
Friday, February 17,1950 TOLEDO UNION JOURNAL Page Five Bob Hope To Write Signe Hasso Signed H-Bomb Means World Must Book On Hollywood For Role In -Crisis9 HOLLYWOOD — Bob Hope’s Sparklets-**0™/’ion Unit HOLLYWOOD—-Signe Hasso, Find Substitute For War been paged to write his personal the blonde Swedish actress, has impressions of Hollywood. And, Ralph H. Yonng, Sec’y been selected by Metro-Gold- By BRADFORD V. CARTER according to the star of Para­ For Labor Press Association monut’s “Fancy Pants,” he’ll do wyn-Mayer for the role of a EN HAVE learned how to set off that same tremendous the job “as soon as possible.” Robert Smith, Dept. E, 2nd Shift dark-haired Latin American M energy which reaches us from the sun. So enormous is this Simon an dSchuster are the We have another member who has entered the hospital. beauty in “Crisis,” new dramatic power that it has only one use—destruction. The hydrogen publishers who are making the Emma Clous entered Mercy Hospital on Friday, February film which stars’Cary Grant. - , ..... x. request of “author” Hope. He bomb, or the triton bomb, is only the first of the thermonuclear 10th. She had an operation on the 10th and is coming along She Was chosen to portray HAVEN’T found any right thinking union member in the surface beyond wrote several books for them, weapons that could bum and sear the earth’s fine. Let’s not forget the members in the hospitals. Drop in • ■ City of Toledo who wants to weaken our unions. Some of repair. And the United States, perforce, has decided to go “They Got Me Covered” and “I Isabel Tarrago, wife of a tyrani- Never Left Home,” both of and visit them or send a card, it helps. cal dictator of a small country. the former union haters still hate unions and our present ahead making the H-bomb. struggle in Toledo gives them encouragement. The encourage­ i £ Scored? Of course we’re scared. But men and women of which were on the best seller Another birthday was cele­ Jose Ferrer will have the role of lists. so that a cold draft won’t blow ment is false because it comes from pseudo-leaders. Neverthe­ * good will are beginning to come forward with the first tenta- brated on Tuesday, February the dictator. less the union haters, the daily press, the Salvation Committee tive, generalized ideas of what we as citizens and as a nation Hope’s looking forward to his 7th. It was none other than on the employees working in latest literary assignment. that vicinity. This has not been Miss Hasso, whose last film at to Save Toledo’s Payrolls, the Commies, and some lesser lights can do to prevent mankind from committing suicide in an arms Mildred Pate from our Silliment M+G-M was “The Seventh who enjoy writing periodical handbills have done a good job in race ending in destruction of civilization by fire. “Hollywood is a great place too successful. Now, on January with great people,” he comment­ lines. We couldn’t help Millie 24th, the condition was extreme­ Cross,” will dye her naturally some instances in misleading people. What to do? First of all, talk it over. Moments are precious, ed. “It will be my pleasure to celebrate because she “no show ly bad and the employees told blonde hair for the role. The part the daily press plays in the game is to give all but the stakes ar£ almost too big to contemplate. So, starting answer back some of its critics.” up”, belated congratulations are me it was too cold and drafty to “Crisis” will mark the debul the union opposition an air of respectability. Our union is up with the officials of the United Nations, and just as important, in* order. Millie didn’t say what sit there and work. My answer of writer Richard Brooks as a against smart propagandists. They know how to fight cleverly. starting with you and your family, it’s time for us to talk this her new age is. to them was, “If it is too bad for director and is being produced They know who to get to carry their torch. They have gone so problem over—just as reasonably and thoroughly as you would This Time, Willie, Your reporter wishes to take you to work, and it is detrimen­ by Arthur Freed. far as to sell some ministers on the idea that the area pension a major family decision, and as the statesmen would reach a You Went Too Far this small space to give thanks tal to your health, the best thing plan is “no good.” One of their adherents, a minister of ex­ course of action for the nations of the world. HOLLYWOOD — Brooklyn for the generosity of all those to do is move and I will notify cellent standing, has been caught in their propaganda net. Yet Alternatives? First, and still the most stirring proposal, is and its favorite native son, iWl- who have given to the various the assistant foreman so he can Sidney, Freed Lay this good minister tells me he has never read the area pension the one made on the floor of the Senate by Sen. Brien McMahon liam Bendix, have come to a collections recently for those get the maintenance men up plan. It seems to me he should be fair and honest enough to at ‘Show Boat9 Plans least read the plan. But you know the Blade