BELLTEL RETIREE The Official Newsletter for Union and Management Retirees and Employees of Bell Atlantic, GTE, Idearc/SuperMedia/DexMedia, NYNEX, MCI, and its Subsidiaries. Paid for by contributions from Verizon and Idearc/SuperMedia/DexMedia retirees.

Fall 2018 Volume 87 Retiree “Geezers” Team Donating Direct from an IRA Up to Get Results Will Win You a Tax Benefit By Jack Cohen ver the years, we have gone By Robert Gaglione through the IRA “doesn’t increase your up against our former hanks to a little-known wrinkle in adjusted gross income, which determines employer in the arenas of the new federal tax law, if you’re the size of Medicare premiums and the O public relations, the federal courts, and T70 ½ years or older and have an tax treatment of Social Security benefits.” at shareholder meetings. We’ve also IRA, you can donate some or all of your Not only will your donation be tax-free, worked together in some areas, such as required minimum distribution (RMD) but you also won’t move into a higher tax resolving health benefit issues. to a charity like the Association of BellTel bracket and end up with fewer benefits. It has always been our hope that Retirees TAX-FREE! And you don’t even Essentially, it is all upside. have to itemize! In addition to the rules governing min- Verizon would one day recognize that That is because, upon reaching 70 ½ imum age (70 ½) and maximum dona- its retirees are an untapped asset with years old, IRA owners are obligated to tion amount ($100,000), the QCD must whom working in tandem has the withdraw a minimum amount of also go to a public charity and it potential to achieve amazing things to money every year, called the must be a check payable to the the benefit of both. Especially if you RMD. One would normally be charity—not a check payable to hold Verizon shares, you have an inter- taxed on this withdrawal, unless it you and endorsed by the charity. est in the continued success of the is a qualified charitable distribu- Typically, IRA custodians send company, even if you object to some of tion (QCD). Therein lies the the IRA owner QCD checks the things they do. “wrinkle.” payable to the charity of his or Since the annual Shareholder Meet- You don’t need to make a her choosing, and then the IRA ing in Seattle, we have had some evi- huge donation to benefit from owner can mail them to the dence of what can be gained through a this tax break. For a retiree in the charity. joint effort. 25 percent tax bracket, an IRA charitable If you qualify, please consider making If you ride the Harlem line of New contribution of $5,000 could reduce your a charitable donation directly through York’s Metro North Railroad to the income tax bill by $1,250. Even a $1,000 your IRA to the Association of BellTel last stop, you will arrive at the Town of donation would save you $250 in taxes. Retirees. We cannot continue to do the Southeast, a.k.a. Brewster, . With very few individuals expected to essential work we do protecting the On the third Friday of each month, a itemize (some estimates say around 5% of earned health and retirement benefits of group of retirees gathers to share a filers), the income tax deduction for con- our members without your support. lunch and enjoy each other’s company tributions to charities will be lost for Here is a perfect way to help us help with lots of laughs and memories. This many. However, if you make a QCD, you and your fellow retirees while enjoy- group is called the Geezers and they you get a full exclusion. ing a tax benefit. even have T-Shirts with their name As Newsday financial writer Lynn Please check with your tax preparer, and logo. Brenner writes in her ‘Ask the Expert’ col- accountant or financial advisor if you have umn, the RMD amount donated directly any questions or concerns. Association board member “Big John” Hyland calls Brewster his home and I live in Yorktown Heights, just a Thousands of Retirees’ Assets half-hour away. We have made many friends in this group and make it a Vanish Without Warning point to attend these monthly lunch- or 25 years, thousands of retirees insurance simply stopped paying them. eons where we are now accepted as reg- living in were not In late June of this year, Massachu- ulars. There is generally a lot of interest paid their retirement annuity setts Secretary of the Commonwealth among the Geezers in our Association F of BellTel Retirees activities, so Big benefits because the insurance compa- William Galvin filed a formal com- ny responsible for it assumed they were plaint, finally drawing needed attention John and I try to keep the group dead. You read that right, MetLife to this egregious activity. updated. (Continued to page 4) (Continued to page 3 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 2

