in a pr lude to on at· 11:05-Thrce Suns Trio S-Major Bowes I toward helping combat the dread "South American Journey." by tack. . Y GLIMPSES- The Ih'st in a new series 01 Y 8:30-Stage Door Canleen disease. 9-The F'irst Line Photographs were taken with Wald() Frank (Duell, Sloan al" Two montJlS before 'runisia collap ed, om Glimpses programs will be broad­ MBS Pearce: $3.) bombers plastered Naple and the Sicilian Cbst over WSUI this evening at WGN (720) 9:30-Confidentially YOurs an electron microscopc capable of Mo t feb . th t Wald magnifying 50,000 times. The s 0 us rem m eI . a 0 ports, delltroying . hipping, and Ulen, for the 8 o'clock. This evening's program 10-News. Douglas Grant Famous Wrong Guesses . list 'd th . h d th Frank was attacked 10 BUel'ij)s final pnsh, drew in to hammer tJle German will give the history and purpose 7-Thls Is Our Enemy 10:30-Spotlight on )thythm sClen 5 S81 e vrrus a eA' b f' d' r f 10:45-The Navy in Iowa hape ot thread 15/ 1 000 000 Ires ecause 0 aXIs IS", IS ac- I must confess that my imagination, in fighting line in north Africa. The 10nrY range of the organization; it will show 7:30-The Busy Mr. Bingle S • • • s, '! tion with some of the things the its practical application to student 8:30-Treasure Hour or Song ll-News millimeter thlck and of vanous American writer said. The full spite even of spurring, refuses to sce any bombing comes first, then short rangc. ll:lS-Bob Allen Bort of submarine doing anything but suffQ. • • • life, diScuss its service to military lengths. text 01 the speech that set oU the Ii te and its future plans. Blue cote its crew and founder ot sea. - H. O. The Anglo·Am(JriCU1l Z0111J·range bomb· ------attack has not, I think, appca,ed KSO (IUD); WENK (890) in North America until nOw, when :Wells. ing attacks 011 GermallY must fh'st call· TODA Y'S PROGRAM it is issued as an appendix to ~. 'rhe demonstration. that no po ible com­ clude this cm-rent phase of blastinlJ topU]OUS in­ • * * * * * * * * accepted substitute tor the tade- love and a bomb shelter. Here terior, Mr. Frank covered his !.er. ·WASHINGTON-l,Iere is a COD;l­ By JACK STINNETT of eneriY"producing fQOds, an! out clinch. The screen is taking again, it is principle that tri- r\tory well. Unlike most tour/Ill )Josite ot capital opinion, predic· "(4) In spite of anyg~lI.a~ un,- , the facts of wartime ute, Ilnd umphs while life bows down. writers, he reacheo. the southern popularity that accrues ' t8 United tions and plain guesses on two mliIlY through the Brenner pass there is little place for the old- George Sanders plummets his tip, and also unllke most touria. major issues: would present mor~ problems than Mme Workers Chief John L. fashioned formula. plane into an oil tank to light the writers, he consorted for the most The invasion of Europe actually invasion from the coast&. If these Lewis, he will come out ot \hi.s with a stronger grip on labor ·tI}an Hollywood's hapP1 endingll, war sky for the R.A.F., and Marguer- part with friends he had known a will take place on more than one armchair stratelisU ~re ri&ht, Italy model, pass up the love-in-a-cot- ite Chapman, kicking over the long time, since his interes' in front, and President Roosev&1t's may be merely by-passed when the he has ever had since he was' the tage and bliss-ever-after patterns. Nazi traces, is killed by her own South America is no new thio" czar of CIO. tJo..reat that the allied natioJ;S big drive comes. One or two well­ Too many cottages have been brother. but a habit of standing. Further, would attack from Norway to the established bridgeheads on the • • • blown to splinters and too much There's "A Guy Named Joe" he was lecturing . constantly, aocl 1arthest islands of !.he Aeaean (lont/nent probably would resul\, Lewis has angled WLB, Eco­ IbUss has been blasted to let Hol- too. Spencer Tracy and Irene his lectures brought to him the wasn't idle chatter. they irgue, in the unconditional nomic Stabilizer James F. Byrnes. lywood even thing of such svgar- Dunne both die in the end - lor inlelligentsia ot each city in turn. In the fJrst place, "cleaninlfi up slIr(endar of Italy without a shot IU1d OPA into a position where coating. In a very real sense. country and principle. "Hitler's The u\>Shot of it all is that Mr. the Mediterranean" raeans knoc:k- beinl fired. they have to admit that "some.­ Hollywood is being true to 1I1e in Children" killed oIl Tim Holt and Frank was a traveling roman~c ing out all the axa-held ialands • • • thing must Qe done." That some­ oltering the "moral victory" :18 Bonita Gr::rnvilie for a melOdra- beini received as a notable persoll from Rhodes to Crete to Gibraltar. The (loal strikes, those. already thini can oniy be relie! to th~ miD­ today's solace. . matic tinale, lI11I'eni as staged but by a certain section o( a distur~ To net1ect the North sea, C)lannel called 01\ and oU and those still ing districts, reaardless ot whethfJr In "The Moon Is Down," thtl very real in its inevitability. The and disturbing continent. 1. 1ouric1 and Bay of BJ:&cay coast. wololld lhreaf.4ned, will have four prime it is increaaesin wa&e$, decrease fade-out is wholesale death, but oniy way to rescuc those young- it very d,ifficult IR understa:Pc! allow the axis to concentrate their resuUs: in food. prices, elimina tion of death which dramatically exalts sters (I'om tile N a z i clutches what came of it all, exceptilli. I forces. hlnla probably will be (1) They will cause viaorous black markets or the grantin, of the principle for which it j~ Iwouid have pcen to resort to Hol- set of well:wdtte" "impressio.JlI," made in several places, with Uta IeCislatioQ a&ainst strikes in War additional ration points to all faced. That is true 01 most or the lywood hocus-pocus making the n seems to me tbat the author malh forces goin, in, at most vlW b~UBtries; (2) ~hey will bring worker. in heavy war industries. Norwegian invasion themes. In Nazis stupid idiot!! rather thlJn. found it diUicult ai 1.imes to III­ points. That is what the united lW9ut eit~er a new war labor He has also placed himself in a "This Land Is Mine" hero Charles Il'tlthl,ess villains - anp that ap~ cide exactly what his positlojl in nlitlons did in the final dTlve in bolilrc;l entirely, or the present OTle position where the CIO and AFL Laughton finds in death the vic- pl'o::rch has been wisely dropped. tt,le book was. A more ob ectIVI Tunisia. will be much s~nJthened by au- can do nothini but back him up. tory without which his life had One of these 'days the old-time aXlproach might have prod\lced'i Some commentators here DOW u..odty to c:lrcwnvent the. litUe The result ean only be some con­ always been miserable. happy ending will return.. When more useful book; ' it is true tbat are posUlve tha' Italy won't be 8\ee1 15 percent. wage scale in­ cessions to the mil}ers and, as. ~ • • • It does (and it will be when those. there is much tact in "S~ · the point 01 IIl&io. concentration. ~ in _ a~ calta; (3) They result of that, concess~na to other It's taking a greal Mal 01 the thing_ are poaslble in real lite) a American Journey," - but eq~ ltaly, theY contend, is virlualb out will .