. y- '^1, -»-\ * AVERAGB DAELT OnUftTlATION for tk « Meath of Febtaary, 19S8 6.099 iianrlyfal^ r htetaber of the Audit Bureau of Oteeulatlous MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL. LVIL, NO. 1S6 (OtaMUM AdvertWag oa PRICE THREE CEf -^1 BUM ASSUMES Questioned in Failure of Brokerage House "“ S o SECOND REVENUE BILL LEADERSHIP OF FRAN^ AGAIN ARE WATCHFUl SUGGESTED TO RAISE Called To Form Cabinet As Crowds Of Partisans Shout For Schnschoigg Or Hit­ The Chantemps GoTem- NEEDED 30 MILLION! ment Resigns; WiD Hare ler, As Anstria Awaits Accused Slayer Testifies That Amoimt Cot From Fn Backing Of Left Parties. Test Of Its Freedom. Measore When He Parle, March 10.—(AP)—L>eon Vienna, March 10—(AP)—Mount­ Blum, Socialist ex-premler, today ing tension re.sulted today In street Votes Down Levy accepted President Albert Lebrun's fights In which eleven men were In­ mandate to attempt formation of a jured and 23 arrested or detained as Closely Held Corpor new Clablnet, replacing the resigned Nr.zis and the Fatherland Front campaigned for. the Sunday plebis­ government of Camille Chautemps. tions; New Sources Of Cbautemps resigned because he cite on Cliancellor Schuschnigg's policy of independence for Austria. could not get from Parliament pow­ Hundreds paraded the downtown come In Its Place ers to reorganize French finances section, their cries of "Hell Schusch- by deefee. Blum, head of the first nlgg!” or "Hell Hitler!” rising high People's Front government, resign­ shove the usual roar of traffic. ed last June 21 for the same rea­ The entire police force was called Washinirton, March 10,J- son. Before he went to the Blysee out on an emergency basis that will (A P ) — Chairman Dougk palace at Lebrun's summons, Blum continue through Sunday. (D., N. C.), of the Ways received assurance'of the support The two main army garrisons at Means committee suggea of his Socialist party and condi­ Vienna were held In readiness with tional promises of Coir.munlst back­ motors of troop lorries constantly today that Congress might ing. Chautemps stepped out after running. asked to enact a second only SI days of power for his second The old sedate, friendly, easygo­ nue bill to make up the People's Front government. ing Vienna had become a tense, mated $30,000,000 to $45,C worried, shouting, demonstrating Blum declared he would attempt Among the first to be questioned on the collapse of Richard Whitney ft Co., nationally prominent 000 pared from the prosp to form “a .table government, rally­ brokerage house, were Robert J. Rosenthal, left, above, cashier for the firm, and Henry D. Mygatt, city, whose p'pulatlon was gripped by a tension almost unknown here yield of the tax revision me ing all the forces of democracy.” right, a Whitney partner. They are pictured as, with W. K. Petlgue, center, attorney for the firm, they Soagnt End of Crisis answered a summons to the office o f Assl.stant Attorney General Ambros V. McCTall. since the World War. ure by removal of a levy President Lebrun sought a speedy Schuschnlgg-Hltler Issue The Issue was whether the In­ closely held corporationa. end of the crisis, feai'lng that He said that was his France's International position, al­ fluence of Schuschnigg or Chancel­ lor Hitler of Germany should pre­ idea and did not neces ready adversely affected by Ger­ SPANISH REBELS dominate in Austria. represent the views of his i many's expanding power in Central Blood flower In Kaerntnerstrasse, Mrs. Patricia Ryan, accused of slaying her policeman husband, Europe and the ''realistic'’ turn of DEWEY TO ASSIST the main shopping street, for the Michael, is shown on the witness stand In New 'fork when ahe testi­ mittee. British diplomacy, might be injured START OFFENSIVE first time since Nazis and Father­ fied that her husband beat her on their wedding night. She also tes­ He added that he had not i by It. land Front began struggling for the tified that her husband's drinking habits gradually broke up their do­ ceived from the Treasury Still unsolved labor conflict and upper band when Front members mestic happiness. new drains on the national re­ set upon an ardent Nazi who suggestions for additional. sources for rearmament contribut­ FEDERAL OFFICIALS enue and had not asked answered a shout of “Hell Scbusch- ed to the downfall of Chautemps. Franco Masses Largest Num­ nlgg!” with "Hell Hitler!” The any, although he had di He resigned without testing his Nazis was pummeled Into uncon­ ed the revenue situation strength in a Parliamentary vote, sciousness before police interviewed. ber Of Forces Snee Be­ Secretary Morgenthau hut made a final appeal for emer­ IN WHITNEY PROBE The police for the most part con AN(a.0-GERMAN PARLEYS gency financial powers similar to fined their efforts to