opposes the plan (D., Conn.) the day following President Truman’s announce­ parting of the ways. who deserve the donations. This here to correct the situation.” HOLLYWOOD — D i r e c t or ment that the U. S. was proceeding to construct the H-bomb. Until now, not a Brooklynite kind of good deed goes a long so it must be no good. This I did, but we’re standing George Sidney and producer Over the last few weeks personnel managers have become It has since then been endorsed by numerous Senators and by who wouldn’t point with pride way to keep up the morale of Arthur Freed, who teamed on at Bendix as the epitome of in front of the office for one a non-reading lot. Many of them have never gotten around to the Federation of American Scientists. McMahon is easily the the absent members. hour. Some girls were told to “Annie Get Your Gun” at M-G- best-informed “civilian” in the field of atomic energy. He is everything that fair community Don’t forget, let’s get more reading the area pension plan proposal. For some reason they sign up for downtime, the others M, meet this week for confer­ never get the time. But they do have the time to spread* false chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic stands for in upbringing, man- people over to the Colony Bowl­ ences on “Show Boat,” Techni­ nerism and speech. took it for granted that their propaganda. I had one member of management to say to me, Cinergy. The burden of his knowledge lies heavily on his ing Alleys and roll that apple time would be ok’d at the end color musical slated to roll early shoulders. And he wants, with all the sincerity at his command, But no more. “You know you haven’t anybody big enough in your organiza­ down the lanes in the Champion of the day if the assistant fore­ this year. tion to handle all that pennon money.” Of course this is posi­ to share that knowledge and work .out, in full and frank public He has committed the car- Midnight League. Your reporter dinal sin of portraying a base- man did not assign them to any Assignement is first on this tively not true. The union does not want to handle the pension discussion, a way of controlling the H-bomb. has been told that the Colony other available work which was year’s slate for Sidney who com­ “It is my intense conviction,” he told a hushed and attent­ ball umpire as a human being. Restaurant will now bring your money. This dastardly crime has been his privilege. pleted “The Red Danube,” “Key The pension funds under the area pension plan is put into ive Senate, “that our decision, born of necessity, to build the lunch to the bowling alleys if to the City” and “Annie55 in enacted in Columbia’s “Kill the you order it. There are four At the end of said day, the as­ an irrevocable trust fund and it will be administered by five hydrogen bomb, must be accompanied by the immediate initia­ Umpire,” a comedy played 1949. from the union and five from management who will select a tion of a moral crusade for peace having far greater potential more spots open but if more than sistant foreman was told by against a background of modern competent chairman to do the detail administration work. The effect than any physical weapon, even chunks of the sun.” four show up they will make John Beiswenger not to o.k. the professional baseball. room for the newcomers. downtime for the people in ques­ Principals Join In union never proposed that we handle the funds. So the manage­ Halfway measures won’t work. The Soviet Union knows, William Bendix, a man with­ ment member never read the proposal because the irrevocable or soon will know, how to produce the H-bomb. It will be Colonel Tarver tion. Chorus Ensembles out borough, now will be re­ Dept. E, 1st Shift So, on January 25th, I, Eng­ trust fund is a salient and essential part of our proposal. necessary to penetrate the Iron Curtain with a message so dra­ membered only as “that rob­ HOLLYWOOD — Each of the For several weeks before our area pension proposal came matic and so sincere that it will be possible for “the Russian ber.” This week we wish to salute lish Borglin, steward in D, turn­ twelve musical numbers in M-G- ed in a written grievance for out management hollered, “Give it to us.” Now that they have people to act as part of the world jury which brings in a verdict Lillian Browning, who is resting M’s Technicolor “” it some of them just can’t read but I know they are not all covering this monumental issue.” happily in Robinwood hospital average pay for the amount of is an all-tsar ensemble. Ladd Planning To time lost. When it got into the Democrats. Now, McMahon points out, we’re spending $15 billion an­ with her new daughter who was Instead of the usual chorus Occasionally we either hear or read the argument that nually for armaments. “Why not offer to take two-thirds of this Enter Television born on February 5th. We wish hands of “Mr.” Beatty, he im­ lines, directors and mediately called Al Kengott, pensions will cause a worker to lose his “independence” or he sum, and instead of amassing sterile weapons use it to foster