
18th period furniture P£)isp(ayecl in IdJishmaher JdouSe Victory Aide Meeting to Be Held Tomdrrow m*yonnala«. asked by the air raid Baby open fßce sandwiches surface thinly with . L. A. LAURENT, post to he held at the home of Mis* have been _ W \|RS. bran, and Then roll In bran cereal until Authentic Edith Kennedy. 17194 Warring- warden to set up a first aid begin with a bread aide, and Mi’s. Arthur coated. Place a evening, room. Mr*. Chas. Kern, air raid mayonnaise concoction that’s the cube is Jn Thornhury, assistant post aide, ton drive on Monday R warden, will discuss this at the really a canape: Take one-inch moderate oven and bake about in Area 4, Zone 2, Section B, September 21. at p. m. Designs Virtoi-y Aides in this sector meeting on Monday evening. cubes of bread and spread each 10 minutes. announce a victory aide meeting Available K ites TCOAV AT YOUR FAVORITE KArWIF \vgyy; I V \ M + identifies co-orEiATiv* theaters Iw I w |kg s Mm MM A f ¦ ? ¦ ¦¦teSs&K t B> JANE MOWERS v^TrCrZ*?.l f * mtMiriEs united Detroit theaters 11,T: THINK "e saw the ghost aK BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OP THESE THEATERS! W Washington Haltlaer At*. JTtm Parking ir Rd.-Whittier AR. 8222 >rd Seldea al Canfield DAIIfC-U stalk.ng the new Wish- i/vp—Harper EL. <1347. ? riUir-Detmlt—Kelly fIDHCN-W«Hs miuiunnMinTftUfN—Yhlrd Lamour, Ray IUAJuC open 1:15. H*nl* la “itK about and Frontenae. Air Cooled Frank! 'UAnULIY Open 12:30 All Seats lie. Dorothy MJl- SonJa ALE. Open 12 •«’»• Grso* River Avu. in a local store. AUAlffj pif;d pipf:r.” with Bing Irving mw Tempi* -the —Farmington, Mich. Phono 444 "RIO RITA.” and Pat ItllvllluAlt Crosby In Berlin's I pAVV—W*o4war« Woolley Roddy McDowall. Alao ril/ir and nUAI Open ]« Hour*. Park Pr**. the kind of a house Monty and LlilL 1:30 Geo. Montgomery.“TEN O'Brien In "BROADWAY.” 1! “HOLIDAY INN." with Fred Aatalre 1 It's .lust Falkenburg in "LII KY LF.GS" Plua Mat. . Also “SPY SHIP." Franrhot Ton*, "THE WIPE TAKES A Jinx GENTI-EMEN FROM WEST POINT.” Robert Stack that history books paint as the ••THE HATTI.F. OP MIDWAY. Robinson. fD A Mini—West YY arren al Jnartloa I Extra! "The Rattle i»f Midway." FLYER." Joan B«nn«tt. la "LARCENY. INt Edw. G. uK/in/UM Doors Open at 12:30, "MEN or TEXAS." Disney * “PaiH'i ar. SI. Jean LE. 11*5 FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL PERSONS at Mlrh. OR. 5984 g amera ." Hour* address of George Washington ii\u|D|| —Mark MONDAY. 1 00. 5:00 and 9:00 P M. Min\l/4V—Nchaefer C War Bond* Bold 14 Dally. Al/IffIKAL open 1:00 Air BUYING A BOND “GONE WITH THF; WIND.” I ImIUtTAI Open 11:45 A. M. Anne Shirley. century elegance 'RIOConditioned.RITA.’ Ray Bolger AND A and Meyer* CN.MMI* . . . eighteenth Free. Abbott A Coatello. 0 "- ij. In "F'OI R JAUKh DAVil—l-MII* Park n Mi. h. 2-9186 Woodward, OF nuIAL open •TEN I.ENTLEMEN FROM WENT POINT. lu/cnu—t'**"jUn Morgan. Kathryn fDAWn 13351 at Grand JILL” "MYSTERY MARIK ROGET." 12:15. Park Free. Lai* Show to stern, with bro- LLAn Frank Joyce from stem with Geo Montgomery, Maureen O'Hara UnAnl/ Brenda and Joseph Allen Patric Knowles. "Our Russian Front," 10:00 ‘SHIP AHOY/ Red Skelton. Eleanor Subject* Grayson In "VANISHING VIRGINIAN." THF: HF:ART.” Stuart Howell. Tommy Dorsey A Band. H. Bogart chintzes and Selected Bhort ______Hope In Jr.. In "RIGHT TO cadcj and bright Also Boh snd Erwin In "DRUMS OF THE CONGO." MAD ill—Moran at Ferry in "THE BIG SHOT." •Battle *» Midway.’ 