keeping the morning. those which Blum sought and the ginning Of The Civil War. two factions apart and curbing too Seeks New Revenues Senate refused last June. ' demonstrative "Hell Hitler!” cries. ARE STARTED IN LONDON Earlier Morgenthau told . Chautemps wanted the decree Cruise With Slogans ero the Treasury was preparing j Noted New York Rackets | PACIFIC ISLANDS ternate revenue-iralslng pr powers, he told a crowded, silent By DWIGHT K PITKIN ^ Trucks cruised about the city Chamber, because persistent rumors carrying loud speakers blaring for Doughton's guidance aho .of Cabtnet changes had taken "all Prosecutor Enters Case Zaragoza, Spain, March 10—(AP) plebiscite slogans like “Wltb Reich Envoy Is Greeted With latter desire them. TO BE COLONIZED —Spanish insurgents pressed their Scbuschnigb' for a free German Doughtoa Bald M the (louM < the liberty and power” from his stated In Ita refusal to approvi government. greatest offensive today with the Austria," or "Are you for Austrian As State Contimies Hear­ largest concentration of Infantry, IndependenceT Yes or no! Yes! Yes! Shouts (N ‘‘Get ObT Be­ LATE NEWS tax on elooely held corp o rath n ^ Crisis Not Financial Yes.” tax bill might be sent to the r Empbaatal ^ that the erlals which cavalry and aviation In the entire civil war. This was only the beginning, and another revenue brought his faU was sssentlally ing Of Witnesses Today. Eleven Youths From Hawaii brought In later. political, rather than financial, They had captured strategic few hours after Schuschnigg issued fore And After Confer^ FLASHES! towns and mountains and pushed his startling call for Sunday’s “Peraonatly.'' he saM. "I fssi Chautemps said, nevutbeleas, that referendum. It was expected to should have a little more Una ‘if we received ~ the full powers To Keep U. S. Flag Flying their front lines forward to new New York, March 10 — (AP) — positions In the second day of the continue night and day .^Jhroiigh ence; Is Heavily Guarded. NEW RIOTS IN AUSTRIA consider addiUonal revenue. It necessary, this government would The criminal division of the United Sunday. not a wise or proper way to eastward drive from the Aragon Vienna, Maroh 16—AP)—Street be able to carry on perfectly well States attorney's office and District On Fmy Coral Strands. salient toward the Mediterranean. Informed persons said plans for late by attempting to raise ml The premier assured the deputies announcing the referendum were flgbta In whloh at least 40 were In- of dollars on the floor of the Ho Attorney Thomas E. Dewey today (Most place names were eliminat­ London, March 10.—(AP)— Un­ Jared and m uy arrested broke out the treasury was In a sate position, ed from this dispatch by censor.) worked out In the greatest secrecy “If we are going to put any ) although there Is a prospective bud­ both entered the Investigation of friendly demonstrations today greet­ today In Vienna and Gras na Ans- of a tax burden on anyone, f I Washington, March 10.— (AP)— Generalissimo Francisco Franco get deficit of around $400,000,UOU the collapse of Richard Whitney ft adopted virtually the same tactics (Uontlniied on Page Pwo) ed Joachim von RIbbentrop, Ger­ tria's political strife reached a new we should give those affected, i due to vast armaments expendl- Co., leading Wall street brokerage Four htmdred cans of Hawaiian pol, many's foreign minister, both before pitch M blttemeea In the oampalga- opportimity to be heard. firm, headed by Richard Whitney, he used in the Alfambra valley cam­ the nucleus of a poultry farm, and paign which resulted In the recap­ and after a conference In which be Ing for Sunday's plebiscite. “As to toe best mesms of i (Coonmied on Page IWo) five times president of the New York « * « more money, I am undecided.” Stock Ehcchange. drums of drinking water went to ture of Teruel Feb. 22. and Britain's foreign secretary can­ the mld-PacIflc Islands of Canton fXinstant Shelling CONSPIRACY CHARGE . Morgentoau declined to con Deww famous as a rackets prose­ RUSSIANS’ TRIAL vassed the whole field of Anglo- on yesterday's House action cutor, Informed assistant State At­ and Enderbury with America's new­ A center column, flanked by divi­ German relations. Washington, March 10—(AP) — sions south and north, methodically Secretary Ickea mode pobllo a let- to say tos adminlstraUon torney General Ambrose V. McCall, est. colonists. A crowd of 500 demonstrators any revenue losses In toe bin NORiOS IN FAVOR conducting a public hearing today, The colonists are 11 youths from pushed back the enemy, whose posl. te, today In which be charged Wen­ tlons were made'lmtenable by con­ IS NEARING END tried to break strong police cordons dell L. WlUkle, president of Com- up.
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