HOLLYWOOD — While Alan the Brownings a lot of happi­ arranged for will have less “freedom.” In my mind such statements are poll peace?” How? Divide the $10 billion a year for five years be­ Ladd does not consider televi­ ness. our chairman, on the phone and principals to be backed in their said it was not a justified griev­ tical poppy-cock. If the bosses of industry can set up pension tween three programs, all to be administered by the United sion as quite of age yet, the star’s Mrs. Edith Norman receives son gand dance specialties by systems for themselves, and they have good pensions too, and Nations: President Truman’s Point Four program to aid under­ own radio program production mention at this time because she ance so the chairman made an appointment for the Executive other members of the cast. they do not lose their “independence” or “freedom” how can developed areas to become self-sufficient; development of firm is taking the leap into the and her husband celebrated For example: Kelly dances in an employee lose his “independence” by receiving only a small atomic energy’s peacetime uses to improve the physical en- video field. Committee to meet with man­ front of a “chorus” made up of their 28th wedding anniversary agement regarding this griev­ fraction in pensions compared to what the boss receives? ^ronment of all mankind; and a global Marshall plan for all The company is Mayfair Tran­ on February 1st. Congratulations , Never has America been more in need of a stable economy M>untries o fthe world, including Russia. scriptions, through which Ladd ance. At the meeting Mr. H. B. Vera-Ellen, Ann Miller and to the Normans. only knew about half of the that grows year after year. The whole world depends on this. What do we want in exchange? “We would ask,” McMahon produces and syndicates his pop­ Thomas J. Miller, Eng. Insp., Jules Munshin. When Sinatra It doesn’t seem plausible that with all our intelligence we will says, “general acceptance of an effective program for interna­ ular “Box 13” show and the suc­ facts. They kicked it around un­ is getting up in the world. Tom­ til about 2:00 p.m. February 1st and Miss Garrett, Ann Miller or let an important segment of our citizenry, the elderly, live out tional control of atomic energy, and an agreement by all coun­ cessful Damon Runyon Theater. my’s favorite hobby is flying his Vera-Ellen dance, the other prin­ their latter years in degredation and want. Pensions that are tries, enforced through inspection, that two-thirds of their pres­ “We’re experimenting with and on this day, Chet Hughes, own plane and last week he Herman Missler, night committ- cipals make up the chorus en­ adequate is part of the answer and the UAW plan will go a ent spending upon armaments be devoted toward constructive commercial spot announcements joined the Portage Valley Fly­ semble. long way in making Toledo a better and more stable com­ for television,” reports Ladd, man were paid overtime and Al ends.” ing Club of Elmore, Ohio. This Kengott, Joe Emch, Cap An­ munity in which to live and raise a family. Sen. Millard Tydings (D., Md.), who is chairmon of the who recently completed “After club printed the first edition of No candy from either one, WOT Armed Services Committee, has proposed that President Tru­ Midnight” for Paramount. “We drews and Cas Sobczak were their own newspaper and Tom­ paid straight time and if Ralph HOPPENED??? man call a world conference at which the U. S. would propose are doing our own writing and my’s exploits were detailed. Hap­ Jim Vinson Allene Roberts Set An Emblem Of Chic disarmament, from the atomic weapons right on down to rifles. filming, but so far pretty much Young and Paul Justus had not py landings, Tommy. been sidk, they would have been Dept. D, 2nd Shift For Role In “Station” “I am not advocating disarmament by example,” he made clear. on an experimental basis.” A surprise bridal shower was While Ladd feels naturally Birthdays galore last two paid also in addition to the time HOLLYWOOD — Allene “I am advocating an agreed disarmament gradually over a weeks. Helen Piotrowski, Feb­ J. H. Beatty and John Beiswen­ given for Alvina Urzykowski on period of years with constant, world-^yide inspection ... If video is a coming factor in the Wednesday by the following Roberts was signed by Para­ amusement world, he has no in­ ruary 1st; Helen Karczewski, ger spent in the Conference mount recently for the role of civilization and humanity are to find security they cannot find February 6th; Doris Munson, Room. After meeting for an hour women in department D, at Al­ it by partial disarmament, but only by complete disarmament.” tention of facing a television vina’s home: Dorothy Jones, So­ the kidnapped blind girl in camera himself for at least two January 31st; Arlene Slachciak, the meeting adjourned without “Union Station,” new William These are breath-taking proposals. But only a revolution­ February 7th; Goldie Keyser, a satisfactory answer, written or phie Swiderski, Marie Miller, ary plan can match the breath-taking