77nm—Rnad-Chaae, Dearborn "NOTHING BIT THE TRUTH.” Cartoon. IflUluiiY Cont. 1:00. Leslie Howard. silver eterywhere >ou Abbott * ’*Mlle"•* Meyern UN. S-4M5 * glinting ALUL™ Com 12:45. Air Cooled icriiu—432l Hamilton, at Canfield rpiunr—Bo24 W. Jefferaon VI. 2-1247 Laurence Olivier. "THF. INVADER*.” Plua IVUIAL(MW AI Grayson, ‘RIO RII A. p/\| UIVftnUL ot Midnight. Park I, HAUHF.I/OR.” Lum Abner. EXTRA! FIRST OFFICIAL a Coatello. Kalhrvn vULIoLUin Cont Hayworth. Open 12 Noon "HA.sHFI A_ t#n. pimi ••TOP SERGEANT," Andv Devine 1:00. Rita Free. , "TORTILLA FLAT." OF ’THE BATTLE OP MIDWAY.’ Victor Mature. ".." John KIDF;N.’' MATAD Dyke at B-Mlle Rd. Artually Filmed Under Fire. Twenty Thrill* course, it might have been * i THEY Plua "WILD BILL Hit KOK riTV—'an Of IIfCD-E. Warren at Outer Dr. N'l. 77SS Garfield "DANGEROUSLY LIVE." Bruce Cabot. FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL ItlUll/n l/llI John Howard. Marguerite Ing Minute*. As Our Boys Crush tne Jap*. Open Show 9:30 P M Chapman, RAIDER.” Rav ... the upper crust ALublY 12:15. Laat -Wnodward-Slbley Park Free PERSONS A. BOND MONDAY "SUBMARINE a Vanderbilt WEST POINT, fikllAl BUYING Bolger R J11J.." —Park Free •MO GENTLEMEN FROM lULUItIALmi Open All Night. in "HIl JACKS AND A BHYAI niir a INf. , Park Free. —ftuesell. nrsr Holbrook * IVuI/IL UAR of the nation have been partial St 12 30-4:00-7:30.11.. "LABCESI, THANT —Seventeenth and Myrtle Cooled. Bett* Davis. at Open Until "BEYOND THE 81. l E HORIZON." with UIV/tnl Open 12:30 Cont. Air Cooled MVPTI C Brent. *IN THIS. R MFF..* Johnny 2:25-5:55-9.30. 10.00.^ Denning. .la InILL Durante, Wyman, jI Geo. 4H to the dignity of Dorothv I.amour, H "SHIPS Pal etc Knowles. “THE MYSTERY OE’ Jimmr Jane 1 Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan in fraceful OSS( Banks. “ :"Ytn KE IN T*IF: YKMY NOW.” Laralne ITUIUIDDA—9428 YY'nodward. MA. A WITH WINGS." J. Clements. L. MARIE ROGET.” MOONLIGHT MAS-i ROAD," "TAK/.AVS SECRET TREASURE.” El- **entwy de>tgn ever Cont. from 1:15. Park Free. ERADE," Three Chocolateers. Dennl* Day, "YANK ON THE Bt KM A j of In eightren'h ALnAmDIxA M *r|l Ave> p,r|l Kre *- y Ql Itra! "Tke Battle Midway." Color 1 <¦ •- Kranchot Tone. orphan's ja >, a Cooled Joan Bennett and rni I Engagement by O Keefe. Dlaney's “The Benefit.” NADTAU/N—I Seven-Vllle Kd.-Yan Dyke * amce their families arrived front I TAKES A Robt. LULUIt Return ••THE WIFE FLYER.” Popular THE Igrc—l4B32 Grand River 9 nUMUTTII Mat. 12 45. Park Free. | TEXAS.” with Brod. Demand! "GONE WITH TDCAT I by Refrgn ROYAL Europe way back. Stark. “MEN OF at I 9 M Disney's UACAI LAhLJ runt (mm 1.30. Park |Cooled TW. 1-3931. Patric OAK—*- "Vhaubip* wa%, Disney * ••IKmald’a tamers." WIND.’* :00. 5 and P. UNDER FIRE TKCHNICOI/7RI Crawford "Orphan's Kenefll." Door* Open 12:30. Free. Air Cooled. Charlie Chaplin, "THE Knowles. MYsTERV OF MARIE ROGET.’ IN Dailey Jr., Reed. "THE BATTIJC OE Him DIDY—Allen » ark AT. lilt GOLD Kl HH.'• "THE WIFE TAKES A "MOKEY." Dan Donna All showing CAM 1UT—12027 Conant TYV. 2-3083 9 Bennett, Tone. # Available to ALLbn rAI\A now on LUiinlYl FLYER.” Joan Kranchot NADWCCT—Grand'Rival at southfleld DITCCri I —5557 Ruesell TR. Mill (IN PERSON DAVE DIAMOND open 72:45 Cont Pat Walt Dlaney's "Donald's Camera.” IfUIWfCOI park Patric RUOJLLL _ Open Open STAGE t Donlevy. Eire. 12 45. 