(orce OJ'A. \0 \aka positive b,tavy industriel and tranaporta-· certainty out of the busin.. 0 lot lot us will sigh gratefuny and true that one must C'law aside a of the war now, and if that aation. action holdin.l down price ce1liD&s UQn. It you th.\n)c that won't e1e- IlEBE ARE THE talented Lom.,.r49.1, heard on CBS' "Three Rlnr watching movie;, In a piCture. revel in I' for, a long time before &bod deal of litera.., 8Ia~" were occupied, attackini i'tence in heavy industry a,.a,a and in. vote Lewis aaain in the minds of Time." With R08e Marie are, left to' rla'h6, GUY, Vtetor, Lebert and called "Appointment in HeFlin," we nil" yarameriD8 ll' lb. movies. reaCh It. Or perhipa it is ... .hrough the Maritime Alps or Ger- seeing that those areas get plenty the workers. think again. Carmen. ROle Marie, 17, II vocalJst with the orebe.tra. for. instance, you'd rather expect because they aren't "Irua &0 Aft." f,haj,~.. are. not IllaIDoroUl .,.; ~ ,0, l~ THE D A I L Y lOW A N. lOW A C] T Y. lOW A .... a PAGE THRElS ~ =- Rose Mary Leeney, ~ ~an Music Concert 1 Two Former Students, Three Graduates Among Bride-Elect, Honored Women of the Moose for Evening Meeting Of University of Iowa Reveal Weddings Iowa City People At Pre-Nuptial Party Initiate 7Members; A mi ccllaneous shower in honor Of Roosevelt A. Word has bccn received of the Marshall Grant o[ WhIte Plain., John Mattill, son of Prof. lind of the approaching marriage of Honor Five by Gifts P,'T, wedding of lhree graduales and N. Y. The wedding ceremony took Mrs. Henry MaUill, 358 Lex~ng- I R e Mary Leeney. daughter at two former students of the Uni­ place in the chapel of Sl. Clement's The Hospital Guild committee, lcmbcrs of Roosevelt school versity of Iowa. ton street. will be graduated from Mr. and 1\1rs. Frank J . Lecney, I Epbcopal Church in El Paso, Tex., headed by Mrs. Anna Burge, con­ ~l\ present a spring musical Carllon college in Nor~h!Jeld , 1318 S. Johnson stt·cct. was given ducted the initiatiOll. of sevCII (GIlcerl tomorrow evening at 7 :30 nlder-Mumcr May 8. Minn., tomorrow. He Will re- 13 t night by Mrs. Victor Belger. women into the Women of the iI the school auditorium. Mrs. J. 1r. and Mrs. C. C. Snider, 504 Mr. Grant attended Stephen turn home Sunday. 1431 S. Dubuque streeL Fourth avenue, announce the mar­ Moose, May 18. The initiation was JI. Hut! Is in charge of the pro­ college in Columbia, Mo., and was • • • The evening was spent playing riage of their daughter, Mary Visiting in the home of Mr. and bingo. Decorations included gar- in honor of Mrs. Charles Schmitt, Jll!I, which is as fololws: I graduated from the University oC Elizabeth, to Edward N. Munzer Mrs. Arthur .K. Maris... !39 E·I den flowers and the refreshments chaplain of the chapter. Clarinet Solo .. ,.... Phy \iis Fordyce of Rochester. N. Y., May 1 in the Iowa, where she was affiliated Court street, " Mrs. Mans aunl, featured a pink and blue color During the evening, the women Accompanied by Gloria Rarick Church of lhe Epiphany in Wasb­ with Kappa Kappa Gamma .oror­ Mrs. Ida K. Hanen of Arlington, scheme. ington, D. C. presented Irene Montgomery with Group of Songs .... Kindergarten ity. She received her M.A. degree Tex. Sharing the courtesy were Mrs. The bride and groom were both [rom Columbia university in New Mrs. Maris' sister, Joycc Brown, J. William Leuz, Mrs. Charles a cbeck for $265, which she will Piano Solo ...... Carol Crawford graduated from the University of York. recently returned from Miami, Patterson, Mrs. Lloyd W. Harring- use for nurse's training. Miss Group of Songs ...... First Grade I. \ Iowa. At present, Mrs. Munzer is Lieutennnt Grant was gradu­ Fla. ton. Mrs. Russel Hirt. Mrs. :Frank Montgomery is being ponsored by , Piano Solo ...... Betty Rarick f \ I employed in the naval a\'iation de­ ated from Philltps-E."

Sentenced for Intoxication A Very Special Featuring of Police Judge Jack While sen­ ttnced Ohm·les Fowler, 1019 Gin­ 2-Pc. Seersuckcl' and Gingham The Popular Much Desired ter avcnue, and Earl Ingalls, 904 SoUlh Dubuque street, both to five Suits by ~nn Foster thaI 7 98 days In jail yesterday for Intoxi­ are exceptional at ... , • ration. PuI3 the "rorbidden" fiagrance right 00 California Coltons in gay color' Butcher Linen your lips-and siren color too-five as done by Marjorie Montgomery shades-all new. The case is DeWS O! p~~~:Wa~od...... 10.95 2·Piec. Suita , r.~ S too - turn it right or lett - the lip­ PrIced at . . . '::I. NellY Dons, women's sizes. Printcd stick pops up either way. You'UloYe it. sheer voiles in 8 95 STBUBS-Firs'- Floor beautiful qualities ...... • Superior Quality Rayon and Colton Butch· -As er Linena 10 well tailored smart atyles Sketched Butcher BUY l'UY from qood makera. Beautiful Pastel Col­ Lillen $9.98 WAR WAR BUY BONDS ors as well as Navya. Blacks. and Reda. e-~ For Future Protection Iowa City's Departmen. Store Sizes 10 to 38 and 9 to 17. ~OII_ ", •• IT. BONDS BONDS !lIW YO"K~ L_..... ,,~_ Jowa City's Department Store Braves Take Double, W·n Over Pirotes; NO BENCH WARMER - • By Jack Sords Taie Seventh Liffle Hawks Sports They Call 1# '7iorture Hollow' Trail One ot. the newest features of By DOLoRES RIELLY ard, a natural creek which flows Game in Row To Enter Mile the physical training prog.ram of Sport Editor The Daily Iowan through the site of the course. By the R. O. T. C. detachment quar­ I To cross the creek at this partieu- tered in Kelloeg house is