Period Furniture P£)Isp(Ayecl in Idjishmaher Jdouse Victory Aide Meeting to Be Held Tomdrrow M*Yonnala«

Period Furniture P£)Isp(Ayecl in Idjishmaher Jdouse Victory Aide Meeting to Be Held Tomdrrow M*Yonnala«

18th period furniture P£)isp(ayecl in IdJishmaher JdouSe Victory Aide Meeting to Be Held Tomdrrow m*yonnala«. asked by the air raid Baby open fßce sandwiches surface thinly with . L. A. LAURENT, post to he held at the home of Mis* have been _ W \|RS. bran, and Then roll In bran cereal until Authentic Edith Kennedy. 17194 Warring- warden to set up a first aid begin with a bread aide, and Mi’s. Arthur coated. Place a evening, room. Mr*. Chas. Kern, air raid mayonnaise concoction that’s the cube is Jn Thornhury, assistant post aide, ton drive on Monday R warden, will discuss this at the really a canape: Take one-inch moderate oven and bake about in Area 4, Zone 2, Section B, September 21. at p. m. Designs Virtoi-y Aides in this sector meeting on Monday evening. cubes of bread and spread each 10 minutes. announce a victory aide meeting Available K ites TCOAV AT YOUR FAVORITE KArWIF \vgyy; I V \ M + identifies co-orEiATiv* theaters Iw I w |kg s Mm MM A f ¦ ? ¦ ¦¦teSs&K t B> JANE MOWERS v^TrCrZ*?.l f * mtMiriEs united Detroit theaters 11,T: THINK "e saw the ghost aK BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OP THESE THEATERS! W Washington Haltlaer At*. JTtm Parking ir Rd.-Whittier AR. 8222 >rd Seldea al Canfield DAIIfC-U the new Wish- i/vp—Harper EL. <1347. ? riUir-Detmlt—Kelly fIDHCN-W«Hs miuiunnMinTftUfN—Yhlrd Lamour, Ray IUAJuC open 1:15. H*nl* la “itK about and Frontenae. Air Cooled Frank! 'UAnULIY Open 12:30 All Seats lie. Dorothy MJl- SonJa ALE. Open 12 <lO First Harper- Llflt Cont. 100 ERADE.” Kean. I land, Martha Raye, Rob Burns, "TROPIC ' VALLEY SERENADE." L**li*Howard In which opens Morgan. VIRGINIAN.”1:10* !"MOONLIGHT M.AN4JI B. Nnwa. maker model house Van Dyk* Showing SABU In ”Jl NGLK “VANISHING W'YOMIV," Autry. HOLIDAY.” Alao Richard Dlx. Edmund "INVADERS." Ulnt War 4 11:04 Rt BBER R.At KKTKERs/ |"HOME IN_ Gens tomorrow, high up ROOK" Abbott a Costello. “MO RITA. 40-7 02 OF l Lowe in "MEN AGAINST THE SKY.” FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL PERSONS to the public Ricardo Cortex Matinee, “PERILH —Gd. River at Trumbull TE. I BUYING A BOND MONPAT. at 3 35-6:47 959 finnr 1-7SSS; * 8-UNIT show ROYAL MOUNTED” ULUDL Abbott and Costello in Miruinu—*«>•«’»• Grso* River Avu. in a local store. AUAlffj pif;d pipf:r.” with Bing Irving mw Tempi* -the —Farmington, Mich. Phono 444 "RIO RITA.” George Raft and Pat ItllvllluAlt Crosby In Berlin's I pAVV—W*o4war« Woolley Roddy McDowall. Alao ril/ir and nUAI Open ]« Hour*. Park Pr**. the kind of a house Monty and LlilL 1:30 Geo. Montgomery.“TEN O'Brien In "BROADWAY.” 