1 30. All Seats 10c AND HIS ORCHESTRA AND 5 BIG O'Brien. Brian "TW4> YANKS IN Kirby Knowles, Monte* In "YIVsTFIRY OF' to who MANGI ER- TDCCNU/Ann—Hamilton at YVest Marie News. Serial. Superman Cartoon. Burk But thanks those TIME VODVIU ACTS TRINIDAD." “MIHIN'I.IfIHT UACCJinUUD Brenda Joyce, Joe Allen M.ARIF’. ROtiET.” Plus Dan Dailey Jr. In .lone* Tim MrCoy. "ARIZONA BOUND.” ADK.” with Dennis O'Keefe. Buy War Bonds Here! tor in * dream up the Wishmaker ensem- lIimDAPY—Allen Park AT. 2913 Jr., "RIGHT TO THE HEART.” Stuart "M4»KES.” Vi. Mc Laren "I ATTAIN El Rl ALLILIiTAbA on Screen, CAIinTCCV—West Yernor at Military 1 Erwin in "DRUMS OF THE CONGO." - John Doe Now Bhowln* ""”" CCUlTr—atn Michigan, near Uverael* a bles each year, Mrs. Terrific Added Attraction. ”Ol R RUS- LUUIYILOI open 1:30 All Seats 10c. IllppCD—Harper at lakesond AR. 4H211 it JLn/lIL y to Cartoon Mickey Rooney NORWOOD-TELENEWS Cont. from 11:4t Cooled. the privilege of deco- Wishmaker model SIAN FRONT.” The Greateet Come News Serial and iIAArER open 12:15. AR. 4020. Park Ere# Parking. Official Films "RATTLE OF Franrhot Tone. ’WIFE TAKES A FLYER.' row shares A corner scene in the new VIR- In "H4M>SIER Sf II4MH.HOY ." B->b Hope. Out of the War “THE VANISHING iFree. Cool. Joan Bennett. . MIDWAY." F'llme.i Under Eire in Techni- R. hert Stark in "MEN or TEXAS." rating her home with this fine house now on view’ in a local store gives due im- GINIAN,” Frank Moi*an. Hath. Grayeon. Oene Knipa in "SOME LIKE IT HOT." i"WIFK TAKES A FLYER.” Plus Robert color. 49 World New* Event*. —Michigan at 31st Cooled it 'Stack, Ann Owynne, "MEN OF TEXAS.” Cri/|| I T—4l*l Grand Rive* Avenae furniture. Now she, too. portance to the limed oak breakfront and scroll 11 DM A —150411 Charlevoix Tl'. M4B 4r fRVSTII R-Yllle Road ILVIL.LL Open l;3n. period Cnnt. LiYldlAL ' DlDV—John R. at Mne-.MIIe Rd. dr AAlfnilr—Oakland al News Serial. Car- ALUITIA from 2:00. Patric Continuous from 12 Noon. UA7PI ! UAM/nLC Autry, Smiley Burnette. Autry Smiley designs in the 18th .MARIE ROGET !In "JUNGLE BOOK." with Ssbu. fIALCLinWY Spencer Tracy, Hedy U- Gene toon* Gene and Burnette in can afford authentic armed chair that symbolize century. Knnwlee, ‘M3STER3 l»K Color. "CALL OF THF: CANYON." Ilona Mas "HOME IN WYOMIN’.”Ken Murray, Har- Shirley, ”4 JACKS AND A JILL,” “RINGS ON HER FINOERB." <. Tierney marr. "TORTILLA FT-AT.” Plus "WILD Anne •• (MIX RIDES, sey. G. Brent. ‘INTF:BNATIONAL l-ADY.’ riet Hilliard in "Jl KE JENNIE." pieces. — sturdy, handsome Ray Bolder. Alao “Old MacDonald Dark. ° # BILL HICKOK BniCU Cabot fiiWN M4 <*eatlot-lr«Hiuols PL. 2383 Tennyson slim-legged DAnll Open 1:00 Cooled Comfort! AiYIANA—Oakland at QUA CCD —Garden city. Feed at Middle Belt Not that the IMDACCAbOD —17730 John R. TO. 9-43A0 UAMJIIfU open 12 45. ••CAPTAIN* OF .inßrcn AIrIDAjjAUUA ••VANISHING 'ABBOTT and COSTELLO. "R|4» RITA." HIGHUND A «* Cont. 12:13. Cooled by Refrgn or Chippendale Open 1:45. "VANISHING VIRGINIAN." with Frank RAIDER.” THE CI.OUDS.” James Cagnev. riu* . "IN OLD ." Sheraton tables VIRGINIAN.” Frank Morgan, Kathryn John Howard "SUBMARINE tOOKIN'?” Andrew* Sisters. BOAT.” with Morgan. Disney’s "Old MacDonrld Duck." • MYSTERY OF MARIE ROGET.” Patric “WHAT’S Rinnie Harne* Pitt* William Holden and lave been hoarded for Grayaon. Plus “TORPEDO Kranre* Dee "MEET THE WTEWABTB." favorites Richard Alien, . Disney Cart. or IDDADkl—Mich.-Telegraph DE. 34541 it Knowles. FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL AlVMlM—YYnodrow Wilson at Glendala it price brackets alone. UCAnDul\n Open 1:00 Free Parking PERSONS BUYING A BOND MONDAY. U/YMrl/Yn Starting Today: higher River, at Btrwood in —1223* Gd. Johnny Weissmuller. Maureen O'Sullivan ””* "Our Russian Front." See line the : IMCTCDFUII Open (lartoon. New* uni I 4 w. Fort Park Free it i SHAFERWAYNE-f’r-.