and revolutionary achiev- years. Elsie Holden-Barry Fitzgerald-Nancy February 8th ;# Rena Jablonsky, otherwise. Marian Taylor, Etta Stacy, Olson starrer. ments of our scientists. And it is in this spirit that the Congress­ Dudek, Milly Flogaus and Kate Eastern Theatres February 1st and Norman Baum- The next day Al Kengott call­ This is Miss Roberts* most ional discussions are taking place. Can any citizen do anything hower, February 1st. Hap pjt Simpkins. • more important than to follow and share in this fateful dls- ed-Beatty and asked him for his These ladies brought and serv- dramatic role of her brief film Welcome “Blondie” birthday to each of you. answer. During the conversa­ ■ cussion? ed a sumptious chicken dinner career. She is the center of a HOLLYWOOD — Penny Sin- Theresa Binsley has artfully tion “Mr.” Beatty said that Leon­ tense chase which culminates in Looking back a few brief years, McMahon told his col­ g 1 e t o n , star of Columbia’s ard Borglin has something per­ with numerous side dishes and a leagues that “in 1945 and 1946, when our thoughts were focused left her imprint upon our entire dessert of apple pie. Alvina was a gun battle, in this sensational “Blondie” series and currently department. She prints the sup­ sonal against Mr. Stranahan and story of abduction in a metro­ upon the Hiroshima bomb, we enjoyed an opportunity to wage making personal appearances in showered, also, with lovely atomic peace that somehow — despite the magnificence and plementary titles on the tickets that was why there was so much presents. She will be married on politan railway terminal. the East and Midwest in connec­ in daily use in E and she keeps fuss. Believe you me, I have Miss Roberts, 21 and an Ala­ generosity of our proposal to the UN—we did not fully exploit. tion with the two latest releases February 18th. No man could up-to-date on these matters be­ nothing personal against Mr. wish a sweeter Valentine. baman, will be remembered as Our present concern with the hydrogen bomb furnishes a sec­ in the series, “Blondie Hits the cause a part of her exacting du­ Stranahan whatsoever. ond opportunity. I do not think a third will be given us. Welcome back to D 2 is the John Derek’s wife in “Knock on Jackpot” and “Blondie’s Hero,” ties are to see that the current I filed this grievance in line Any Door.” “I believe that every morning each member of the U. S. was honored this month by the former Betty Langenderfer, now date is legibly stamped on each of duty. Incidentally, I have been Mrs. Byers. Betty is now mar- “Union Station” is under di­ Senate and House of Representatives, and each high official Associated Theatre Owners of ticket. Nice going, Theresa. of the executive branch, should glance at the sun and reflect a steward for three years and ried and the mother of a 6 rection of Rudy Mate. Indiana when she addressed a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mowka this is the first written griev­ that what he sees there, millions of miles away, threatens to be banquet of the group in Indian­ months old daughter. recreated on this earth, in our own cities, in Washington, New are the proud parents of a baby ance I have ever turned in. I Thursday, February 9th was apolis. Trueman T. Rembusch, boy. Mrs. Mowka is the former also heard that during this Roz Russell Home York, Los Angeles and Chicago. president of the Indiana A.T.O., the birthday of Ruth Ball. A lit­ Adeline Lewis and her husband phone conversation that Mr. tle luncheon celebration was From Trip Abroad “’This is a time for soul searching, for nqtion-wide debate, congratulated her by letter for Jean Hagen, M-G-M’s bril­ and for the launching and maintaining of that moral crusade is a city policeman. We wish the Beatty used a cuss word, not staged in her honor by Dorothy HOLLY WOOD — Rosalind “an excellent job toward estab­ three of them lofs of happiness. very becoming I would say. liant young actress soon to be for peace which alone can save us and lead mankind along the lishing better intra-industry re­ Ferner, Wilma Kelsey, Mary Russell, who left for Euro’pe Floyd Perkins, Eng. Insp., has On February 10th approxi­ Seiple, Cecil Taylor and a guy seen in “Ambush” and “Side righteous paths of security, abundance and liberty.” lations.” a most fascinating avocational with her husband, Fred Brisson, Street,’* wears this high-neck­ Penny has appeared to date In mately $20 had been spent to named Joe. The eats were good training. In case you haven’t keep from paying the aggrieved and the birthday a happy one following completion of her ed hand knit cardigan sweater Chicago, Miami, Baltimore, Hart­ heard, he is an artist of distinc­ in pink and gray with its gold ford, Indianapolis, Youngstown employees approximately $15. Is for Ruth. second consecutive Columbia I Taxes On Oil And Taxes tion, making sketches, painting that GOOD bargaining? It gives us a feeling akin to comedy, “A Woman of Distinc­ e m b r o i d ered fleur de lys and Toledo, and will play a re­ with water colors and oils. One which comes from