the ob­ row Iltone wal\, the"'Proceed to a lar place requirea a jump of about .. WlDTNEY stacle course designed by Pvt. Del rope which hfs been strung be- eight feet. The man then turl!s Yesterday's Triumph DickerhooI, Hawkeye of 1941 and Relay at Ames MARTIN tween two ~es, swing himself, and re-crosses the creek a short Cut Dodgers' Lead 1942, a member of the detllchment hand \lver h d from one end or distance away !rom the eight-foot here. Accor-dlng to the men pf In National League the rope to he other, drop otf, jump but this time he must cr~ The C' ly high mile relay team the 11. O. T. C. unit, the story run a zig-za course down a hill by stepping on logs which have ' will delinitely run in the final *Sergeant's Letter Iabout its origin goes something BOSTON (AP)-The surging to the head ql the valley In .which washed down to that part of the tate meet at Ames this Saturday, *Reflects Sentiments like this: the course js located. "" stream. Boston Braves cut the Brooklyn Fran Merten announced Dodgers' National league lead to *Of Million Comrades' Dlekerhoors Dream He then 'goes up another shore, A flight of stone sleps whith yesterday. The team includ~ Jim "Private Diekerhoof M,d a dream a single game yette~'day by ex­ steep hill pnd down again, pro- have been built into a hill 45 ~ Bierman, Don Lay, Don Waller one night after an especially heavy ceeding to a three-foot hurdle, grees prOVide the next obstacle, tending their winning streak to and Georg Ware.' NEW YORK {AP)-Occaslonally meal at the army mess' in Iowa Immediatel~ after which he must after which he must go under a seven straight with a double tri­ AlUlough the Lillie Hawks a letter from a service man comes umph OVer the Plttsburgh Pirates, Union cafeteria, and the result raU flat on his stomach and go bench whicb measures obout 12 qualified to run in two events by to this deparlment bearing one was the construction of ",rorture under a brush obstacle whicb bas inches from the ground. 2-1, in 11 Innings, and 5-3, In the placing in the mile run and med­ real signalure and a million others Hollow,' the toughest. meanest, nigh1.cap. been built 18 inches trom the ley relay at the district meet in that are there, only can't be s~n. cheapest. longest obs1acle course ground. Al I' completing lhih, he The final step in the obstacle Rookie Nate Andrews, winner. of Marion. they wlll take part in the That ls, the letter seems so in the army. must run up 0 40 degl'ee grade, cow'se is 10 climb a 10-foot pole three of his previous foul' starts, mile relay event only. Walter who much to be a consensus of the "Under ordel'S from his com­ down the hlll. jump a small creek which has been strung to a tree, kept nine Pittsburgh hits well wOn the mile in the district is th ur hts of every sPOrts-mlnded cattered during the opener, which running with the relay squad. mandIng oUicer to layout lin ob­ ~::m~tep up on a three-foot plat- ~~~~~d t~dli~r~ptoo;hi~h~te~/!t soldier or sal1l1r or marine. Be­ stacle course for the unit on the the Braves clinched from Xavier The Mississippi Valley meel tween Its lines are all lhe hopes Alter the platform, he mUst run the course is located immediately (Mr. X) Rescigno on Johnny Mc­ whicl'r was rained out last satur-I grounds near the barracks, with­ and dreams anCt 10nPnl's of out cost to the army, Dickerhoqf a distance of about 40 yards and in front ot. the door of Kellogg Carthy's smasl1 oU Frank Gus­ day at Cedar Rapids is scheduled ev cry lad who has b~n then scale a seven-foot wall. houSe. tine's gloVe, The ball took a bad fot· this Friday in Clinton. City borrowed some ropes I-rom the en­ snatched from the qufet and gineers, took a de1ail to drive a Following this he runs up a steep Part of Pbyslcal Tralnlnr hop, enabling McCarthy to come high had planned to take part in comfort of Main street to face hill, turns and comes down a four The running of the obstacle in from second with the wlnnihg five events but Merten decided lo lew stakes and make brush hllZ­ the perils or war. ards, and the reSll1t was an obstl1- foot wall and then a three foot course may be done at any time run. withdraw his squad after the post­ wall, immediately below it. AIter during the day In which the pri­ ponement last week. Such a letter is that we re­ cle course." The Braves gave Hank Go rnlcki ceived (rom Sergt. John A. Roach, going down another hill and an- vate can find time to fit it into a heavy pounding when they came Privale DickerhooI's ideo Jtl~­ other three foot wall, his next his schedule. It is considered a on overseas duty. Maybe our Imag­ tel'ialized into a COUJ'se, one mile to bat for the first time In the obstacle is a "wall-scaling" devic ~ part of the physical training pro­ isJation got the edge on us, but in length, timed to be run in ap­ second game. The first hour hit This consists a rope tied to · II gram which. has been set up for ,Cards Take Second we think the sergeant's letter proximately ]0 minutes. ot that righthander for singles and shows thot no matter where the branch of n .tree, close to {he the R. O. T. C. unit here. The obstacle course, which is 1wo runs before he was relived boys may be, their.. thoughts 101'­ trunk. The private must cUmb ' lhe When designing and laying out by Johnny Lanning. A third run­ IVictory Over Bums ever turn homeward, grasping at run once every day' by the R. Q. trunk of the tree by grappling the the course, Private Dickerhoo! lInd ner cored as Lanning forced Mc­ every frail string that ties them T. C. meh, is laid out in the val­ rope :for a distance of about 12 his helpers made every use possl" ley and hills just below and south Carthy to hit into a double play. Triplett's to the life they loved. The ser ­ feet and th!!n drop off. ble of natural landmarkS, such as (First. pme) geant writes: of Kellogl,l house. Brush Obstacle, trees, stone walls, benches, stone With One Man On Dear Whitney: Today I received Outline of Course Following this, he must again steps and a creek as well as t!le PILllburlJh AB R It PO A Brings Redbird Win u clipping from my good fri nd The R. O. T. C. privale begins fall flat on his stomach and go naturally hilly contour of the Gusline, 2b ...... 