^ro-,., before has the com- AITIMLKUAIn 1:00 I "TARZAN's sEt RET TRF.ASI RE." Betle lIULLIvwnnn-nvvU Russians Took the Blitz Out of Blitzkrieg Refryn Geo But never Bt SOUNDS.” EXTRA: SEE ACTUAL Bette Davis Brent 0. De- Wallace Beery, •T HE C.LE ! Davis In "IN THIS. Ol R LIFE." Havilland. "IN THIS, OCR LIFE." Plus BATTLE SHOTS OF "THE BATTLE - copied directly from A Rutherford ‘THIS TIME FOR KFEPs WiNHtrow YYllsou at t.lendale it plete array, API W. Jefferson Yl. 2-1247 it MIDWAY," TECHNICOLOR. AAYMAN •TAR/.AN'S SECRET TREAMI RE." with DlV—Bo22 OF IN U/YlYfflßn open l :30 Patric Knowles. Johnny been —Grand River at Jot Road * UCLIxAI Open 12:30. Free Parking. WetMOiuller. pieces, available - Lite), museum AlllirV ""r k K" * John "MYSTERY OF MARIE RO- AMItA Open 12:15. ••.MEN OF TEXAS.” HUNGARIAN PROGRAM GET." John Howard In "St HMYKINE average Owynne HOLLYWOOD P , rk f::, CIiADCQ I NrW'Y —Mark and S-Mlle Rd. * at prices. Robert Stack. B Crawford. Ann FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL PERSONS RAIDER.” World News Cartoon. JflUftLO UILW/ font. 00 Chaplin In "THE GOLD RUSH.” BUYING A BOND MONDAY. , Red Skelton,•Sllll* AHOY'.' 1 Cooled you who have seen previ- Charlie ••THF; RIG SHOT,” . —Fourteenth at MrGrnw •HI GENTLEMEN FROM WEST POINT." As 1412 DAI ATC •! IDht in-< at Richmond * API TUC —Mack at Holcomb PL. ft Dlaney's “Art ol skiing.” lALM/C wm B«>yd. "t NDERVCOVER Anne Shirley. Ml K« AND A JILL." ous Wishmaker collections al- AIULLU Cont, from 1. Air Cooled. John I/LL-Inc Open 1:15. Cooled. Park Free MAN.” “DESPERATE CHANCE FOR UnMC—*42l t bene Bt. * — 15707 Wee* Anas* Garfield, Raymond Maeaey In ••DANGER- Joan Bennett in "THE WIFE TAKES F.F..V” Serial and Cartoon CTANI TV Warren nUIHC Open 12:30. Geo. Montgomery In KLU.RY’ Qt jMIILII ready know’, the idea takes in * THEY LIVE.” “FOUR JACKS FLYER.” "MEN OF TEXAS,” Robert Open 12:16. New* OUSLI A " Shirley, Ray Dlaney's j*TF;.N GENTLEMEN FROM at In decorating w ’ AND A JILL.” with Anne Stack "Donald's Camera." WEST POINT.' DAIMCD PADX—Hamilioa MrNlrhols lAiirenre Olivier "THE INVADERS the whole picture, 'll Dleney'i Benefit.” "LARCENY, INC.”, Edw. Q. Robinson. rALiULn IrtAA Kdw U. Robinson. Jane Kay Kyaer In "MY FAVORITE SPY." • * iJI Bolder. “The Orphan's —FS® l Kerrhe%al Park Free it wallpapers right to ¦ft*> a nc IlfYE West Warren Ave. Wvman. "LARCENY. INC.” John Howard, from down —Hantlna* Vernor Hlahway ir UL LUAL Cont. from 1:00 Cooled UAAt/rp—HH)2n —(i,M4 ty. g APT,IHP at nUUTCIY ,"S| RAIDER.” I-a*t Show 9.30 CTHANH River-nth s*isbs insignificant ashtray. AliliAUC Open All Nidht. Mickey Rooney. Robert Stack In "MEN OF TEXAS.” Cont. 130 P M. "BALL OF RMARINE JlltcWl" Cont. HV Spencer Tracv. the FTRE.” Gary Coopet. Plus "I'ADFITs ON from colors, “THE COURTSHIP OF ANDY HARDY.” Joan Bennett, Franchot Tone In i —YYoodw d and Ulzabrth * Hedy I-amarr "TORTI1.1. A different bear- • PAR.ADF;.” Freddie Bartholomew Cartoon DAI MC CTATC Seven WESTWARD. HO!” Three Meaqulieer* "THE WIFE TAKES A FI VER.” 1 rALITIJ-JIAIL Rosalind Russell to Fred Brent in "INTERNATIONALLADY." ing such mood making names as Burlingame IMPITDIAI—7 °3l) Michigan Avenue ' MarMurrav In "T AKF; A I.ETTF.R. iCTAB—IWS2 Twelfth Street nCYTCP —Heater Klvd. at IffIILMAL -4781 - Wrm,r Tan, AuIUIV Raft and Pat O'Brien ULAILIV Open 1:45. Cooled. Latest Open 12 45 “REMEMBER DARLING." Lionel Barrymore. "CALLING STRATFORD w ¦*«*"¦* ? Romney Rose, Thames Georue Barry. OlßAirv/nu Open 12 15 Cooled. Spenrer In “BROADWAY." Also Robert Sterling News Flashes "BEYOND THE BLUE PEARL HARBOR.” with Don MR GILLESPIE.” "Bailie of Midway." Blue, Garrick Green. ” "TRAMP. TRYMI*. TRAMP." Tracy. Hedy "TORTIIXA4TLAT.” Bristol in "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS HORIZON." tn Tech . Dorothy I.amour, Also Davison TO. 8-565# Lsmarr. DiDV 