Rozelle Rustlings 663 Darling Street, Rozelle PO Box 300, Rozelle NSW 2039 9810 2347 [email protected]

Week 10 Term 1: 1 April 2021 TERM TWO PRINCIPAL’ S MESSAGE

Week 1 It’s hard to believe tomorrow is Easter and we Staff Development have reached the end of Term One. It’s been an Day 19/4 incredibly busy term and I would like to thank the Students Return 20/4 entire community for welcoming and supporting Anzac Day Assembly me during my first term at Rozelle. 23/4 Staff continue to show incredible dedication and commitment to the students of Rozelle and this Week 2 was clearly evident last week in . 170 Stage Two Camp Year Five and Six students spent three days explor- 26-28/4 ing the nation’s capital including visiting

Week 3 Parliament House during a siting week. From all School Tour for reports our students were very well behaved, engaged in activities prospective Kindy and having fun. There were some very tired staff members who 2022 4/5 hopped of the bus last Friday evening and I’m sure some of our stu- Travelbugs Incursion dents were too! Thank you to Mrs Svinos, Mrs Taylor, Ms McLaughlin, Kindy 4/5 Miss Perestrello, Miss Dunn, Miss Doyle, Miss Bryant, Miss Matthews, P&C Meeting 6/5 Mr Kwok, Paddy and Tanya for supporting our students and ensuring they had a great time. A special mention must be made of Week 4 Miss Bryant’s outstanding organisation of this excursion. NAPLAN Testing Period TERM TWO Week 5 Teachers and students are about to enjoy a two week autumn NAPLAN Testing Period vacation. During this time, maintenance works will be competed including significant asphalting in the playground. This will impact on Week 10 the markets which will not operate the middle weekend of the Last Day 25/6 holidays. Students return to school on Tuesday 20 April. The day before, staff will participate in a designated professional learning day (pupil free).

NAPLAN TESTING FOR YEARS 3 & 5 In the first half of next term, our Year Three and Five students will be participating in the National Assessment Program Literacy & Numeracy—NAPLAN. This year, Rozelle will be moving across to the online assessment and the school is currently preparing for this transition. Students in Years Three and Five have already participated in an online practice test which has included logging on using their unique student passcode. The NAPLAN online tests will take place from 11-21 May 2021. Attached to this newsletter you will find a detailed information resource. Alternatively you may choose to visit the ACARA website

ASSEMBLIES ARE BACK! As the school continues to respond to the changing COVID guidelines we are pleased to announce assemblies will return to Rozelle in Term Two. This year however, our assemblies will look and sound different including a new day and time. As a staff, the school has decided to divide assemblies into K-2 & 3-6. Assemblies will be held on Monday afternoon between 2-3pm and will alternate between primary and infants.

Why have assemblies changed from Friday mornings? The morning session in any school is an optimal learning time. Our morning session runs for 2 hours and teachers take the opportunity to deliver literacy lessons—reading, writing, spelling, grammar, talking and listening during this time. Staff believe by moving the assembly from a key learning period it will increase time for the delivery of fundamental literacy programs. While this change may not suit all parents, it is a decision based on best educational practice.

Term Two Assemblies—a schedule

Week One Friday 23 April Whole School Anzac Day 9.15am Week Two Monday 26 April K-2 Host: 2 Attenborough 2.10pm Week Three Monday 3 May 3-6 Host: 6 Urquhart 2.10pm Week Four Monday 10 May K-2 Host: 1/2 Heyerdahl 2.10pm Week Five Monday 17 May 3-6 Host 6 Laroupe 2.10pm Week Six Monday 24 May K-2 Host: 2 Thunberg 2.10pm Week Seven Monday 31 May 3-6 Host: 6 Oodgeroo 2.10pm Week Eight Monday 7 June K-2 Host: 2 Perkins 2:10pm Week Nine Tuesday 15 June 3-6 Host: 5/6 Chauncy 2:10pm Week Ten Monday 21 June K-2 Host: 1 Mandela 2:10pm

OPPORTUNITY CLASS FOR YEAR FIVE Opportunity classes cater for academically gifted students with high potential. These classes help these students to learn by grouping them with students of similar ability, using special- ised teaching methods and materials. Year 5 enrolments are available at 76 primary schools across NSW. Parents apply when their children are in Year 4 and they sit an external test to determine entry. Successful students are offered placement, and if the parents accept the offer, the students attend the opportunity class full time in Years 5 and 6 at the relevant pub- lic school. This is a two-year placement program and there is no provision to apply for Year 6 entry only. In the majority of cases, students who accept a place in an opportunity class will leave their current school to attend the school with the opportunity class. Attached to this email is an information package provided by the NSW Department of Education High Per- forming Students Team. Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact either Mr Braiding or Mrs Svinos.


EASTER HAT PARADE Luckily the sun was shining and the parade was able to run smoothly. It was lovely to see many Kindy and Year 1 parents on site for their first parade. We hope you enjoyed watching your children as they paraded their hats and danced the infamous chicken dance. Thank you for showing your support for the event by sending in so many creative, marvellous hats of all shapes and sizes! It was fantastic to see the different designs and interpretations of Easter Hats. The Staff at Rozelle wish all families a Happy Easter!


