Integrating Family Planning Service Provision Into Community-Based Marine Conservation
Integrating family planning service provision into community-based marine conservation A LASDAIR H ARRIS,VIK M OHAN,MAGGIE F LANAGAN and R EBECCA H ILL Abstract Human population growth is one of the primary resource management (Horning, 2008). Conservation drivers of biodiversity loss. Throughout much of the efforts and mechanisms for sustainable financing of developing world growth of human populations is biodiversity conservation, including incentive-based occurring in part as a result of a lack of access to sexual policies and progress towards implementing reducing and reproductive health services, and this is having emissions from deforestation and forest degradation profoundly negative impacts on biodiversity and natural programmes, rank amongst the most progressive in the resource-dependent livelihoods. We present experiences of world (Ferguson, 2009). Multilateral investment in the third the incorporation of sexual and reproductive health services phase of Madagascar’s National Environmental Action within a pre-existing community-based marine conserva- Plan from 2003 to 2008 was c. USD 170 million, with . 70% tion initiative in Madagascar as part of an integrated of externally-generated funds being permanently granted population, health and environment (PHE) programme. with no requirement for donor repayment. Given the scale Our results demonstrate the considerable demand for, of investment the country’s powerful donor consortium, and lack of social barriers to, the introduction of sexual and comprising bilateral donors, international conservation reproductive health services in this region. These findings NGOs and international finance institutions, has played a emphasize the mutually beneficial synergies, supporting major role in influencing and promoting Madagascar’s both public health and conservation objectives, which can environmental policies over the last decade (Horning, 2008; be created by integrating sexual and reproductive health Freudenberger, 2010).
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