24426 East ir Geo Brent. "INTERNATIONAL York Abby Stone and Denning. Haley. "TORPEDO IDIO—F;a«l Grand Blvd. * • ABA In Yellow. l’l>*nftn,h Rd.. W. of Gr’nf'ld Richard Jack Park Free East Side Ktda LADY/J ATI AQ~ 14M:! BOAT," with Richard Arlen Jean Parker livid Open Cont. Performance' ” Mayfair Mauve, are used AILAO Open 1:15. Howard, 12 SO. I "SMART ALEC KS Roy Roger#, Tiur—l622l East Jeffersoe, at Dreset Highway, near Hubbard "GONE YVITII THE WIND.” with Clailt "ROMANI E ON r»IE RANGE ” lIIYIL open 11:43 A. M. News. Serial throughout furnishings. “THE INVADERS.” Paulette Goddard. Ajv—Weal Yernor Gable, Leigh the IrlA • Cont, 12:15 Abbott and Vivien at 1, 3. 9 P. M f’artonn* 3 Smash Hits—6 Johnny Downs Ray LADY HAS PLANS.” ALL —FI. YYarren-l)lekers.in 1.F.. 6700 Costello, Kathrvn Grayson. "RIO RITA." FREE ADMISBIO.N FOR PERSONS DADCCIIYClAAAjIUL in "THE. MAD MJJNSTEK." Judy Cemp- BUYING A MONDAY. Open 12 13. "WE WERE ’’ Colors alf A I AM—Llnwood-Davtaon TO. 9-37419 i i “BRO.ADW AY." Geo Raft. Pat O Brlen BOND i»e!l in "THE STRANOI.ER Also “OITI Harmonious AYALUH Stark, DAM I NG.” Norma Shearer Melvyn Doug- Robert Broderick Craw ipyuur—- | ” RtMMIAN PR© NT." ford, "MEN OF’ TEXAS.” Joan Bennett, AAV—Llvrrnols at Davison 22« Fenkelt Ave. RE. 2MB las. "THIS TIME FOR KLF.Ps. with l/UA Maureen O'Hara. John Payne. HVTIIYU sabu In "JUNGLE BIMIK.” In Ann Ru*herford. Robt. Sterling. Tints and shades of each color Franchot Tone, “THE WIFE TAKES A Color. Pat O'Brien, Open 1. Buy War Bonds Here, "TO THE SH4IKES OF TRIFOI.I." Wm Brod. Crawford and TIMES harmony’s FLYER.** Llndaay. Terry at YteOellan PL. 6767 are utilized for sake Gargan. Margaret “DF.sPERATE Ruth In ‘SLIGHTLY’ HONORABLE.’ DiCAnCNi—Mark Alter «. News. Cartoons. Serial. nrt uamt—l972l Wmtdwerd, Highland Pk. rAjAI/LIYA "(iO.NF. YVITM THE YYINO.” Tyrone CHANC E FOR EI.I.ERY QUEEN." News —• n,, ,r **er . . , one has such a l TV. 7-92141 Power. Dorothy Lamour In "JOHNNY' and each Tues- IfiV a* Shown Downtown. Matinee ’ DELImUPI! Open 3AM. 4 Features H Air Exactly A POLIO." Tim Holt Hi AIONO THE soft, it day Park Free. “HOW GREEN Jl*l Continuous 1:18 Cooltd Btart* 5. 9 P. vM- mellow- hue that couldn't After 9. S[DE- ;X„r A Costello (Jravnon In Daily. Show at I. <«RA N'DE." * Acta Screen Vodvll. W AS MY VALLEY,” with Walter DRIVE IN EAST JZti. Abbott and Ka’hrvn RIO your heart. Although Plddeon. Y’oung. "THE LADY "RIO RITA." Plus "TYPHOON." with at Tetoskey fail to wdn Maureen O'Hara “THAT NIGHT IN RIO,” Ray Mllland. Roland PirrAfill I V—F’enkell 9 ’*n ‘B*'er HO. Nat Sterling Dr*othy Ijimour and Robert Preston rlvLAl/ILLI TftU/CP~ 1 ASM it you might not think of mixing I * with and . HAS PI.A NS." Pendleton. Open 12:45. Park Free lUTTLIV Open '• 1:15 Park Free. Air Con- Holloway. ’TOP SERGEANT MI LLIGAN.’ Robinson Jane Wyman in LAR- .Michigan 5317 thrne bt. it Edw G. ditioned Robt. Brod. Crawford the blue and green, or the yel- nri t/fl—Belleville, Late War Newa. Cont from Dusk PTMf—Mill* INC.” Plus Maureen O Hara in Stark. In DCLTIL and, i Cartoon Open 12 10. In Color. CENY. "MEN OE TEXAS." Plue *‘BLOTBADE." low” mauve, in the Wish- Cooled. Abbott B4K)K." •TEN GENTLEMEN FROM YYEST POINT.’ and “RIO RITA.” "RIGHT TO THE I "JUNGLE with Sabu. "BITCH with Madeleine Carroll and Henry Fonda. Costello. Victory Workers' * works. - ’ML Joyce Cartoon News DRIVE-IN THEATERS MINDS THE BABY." Brod Crawford A 7A —11*11 F.. Jefferson LE. 1887 maker. it I HEART.” Brenda Every and Saturday Night PI Mich. Park Free. * Show Friday |/n 1 urn—Michigan-Thirty-flfth Street iLALA Cnnt. 1 to 12. Patrtc Knowles. TBFNTflN—^Trenton. The themes are widely varied CV~ 12-MHe Road and Roblna it Drive-In IIVLUIUn Open | 30. Cooled. Spenrer nPQFI lat 12:30 A. M at West Side nIVAiVICIV Dorothy Lamour. Rtchard Den- "THE MYSTERY OF MYRIE ROGET.” DCAALLI Open 1:30. Air Conditioned Saturday Night Only M%sq| Trsry. , ‘TORTILLA PLAT.’ . . Chinese-inspired dining . a Theater. Late Bhow ning. "BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON.” •MOO.NIJGHT ERADE. D O Keefe Geo. Montd°niery in “TEN GENTI-KMEN East Side Drive-In Theater -WILD RILL Hlf KOK RIDES.’ R Cabo*. room, because Far East traders INC..* at Charlie Chaplin In "THE GOLD Rt sH.” pprcinridt—JOl.lO .Mark LE. 7664 it FROM WEST POINT.” LARCENY. I rALOIULifI Open 3ft FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL PERSONS wares Edw G Robinson Disney's "Nifty Irntu—YYoodward. nr. «-Mlle TO. 8-4110 * 12 Geo. Sander*. BUYING A BOND MONDAY. Introduced these Asiatic ¦¦ Lynn * • ¦¦ DRIVE-IN WEST SBE-^KSSS BIVItH Cont. from 1. Park Free. Conrad Bart. "FAUON TAKES OVER." WW-' nrurniv—Od. Rlver-Oakman HO. «3M i Young. "THFT I.ADY • into England during the seven- 1 Rav Mllland. Roland Veldt. "DARK 401 RNEV.” MOOM K.Hr M YsQt EK YIIE.” with T|rvrnA—MamUlon-Toaeda TO. 6-27 M * is this DCtLALI Cont. from 12:45. Cooled. Park PLAN'S." .Nat Pendleton. Sterling Betty Kean. Eddie Taylor. Color Cartoon. IUALLMJ open 110. Cool "THE WIPE teenth and eighteenth centuries. A most unusual desk leather-topped Free. Spencer Tracy. "TORTILLAFLAT." HAS MILLIGAN.'•THE AFFAIRS OF JIMMY VALENTINE.* I Holloway. TOP SERGEANT D. O’Keefe. "The Orphan's Benefit.” Rd. 4 TAKE* A FLIER." Jo*n Bennett. Fran- There’s a flower-garden bed- mahogany, curving silhouette and antique Geo Brent. “INTERNATIONAL LADY.” Cartoon Late War New. Cont. from Dusk PIINfU S limV—KerehevaLFisher • hot Tone "MEN OF TEXAS," Robert with “ runun a JUUI Jonn Bennett Franchot Plus Disney'* “Old MacDonald Dork.” Road I r J'flrrson LE. 2999 it Stark. Ann Gwynne Cartoon. News, room because the English loved PICT fICTDAIT—Gratiot at 9-Mlle Starting Tueadav Tone. "THE WIFE TYKEs a FLYER.” brass gallery. It's part of the Wishmaker en- Extra, ’Battle of Midway.' Montgomery. LAIVCTTUUU for J in DIDMTUrUIM* LAo 1 VLllYUll Day*. A Iso Disney's ••Donald's t nmera.” large and lovely blossoms DmlUiffunAln Showing at 3:20-6:35-9:50. YYF.ST POINT’ "GONE WITH THE YYIND." with semble, a modern collection of old designs. •TEN GENTLEMEN FROM Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh Three pi[Y|fl ClTV—YYoodward near »-Vllle Road amiißßis-gSrsr^w their chintzes. The living room W. Powell. H. Lamarr. ••CROSSROADS.” "SHIPS WITH WINGS," John Clements Ani/lU LIII 50-7:05-10:15. "ATLANTICCONVOY.” Shows Daily at 1:00, 5:00 and 9 00 P. M. Gene Atitrv, Smiley Bur- Greer Garson and in "MRS light, airy and a austere 3 —11510 E. Jefferson LE. 5815 W Doors Open 30 P, M. is bit For shopping information, call CHerry 8800, line 347. 2 15-5:30-8:45. News. Bonds Sold In Lobby. riOT CUfY 12 nette In "C ALL OF THF 4 YNY ON." Wm MINIVER." EXTRA' "THE BATTLE LAM tPIU Cont. 1 to 12 P M - STEWARTS.* MIDW'AY." in Full because the fashion at the time Ave.. Blr’ham * 14249 E. Jefferaon LE. 2999 * Holden. E Dee. ‘.MEET THF OK Color. Dl AAMCICIn—"o«Klward and Costello In "RIO RITA." I AXFU/fififi Noon, Refrgn. Abbott L/UVCTTUUI/ Open Cooled ' , » < . . Buy at rk hatmer* * w as quiet charm and dignity . DLUUinritLU Your Bond* Here INC.". Edw. O. Robinson. pilUnn -Gd. River Jov ltd. HO. 3264 UPTOWN Ts. 2-MM Douglas "LARCENY. Anne Shirley. Pay Bulger, "FOUR JACKS sign gaudiness. Today. Joan Crawford. Melvyn In Disney’s "Old MacOimald Duck." AAIIYDU xhe Surprtaa Show of the Y'ear UrlUlfn M«t Open 12 30. Park Free. not a of THE BRIOE. Plus AND A Jil 1..” "WILD RILL Hit KOK Cooled "THEY ALL KISSED Dyke l\'. 