2 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 BellTel Success Not by Accident professionals who would make our moment’s notice to get active and efforts most impactful! involved to protect our members. One thing is for certain: The Associa- Please be active and involved in tion of BellTel Retirees has been a suc- YOUR Association of BellTel Retirees. cess and has never, ever been passive on Will you consider being a volunteer or do your behalf. you have even more to give? Will you Looking back through the historical commit to recruiting other retirees or lens at all the grief that has befallen soon to be retirees to join us? Have you retirees from other major blue-chip made a donation this year or would you companies, we have all been fortunate to consider adding a little bit more to your By C. WIlliam Jones have such a vibrant Association of Bell- generosity towards the Association? Past President, Co-Founder Tel Retirees to fight for Verizon retirees. While I am retired from the board, early 23 years ago I and several We recognize now that the organization and as your former President, I look back of my fellow NYNEX retirees was established and in place at the right with great pride and accomplishment on were starting to feel somewhat time and the right place. all we have and continue to achieve. If N my fellow retirees were not spurred into alarmed about the state of our retirement action way back in 1996, I fear all Veri- income and earned benefits. The signs Trained by the were apparent that the significant retire- zon retirees would be in much worse ment promises made to us in our work- to be active and not passive, shape than we are today. Thank you to ing years may not be the same firm com- the Association of BellTel Retirees and to mitment now that we had departed we formed an Association all the members that support its success. While our board members spend huge employment at the company. under the non-profit laws When we presented then NYNEX amounts of time and contribute cash CEO Ivan Siedenberg with a petition, to begin advocating for the donations to the Association for the ben- signed by 3,000 of our fellow retirees, efit of all retirees, I appeal to you to do requesting a cost of living adjustment for protection of our collective your best to support “YOUR Associa- tion.” our pensions, which had historically been retirement security. customary, but had not occurred, and the company turned a deaf ear, it sparked action. For the numerous other corporate OUR MISSION: Thank goodness we received that early retiree groups we tried to assist in getting wake-up call in 1996. Trained by the organized and established over this time The Association of BellTel Bell System to be active and not passive, - from the Big 3 auto manufacturers, Retirees Inc. is dedicated to promot- computer and insurance industries and we formed an Association under the non- ing the protection and enhancement much more – the biggest obstacle was profit laws to begin advocating for the of the pensions and benefits for all protection of our collective retirement putting an effective team in place willing security. to donate their time and to put in suffi- retirees and beneficiaries of the com- Our mission statement, which you cient efforts to have a real impact. panies and subsidiaries that make up That has not been the case with Bell- can read in every single issue of the Bell- the Verizon and Idearc/SuperMe- Tel newsletter, states, “The Association Tel. It must be something about our dia/ Corporations. will convince the company to properly phone company discipline and training. care for its thousands of dedicated former Our Association has drawn on the tal- The Association will convince the union and management employees.” ent, knowledge, energy and dedication company to properly care for its of volunteers. When we use the word “convince” thousands of dedicated former union that has taken on different meanings over All of our accomplishments could not and management employees. the years. We have “convinced” the com- have been achieved without the generos- pany of our positions via cordial dialogue ity of our board members at BellTel over The Association will conduct with top company leaders; with more the years. It’s a fact that on average your activities designed to educate elected Association of BellTel Retiree leadership adversarial methods in the courts; federal, state and local representatives through our highly successful annual has contributed between 10,000 and and promote the passage of legisla- proxy campaigns; sometimes by pickets 12,000 hours of volunteer service, each and protests; by successfully telling our and every year. tion which will protect and guaran- story in the popular news media; or even So while retirees from other compa- tee, rather than invade our hard- nies have been defenseless, we have the with legislative efforts led by ProtectSe- earned pension and benefits fund. niors.Org. We also sought out outside mechanisms in place to fight back, to advocate for you, to be ready on a 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 3

Fall 2018 BellTel Retiree 3 Retiree “Geezers” Team Up to Get Results (Continued from page 1) During the April luncheon, I hap- pened to be seated next to the organizer of the group, Bob “Fish” Fischer. Fish, like many of the Geezers, is a retired outside field tech—very skilled, with a long history of working on cable fail- ures. These are the hardworking people who are called out at all hours, in all kinds of weather, to restore landline telephone service. I asked Fish why when Big John speaks to me from his landline from his home in Brewster, he invariably sounds like he is speaking to Left to right: Bob "Fish" Fischer, “Big John” Hyland, Town Supervisor Tony Hay, and me through a mouth full of cotton. No Jack Cohen sooner did I get the question out of my share them with Verizon senior execu- happening on the ground. Hopefully, mouth than Fish pulled out his phone tives after the meeting, in private, keep- they now recognize the value of proac- and showed me the photos he had ing this “in the family.” tive retirees. taken of deteriorated infrastructure. Two senior execs were indeed inter- “Along with the able cooperation One common denominator among ested, and I gave them the photos. between our local ‘Geezers’ and the this group of retired Cable Mainte- What followed is an example of how long awaited, but massive current and nance Field Techs is an intense pride in quickly Verizon can marshal forces to ongoing efforts of Verizon Outside workmanship. It comes from an esprit react to a crisis. Plant Forces, we are gradually bringing de corps, passed on from elder skilled The outcome was positive, and in 21st century communications to our craftsman to younger. The photos he spite of a weather calamity involving community,” said Town Supervisor showed to me reflected the opposite of twisters in Putnam County, a massive Tony Hay. “I greatly appreciate this that culture and these were sympto- effort resulted in maintenance being per- ongoing campaign and the amazing matic of a greater problem. formed on this equipment, which has progress being made in the face of awful Without going into the gory details, made many Southeast residents, especial- weather conditions, including twisters, suffice it to say that so many of these ly the Geezers, happy. This was the com- in Putnam County.” photos seemed to show the result of pany I remembered with pride. There is This was truly a heroic effort led by workers being given one hour to do a still much to be done, but this restoration Fish and Big John, and Verizon must five-hour job…not something meriting project has made amazing progress under also be commended for giving South- pride in workmanship. To Fish, this was adverse weather conditions. east its long due attention. If we contin- an abomination, which in some cases From a senior management perspec- ue on this path of cooperation and col- had been left to fester for years, natural- tive, when you’re operating at thirty laboration, there is little we can’t ly impacting service. thousand feet, it is hard to see what is accomplish. This was my last Geezer luncheon before I was to leave for Seattle and the Verizon Annual Shareholder Meeting ProtectSeniors.Org and I felt it was important that Verizon leadership see these photos. We are fighting to keep our earned retirement benefits secure: Tony Hay, Southeast Town Super- HEALTHCARE PENSIONS SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE visor, had been trying to get attention HELP US BY: Become a Grassroots Leader to the deteriorated telephone service for Sign on and contribute at Respond to "write to a long time. It had become somewhat Congress" requests. of a political hot potato in the commu- Receive timely updates nity. Take part in our surveys Call: 800-398-3044 /email: [email protected] I talked about Southeast and the Donate Today to: “Geezers” during one of my two ProtectSeniors.Org, P.O. Box 476, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 We appreciate your financial and grassroots support. speeches in Seattle. I mentioned the ProtectSeniors.Org is a 501(c)4 organization. Contributions are NOT tax deductible. photos and that I would be happy to Paid for by ProtectSeniors.Org 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 4