1! “HOLIDAY INN." with Fred Aatalre 1 It's .lust Falkenburg in "LII KY LF.GS" Plua Mat. Marjorie Reynolds. Also “SPY SHIP." Franrhot Ton*, "THE WIPE TAKES A Jinx GENTI-EMEN FROM WEST POINT.” Robert Stack that history books paint as the ••THE HATTI.F. OP MIDWAY. Robinson. fD A Mini—West YY arren al Jnartloa I Extra! "The Rattle i»f Midway." FLYER." Joan B«nn«tt. la "LARCENY. INt Edw. G. uK/in/UM Doors Open at 12:30, "MEN or TEXAS." Disney * “PaiH'i ar. SI. Jean LE. 11*5 FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL PERSONS at Mlrh. OR. 5984 g amera ." Hour* address of George Washington ii\u|D|| —Mark MONDAY. 1 00. 5:00 and 9:00 P M. Min\l/4V—Nchaefer C War Bond* Bold 14 Dally. Al/IffIKAL open 1:00 Air BUYING A BOND “GONE WITH THF; WIND.” I ImIUtTAI Open 11:45 A. M. Anne Shirley. century elegance 'RIOConditioned.RITA.’ Ray Bolger AND A and Meyer* CN.MMI* . eighteenth Free. Abbott A Coatello. 0 "- ij. In "F'OI R JAUKh DAVil—l-MII* Park n Mi. h. 2-9186 Woodward, OF nuIAL open •TEN I.ENTLEMEN FROM WENT POINT. lu/cnu—t'**"jUn Morgan. Kathryn fDAWn 13351 at Grand JILL” "MYSTERY MARIK ROGET." 12:15. Park Free. Lai* Show to stern, with bro- LLAn Frank Joyce from stem with Geo Montgomery, Maureen O'Hara UnAnl/ Brenda and Joseph Allen Patric Knowles. "Our Russian Front," 10:00 ‘SHIP AHOY/ Red Skelton. Eleanor Subject* Grayson In "VANISHING VIRGINIAN." THF: HF:ART.” Stuart Howell. Tommy Dorsey A Band. H. Bogart chintzes and Selected Bhort _______ Hope Paulette Goddard In Jr.. In "RIGHT TO cadcj and bright Also Boh snd Erwin In "DRUMS OF THE CONGO." MAD ill—Moran at Ferry in "THE BIG SHOT." •Battle *» Midway.’ 77nm—Rnad-Chaae, Dearborn "NOTHING BIT THE TRUTH.” Cartoon. IflUluiiY Cont. 1:00. Leslie Howard. silver eterywhere >ou Abbott * ’*Mlle"•* Meyern UN. S-4M5 * glinting ALUL™ Com 12:45. Air Cooled icriiu—432l Hamilton, at Canfield rpiunr—Bo24 W. Jefferaon VI. 2-1247 Laurence Olivier. "THF. INVADER*.” Plua IVUIAL(MW AI Grayson, ‘RIO RII A. p/\| UIVftnUL ot Midnight. Park I, HAUHF.I/OR.” Lum Abner. EXTRA! FIRST OFFICIAL a Coatello. Kalhrvn vULIoLUin Cont Hayworth. Open 12 Noon "HA.sHFI A_ t#n. pimi ••TOP SERGEANT," Andv Devine 1:00. Rita Free. Spencer Tracy, "TORTILLA FLAT." FILMS OF ’THE BATTLE OP MIDWAY.’ Victor Mature. ".MY GAL SAL." John KIDF;N.’' MATAD Dyke at B-Mlle Rd. Artually Filmed Under Fire. Twenty Thrill* course, it might have been * i THEY Plua "WILD BILL Hit KOK riTV—'an Of IIfCD-E. Warren at Outer Dr. N'l. 77SS Garfield "DANGEROUSLY LIVE." Bruce Cabot. FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL ItlUll/n l/llI John Howard. Marguerite Ing Minute*. As Our Boys Crush tne Jap*. Open Show 9:30 P M Chapman, RAIDER.” Rav ... the upper crust ALublY 12:15. Laat -Wnodward-Slbley Park Free PERSONS A. BOND MONDAY "SUBMARINE a Vanderbilt WEST POINT, fikllAl BUYING Bolger R J11J.." —Park Free •MO GENTLEMEN FROM lULUItIALmi Open All Night. in "HIl JACKS AND A BHYAI niir a INf. , Park Free. —ftuesell. nrsr Holbrook * IVuI/IL UAR of the nation have been partial St 12 30-4:00-7:30.11.. "LABCESI, THANT —Seventeenth and Myrtle Cooled. Bett* Davis. at Open Until "BEYOND THE 81. l E HORIZON." with UIV/tnl Open 12:30 Cont. Air Cooled MVPTI C Brent. *IN THIS. R MFF..