9061 it First Time Shown ”SJREN OF THE "THE WIFE TAKE<* A FI.YER." quality in The War "KID GLOVE KILLER.” CICTnU/W —Harper-Van RIDES." Bruce Cabot. ConsUnre Uenneti. Ht Franrhot Tone, Joan Bennett "MEN OF We noted a delicate Van Heflin In LAjIUWIy Today at sot TH YV Also “STOLEN TYRY- Doors o|>en 12 •Old MacDonald Duck.” Latest News Olsy;.” Recommended for Adult# Only. TF.XAS," RoOert Stark and Ann Gwynne. . . . Jefferson. Parkview IJE. 44M11 the accessories those porre- qaatU—E. Noon “MEN’ OF TEXAS." Robt. Stack. Nr»i, Cartoon. .M6RCURV, DUUin Open 1:15. Dorothy I.amour. ! TAKES A f ANPACTITP—^I9S3S YYest Jefferaon it —C.rntHH and 6-Mlle Park Free * Late** Dl*nev in figurines, cornucopia vases, Ann Gwvnne. “THE WIFE L/tnUfliJ ILIV from QAMfiNA la And Cosmetics BLUE HORIZON.” Rich- Cont. 12 3ft. AAI7IUIYA —' Dyke nr. Harper FL. 4PM "BEYOND THE FLYER.” Joan Bennett. Franchot Tone Park Free. Joan Bennett. Franchot Tone. Mat. 12 u. PVt Cool Comfort. VAN nwr hand-painted water jars in white ard Denning. In Technicolor Abbott and Dorothy Lamour tn Taehnleoinr H:t. "Be- IAlt 1/ I ILL Open Noon. Cooled. F»r*» p»CT at Cirandy TAKES FLYER." "MEN OF ” r have been flagmen’s Costello in ’RIO RITA.” I.aWst News. CHIC—Gratiot “WIFE A yond THE HU r HORIZON "WIFE Neighborhood Showing Norma Shearer and and pink, slender vases for lamp PHERF Mjl 011/L Abbott and Costello In TEXAS." FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL * TAKES FLYER.” Rennett K Tone Melvyn Dougla* "WE —B’way-Gd. Ulren* Pk.# Reagan tn "NINE A BOND MONDAY., A Joan j WERE DANCING." bases, cameo pictures, candela- of news now and again con- D’U/IV TADITfil I "RIO RITA.” Ronald PERSONS BUYING in D"M L/trllUL Radio 4Jui* 12 Nooni Donald —Cid. Kitrr-Uhwr Park Free g I Conrad Veid' "NAZI AGENT." Also LIVES ARE NOT ENOUGH.”. I —13320 Joe. < ampwu Park F'ree prnpAQfY Stooge* Comedy. bra lamps and so on. Dainty, cerning the effect of war rc- Only. Red Skelton. Eleanor Powell In Late News ACYV it ALUII/Al/ Mat 1 10. Franchot Tone. Three New*. Bogart In Dork LAuM Cont. 12:30. Parking. Spencer but hardly effeminate. “SHIP AHOY." Plus Humphrey 1 —Gratiot near 8-Mlle "THE WIFE TYKFs \ ri.Y ER.” Robert —Meernetn-MeNlehela Perk Era** sti ictions on the cosmetic indus- Buy War Bond* Here. riCTU/AAIY (NEW) Tracy. Hedv Lamarr. "TORTII LA FLAT.” Stack OF TFXYv,” with VAIKITVlAnJll I open “THE RIG SHOT.” tAMnUUU in N'GLE ROOK.” H-ilden. "MF.N Broderick 12.13 Last Show P. 50. flahu "Jt "MF:ET THE STEYYVRTS.” Wm. Disney's t ta > ,id C U Johnny Crawford "Dena M's amera." "BEYOND THE BLUR HORIZON." tries. but there has not been Pk I Francea Langford. Down* "ALIe- street Weet SO-j Unusual Finish CAPITOL-" ;T Cartoon I IMfAIN —*ft34 Fort —Deqiilndre-'llnnesnln Color, with D lamour, 2 25-* 25- B’WAY w AT rA *i AMERICAN co-ED." Newa Lini/ULlt Open 1:0ft Gene Autry. "CALL prfll TW . 2-IDtt a FLIER." much to dispel ihe natural THE IT. S. NAVY PRESENTS ACTUAL -1 ALUAL Cont Goddard. 11:25 "WIFE TARES 1-3:33- 00R0THT LAMOUR MIDWAY,” CPU A—MINI Oakland. TO. 8-1780 OF THE CANYON.” Richard Arlen, 12:30 Paulette A 53-P 50 Krldsy : "IN THIS. Ol R LIFE" most j.i PICTLREB OF "BATTLE OF "LADY HAS PLANS.” Dennis O’Keefe in While of the furniture is doubts that have arisen in the MfnriiHrMMi nHiarnM LLIIU Doors Open 1:30 Carole Land!