5 0 1 1 6 J . Ross Edgemon in which he so the routine at the top ot a ahort under a 12-feet long Dnd 14-inch grounds on which it is located, hilt. Wyrostek, rt...... 5 0 040 BROOKLYN (AP) _ The St. 1 admirably eXPI:esSed h~s opinion high brush obstacle, jump up and The men followed to the leller the Russell, If...... 5 1 360 Louis Cardinals look a two to one o( b~seball ?ul'lng ,:",artlme and I The first step in the course is go over a 24-inch hurdle. The command to "Make It touith, and Elliott, 3b ...... 5 0 110 lead ill their fOUJ'-gam series c~rtamly tbmk he IS 100 percent to follow along the top of a nar- next step is to cross a water haz- at 110 expense." F'letchet, I b ...... 4 0 1 12 0 w~ Broo~~ "~~dQ ~ n_~Hel a~o~dme~~AP~------DiMaggio, cf...... 5 0 240 southpawing the Dodgers inlo lachla~ engue would op Jate and Derringer (1-3) a n~ Lee (1-1) vs. son (2-1) and Chase (0-8) vs. Geary, 58...... 4 0 o 1 3 submission for the second straight ~hat dId me 8 l~t 01 good to hear MAJOR LEAGUE Fuchs (0-3) and GeJ'heauser 11-2). Salveson (l-I) and Cen\er I)-I), Baker, c...... 4 0 031 day by a score of 3 to 2, wilh It. You kno,:", It probably see~ Pittsburgh at Boston-Klinger Washington at S1. Louis (2)- Rescigno, p...... 4 0 100 CoakeL' Triplett's round trip wal- inconse~uenhal to you metropolJ- (2-0) vs. Barrett (2-2). Pyle (3-2) and Leonard (3-1) vs. lop into the left field stands with tan writers whether a Clas~ D STANDINGS American League Galehouse (I-I) and Sundra (2-1) Totals ...... 41 1 9· 32 10 Giants Take 3 to 2 one on in the sixth providing the club. o~er?tes or .not, but believe New York at Detroit (twilight) or Hollingsworth (1-3). • Two out when winning run Victory Over Reds Braves Free Gomez victory punch. me Il IS l~t as Important lo me -Borowy (1-2) VS. Newhousers Philadelphia at Chicago (2)- F'igurlng Ulat lell must be right as my pullmg for Cards to NATIONAL LEAGUE (0-1). Wollt (3-2) and Christopher (2-3) scored. , beat the Bums agam~he and tame because of the success of the C~rd th Y nk (1 d 't aetl like W L P t Boston at Cleveland (2)-Hugh- vs. Smith (1-2) and Ro ~s (2-0). :Bo lon AB R n PO A NEW YORK (AP)-The New Just Before Roster southpaws yesterday, Dodger skip- ~ a s on ex y c ...~iiliil o Yorlc Giants' jinx on Johnny Van- per Leo DurOcher started a lett bemg called.a Yank. anyway.). Brooklyn ...... 17 9 .654 I ..li .. iiii_iiilliliill .. li_ililii_==.liIIi Holmelil, cf...... 4 125 hander or his own Max Macon to I try to IIs1en. to the radIO of Boston ...... 14 6 Joost, 3b...... 3 o 1 0 3 del' Meet· was worldng again yes­ Reduction Deadline .036 oppose portslder' Max Lanier. evenings and pick up ~an. Fran- 9 Workman, rL ...... 5 000 o terday, laking the .hape oC a two- . Macon didn't do so badl In the cisco when 1 can gel a llttle ne~s St. Louis ...... -...... 13 .591 ARROW' SHIRTS Ross, U ...... 4 004 o run homer by manager Mel OtL in . BOSTON (AP)-The uncondl-' seven innin s he workJ before on sports, but of course my dutIes Philadelphia...... 10 11 .470 McCarthy, Ib...... 5 1 '" 18 o the first inning. ond bl'ought a 3 honal release of Vernon (Lefty) being remo:ed tor a , 1a~e me away II'om my base and 1 Cincinnati ...... 12 13 .480 Klu.ttz, c...... 3 004 1 to 2 victory over the Clncinna li Gomez by the Boslon Bt'aves last his major mi stake being grooving mIss a lot.. Pittsburgh ...... 0 13 .409 white and fancy patterns Ryan, 2b ...... 5 002 5 Reds. night teduced the lod'ost ;, to j2(J one for Triplett. t .Itwas . like~d~n\fr?ma(~oun- New York ...... 11 14 .440 Wletelmann, ss ...... 4 o 1 0 3 The powerful lefthandel' always players, one. above t oy s ma or Lanier also failed to finish. He alT~ sprmg eYing m a Chicago ...... 7 16 .304 to match Arrow ties Andrews, p ..... _.... 4 o 0 0 4 has had II hnrd time with the league deadlme. was anked when he obviousl rad.1O opel:ator) the oth~r day and Yesterday's Result Giants, who took four out of five . The 32-y al:-old southpaw was was radin in the seventh. H~ whl!e trymg to tune m. another St. Lbuls 3, Brooklyn 2'. \ Total ...... 31 2 8 33 16 decisions from him in the two pre­ slJPled by PreSIdent Bob Quinn last threw six gstraight baUs to start stolton to hear ~an FranCISco come Boston 2, PHtsburgh 1. Pittsburgh ...... 10000000000- 1 ccding seasons. wmter after the New York Yunk- that frnme Dnd lhe next boommg In WIth a ploy-by-play Boston 5, Pittsbm'gh 3. Boston ..... 001 000 000 01 -2 --- ees, for. whom he had won 189 went for a'sharp single. He came of Tommy Bridges' Victory over New York 3, Cincinnuti 2. 3 SPlEIDELS 3 (Second Kame) Workman, rf ...... 3 1 1 0 o gan:es In 13 season;;, cut him out pronto, and Lefty Harry Bre- the B~own.s. " . Chicago at Philadelphia, post- 129 So. Dubuque Plttsburrh AB R II PO A Ross, If 4 0 1 6 o adl'lft. . . cheen who ut out the blaze Tues- Whlle Sl tllng III a. small dmgy poned. McCarthy, lb ...... 4 0 o 12 1 Although realtzmg. that ~omez day ~ame fn and repeated with theater oC ~he Aussle backw~d s AMERICAN LEAGUE Gustine, 2b ...... 4 0 1 2 4 Poland, c 4 0 0 6 o would not be effective until hot th' t 't I . s the other night I saw "The PrIde W L Pet. I ree no- 11 nllLng. . . Wyroslek, rf ...... 5 0 0 2 0 Ryan, 2b 3 2 2 1 3 weather set In, Quinn thought the , of the Yankees" fo r the first hme New York ...... 14 8 .636 Russell, II...... 5 0 0 3 0 Wietelmann, S:I. 3 0 0 0 3 \colorful veterun would be ideal St. Loul AB R If PO A and it would have done any basc - Cleveland ...... 13 9 .591 Elliott, 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 0 Jeffcoat, p 3 0 1 0 3 pitching insurance for his club. ball writer good to know Ulat the Washington ...... 14 11 .560 Fletcher, lh...... 2 1 2 8 1 Stout, p.. 0 0 0 1 o Now, however, the Braves' pilch- .Klein, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 2 Aussies liked the picture although St. Louis ...... 9 0 .5 00 DiMaggio, cf...... 4 0 2 3 0 ----- ing stafr appears exceptionally H, Walker, cr ...... 4 0 2 3 0 most of them know next to nOlhing Detroit ...... 10 11 .476 Geary, ss ...... 1 1 0 2 0 Totllls ...... 31 5 9 27 10 strong. M}lsial, Ie...... 4 1 1 4 0 about baseball. Philadelphia ... . 11 14 .440 Lopez, c ...... 4 1 0 4 1 Pittsburgh 000100002-3 As u Brave, Gomez saw very W. CooP r, c ...... 3 1 I 3 2 I have talked with a great many Chicago ...... 6 11 .42 1 Gornfcki, p...... 0 0 0 0 0 Boston ... 310 001 00x-5 little ervicc. He did work a few Triplett, rr ... 