4 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 Thousands of Retiree Assets Vanish Without Warning (Continued from page 1) effort” to find them. No phone calls, no by Prudential, which is, in many ways, emails, no certified mail. How hard a similar company to MetLife. Both are were they really trying? large insurance companies with teams For two and a half decades, the Everyone, no matter how diligent, of high-powered accountants and insurance mega company had not paid occasionally misses a piece of mail. This lawyers looking for cost-cutting loop- about 13,500 participants in its group is especially true of retirees, many of holes. annuity population. As MetLife itself whom move, travel, or spend signifi- Though the Association of BellTel admitted, “companies that are or have cant time away from their homes Retirees doesn’t have MetLife’s budget, been MetLife Inc. subsidiaries estab- receiving medical treatment. This we have our members’ backs and can lished a practice of releasing the full should not be a crime, nor should it be arm them with information. We are insurance liability after two attempts at grounds to lose your entire lifeline— deeply troubled by MetLife’s reckless- contacting these annuitants, based on money that retirees worked hard to earn ness and encourage you to consider the the presumption that these annuitants and that their families greatly depend regulatory conditions—or lack there- would never respond and had not on. of—that allowed them to rob their become entitled to benefits…” annuitants for 25 years. These are the So after sending an annuitant two same conditions and lack of oversight measly letters, sometimes five years that allow companies like Verizon to apart, and failing to get a prompt offload their pensions en masse in the response, MetLife would immediately Due to the increasingly popular cor- first place without the necessary safe- deem the retiree deceased and cut off all porate practice of “de-risking,” or “pen- guards for retirees payments, thereby benefitting their sion stripping” as we prefer to call it, If you’re alarmed by these trends own bottom line at the expense of many more of our members now receive please support the Association so that retirees’ earned assets. annuities than in the past. You may we can work on your behalf to try to Mr. Galvin’s office, while investigat- remember 2012, when 41,000 Verizon prevent this type of corporate misbe- ing the matter, was able to locate most retirees’ pensions were spun off in one fell havior and defend your interests when of these retirees “fairly easily,” and stat- swoop, converted to annuities managed it does. Don’t wait until it’s too late! ed that MetLife made “no sincere Verizon Reaches Tentative New Labor Deal with Unions on’t expect any tough labor an 11.2% compounded wage increase healthcare will be preserved for the next talks next year between Verizon over four years. The tentative deal covers five years. Dand Communications Workers over 34,000 Verizon workers, including Union leaders and Verizon executives of America (CWA): the two parties, call center workers, and central office and alike are touting this as a major success. along with the International Brother- field technicians represented by CWA “These victories for Verizon workers hood of Electrical Work- and the IBEW. The are a testament to working people’s ers (IBEW), announced contract, which was power in numbers,” said CWA President a tentative agreement on Five years of set to expire in Chris Shelton. a four-year extension of August 2019, is now In a memo to employees, Verizon the current contract. guaranteed labor peace is extended until Chief Administration Officer Marc Since the CWA’s suc- August 5, 2023. Reed, said, “we believe this contract cessful strike, during in the best interest of the The parties also extension is good for both Verizon and which 40,000 workers agreed to pension our employees and will allow us to con- went on strike for 49 corporation, unions, band increases—1% tinue to focus on our customers without days in 2016, the every year—as well any distraction.” union’s relationship with and retirees. as set monthly rate Association of BellTel Retirees board Verizon management increases for health- member and longtime CWA member has seen marked improved. care plans for 2020 to 2023. Though Thomas Steed agrees, saying, “five years Among the achievements of the new benefits to current retirees were not of guaranteed labor peace is in the best agreement are 2.5% wage increases in explicitly mentioned, the agreement built interest of the corporation, unions, and 2020 and 2021, a 2.75% increase in on the enhanced benefits won by the retirees.” 2022 and a 3% increase in 2023, totaling 2016 strike and guarantees that retiree (Continued on next page) 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 5