Suse. turn engagement in Chicago The company knows that the sadness to report the lay-off tion,” has returned frpm New design of his, done in water col­ Friday night of 14 of our very over the holidays. condition was bad on that day York, having visited England, HOLLYWOOD — Ann Dvorak On Poor Widows ors, has drawn the admiration because Mr. Bates, Mr. Soden, good friends. May good fortune has been signed by Metro-Gold- By NATHAN ROBERTSON Angela Clark Back of many of his friends. It 'shows Walter McCamanon, Art Barnes, favor you girls. France and Denmark. wyn-Mayer to portray Lana a kitten cautiously tip-toeing Arthur Decker and two men February 14th marked the Miss Russell appeared at the Turenr’s friend in “A Life of For Labor Preas Association across the keys of a baby grand For Columbia Role from the company who installed 32nd anniversary as a Champion Command Performance in Lon- Her Own.” ASHINGTON (LPA)—The government taxes wealthy oil piano. It is declared to be re­ employee for Walter Austin. operators very gently. The same government taxes with HOLLYWOOD — Angela the ventilating system were don and was presented to their The M-G-M film, directed by W Clarke, who won critical ac­ markably life-like. called in to try and correct the Walter is still going strong. Keep George Cukor and produced by harshness widows and other women who have to work to sup­ claim for her performance in Betty Bobzean left last week situation. Now if it had not been plugging, Walter, the first 32 majesties, following which she Voldemar Vetluguin, is set to port their families. The dramatic contrast demonstrates how Columbia’s “T h e Undercover to make ready for an important serious, why did they call all years are the toughest. spent ten days in Paris and then start next month. selfish lobbies have more power in Congress than the people Man,” returns to that lot for a visitor who is expected in the these men in and why did the Dept. H Millwrights visited Denmark, her husband’s who elect Congressmen. featured role with Evelyn near future. May your fondest people complain to me about the 1st Shift homeland. This fact is important for voters to remember as the House hopes be realized, Mr. and Mrs. Notice! Tom Horgan is in the Keyes, Charles Korvin and Bill cold draft? There must have Door* Ways and Means committee considers President Truman’s pro­ Bishop in “The Killer That Bobzean. been a reason! market for a good paint remov- Open posals for tax reform. The Administration’s reforms are good Leonard English Borglin 11:45 Stalked New York.” This is the This condition was a direct erer. It must be capable of re­ AM. VALENTINE^ as far as they go, but they don’t go far enough. They would Dept. D, 1st Shift in o v i n g red paint but mild second successive picture i n violation of the contract, see Ar­ ■ ST CLAIR at ROAMS remove some of the most lucrative loopholes through which which Miss Clarke and Miss I want to devote most of my enough that it does not injure the rich escape taxes, but would do little to remoce inequities column this week to the way our ticle IV, Section 4 and page 33. Keyes have appeared together, One more thing seems very the material. The material in “EAST SIDE, for widows and poor working women. as they recently completed work personnel handles a grievance, question cannot be replaced. WEST SIDE” The special interest lobbies may be able to block the Tru­ peculiar. Why did a percentage in “Mrs. Mike.” No. 296 to be exact. Now on sev­ A rumor was .circulated in Starring man reforms. They won’t need to block reforms for the work­ eral occasions we have had of these people get paid and the others didn’t? I think it is as Dept. H that Neil Griner and Barbara Stanwyck ing women, because no one—no one with political power, at HOME LIBRARY trouble with the ventilating sys­ “Guess Who?” were going in the Jimfi Mason MM JFRIDAY’SAT< Bob Hope is planning a 16- tem in D and in other depart­ plain as the nose on my face, Mr. Ava Gardner RDAYaiid SUNDAY. ; . least—has asked for them. Beatty has a personal feeling to­ funeral business. Confirmation An oil operator or a big oil corporation is permitted out­ millimeter home library of the ments too, I understand, but I is lacking but Neil was seen go­ alio 26 films he has made at Para­ have reference to the former de­ wards me instead of me towards “UNDERTOW” Another rageous deductions from his profits before he calculates how Mr. Stranahn. ing home bare-headed which much tax he must pay. He is allowed, first, to deduct all of his mount since his screen debut 11 partment at this particular time. leads us to believe that he could Stage Show If this grievance cannot be set­ business expense, just as other business men do. Then he is years ago, starting with “The It has been reported to the be getting a little practice for l|£SQUIREffi Treat11 allowed to deduct from his profit any expenses in developing Big Broadcast of 1938” and in- foreman, verbally, several times tled between the management his new profession. new wells. Other business men are not