3 1 I 1 0 bas ball fans since arriving here Boston .... 8 14 .364 Lanning, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Errors-DiMaggio. Wietelmann. innings during a spring practice O'Dea- .. .. 1 0 0 0 0 Iand the consensus seems to be to Yesterday's Results O'Brien* ...... I 0 0 0 0 Rung batted m-DiMaggio. Gus- gorne but has been a bench-warm- Garms, rf ... 0 0 0 2 0 keet) the leogues going if at all Philadelphia at Chicago, post- Hallett, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 tine 2, Worlcman, Ross, Joost, Jet£- er since the regular season started. Kurowski, :fu ...... 4 0 1 1 0 pOsSible, and I for one had rather poned. Colman" ...... 1 0 0 0 0 coat. Two base hits-Fletcher, DJ- DUl'ing his brief stay with the Sanders, lb ...... 4 0 1 9 2 \ sce Di Magi Williams, Moore and . Washington at St. Louis, poot- Butcher, p ...... O 0 0 0 1 Maggio. Stolen bases-Gustine, Braves, Gomez has been regarded Marion, ss...... 4 0 \ 2 2 Beazley in a baseball uniform poned. Barrett·" "'" ...... I 0 0 0 0 Ryan. Double plays-Gustine and as on effecllve morale builder on Lanier, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 thon in an army one, but I sup- New York at Detroil, po tponed. - - - - - Fletcher. Sacrifice-Jeffcoat. Left a previously consistent seventh Brecheen. p...... I 0 0 1 0 pose most any athlete [eels obli- Boston at Cleveland, night game. Totals ...... 33 3 5 24 ., on b ases-Pit1.sbur~h 9; Boston 7. place club that now is poUling the - - - -- gn1ed to serve his country in uni- PROBABLE * Batted far Lanning in 3rd. Bases on baliS-Lanning 2, Butcher Brooklyn Dodgers lor the National 1'otals ...... 35 3 9 27 11 form. Nal.lonal League .. Batled for HaUett in 7th. 2, Je!!coat 6. Hits-off Gornlcki league lead. * Batted for Triplett in 8th. J don't know who won the St. Louis at Brooklyn-M. ••• Batted lor Butcher in 9th. 4 in 0 innings; Lanning 1 in 2; AB R H PO A derby, but I'll have to pick Cooper (3-1) vs. Melton (1-1). Hallett 3 in 4; :eulcher 1 in 2; Brooklyn Count Fleet as he is the only Cincinnati at New York-Wal- Boslon AB R n PO A Jeflcoat 5 in 8 1/3; Stout 0 in 2/ 3. Army POI·nls FI·nger Bordagllray, cL ...... 4 1 1 3 0 horse J know that is enteredfl ' h' t~l'S (2-2) vs. Wittig (2-2). llolmes ~. 3 1 2 1 0 Winning pitcher-Jeffcoat. Los- V\.3 0 1 5 5 You writers say we are g.- Chicago at Philadelphia (2)- Joost, 3b .~ :::::::::: .. :::::: 4. 1 2 0 0 ing pitcher-Gornicki. l lf B. Bab Dhi IM~~~i ~~', . ~:::::::::: :::::: 4 0 1 1 0 In g (or the freedom of all man- ::::::~~~;:~:::::::::::::~::~::::~::~~::~ I A Ig e a gren ~~~!i~ , l~b ·::::::::::::::: : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!~~ ~~!/Ill s:.~:sets-:"h:td': LAST DAY I F W lk f 4 0 1 2 0 and hambur,ers, baH ,ames, STAR CAST . a er, I' ...... 1 1 3 I milk shakes, bOwllnr t.eams, UNIFORMS and ACCESSORIES By JACK SMITR Owen,. <; ... -...... 3 ''No PI"ce For A Lady" PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Tile KamPQUJ'is, 2b .. A ...... l 0 0 2 3 travel and the "American way. 1..-;;"~"".;jji;W~jii;";;;-' FOR army beckoned to big .Babe Dahl- Cooney* ...... 1 0 I 0 0 or 11ft." d ·t b k I "'I :J 2b ' 0 0 0 1 1 Artyway, keep tighting for the gren yesterday, an 1 s ec 01'1 ng .... ossQp, ...... II ,~ ~ ~ finge~ stabbed the hiah-riding' ,Macqn, p ...... 2 O. 0 0 2 majors thO keep going and pleas 14 i I" , " ~~LISTED MEN P h IUfes right to the heart. oqre ** ...... 1 0 0 () 0 pardon t e verbosity of this letter. In , The 30-year-old shortstop-first ~ebber, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Sincerely, STARTS TOMORROW or Brit ' ---- _ baseman, who is married, has a:1 1 Sergt. John A. Roach in the six-month~-old child and is one >to lab ...... 31 2 6 2'7 13 Pardon the verbosity! If the ser- FRN) Y • couche I of the best reasons Why the Phl1- • Batled for Kampouris in 7th. geant had written a million words • " 'ur" it's a swell Arrow Ti orous I lies are looking like a ball c~ub -. Batted for Macon in 7th. it would stili only be a postscript again, took a preliminary phYSical St. LouiR ...... 001 002 000-3 to a note. And maybe there were lmt H·lm;' 7vill the Adl1l;"al say?" Briu examination on orders of his San Brooklyn ._ ...... 000001 lQ0-2 a million words between the lines. the wa Francisco draCt board nnd the irl- Errors-None. Runs batted in- He was expressing the yearning of ,trlml IJ or ~ aI/yO/Ie say when he sers an AlTow Tic? is bre duction move started new talk of W. Cooper, Triplett 2, Medwick, a million comrades for the things Ite Jy~. "I, '., ~ lI'rll!"-For Rl'vet. J rl'aAon . . Arrows blood I player deals and sighs of "jinx!" Moore. Home ruh-Triplett. Dou - 1hey left behind. al'l' ~h od.looking, in Amart patterns and ncatstripCll. PlIdlatt There has been laJ.kl foI' Several ble play-KampoUI'is, Vaughah that Baseball's Big Six Arrows arc IIlml c IVC]), with a spceialliuill/r ('ut on w, days of a Phillies' trade with the and Ca~nl1 . Left on bases-St. that c. Chicago Cubs invOlving Babe, the Louis 6, Bl'ooklyn 5. Bases on balls Player, Club G AB R H Pct. the hillS 'I)' r Si Rl wrinklcR, and '0 8(' Ihat tlicy Stephens, Br'ns .. 18 68 11 25 .368 against Mad Russian Lou Noviko1'( anti -Lantel' 3, Macon 1. ­ 11I11h(, ,,(')'ft'cl Iln o l8. AI ' ro\\'~ 1Il'1' mild o[ Ii li e rabJ'i ~s inte rpr others and speculation mQunted on Brecheen 2, Macon I, Webber"I. Hi ggins, Tigers .. 21 80 8 29 .363 - \\:",[11' 101111" 1'. 1)1' A rntv anrl ' :1 1I1en qs \ ell a~ USefun how new owner Bill Cox miglit F!its-off Lanier 6 in 6 innings Dahlgren, Phill's.. 20 70 8 25 .357 vy Slanky, Cubs ...... 24 97 16 34 .351 \'i\ i\i'an - al yOUl' Al'l'o"w ueal ers. 1 lind 1.50. or a r revise the deal. Cox, constantly (none out in 7th); Brecheen 0 in tootexi casting about for ways of stteng- 3; Macon 6 in 7.; Webber 3 in 2. Frey, Reds ...... 24 97 13 34 .351 thenlng the team, wasn't talking; Wild pitch-Brecheen. Passed ball Hockett, Ind'ns .. 19 74 12 25 .336 quentll &bare i llie sat pending developments. ~Wi;' ~c~oo:p;e;ri' ::i~i~; ENDS TODAY R R o w or the For 11 ., ~'rn Ml11'n';e 'CITY~ITHOUTMEN" . SHIRTS. TIES., HAt.tDKERCHIEFS • UNDERWEAR' SPORT sHIit-n ilfer rl * • u y WAI , .ONDS AND STAMPS * ~d bi STARTS TODAY TODAY AND FRIDAY ~'-·1 \11 I .j Japan, ' .. ml Never !'2:.