Stage Three's biennial trip to Canberra took place between March 24 and 26. This trip served as a great opportunity for students to strengthen their independence, deepen friendships and immerse themselves in learning experiences that compliment our Term 1 History unit, 'Australia as a Nation.' We visited a number of places including: Old and New Parliament House, The , CSIRO, Australian Institute of Sport and the National Museum.

Student highlights:

"I thought it was really interesting seeing Scott Morrison in the House of Representatives when we went to Parliament House. It was also just great to be away with my friends." Prestan, Year 6

"My favourite part was doing a tour of all the embassies because I liked seeing all the different flags and architecture of the buildings. I also really liked because it was so cold my fingers felt numb and looking up was really scary." Matthew, Year 6

"I liked going to old Parliament House and getting to sit in the Senate where politicians use to sit and make decisions. I also liked being able to chill out in our cabins with my friends." Evelyn, Year 6

Stage 3 are to be congratulated on their fantastic behaviour and engagement throughout this excursion. They represented Rozelle beautifully and should be very proud. Thank you to all our staff who worked to make this trip a success: Lizzie McLaughlin, Caris Doyle, Emma Dunn, Alison Taylor, Angela Svinos, Alison Perestrelo, Emily Matthews, Alden Kwok, Paddy Brown and Tanya Kos

Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) The Year 5 and 6 students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital, Canberra. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education.

To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government contributed funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon

ART NEWS Year one Mandela have created a tree mural complete with their own kookaburras and goannas made from natural materials found in their natural environments.

PRESCHOOL ENROLMENTS for 2022 Applications for enrolment into the preschool program have now opened. All the necessary information and application forms are available on the school website at https://rozelle- or from the school office. Children are eligible for enrolment in pre- school classes from the beginning of the school year if they turn four years of age before July 31 of that year. Applications close at 3:00pm on Friday 18 June. There is no priority for the order in which enrolments are received by the office. The Preschool Placement panel, consisting of the Principal, the President of the P & C and one of our preschool teachers, considers all applications in accordance with the priorities of the Department of Education and Communities' Preschool Enrolment Policy and the Rozelle Public School Preschool Enrolment and Fee Policy.

INSPIRING STUDENTS This term students in Stage Two have been researching and delivering presentations about people who inspire them. Mili in 3/4 Fox created a fantastic animated movie about Jennifer Lee, Chief Creative Officer for Disney Animation Studios. Mili’s movie was shared with Jen- nifer on Twitter and she took the time to respond. What a great way to inspire future female filmmakers.


Let’s recycle and earn together! We have a new Return & Earn recycling program starting next term. Save up all your Easter bottles and cans to bring in and help us earn some $$. Thanks to Jocelyn Robinson for this great initiative. Look out for the return area which will be on the right of the main building / staff room (next to the old Tilly’s fence).

RPS CONTAINER RETURN AND EARN We will be trialling a 10c bottle and can Return and Earn scheme to raise some funds for the school.

Two bins and two bags will be placed in the front playground on the right-hand side as you walk

in, down the side of the school, outside the staffroom closest to the old Tilly’s alleyway.

The idea is that parents and carers bring their 10c cans and bottles from home and pop them in our bins and bags at drop off and pick up.

Just a few things to note: The cans and bottles must display a 10c refund label on them Some juice cartons are accepted – just look for the 10c label on the pack All containers must be empty The cans must NOT be crushed The bottles must NOT be broken No wine bottles – sorry! No glass sauce jars or plastic milk bottles

We are sending out a survey over the holidays so look out for this to contribute to a success- ful RPS 2021.

If you have any concerns, ideas or need to add anything to our next P&C agenda please contact one of the members above or email [email protected]

Wishing you all a happy Easter break!

Next Meeting Thursday 6 May 7.30pm in the Staffroom


UNIFORM SHOP How to buy: Order online or come to the uniform shop Opening hours: Monday mornings 8.45am – 9.15am and Friday 9am – 9.30am No bookings required, just remember to scan the QR code when you come to the shop.


Please see following information regarding our Term 2 start dates for band rehearsal and tutor lessons.

BAND REHEARSAL - to start back in week 1 from Tuesday 20th April Band rehearsal will start back from week 1 of Term 2 - starting the first day back - Tues- day 20th April with the Advanced Band. Our new training band students will also have their first rehearsal in week 1 - starting on Wednesday 21st April.

Band rehearsal will continue to be held in the hall and start from 7:45am-8:45am.

TERM 2 REHEARSAL SCHEDULE Monday - Junior Band (starting week 2) Tuesday - Advanced Band Wednesday - Training Band (starting week 1) Thursday - Intermediate Band Friday - Senior Band

TUTOR LESSONS Tutor lesson times for ALL band students will remain the same for Term 2. All lessons will start back from week 1, starting with those lessons held on a Tuesday.

REEDS & ACCESSORIES You can purchase reeds for clarinet and saxophone instruments from Amanda P in the office on a Thursday afternoon from 3pm or your child can come to the office at lunchtime. Remember to please bring loose change :) Clarinet reeds $3 Alto Sax reeds $4 Reed Holder (Clarinet / Sax) $4 Vandoren reeds (Clarinet / Sax & T Sax) 2 for $10