TOWARDS DEVELOPING GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE FISHERIES SECTOR IN MADAGASCAR, THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A MARINE GELOSE Riambatosoa Rakotondrazafy Andriamampandry The United Nations-Nippon Foundation Fellowship Programme 2014 -2015 DIVISION FOR OCEAN AFFAIRS AND THE LAW OF THE SEA OFFICE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS, THE UNITED NATIONS DISCLAIMER The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Madagascar, the United Nations, the Nippon Foundation of Japan, or the University of British Columbia of Vancouver, Canada. Commented [VG1]: Ivf you want to include it, the copy rights should be © United Nations Copyright Statement i This copy of the research paper has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognize that its copyright rests with the United Nations and that no quotation, diagrams and information derived from it may be published without accurate citation. Contact information for the author: Riambatosoa A. Rakotondrazafy Email:
[email protected] Suggested citation: Rakotondrazafy Andriamampandry, Riambatosoa, Towards developing governance strategies for a sustainable management of the fisheries sector in Madagascar, through the implementation of a marine Gelose. Research paper, United Nations – Nippon Foundation fellowship, 2014. ii ABSTRACT The governance of the Fisheries sector in Madagascar is acknowledged to be weak, leading to an unsustainable use and degradation of its marine resources. This study serves as a possible solution to address the aforementioned issues, thus providing options to improve the Fisheries Governance. The political instability that prevails in Madagascar since 2009 has had deplorable effects on the Malagasy fisheries governance, resulting in the withdrawal and/or the delay of several efforts and strategies that have been implemented for the sector.