~.::r~~!!I!.~fN'~ O~ Jd/~'-''''- nAilS fRIDAY the Br bled as tt 'lB. ~ rJ...7 ~UDtCAJJJtrJ.p ina thE Our ArlllY department personnel can outfit you In ARROW SHIRTS , ated in cblro khaki pants and shirts, overseas caps (with C.I.. l'SS ~I'I~Y'~ .~~.~DT VltJlJ ~ There ' or wlt.hout braid), ArmY InSignia, frose, Ties, Belts . Illese 1 ~:I~: DOWLEVY OIIV IWKI{l the world's finest the ins (with brass buckle ~. sHoulder patche , and summer VlIONle .. LAKI can be found at b1ocka( wel6ht. khaki shirts. ALAN 1 at Tier LADD ~---Added Hlts ___-. £::--CO-HlT---";'· • and th "BOOBS IN NtGHT" .. linall COMl"DY , ww. AU American MUIlaal lMh AfMSTIONG • 1.1 1I.'-lM GRI MM 'S ' y~ . Bur:a "UNBEAU-BI;E ItF.AR" the po Susanna Foster COLOR CARTOON ...,81111T0I _Irk ordl"tnJ Tlfe Store for Men ain's I( There'. Maqic in Mualc LATE NEWS ... M_II J...... CIIelr . clear s Is & , • thehH • Iks-_ ~ ' ~~AY, MAY 20, 1943 TH"2 J)AJL~ IOWAN, ' IOWA ClTY, IOWA - PAGE FIVI

~ R.N.v.R., and "Poems of This War will be in plaQning and control of use of iIB reaub!r placement office. I Local Ration Board College of Medicine I I Iowa Union LibratY by Younger Poeb," edited by PI- production and on accounting lor Iowa students interested in ap­ Ihirty·Four Students Confiscates 19 R. O. T. C. Students Cfoses Applications .\ Gas BoOks tricia Ledward and CoUn Strang, costs and managerial control. The plying for admission to the 12- with introductJon by Edmund basic tools, machines and manu- week session may call in room 9, ~S ~r Of 2 Iowa City Men For Freshmen June 1 Announces Purchase Of Elementary School Ordered to Report Blunden. facturing processes of war indus- Old Capitol, any day this week. ," tries will be considered, and a In accordance with ordera trom Nineteen more men in the infan- Applications for the freshman study will be made of the methods Plan Music Recital the state office of price adroimstra- cJ,ass to begin study Jan. 3, 1944, Of 11 New Books - try of reserve o!ficers training or procuremeDt of materials and i . tiop in Des Moines, the Iowa City in the college ot tnedidne will The following list of new books An corp!> of. the April 26 graduating of the m.anagement of an office SUI Students In I instrumental music recital ration board Tuesday confiscated clO/ie June I, it Willi announced to be placed in Iowa Union library in wartime. ~' will be given at University ele­ class ha.ve received their orde the gasoline ration bopks of Harold yesterday. I has been announced by Mrs. Caryl To be eligible fOr enrollment, I Hospital I and will reporllo Camp Dod:ce in mentary school this arternoon at Dean Sweeting and Paul Wagner All students Whale opplyolter Chorlian, supervisor: the applicant must have a high • ------. [Iowa Des M.oines or the receptioo "Seven Came Through," by A 12-week coune desifme(l to 3:30 \VIder the direction of W. following an appearance 0t th e cen- June 1 and are sel ted as civil- chool diploma and acceptable B tty Berger, i olatiDn I " Capt. Edward V. Rickenbacker; prepare college trained wOlllen (or business experience. Although this ~ul'Se. ... Gibson Walters. two men belore members of the leI' nearest their home, it was an- . Heathen Days," by H. L. Men- po ilions in industry, will be 0(­ course is primarily for women, Harold Mammen, A3 of Marson, lrticu. students playing flute solos are: local board OD speedina charaet;. nounced by Lieul Col. Luke D. ians outside the military program 'abollt for the clr.ss to be~ IIInrk atter eken; "Renegade," by Ludwig fered June 21. tuition free, at men who eem unlikely to be isolation '. George Ojemann, Jim Andrews, Wagner's A and C books have Zech ot the military department. LewisohD ; "Number One," by John S tan for d university, Stantocd, called Into the armed ervices in Jack Tupper, Al oC Dubuque. turl!s been withheld tor 10 days foe These men will have the ratlnl Jen. 3 next year ust complete Dos Pa os; "Appeaoement's Child, Calif. the near future may atso enroll. Child reD's hospital short susan Winter, Jean Witmer, Bob speeding b.etween Iowa City and or CQrporal UlltU altet the DroceI- a total of 90 seme;aer hours, ex­ It-foot Taylor and Marjorie Kurtz. Clari­ the Franco regime in SpaiD," by The course is sponsored by the N~ university credi.t. is giv~ for Meredith Moy rs A3 oC Guiluie C.edar Raplds. SW~g. who .was sina period at whi!:h time th y clusive of physical education and Thoma J. Hamillon. United States oUlce of education thlS course. A cerh!lcate will be ' Icr~ , net solos will be presented by La­ plcked up for speeding on hlgh- ' ,A "Currier and Ives, Printmakers with the aim of giviDg a back­ given all who satisfaclorily com- 01<:. TREE .WHERE THE PIRI"I11J • ahare in full measure the costs and TREASURE WAS SUR-lEO. -- " • the satisfactions of the destruction •• , AFTER. OIGGING; "FORAN \...) or the Japanese war machine. HOUR,HE FOUND A LJTTI.E • For one thing, the prime min­ Here's -tite·Answer­ REOYIOOO CHEST.'··,o.NP WHAT Ister recalled, Bl;itain baa a lol'li_ 00 'IOU 5UP1'05E WJ..s IN IT ? and bitter score to se~tle with BOTTLE CAPS!'" lapan, much "to be retrieved and {be a .hily low'an : YEP, FUL?OFOLD• . . . m'Jch else to be repaid." OOTTLE CAPS! Never perhaps In all history has .r- the British empire been so hum-I bled as she was on the Orient dur­ ,. Clossified. A.d. •~ ~ r-A~ ing the two yeats which l;ulmin-. ated in the disaster of Slngap05e. There was the closing under JI\P- lIlese pressure of the Burma road, , the insults and indignities of, the blockade of the Bri tish concession '1 at Tientsin, the loss of HongKong • and the attendant atrocities, and .' finally the loss at Malaya and '4191 Bunna. ~o matter what may be. DIAt the postwar disposition of Brit· ain's lost Asiatic possessions It Is clear she does not intend to leave . them-itt Jepaneee- hand&. PAGE SIX "fH'E DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. lOWA THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1943 Chaplain Describes Stalled Bus Givan PALESTINE WOMEN MAKE AND FILL LAND MINES Formar Studanh- Big Boost by Navy (oncert to Be Varied Navy Duties And once again the navy came Serving the Nalion through! A crowded bus slopped Former Iowa Man to reload at the comer 01 Clinton -Former Iowa Citians Wednesday Tells Experiences and Washington streets Saturday Ievening. , Cadets rushed Irom all • a l On Both Land, Sea sides to k e e p fro m get tin g Mrs. Harry* Brown* *, 205 E. Ben-.their parents.