COAL a Aruimc*Pmm Tx
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THE EVENING RTATT WASHINGTON, f). C?„ EE THAT, .TANTJArtY 13, W3*. 3 upT Bv j°hn KN°x y~aces | * T ¦> The Fact Story of American Aviators in the World War | a Aruimc Pmm x I CHAPTER X. I| certify to having seen, on the 29th day much hns boon written about ¦ of September. 191 S. toward for American aviator followed hv an es KNOWN Frank Luke that is wholly in- ! QUALITY accurate that this writer has de- ! cadrille of Germans in the direction of Depart- Liny near Dun-sur-Meuse. descend _ eided to let the War SO j suddenly vertically toward the nacnt records toll the story. : i and Without any literary prelude there is • earth and fly in the direction of the ! he presented below a report received by I Drier* farm near Doulcon where (At) and SAVINGS I found a German captive balloon, ,;WSrJH the chief of Air Service at his Paris' & January which he burned. Following this he The A P Store Has Been Known Always office on 11. 1919: (Meuset TA^59 AMERICAN flew toward Milly where he also, ' as Offering the Best of Fine Quality Foods ussmmffssmt^msmssm EXPEDITION ARY FORGES found another lutlloon which lie t*. S. Air Service. Paris Office of burned, in spite of an incessant fire against his machine. There' Chief of Air Service. At Prices Unquestionably Lower! January, 1919. he was apparently wounded by a shot 10th From there From Capt. M. C. Cooper. Air Service, (directed! from rapid fire cannon. he came hack over Murvaux and still unattached. I machine gun ki'led six Dor- To. Chief of the Air Service. Arner- j with his soldiers and vounded as many . ican E F. man I* lirviilo l»i< Nimport plain*. Subject: Frank more. ( apt. Charles Nimursvrr of (ho Kronrli Xir {SPECIALLY Death of Second Lieut. I*r;inli l.uKo a REDUCED UNTIL SATURDAY’S CLOSING I ionl. was groat i Followirg this he landed and got Photo InRon near Vrrihiii, Ortohor. I-MS. Luke. Jr.. Pilot, 27th Aero Squadron, j s|M'M( tho nt Nun- out of his machine, undoubtedly to Mtlmit'or of ('apt. Nunuossor anil triM|iionlly niultt i. In making a trip over the former with (apt. Nunjiossor (ho thirst at a nearby stream. cossi'r’s noarhv ninlrotno. Unit. lmJ%o was e-vior covered b\ the German lines quench his gone yards when, day hoforo ho Was killed. ( apt. Nimsossor disappoaroil May X. 19?7 in s- k traces members of He had some 50 f r.c for of lost seeing coming inpt span (ho Atlantir on a wostorn nmht from Paris. jath Squadron the Germans toward an attf to toe Aero pursuant to I('mu tr'-;' I’ S. .Vir S«- r\. < 1 v him, he still had the strength to draw ¦ ON t e orders of chief of Air Service, i WA the j ! his revolver to defend himself, and skill 1 found among tellers a record of the tg<my of a huvoing vvotind and his ground .where of motor and wing | a moment after fell dead, following a ins: r'lilv was wait'r. l’crhip-- v, c of no avail. HAMS f How case: for i i GALAS j wound in the ( best. , (Smohcd SECOND LIEFT. FRANK LUKE. serious ! ::s his failing senses guided his plan*' j Models and monuments? Frank I Shoulders) J/ jf\ 8-10 Lb. Average ! The next dty the Germans t<> >U I, f Capt. McCormick of the ."01st Fnit ’ inward the little French .stream lv <ii»e - inemorv will have its full airp'me the Wnr9R away the and inhabitants- c both, living Graves Registration stationed at Fon- . * !v nig lit of springs •ti ->f hut the Frank j also saw another American aviator the coot in Arizona pil'd t no rear Murvaux which is 5 kilo- j canyons or hoard fain* echoes of Luke w have given them all for t fly very low over the town, evidently Jr tors east of Dun-sur Meuse, stated i tinkling ice making soft music in i drink of water. 12 £ / * looking disappeared aviator. it:* for the glass. 24 to that he found the body of ar> . dewy All his victories, all his n,l4c me Signatures of the following inhabi- £oc of 99c unidentified American aviator buried ambitions, all his hopes faded and TOMORROW—Read the 21c i tants: * - - I which Frank " ? kilometers east of Dun-sur-Meuse. the world became a tiny stream of honors came to , , r . " | •;,!! death, by Perton Valentine Garre I .like and of the opinions of II ¦ Tbc ?tory of h*s as told the cool water winding through a French village of Murvaux. was ; F.ene Colin Gustave Garre field. Maybe the oilier airmen on his abilities as Specially for This Specially Reduced for This Specially Reduced for This . , ; ii pc,-.pic of the ! j Auguste Cuny Leon Henry his throat tasted Reduced f i remarkable that he had the body j cooling draught in anticipation and a tighter. Only Only Only - Eugene Colins Cartlae Week Week t Week exhumed to try and identify it. The ; Deibart his fevered body, unwilling to admit Henry tlabriel Didier state that this Gus'..i\e death, promised strength I ii'..nv ..ill. !!