Fall 2018 BellTel Retiree 5 Retirement Isn’t a Spectator Sport By John Kolimaga a pension—depending on the state you into a panic, but they are things ack when we were you live in, you may have lost many of that should concern you. beginning our the protections previously guaranteed Before you start dialing Washing- B“Bell time,” by the federal government and prom- ton, the Verizon benefits department, retirement certainly was- ised by your former employer. or running to the Post Office for n’t something we If you chose to take the cash and stamps, please know there is someone thought about. It was a retired with a “lump sum,” you hope- looking out for you: The Association of concern for our parents fully found an investment adviser to BellTel Retirees. and we probably heard help with managing and distributing You are part of a large organization about the value of benefits and pen- your money. Finding someone you can of active and retired employees who are sions more than salaries. trust with your life savings isn’t always researching these issues—and many As we matured, we likely attended a easy or comfortable, and there are few more—urging legislators and federal few retirement parties and passed along laws protecting older people from bad agencies to pass legislation and enact good wishes that mentioned sitting in a or even nefarious advice. There is much policies that protect retirees. rocker, spending time with family, not more work to increase government Doing your part means supporting having any worries, and waiting for oversight in this arena, so that you can the Association and its lobbying arm, pension and Social Security checks to be sure your interests are placed before ProtectSeniors.Org, with a financial arrive in the mail. those of your adviser. donation and contacting your federal Well, now that we’re near or in Health care is also a critical issue and state legislator with the pre-written retirement, things have changed more where government is heavily involved. prompts available to you as needed. than anyone ever expected. One of the The coverage your employer originally Voting is key and something you greatest realizations is that retirement is promised can be altered, pre- or post- already do, whether it’s for an elected definitely not a spectator sport. We all retirement, and nothing is truly “guar- official or your Verizon proxy shares. need to spend a little time and atten- anteed. Your long, happy retirement You didn’t reach this point in life tion on things that earlier retirees once more is affected by the people you expecting to be worry-free, but you didn’t. elect to Congress. Likewise, for your should feel better knowing your former For those who receive a traditional future Social Security check and co-workers still have your back. Please, pension check, changes in who distrib- Medicare coverage. get down from the bleachers and join utes the check could have a major Your former employer certainly isn’t us in the non-spectator sport of fighting impact. If the check is distributed from concerned about your well-being; to to protect our earned retirement bene- an insurance company rather than your them, you’re little more than a liability. fits. employer—now called an annuity, not All these issues aren’t meant to send Verizon and Unions (Continued from page 4) Robert F. Manning, Sr. Verizon’s willingness to come to the table so early in the process is promising for current retirees, because it shows that if a group of stakeholders is united and organ- ized behind a common goal, they have a 215-854-6271 strong opportunity to hold even large cor- porations like Verizon accountable. That is precisely what the Association does: Har- ness the power of the collective to ensure better results for everyone. Note: covered Verizon workers held a vote to ratify the tentative agreement after this newsletter went to print. 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:49 AM Page 6

6 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 Fall 2018 BellTel Retiree 7 We Need to be Strong, United: Members Speak

ow more than ever, Raymond Bond our pensions secured. As we age, we big, big, BIG one. You lose your health- our members must Millville, NJ need pensions and Social Security to care, basically you might as well call the come together and “To me specifi- support our lives. I think that’s why it’s funeral parlor because it’s only a matter work as a united force cally, [being in so important to join the Association. “ of time. Healthcare is extremely, Nto maintain the Association as a the Association is] extremely important. strong presence to support so similar to having a Lynette Downey They start cutting into my pension many of our needs. We asked lawyer. They’re Lakewood NJ or sending it out to somebody—some some attendees of our June 6th looking out for “I thought that other company. The checks may come annual member meeting why my interests, as it was a good idea the same today, but what about tomor- they joined the Association of the unions did to get involved row? What about the day after that? BellTel Retirees and why they when I worked for with a group of What happens?” think the work we do is so impor- the company. The company was a good people that were tant. Here’s what they said: company, but still, it’s always good to looking out for Connie Augusta be protected by somebody. our rights as Bronx, NY Ellen McCarthy I was very concerned that pensions retirees. At the “I think, by Bronx, NY wouldn’t be there, even though I took time, NYNEX was involved in a merger having some- “Most indus- my pension in a lump sum and was very with Bell-Atlantic, and then subse- body there, talk- tries don’t have successful, I realized that a lot of people quently when GTE became Verizon, I ing to these peo- anything organ- that took their pensions were not very thought we needed some sort of protec- ple at the com- ized to protect successful. And I was concerned about tion and a joint force to talk to other pany…and help- pension benefits. the company’s abuse of the pension for- people about our issues and concerns.” ing, I think it’s You look at mula, since we didn’t “technically” con- important. At General Motors, tribute to it. I was also concerned about Stephanie Russo one time I would have never thought of you look at the health benefits into retirement, Pampano Beach, FL it, but I guess now that I’m up there, AT&T, and a lot which were very important to me.” “I figured that one of many seniors, I just think we of these compa- they would take need representation. This is it. nies who have Ron Swanson care of us. When I think we needed someone to speak moved the defined benefits or just Staten Island, NY you retire, you up for us. Everything seemed to change done away with them entirely—you “I ran into need something after we divested and [the Association] just don’t have your benefits any- someone that I to go to…There is doing a good job as far as I’m con- more. It’s important to know that knew, that I had were a lot of cerned.” you’re fighting for something you worked with for things we didn’t believe in. quite a while. He know before we Charles Stanley I enjoy the fellowship of the people said ‘Why don’t left. We didn’t get a whole history of Whitestone, NY that we used to work with, and that you come down? Peggy Hagins the formerly employed retired people. what’s going to be out there. And for “It seems like you get to meet new people. I feel it’s You can meet Egg Harbor Township, NJ I think that last year’s meeting was people—especially if they retired a lit- the appropriate very important to keep up with your some old friends, “First of all, to very very positive and we have a local tle older—you want to help them. thing to do, as I benefits because, let’s put it this way: keep up to date with what’s going on maintain rela- meeting that we go to and they try to Help them get to where they want to saw the evolution no matter how hard you work, you’re with pension and medical benefits.’ We tionships and always make current notifications.” go. “ of the lack of a never going to save enough money all thought that was a good idea and friendships with moral responsi- that you’re able to pay for things on ever since I’ve been hooked. Now at people of a like Rita Chan John Hyland bility on the part your own. These are things that you least I have an idea of what’s going on. mind or a like White Plains, NY Brewster, NY of the company, worked for over a period of time; My pension was one of the ones that history in terms “Right now, I “As retirees, and it just they’re promises that the company was transferred into an annuity, and I of employment. have a pension and we’re all very seemed to me that an organization of made, and a lot of these companies really never would have known the But more than get Social Security, vulnerable to their type might be able to communi- are re-negging on these promises downfalls of what those annuities that, to see where we’re headed or what so I think the Asso- what’s going on. cate with the company and maybe rep- now.” were.” the company is trying to do—maybe ciation is fighting Healthcare, for resent us a little bit to protect our without as much notice as we need, as for retirees to get one. And that’s a rights.” 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:49 AM Page 6