* *Mr .* and Mrs. W. O. The summer ses ion symphony drenched in the lalling rain. ton street, receives a letter about O'Harra, 1115 N. Dodge street. orchestra Will lwesent a concert The varied dulles of a navy Taxis were out of the question, once a month from her son, Sergi. Pvi. George S. O'Harra is sta- Wednesday evening in the Iowa eh"plain on Jand and at ea were Dnd the bus WDS their last chan~e Wilso.n E. Jordan, stal!ened with lioned at Camp Maxey, Tex. He Union main lounge at 8 p. m., Prot the subject of a talk given by of geHing to the base on time. I Chaplain R. N. Schwyhart of th~ But the bus stalled. Weary pas­ a hospital battalion in north N- was recently home on furlough . Philip Greeley Clapp, head o( the Iowa Navy Pre-Flight school at a senger:! made cutling remarks. rica. _ • • Corp. Irving O'Harra is at Kod- music depal·tment, has announced. regular meeting of the Lions club F'nally the driver said haltingly, iak island, of! the Alaska coast. Free tickets will be available at Second Lieut. Mary Keating, at the pine room of Reich's cafe 1 "If I only had a little push-." A He is serving in the quartermllst- the main desk or the Union be­ yesterday noon. Born and raised cadet sitting in the front seat re­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn in IOwa, the chaplain told of his marked, "Funny, I can leel the Keatlng, 229 N. Gilbert street, is ers corps and has been in the ginning Mqnday. experiences during his three years vibrations, but can't understand serving as an army nurse at the army since August, 1941. The program is as follows: TUJ- at sea as well l\S during his land a word he's saying." Fitzsimmons hospital, Denver, Col. Corp. William O'Harra is at ner's "Symphonic Suite in P duty at the pre-night school. Then. standing up, the same Camp Philrips. Kan.. where he Major," with the overtul'e, dance, Mrs. J . Kanak· .", 931 N. Summit supervises two \\lards in the hos- "The chaplain may be ap- cadet said, "0. K. Come on, fellas, pital. air and finale movements; Mozart', proaehed at any lime, regardJesa let's get it over with," and assisted street, has two sons in the service All the O'Harra brothers were "Concertone in C Major {K. 190)," of the number of stripes on his by 25 cadets, the bus was on its and one waiting to be called. with the movements allegro, an .. sleeve," he said. His chIef duty way again. Capt. J . H. Kanak is now on graduated from City high schooL dilnline and menuetlo vivace. Is to help the men, although his maneuvers in Louisiana but his Irving at.tended lhe University oC BI'ahms' "Symphony No. 1 in C . most recent siation was Ft. Iowa and Iowa State college at Minor, opus 68," with movements ;~~~e: s primarily of a religious Advisory CommiHee Huachnica, Ariz. Captain Kanak Ames. received bis B.S.C, degree from • • • un poco sostenuto: allegro, an- Church Required dante sostenuto, un poco allegretto the University of Iowa. Auxilial'y Ethel Matie Behee of While on land, church aUen- For Aeron t· H EVEN PALESTtriE has Its women war worker. The workers above are carrylD, stacks of lana mines Corp. Robel'! F. Danak is, sta­ e grazioso, and adagio: allegro non danl.'C, in keeping with a tradition au ItS as Iowa City bas begun training at troppo ma can brio. of both army and navy sehools which they make and fill for the allied armies to use al:ainsi the axis. The mJlles can be handJ_ wltb tioned in England with a medical the W AAC trainJng center at Fl­ V . care until the fuse are installed and set. rler thaI. look out! \ battalion. and camps, is required. Service acancles for Women Des Moines. men may attend any 6{ the three Another son, Atthur, is walting I for his call into tbe marine reserve major divisions of the church, . . . I Two reSide:ts :f towa City, Pic. Joan Joehnk Feted Protestant, Catholic or Jewish. At The naltonal adVISOry eommlt- STEEL FROM THE KAISER PLANT corps . . He also attended the Uni­ Bernard F. Driscoll, son of Mr. and versity"of Iowa. the pre-flight school, Protestant tee for aeronautics has a number I Prof. Paul Engle ' \ Mrs. FranCis Driscoll, rural route services are held in tq.e f1eld- of vac~noles !or wom.en worl~ers , 5, and PIc. James H. Sherman, 26 At Pre-Nuptl'al Party heuse. Any cadet may join the aceordmg to mformabon receIved Mr. and Mrs.· . William- ' Jelly, E. CoUege street, recently arrived _____ choir which now consists of about by Helen Focht of Ute office ofl Wins Song Contest: 1003 4th avenue, have received 100 ~ember s. student affairs. word that iheir son, Pvi. William ~~C ~~ii~:lg~raai~i~: c~~r:a~~ s~~r~~~ A pre - nuptial miscellaneous A. Jelly, is ill in a hospital in They will receive a course in shower honoring Joan Joel)O~ , Chaplain SchwYbart has ar- Positions with the NACA in- American Sentiments daughtcr or Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ran~ed recreaUonal activities clude secretarial, junior rna the­ Expressed by Poet Temple, Tex. He has been thel'e radio operating and mechanics Joehnk, 230t Muscatine avenue, for the cadets. .mon~ wblch are maties, assistant computet: and for about a month but has been and upon completion or the course was held May 16 in the home of the dances at the Community junior computer work. Until re­ In Patriotic Verse stationed at Camp Bowie, Tex. will be scnt to more advanced Mrs. Edgm' Hick , 650 S. Governor buJldlnl' and at Iowa Union on centiy, to be qualilied to work • • • training centers of the same type. street. Beverly Negus was assist­ weekends. Tbrolll'h bls office be with this laboratory, it was nec­ P' r PIE 1· f th E II.... Lieut. (j.g.) Rogers Jenkinson, lfpon graduation, tbey will be ant hostess. haa belped locate rooms for essary for girls to be college grad­ 10. au ng e a e ng s.- son of Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Jenk- qualified Ior ?