allowed to deduct such eluding his most recent starrer, and he has had the maintenance and our committee, I am deter­ Deacon Barnes’ measurements “The Great Lover.” ‘men to try to make adjustments mined to see that it is put in the 2nd Bit Week expenses. They are considered capital investments and can only as seen from across the room, Dick PoweU be deducted gradually over the life of the property. next stage and that will mean chest, 40; hips 38 and stomach additional expense. Evelyn Keyei But that’s not all. After deducting this year the expense gas companies, the difference—or the special gift from the 50. in of developing a new well, the oil man is then allowed to con­ government—adds up to more than $400,000,000 a year. A few weeks ago the company Item cut out. “MRS. MIKE” tinue to deduct from his profit, for as many years as that oil Now let’s consider the case of a widow, left with two small sent out a pamphlet enclosed (Look fellas, just because one Ako .W Carson well produces, 27 Vz per cent of his gross income from that well. children and an income of only $1600 a year—perhaps the with the company news and it of your Millwrights is running “SATAN’S Theoretically this is to repay him for the capital investment in widow of a GI. She finds she must go to work to support her was headed “It’s Your Federal for office don’t get the idea that CRADLE” '•&^ALDA Government” and several that well—despite the fact that he has already deducted it once family and gets a job as a nurse or stenographer. But in order you can campaign for him in TOMMr WELLS in his income tax this year. In other words he is able to deduct to take a job she has to hire a helper to take care of the chil­ phrases come to the point about this column. RHY) the expenses of developing that well over and over again. dren and keep house during the day. That is a far more legiti­ the United States government Paul Justus has returned to yDIANE GARRETT The net result of all these special privileges written into mate business expense than many of the deductions allowed having a lot to learn about per­ work after a siege qf mumps but the tax laws at the behest of oil and gas industry lobbyists, is the oil company. sonnel relations and procure­ to date his wagon still looks like that oil and gas operators and big corporations in those indus­ Yet under the law that woman has to pay taxes on her ment. It also says that their em­ Shapiro's junk shop. How about tries are able to deduct from their income not only all of their whole gross income, and not just her net income after business ployees are inefficient, careless that, Paul? ISMS and disinterested. It said, fur­ Dept. H must be slipping. For Dan Dailey current expenses of doing buiness, but up to half of the profit expense. Let’s say she makes $3,000 a year and the help she [ (Remaining after all business expenses have been deducted. > hires to take care of the children costs her $1,500 a year. Her ther, that it takes seven months over a week, Joe Riba has had a of red tape, hearings, etc, to dis­ Colleen Here is the way it might work out for a big oil company, net income is only $1,500 a year. But she has to pay taxes on boil on his neck and yet no one Townsend the entire $3,000. She has the usual personal exemption of charge an incompetent employee. has offered to lance it for him. In which enjoys today a net income of $100,000,000 a year from I think our company should in­ pumping gas and oil. If the company this year invests $10,000,- $600 for each member of her family, of course, but that barely Union Office “WHEN 000 in developing new oil wells, that $10,000,000 can be de­ covers the income she gets from her insurance, or from other vestigate its own personnel be­ 1st Shift JOHNNY fore criticising the United States ducted from this year’s profits, leaving only $90,000,000 of sources. Sorry to see that John Bost is COMES So this poor woman, struggling to raise a family on a total personnel. In concluding, I don’t in the hospital. John is in St. MARCHING profits subject to tax. This means the government pays 40 per think this should have been a HOME” cent of the cost of developing those new bills. of about $3,000 a .year, net income, is treated by our present Vincent’s. written grievance at all. It is Our friend, Ralphie Turner is FMLEY GRAMEI Now suppose the new oil wells turn out $5,000,000 worth tax laws much more roughly than ordinary business men, and and some one has to pay for of oil each year, on which the company makes a profit of entirely differently from the rich oil operators who can deduct back in Mercy hospital. cimn I’wwai • mwah mmub some one’s waste and inefficien­ Take it easy, fellas. $2,000,000 after all expenses. That means that next year its net not only their current business expense, but also huge and fic­ cy. YOU BE THE JUDGE. income, after all expenses, is $102,000,000. But the government titious depletion allowances. allows it to deduct up to half of this net income from taxes as a Two Congressmen have recognized this injustice and pro­ Dept. D