6 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 Fall 2018 BellTel Retiree 7 We Need to be Strong, United: Members Speak ow more than ever, Raymond Bond our pensions secured. As we age, we big, big, BIG one. You lose your health- our members must Millville, NJ need pensions and Social Security to care, basically you might as well call the come together and “To me specifi- support our lives. I think that’s why it’s funeral parlor because it’s only a matter work as a united force cally, [being in so important to join the Association. “ of time. Healthcare is extremely, Nto maintain the Association as a the Association is] extremely important. strong presence to support so similar to having a Lynette Downey They start cutting into my pension many of our needs. We asked lawyer. They’re Lakewood NJ or sending it out to somebody—some some attendees of our June 6th looking out for “I thought that other company. The checks may come annual member meeting why my interests, as it was a good idea the same today, but what about tomor- they joined the Association of the unions did to get involved row? What about the day after that? BellTel Retirees and why they when I worked for with a group of What happens?” think the work we do is so impor- the company. The company was a good people that were tant. Here’s what they said: company, but still, it’s always good to looking out for Connie Augusta be protected by somebody. our rights as Bronx, NY Ellen McCarthy I was very concerned that pensions retirees. At the “I think, by Bronx, NY wouldn’t be there, even though I took time, NYNEX was involved in a merger having some- “Most indus- my pension in a lump sum and was very with Bell-Atlantic, and then subse- body there, talk- tries don’t have successful, I realized that a lot of people quently when GTE became Verizon, I ing to these peo- anything organ- that took their pensions were not very thought we needed some sort of protec- ple at the com- ized to protect successful. And I was concerned about tion and a joint force to talk to other pany…and help- pension benefits. the company’s abuse of the pension for- people about our issues and concerns.” ing, I think it’s You look at mula, since we didn’t “technically” con- important. At General Motors, tribute to it. I was also concerned about Stephanie Russo one time I would have never thought of you look at the health benefits into retirement, Pampano Beach, FL it, but I guess now that I’m up there, AT&T, and a lot which were very important to me.” “I figured that one of many seniors, I just think we of these compa- they would take need representation. This is it. nies who have Ron Swanson care of us. When I think we needed someone to speak moved the defined benefits or just Staten Island, NY you retire, you up for us. Everything seemed to change done away with them entirely—you “I ran into need something after we divested and [the Association] just don’t have your benefits any- someone that I to go to…There is doing a good job as far as I’m con- more. It’s important to know that knew, that I had were a lot of cerned.” you’re fighting for something you worked with for things we didn’t believe in. quite a while. He know before we Charles Stanley I enjoy the fellowship of the people said ‘Why don’t left. We didn’t get a whole history of Whitestone, NY that we used to work with, and that you come down? Peggy Hagins the formerly employed retired people. what’s going to be out there. And for “It seems like you get to meet new people. I feel it’s You can meet Egg Harbor Township, NJ I think that last year’s meeting was people—especially if they retired a lit- the appropriate very important to keep up with your some old friends, “First of all, to very very positive and we have a local tle older—you want to help them. thing to do, as I benefits because, let’s put it this way: keep up to date with what’s going on maintain rela- meeting that we go to and they try to Help them get to where they want to saw the evolution no matter how hard you work, you’re with pension and medical benefits.’ We tionships and always make current notifications.” go. “ of the lack of a never going to save enough money all thought that was a good idea and friendships with moral responsi- that you’re able to pay for things on ever since I’ve been hooked. Now at people of a like Rita Chan John Hyland bility on the part your own. These are things that you least I have an idea of what’s going on. mind or a like White Plains, NY Brewster, NY of the company, worked for over a period of time; My pension was one of the ones that history in terms “Right now, I “As retirees, and it just they’re promises that the company was transferred into an annuity, and I of employment. have a pension and we’re all very seemed to me that an organization of made, and a lot of these companies really never would have known the But more than get Social Security, vulnerable to their type might be able to communi- are re-negging on these promises downfalls of what those annuities that, to see where we’re headed or what so I think the Asso- what’s going on. cate with the company and maybe rep- now.” were.” the company is trying to do—maybe ciation is fighting Healthcare, for resent us a little bit to protect our without as much notice as we need, as for retirees to get one. And that’s a rights.” 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 8