••> K py.s Co I poop]» of Murvaux : Odile Patoc’’* Camille Phillippe itself a new I American aviator o- September 29. i j front that fountain in the dosmi <f down German bal- j¦ Richard N i« t n Volnrr Nicholas war. T'n Frank I.tike's failing con shot V. _r placed ; Tt>e lin-l' d tlietoseiv.'s ; |. 1 ans and two German ahnos. then* iv. imisnoss clinging fast to the Sunsweet *b«- hridv •>' rNr aviator on ihe wagon descended r mer th» s t Jtt h« -win.. of llro training field as In j,,.-) condu* *¦ *1 it to *hr r emetrr' ’ broilgh* hi? to t sate lamhnr CORCORAN COURTS 9d3T!onte 5W BHonte Ccitlae Df'hart Vclmer Nicholas w hard bombs or machine ' a ter was tlte greatest gift I th either F-censor legalization signatures the worM 23rd end D Sts. pun bullets. While flying low his | ©f ¦' ould hold—but lie never reached it. N.W. from the ground and he ! placed above. Instead passed fumes nlane was hit Murvaux, 15. 1919. 1 he in the acrid "Close to Downtown” y rnself apparently wounded. He January i of powder smoke and the hoarse , PRUNES was Why spend the hours ruling to PEACHES PEAS THE MAYOR. of made a successful landing and got j snouts of a triumphant enemy, safe in fht* when you can in Cling Halves, always Auguste Garre. liv<* these Famous Yellow C , s J T A I t plane. their numbers now they 3W€Ct (Mu / c of his (peal that had firm, yet uniformly tender and delicious. CfJffff When the Germans called upon him of Murvaux 1 nought him helpless and on the De Luxe Apartment* France and America were deeplv ; t- surrender h* replied by drawing at moderate rentals t*» low as $95 1, »"rviT, ' h'« automatic and opening Are. Thus stirred by the story of Frank Luke's with unusual attrvtivo continued t-vhhy, ? fast elevators and ple*ttv of cm e. -np his enemies he Jo ..oat and h-'t water.. Call the Rest- Capt Manager. for „3,„soc .i'-nt Main 10030. a 19c defend htmself until killed. 2 c at i7 floor plan or oome <in<l look the tJl7c'’3'"Soc states that this aviator McCormick Ro-t Ftanned Apartment* In the - nas very young, was of medium 1 City." ; p.-.? light WANTED height, heavy and with hair. J I On his wrist he found an Elgin wrist CAFRITZ 20225566, which was , Real Salesmen watch Number Estate 14th and K M. 9080 tinder the sleeve of his combination j We de'.'re the services of ex- * and which the German who had ; perienced real estate salesmen. stripped him of all his papers and Wrj Our Pales Departments is well MEATMARKETS OPEN TODAY! evidently MORE had NEW ’ TWO Identification marks j equipped prospects we HI with and issed. The description of this avi-j MARLOW COAL CO. EPT lS'.g r believe vve have the most attrac- moving branch We are moving from our temporary »>-<-,r by Cant. McCormick and the We are our at storeroom at „ tive listings any fact that Lieut. Frank Luke dropped | >!s Y of local office. 34th St, 8 note to the balloon company that j With the cnngejva] surround 3710 Mt. Rainier HERNDON, VA. ings. doy stating that he was going to shoot modern facilities arid the a larger and convenient location, , j co-operation to , nfo f n<pu gilding been down the balloons which were shot of the firm, sales- <£*he which has erected on the down and that Lieut. Luke was the men with this office should be of 34th and Hunker Hill Hd. site of our old store, recently burned and especial!y Comer down, are only American scout aviator killed in j successful and imrne. and are adding a and ultra-modern adding a new and that district this day make it certain j diate results should be accr.m- new ultra-modern that this unidentified aviator was Sec- j --? plished. Immediate responses COAL c-rd Lieut. Frank Luke. Air Service, .appreciated. whose nearest relative is Frank Luke. Dependable Quality MEAT IWARTMENT MEAT DEPARTMENT 2. 'I West Monroe street, Phoenix, & | Ariz. Gardiner Dent, Inc.