« in Jean Parker. "TORPEDO BOAT." Grand 3 .1 4oe IN FULL TECHNICOLOR Keating In "APF YIRs OF JIMMY \ AUCNTtNK —KIM Rlter. TT. finished satin-like mahogany, "DANCE HALL.” Fred * ¦* O'Connor # t/ICTADV in of most women as to the + I For *L TlLlimi Open minds —West Dearborn DE. an TRAIN.” Cartoon. News. I INffilN PADY— • 12 13 "MV FAVORITR are lovely pieces in / irilUlN 11 “PRISON LinUULil r/Yl\B cont. from Noon Park pCfCk[T—Wn«>dw d-Gd. Blvd. TR. 2-6464 SPY" at 1.33 6 23. 6 35. “THE there two safety of cosmetics that will be vALTin EXTRA: “THE BATTLE OF Last Show Start* 9:30 P. M. ALuLIfI Last Complete Show Start* 9 3ft j THRILLING MINUTES Free Geo Brent. Ilona Mainv. "INTER- | INVADERS" at 2 3*. 5.411. 10 60 limed oak which have under- available during wartime. MIDWAY.” 20 «uv' YVest Jefferaon, In Eeorae BILL P M Charlie Chaplin. •THF. GOLD KI SH.' FIRST ACTUAL BCF.NEB OF THE BIG rrnner NATIONAL LADY'." Plus "WILD Robert Stack Haniiitr.n at Virginia Park gone age-old process one is LCUKjL open at 1 00 Don Barry HICKOK RIDES.” with Bruce Cab“t with Word# and Music Plus VIPPINIA the of Olivia de Havilland. who FIGHT IN THE PACIFIC. 1 Ann In “MEN OF TEXAS.” VlnUllllA He and 22r. Georga Raft, - Owynne tn PEARL HARBOR* Edw ’ and coat white paint applied and currently at work in "Princess —West Dearborn DE. 11941 'REMEMBER Cooled *25 Pat O'Brien in "BROADWAY." Lupa rill/lM ¦R Robinson. "LARCENY. INC.” street near Junction ’ l/ALVin M Johnny Weis*- G. LINWOOD LA SALLE “"“jr? 1 if prv—Fort YY. Veler.-MEXICAN SPITFIRE SEES GHOST quickly removed to give a cloudy O’Rourke.” has summed up the Open 1:00 P. ] Jefferaon Tl'. 2-2760 Tracy, Hedy ‘TORTILI-A ALA Open 12 3ft New* Serial. Cartoon c •TARZ.AVB SEC RET TREASt RE.' CCAITTDC —18311 E. Spencer Idimarr. Harper Harvard. Park Free. 43 surface to natural colored wood. pertinent points in this question: XuXSL muller. LoUUIbL Open 12:45 Cooled by ELAT.” Plus Brent, lion* Massey Tyrone Power In *’JF:n«»e JAYIES.” Boh t/nniC— at OSL Geo. VUuUL I A, yl Maureen O'Sullivan. Alao Bette Davi* and 'TOLUSOI sYYINf. Open 12:43. Last Show • 50. I Vctl'tlan Refrgn. "WE WERE DANCING."at 1 30 in "INTERNATIONAL LADY.” H"pe Martha R.vv» They are a wall mirror and the “Will beauty products , he as George Bren* in “IN LIFE.” Dorothy Lamour. "REYOND THE BLUE 5:15. 900 P M. "JINGLE BOOR.” at —Gratiot at ML Elliott Parking g safe, at TW. 1-1911 I AAp—Michigan at Casa open 24 Hour* i, DIAITH HORIZON." Technicolor. 2:23-6 23-6:20- handsome breakfront pictured good, as plentiful and as CIUPA—7-Mlle Rnaeell * 3:00. 6:45 and 10:30 P. M <-,eo AIALIU Cont. from 12:45. Air Cooled * Park Free.: v LUui Montgomery. “TEN 11:20. "WIPT. TAKES A FLYER." 1-3 S3. requires many of ? LalllLU Open 1:00 Cooled. Square. Monroe Avenue POINT.” Spencer Tracy, "TORTILLY FLAT,” with herewith. now that war “MEN of TEXAS” In rmil v—^Cadillac GENTLEMEN FROM WEST And 6:50-»:S0. War Bonds and Stamps in Lxibby. Joan Bennett "THE WIFE TAKES A G. Hedy Also Joan Rennett In given ingredients?” ** rAIuILI Dorothv I.amour. Richard "LARCENY. INC.,” Fdw Robinson. Lamarr —Hastings Now that war has the their A Thrilling Story of the FLIER." Also Van Heflin In "GRANDj HORI- "THE WIFE TYKFS A FLYER” 1 U/ADCItI H at ramswarth * CENTRAL MURDER.” ‘Donald's Camera.’j Denning. “BEYOND THE BLUE J. Wvman. FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL home more importance it Briefly and concisely the Bennett. Franchot Tone tn PERSONS BUYING A BOND MONDAY. g TVAIuICLU Mat. 12:45. Cont. All Night. than Great Soufhwttt ZON." Joan DIA—Weet Yernor Highway al I enlral Tierney. Henry “RINGS ON w he —7915 West Vernor Highway TAKE* A FLYER.” * Gene Fonda. before, answer is Ihat cosmetics ill •fa fiDlTfil