8 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 Your Shoulder to Lean On Needs You Today ave you ever needed a chair with, watching out for and policing year. Have you been generous in con- to sit and it was just not missteps meant to harm defenseless tributing your time to the cause? If Hthere for you? Or had an retirees. the answer is not so much, perhaps injury or infirmity that limited mobil- Think about the world of hurt for can you make up that difference with ity, but had no crutch or cane to help retirees having no support network to a donation financially equivalent to you get around? I’ll bet as you think defend and protect them. only a few minimum wage work hours about this, it resonates. This year our Association was hit in your own state? If you can do more Think about fighting mighty Veri- hard financially due to five states that and better that would be a blessing. zon about your pension and benefit issued rules that did not allow our It is also necessary for the Associa- protections all by yourself. There association to solicit contributions tion to tap into the experience of would be no one to call. No network until more complete tax audits were many top professionals who help ele- of retirees to support you. If they issued for their compliance review. vate our fight on a national platform, decided to simply end or cancel a ben- While that process is complete, the while charging us only a small per- efit you earned and paid for decades fiscal harm it wrought is still stinging. centage of their normal billing rates. ago, you’d have to go out hunting for This meant we could not send Their support with the volunteer a qualified legal team to fight for you. membership renewals to thousands of work of our board has made BellTel a How well do you think you would our existing Verizon retiree members. ferocious advocate, winning proxy do? What would be your real chance Partially as result of this, and an aging campaigns, in the courts and regularly of success? membership, contributions to support in the news media. With membership in the Associa- our fight are off by an astonishing 21 We thank you for your member- tion of BellTel Retirees it’s a turn-key percent in 2018. Yes 21 percent! ship. We thank you for your contin- process. For 20 years we have been Please take generous action to ued generosity and ask you to be there that cane to lean on or that security renew your support of YOUR ASSO- financially for us today, tomorrow blanket to shelter and protect you CIATION TODAY. We need every and as we continue our much-needed when the “you know what” hits the member contributing. cause of protecting the greatest fan! If you have already done so, thank retirees in America. Think about a world without the you. If you are in a position to do Fraternally,

Association. Think about how joyous more this year, kindly consider it. Eileen Lawrence,

Verizon senior executives would be. Our Association runs on massive Chief Financial Officer No retiree Association to contend amounts of volunteer energy each Robert Gaglione, Treasurer

ASSOCIATION OF BELLTEL RETIREES INC. P.O. Box 61, Glen Head, NY 11545-0061 Yes, I want to support the Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. in our fight to protect the pensions and benefits of all retirees and active employees. Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation: Other $______ $100 $75 $50 $36.50 $30 We appreciate any amount you can donate $______Or use your credit card. Visa Discover Amex MasterCard Credit Card Acct.#______/______/______/______Expiration Date_____ Security code on card: _____ Name______Address______City/State/Zip Code______

E-mail______Telephone #______I am a: Management retiree _____ Union retiree ______Other _____ Company Retired from:______You can also donate online by going to our web-site and click on the DONATE NOW button. Consider a recurring donation—which is an easy and safe way to budget your contribution. I am interested in learning more about Planned Giving. Please contact me. The Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization representing retirees and active employees of Verizon, its subsidiaries and retirees who were transferred to Idearc/SuperMedia/DexMedia. Fall 2018 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 9

Fall 2018 BellTel Retiree 9 Members Share Work Moments & Memories e asked our members active Barbara Polster Hutcherson John Johnson on Facebook to post some Wimages and share memories from their working days and boy, did they deliver! To many, our online channels Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are a place and true commu- nity to interact with the great people we shared our careers with. Here are some of the responses: Patricia Burkhardt Worked as a cable splicer in Brook- lyn, New York for 38 years. Picture is from the early 1970s.

Stanley Maciejewski

Retired in 1997 after working at C&P Telephone in Virginia and Mary- land as a long-distance operator, a frame attendant, and a customer service agent. Picture is from the Vienna, VA office

Retired in 2007 after 43 years at Candice Linder New York Telephone, where she was the first female switchman at the Man- hattan W. 36th Street office. She also worked in the Marketing and Regulato- ry departments during her time at the company. Worked for over 40 years for New Jersey Bell in management. Picture, John Earley submitted by his daughter Sandee Weiner, is from the Livingston Central Office in late 1960s. * * * Do YOU have pictures or memories to share? Send them via email to associ- [email protected] or by mail to our office (P.O. Box 33, Cold Spring Har- bor, NY 11724) with a little bit about where you worked and for how long, and we just might print them in the Retired in 2004 after 34 years at NY newsletter! Tel, NYNEX, and Telcordia as a Retired in 1999 after working at NJ And if you haven’t already, please Switching Equipment Tech, Manager, Bell plant for 30 years. Picture is from a follow the Association of BellTel and Trainor. Photos are from NY Tel strike in Teaneck, New Jersey in the Retirees on Facebook, Twitter and in Southern Manhattan, May 1981 1980s. YouTube for more great content like this. 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 10

