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QUARTERLY WINTER WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS Director, James H. Billington Deputy Director, George R. Packard Created by Act of Congress in 1968 as an institute for advanced study and as a "livin memorial ' to the 28th President, the Wilson Center supports serious scgolarship and its interaction with the world of affairs. The Center-and The Wilson Quarterly-seek diversity of scholarly enterprise and of points of view. Editor: Peter Braestruv Associate Editor (~ssays):Philip S. Cook Associate Editor (Periodicals): Cullen Murphy Associate Editor (Books): Lois Decker O'Neill Associate Editor (Production): Anna Marie Torres Assistant Editor: Fred Howard Contributing Editors: Beryl Lieff Benderly, Malcolm B. De- Bevoise, Michael J. Glennon, Steven A. Grant, Peter Kovler, Andrea MacLeod, Gustav Magrinat, Stuart A. Rohrer Administrative Assistant: Melanie Davis Editorial Secretary: Rita B. Miller Production Assistant: Lucy S. Gregg Research Associates: Edward T. Crook, Miriam Davidson, David M. Friedman, Bruce Jenks, John E. Kocjan, Kathleen O'Pella, Jane Spivak Librarian: Zdenek David Art Director: Elizabeth Dixon Business Manager: William M. Dunn Circulation Coordinator: Michael W. Frenkel Editorial Advisers: Prosser Gifford, A. E. Dick Howard, Abraham Lowenthal, Richard Seamon, Henry Nash Smith, S. Frederick Starr, Samuel F. Wells, Jr. Published in January, April, July, and October by the Woodrow Wilson Interna- tional Centerfor Scholars, Smithsonian Institution Building, Washington, D.C. 20560. Copyright 1978 by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Subscription rates: one year, $12; two years, $21; three years, $30. Foreign subscriptions: one year, $14; two years, $25; three years, $36. Foreign subscriptions airmail: one ear, $24, two ears, $45; three years, $66.
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