~Ily as radio ?pel'- The afternoon was spent playing cuesta of cadets who could nD~ uates with a major or minor in department is the winner of tbo inson, 220 River street, is serving ator~ ?r technlclans .. If phY~leally bridge. A red, white and bluc find facllItiell In eonaested ho- mathematics. Now, lC they have ~ 100 prize in the patriotic song) in the Pacific flcet as a bombar­ ql~'l1i!le~ , th~y Will receive . a I color scheme featured place cards tels here. Lu~ weekend he ar- the ability to absorb knowledge contest.. sponsored by the Ol'der of dier. course I~ a~na l g\tnner~ and Will in Ihe shape of ships and a pat­ I ran~ed accommoda~loJlll for II! with limited training, such as me­ BookIellows of Chicago. LieutenarU; Jenkinson was com- become tadlo operators 111 bomber riotic centerpiece o( flowers. ~uesta in Iowa City homes whOle chanical and laboratory apprentice The contest was held 10 discover missloned. at Cot·pus Christl in crews. Present at tile courtesy were owners have volunteered to help work, they a(e eligible. a simple, yet digniCied song, which 'May, 1941. . would adequately express the sen- . _.. Dorothy Smith, Belly Crum, De­ relieVe the IIltuation. 111 alnll,., All employees are stationed at iores Pechman, Anne Sel'up and timents of every American today. Capt and Mrs. DWight Hunter every case, he said, the hnis Langley field, Va. Appointments Dorothy GilY. have IOns In the service. ' will be war service appointments, The words or Ihe song, the music have rClturned to Camp San Luis 2Iowa City Nurses While at sea, men attend ehllreh and wlll be for the duration. for which will be selected through obispo, Call!., after a visit with I voluntarily, since at least one- The dutie~ of the position arc to i1 similar contest closing at the end Captain Hunter's pal'cnts, Mr. and Sworn Into Army I In the 11th century, Vyazma, thit'd are on wateh duty. For serv- perform calculations Involving the of this year, foUow below. . Mr:s'1 George Hunter, rurol routc 5: U. S. S. R., was an important way iecs a~ Sea they choose the largest use of trigonometric functions and SONG FOR TIIESE STATES He is a regimental supply o!flcer. point between Gulf of Finland place possible which is "top side'· logarithms in connection with ex- Continent bounded cast and daptl\ln HUnter attendcd the 'Frnnce~ Jensen and Al'lel1e JIel- ports and southel'lI Russia. in nice weather. perimental and theoretical data west University 01 Iowa. leI', bolh nurses at Psyehopllihic Cites Bravery obtained as a result of lests in By gray gull [light and ocean - • - h03pital, were sworn into the army " It takes a test to show the re!\1 wind tunnels and other aeronaut­ blue, sd!·gt. Vernon E. Hostetter, son nurses eOI'ps here yesterd~y. Com- Fordham University meUle of OUI' blue jackets," he lcal research equipment; to ' per­ We take the plninest words as Of Mr. ,and Mrs. James A. Hos- missioned as second lieutenants, best lelte~ 511 Ronalds street, is serv- they will be assigned to duly ~l SCliOOL OF LAW Imid. FOl' example, he eiled one form . milthemlltieal transforma­ N I': W l ' CIIt K ' man's bravel'Y in giving up his ,lions involving a knowledge of To praise ourselves in praising ing with the signal corps of the Camp C;lI'SOn, Colo. CASE SYSTEM life jacket 10 a wounded iloiloI', e~lsave the housc and to 4 trees, and 20 cents a tree {or dnndies ill the 12th century were City; James Burnside, J4 Of Shen- bombed Tokyo. bam fI'om the rIa me:;. five trees or more. Large trees often curled in the shape of a \ will be 25 cents. It hilS been Tam's horn. found jmpracl!cable to IIprar anl trees for less thDn 20 eentl, thl! Present production of shoes in committee stated. Britain is sufficient to!' 1 3/ 4 pairs it true, what they lay about The spraying project. has met of shoes, including sporls and 'il You Have Rooms Available From with favorable response, and the house shoes, per person per year. price bas been made )o.~ in ordel' to enable the eommumty to con­ Vyazma, impol·ta nt Russian mil­ serve as much fruit a. POSSible, itary city, owes its importance to The program involves tbe spray'­ lis strategic location ralher than I War' Bonds?" iug of more than a thousand trees. to size or resources. FridaY ' N~ght Through Sunday Night-List j THEY SAY _ "Hey, Bill, I heard that In order THEY SAY - "That', a sweet InVelllncnt, I"d ~o pay lor the 61htinl eq uipm.nt layt And when you lend dou&h our bOYI need, each of UI Ihould be to Uncle Sa"" you know he'U tnalce Them With the Chamber 01 Commerce puttiol at lealt 10 percent of our load on his IOU" p~y ioto Wllr Bondi." IT '5 TRUE - "Say I War Bonds are better Ihan Ole, Out-of-town visitors to Iowa City on week-ends I T'5 TRUt - "That maku ,eOle to Joe. dollar billsl They're backed UP by are having difficulty finding suitable lodgings and ThOle thin,. COlt plenty of doUCh. the stronlest Government lo tile ~Jott 01J~ After aU, ooe dime out or every ...... w world-and lh ey ma It. more your Chamber of Commerce has undertaken to buck i •• darn dleap price to pay I money Cor youl" . compUe a permanent list of available rooms for ror freedollll" r.WDf[ THlUNS the cQn~enience of these visitors, The list will THEY SAY - "We',. not really pay/Ill th.t include space in THEY SAY - "Mult be R lot of people OWnl11, ,. to CEDAR RAPIDS . money to tbe Government, either, War Bond. by now, aren't there, It'l jUlt • loan to Uncle Sam, •• I Bill?" Melt." Enjoy pleasant lravelln, en Roomi~g Houses Tourist Homes Private Homes f ihe t5 minute Crandle kip IT'S TRUE - "A lot 01 people? Listenl 50 millloa ' U'S T.R UE - "Sur.. You let It baclc-with In· ' to Cedar Rapids. ECODOaalcal, of 'em have bought War Bondl­ APPLICATIONS BY MAIL PREFERRED terc.t. Evl1')':' buckl you put in I\ll.fe, dependable , , , CraD­ .nd I'm one or 'em. SO millioD , brinl' you 41" die. 16 round trlllll 11..&11)'. List These 6 Important Features: Americans can't be wronl, loel" 1. Your neane. address and phono number I, f'ares: DIa~ 3!13 2, Number of rooms available-single or Qouble SOc one way SAVE WITH U.S. WAR BONDS 75c round trip for 3. Bath-qaraqe--or other accommodations. (Plus lax) INlhlllulllll _ ,. Bate by II1qhl or week-per person. E~ERY80DY... EYERY PAYDAY••• AT LEAST 10% 5. Price ranqe desired-$l 10 $3 per 111gb!. Li.I•• I. Cr... II~ • ...... 4 .tJ' .f II•• H ...... b w._· ". 6, Are YO"," rooma liated with any other organizatlon-U 10. which on.. , •..•• , .•• ..1 ..... ' '" .1It ,...... WIlT. • Ll8t Your Room NOW with the Chamber of Comme~ce CEDAR RAPIDS AND Addren: Secretary, Chamber of Commerce Iowa City. Iowa 'OWA CITY RAILWAY THE DAILY• IOWAN