10 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 2018 Annual Meeting Overview he Association of BellTel • The expansion of mini-meetings so communication with Prudential Retirees Annual Meeting took that members can attend and par- about their BellTel retiree annui- Tplace on June 6th, 2018 in ticipate closer to their own com- tants. Atlantic City, New Jersey. Over 100 munities. • National legislative update from members attended the meeting and • Review of the Association’s ProtectSeniors.Org lobbyist Paul over 1,500 people watched the live finances and accounting from the Miller and an explanation of a video stream on our Facebook page. In past year, including contributions recent successful “virtual fly-in” on person and online, there was a robust and expenses. The Association Capitol Hill, which allowed mem- discussion during which our members received an A-Plus grade from the bers to appeal to members of Con- were able to learn about prescient issues tax auditors. gress remotely. and raise their own concerns about • An overview of the progress of the • State legislative update from Pro- retirement and health benefits. Association, which is now 22 years tectSeniors.Org lead counsel Here is a brief rundown of what was old, and its sister organization and Edward Stone, including a thor- covered: lobbying arm, ProtectSeniors.Org, ough explanation of the threat of • Introduction of new board member, which is 12 years old. pension “de-risking.” Recent leg- Una Kelly, as well as an acknowl- • Communications between the islative successes include Connecti- edgement of the rest of the board’s Association and Verizon to address cut and Virginia, with pending leg- hard work on behalf of our retirees. payouts and bonuses from the new islation in Pennsylvania, Massa- federal tax bill, as well as ongoing chusetts, and New York.

it that way. I like the news of what is MEMBER MAILBAG going on. —K.E. * * * Nice to know what my fellow Just a note to say thank you for all What they’re saying about us on retired employs of Bell are doing. I’m you do for the organization. Facebook: glad this site is for the retirees… Too bad you weren’t around when The Association continues doggedly Thanks —D.H we were active employees, but glad to inform members and the world of you’re here now. the challenges facing retired employ- Again—wishing you continued suc- ees, in a country that continues to KEEP INFORMED cess; God bless you all. erode legally earned rights, picking the Do we have your current email Sincerely, pockets of the people who built the address on file? If it has S.R. telephone industry, and the American changed, please email us at * * * industrial Giant. —B.C. I would like to thank you all sin- * * * [email protected] cerely for all that you do for all us The only group there is to guard with your current email old retirees. Wishing you all good and protect retirees earned benefits. — address. It is also important to health and God’s blessing in your R.P. ensure that you receive work. * * * Thanks again, The organization that is well worth Association of BellTel Retirees G.H. supporting. —W.T. email bulletins. Please make * * * * * * certain our email address is Thanks for all the things you do for The only way we get any informa- the retirees. tion about the Company. Thanks. — included in your Your newsletters are great to read D.C “accepted email list.” about all that is going on with Verizon, * * * etc. I think it’s a great idea so that — ADVERTISEMENTS — The newspapers don’t tell us much retirees can communicate and be more All representations made in advertise- about what you tell us. informed of current events of the com- ments are solely the responsibility of the Thanks again, pany. —E.M. advertiser. The Association of BellTel Retirees is not responsible for any such E.E * * * representations. The Association does * * * I think is great and I appreciate all not endorse any advertiser. the work you guys have done to make 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 11

Fall 2018 BellTel Retiree 11 Improve Your Pension & Retirement Benefits IQ: Come to a Mini-Meeting! o you have concerns about If any of this piques your interest, we UPCOMING 2018 your retirement? Wondering highly encourage you to come out to MINI-MEETINGS: Dwhat’s going on with your one of our upcoming mini-meetings! In pension, annuity, or healthcare bene- just the past few months, we’ve had Syracuse, NY: September 26, fits? Curious about what the Associa- productive meetings in the Pittsburgh, 1:00 PM at American Legion #1361 tion and our sister organization Protect- Albany, , and Long (1951 West Fayette St.) Seniors.Org have been up to? Want to Island areas, where members learned reconnect with old friends from your about many important issues impacting New Milford, NJ: October 24, area and meet new people over coffee their retirement from our highly 1:00 PM at Elks Lodge Post #2290 and cookies? informed board members. (1 Patrolman Wood Lane) Our goal is to have more meetings in Staten Island, NY: November 13, more places so members who cannot 10:00 AM at All Saints Church attend our big annual meeting can still (2329 Victory Blvd.) make their voices heard. Come on out to one of our remaining 2018 events If you plan on attending, please and keep your eyes peeled for more RSVP by emailing association@bell- Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. UNITED, TO PROTECT OUR FUTURE meeting announcements in 2019! Hope or calling our office toll- Published by: Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. to see you there. free at 1-800-261-9222 P.O. Box 33, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724 • (631) 367-3067 website: Amazon Smile Generous Benefit E-mail: [email protected] By David Simmonds Hotline: (800) 261-9222 A 501 C3 IRS tax-exempt corporation he Association has connected Circulation Exceeds 134,000 with Amazon Smile to facilitate Senior Staff Manager Tan easy charitable donation Susan Donegan (631) 367-3067 option. continue to shop this way so your pur- Assistant Manager What is Amazon Smile? It’s a simple chase can help you fight for your retire- Stef Baker (631) 367-3067 and automatic way for you to support ment rights and those of your former Board of Directors: Jack K. Cohen, Chairman your favorite charitable organization colleagues. (914) 245-3129 every time you shop at Amazon, at no If you haven’t done so yet, we would Eileen T. Lawrence, Executive Vice President cost to you. When you shop at encourage you to consider Amazon (718) 229-6078, you’ll find the Smile if you shop on Amazon. It may Robert Gaglione, Treasurer (516) 676-0937 exact same prices and selection as Ama- seem like only pennies, but it does add Pamela M. Harrison, Secretary, with the added bonus that up. V.P. Union Relations (845) 225-6497 Amazon will donate .5% of every dollar To do so, please copy the follow- John Kolimaga, Director (215) 675-5992 you spend to the Association of BellTel ing into your web browser: Donald R. Kaufmann, Director (717) 398-2423 Retirees. David J. Simmonds, Director (732) 636-4847 John W. Hyland – Director (845) 490-0713 While .5% may not seem like much, A prompt should appear that says Thomas M. Steed – Director (914) 213-5909 we promise it adds up, and every penny ‘Would you like to change your charity Lionel Brandon - Director 607-656-7971 counts when we’re fighting to protect to Association of BellTel Retirees Inc. ?’ Una Kelly - Director 516-729-5787 your retirement benefits! Louis Miano, Director Emeritus (781) 444-8080 It’s as easy as saying YES! We also rec- Robert A. Rehm, Director Emeritus (516) 827-0801 Since we made our initial appeal, it ommend adding a bookmark to C. William Jones, seems that you, the members, were lis- on your Board Member, Emeritis (410) 310-8533 tening and have come through. To browser as a reminder. HAVE A QUESTION? date, we have received $357.42 in Tell your friends, tell your family— Call 800-261-9222 or donations from Amazon. It didn’t cost there is so much to gain and nothing to Email: [email protected] the members or the Association a lose. Thank you for your continued Advertising Information penny to make this happen. Congratu- generosity. (631) 367-3067 lations on a job well done and please, 2018 Belltel_Fall.qxp_12pages 8/9/18 9:47 AM Page 12

12 BellTel Retiree Fall 2018 NEWS New CEO: Hans During the April-June percent, but lost 37,000 Fios Vestberg has succeeded 2018 period, Verizon video subscriptions Lowell McAdam as the added 531,000 Verizon (VZ) shares rose chief executive officer of customers, including 1.5%, though they are off nearly Verizon, effective August 398,000 , 3 percent this year compared to a 1st. Vestberg was previ- compared to 614,000 in 5 percent gain for the S&P 500 ously CEO of Ericsson, a the same period last year. The company *** Swedish networking and telecommunica- now has 116.5 million subscribers, up 1.7 5G In, Go90 Out: Verizon tions equipment and services company, percent from a year ago announced that it will have 5G service in from 2010 to 2016. He is relatively new Net income of $4.26 billion declined up to five cities by the end of the year, as to Verizon, having joined the company in 5.2 percent compared to the same period the company attempts to catch up to 2017 to oversee 5G development and last year and fell short of expectations of AT&T. Verizon’s “fixed wireless” broad- Verizon’s continued fiber buildout as $4.7 billion, based on analysts polled by band solution, which promises speeds of chief technology officer and president of S&P Global Market Intelligence up to 1 Gigabit per second, will be its first Global Networks. Adjusted earnings of $1.20 per share, 5G service and will land first in Los Ange- Many news outlets view the appoint- which surpassed expectations of $1.15, les, Sacramento, Houston, and one or ment of Vestberg as a clear sign that the took into account $900 million in charges two more yet to be named markets. company is prioritizing its technology relating in part to the discontinuation of Meanwhile, the company announced business and network expansion over go90, as well as acquisition costs pertain- that it is shutting down its mobile content content and media. McAdam, who will ing to Oath, Verizon’s umbrella company and entertainment video service Go90, remain as executive chairman of Verizon’s for AOL and Yahoo which failed to reach a wide audience in board through the end of this year, told Revenue rose 5.4 percent to $32.2 bil- the three years since its launch. The serv- CNBC that the board wanted “a fresh set lion, surpassing expectations of $31.8 bil- ice, which Verizon invested hundreds of of eyes” as the company focuses on its 5G lion. millions of dollars in, featured a mix of future. Revenue from wireless customers original programming, live sports, and *** increased 5 percent to $22.4 billion dur- licensed television shows. The decision to Quarterly earnings report: Verizon ing the second quarter, but revenue from discontinue it has been attributed to poor Communications Inc., still the nation’s its wireline services, including Fios video marketing, issues in technical develop- top , reported better- and broadband service, slipped 3.4 per- ment, an inability to achieve scaled distri- than-expected earnings and profit in its cent to $7.5 billion bution, and the company’s acquisition of latest quarterly finance report. The high- Verizon added a net 43,000 Fios Inter- Oath, the media division of Verizon that lights: net subscribers, an increase of about 4 runs AOL and Yahoo. Verizon Workers Exposed to Toxic Dust after 9/11 Attacks Eligible for Healthcare, Compensation The Verizon community was significantly impacted by the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and played a crucial role in the recovery efforts by restoring communications for all of Lower Man- hattan as well as getting the at 140 West Street back online. If you were working south of Canal Street on September 11, 2001 or at some point during the 8 months that followed, you are eligible for federal health screenings, healthcare and compensa- tion, but you must apply. 68 cancers and many respiratory illness- es have been linked to World Trade Center toxins. The federal government also has earmarked $7.3 billion for compensation to individuals with negative health effects. We can help! Barasch McGarry PC has advocated for more than 10,000 individuals impacted and secured over $1 billion for those who turned to us. See a 4 minute informational video: or call us BARASCH MCGARRY P.C. 212-385-8000