* Johnny 2:25-5:55-9.30. 10.00.^ Denning. .la InILL Durante, Wyman, jI Geo. 4H to the dignity of Dorothv I.amour, H "SHIPS Pal etc Knowles. “THE MYSTERY OE’ Jimmr Jane 1 Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan in fraceful OSS( Banks. “ :"Ytn KE IN T*IF: YKMY NOW.” Laralne ITUIUIDDA—9428 YY'nodward. MA. A WITH WINGS." J. Clements. L. MARIE ROGET.” MOONLIGHT MAS-i ROAD," "TAK/.AVS SECRET TREASURE.” El- **entwy de>tgn ever Cont. from 1:15. Park Free. ERADE," Three Chocolateers. Dennl* Day, "YANK ON THE Bt KM A j of In eightren'h ALnAmDIxA M *r|l Ave> p,r|l Kre *- y Ql Itra! "Tke Battle Midway." Color 1 <¦ •- Kranchot Tone. orphan's ja >, a Cooled Joan Bennett and rni I Engagement by O Keefe. Dlaney's “The Benefit.” NADTAU/N—I Seven-Vllle Kd.-Yan Dyke * amce their families arrived front I TAKES A Robt. LULUIt Return ••THE WIFE FLYER.” Popular THE Igrc—l4B32 Grand River 9 nUMUTTII Mat. 12 45. Park Free. | TEXAS.” with Brod. Demand! "GONE WITH TDCAT I by Refrgn ROYAL Europe way back. Stark. “MEN OF at I 9 M Disney's UACAI LAhLJ runt (mm 1.30. Park |Cooled TW. 1-3931. Patric OAK—*- "Vhaubip* wa%, Disney * ••IKmald’a tamers." WIND.’* :00. 5 and P. UNDER FIRE TKCHNICOI/7RI Crawford "Orphan's Kenefll." Door* Open 12:30. Free. Air Cooled. Charlie Chaplin, "THE Knowles. MYsTERV OF MARIE ROGET.’ IN Dailey Jr., Reed. "THE BATTIJC OE Him DIDY—Allen » ark AT. lilt GOLD Kl HH.'• "THE WIFE TAKES A "MOKEY." Dan Donna All showing CAM 1UT—12027 Conant TYV. 2-3083 9 Bennett, Tone. # Available to ALLbn rAI\A now on LUiinlYl FLYER.” Joan Kranchot NADWCCT—Grand'Rival at southfleld DITCCri I —5557 Ruesell TR. Mill (IN PERSON DAVE DIAMOND open 72:45 Cont Pat Walt Dlaney's "Donald's Camera.” IfUIWfCOI park Patric RUOJLLL _ Open Open STAGE t Donlevy. Eire. 12 45. 1 30. All Seats 10c AND HIS ORCHESTRA AND 5 BIG O'Brien. Brian "TW4> YANKS IN Kirby Knowles, Monte* In "YIVsTFIRY OF' to who MANGI ER- TDCCNU/Ann—Hamilton at YVest Marie News. Serial. Superman Cartoon. Burk But thanks those TIME VODVIU ACTS TRINIDAD." “MIHIN'I.IfIHT UACCJinUUD Brenda Joyce, Joe Allen M.ARIF’. ROtiET.” Plus Dan Dailey Jr. In .lone* Tim MrCoy. "ARIZONA BOUND.” ADK.” with Dennis O'Keefe. Buy War Bonds Here! tor in * dream up the Wishmaker ensem- lIimDAPY—Allen Park AT. 2913 Jr., "RIGHT TO THE HEART.” Stuart "M4»KES.” Vi. Mc Laren "I ATTAIN El Rl ALLILIiTAbA on Screen, CAIinTCCV—West Yernor at Military 1 Erwin in "DRUMS OF THE CONGO." - John Doe Now Bhowln* ""”" CCUlTr—atn Michigan, near Uverael* a bles each year, Mrs. Terrific Added Attraction. ”Ol R RUS- LUUIYILOI open 1:30 All Seats 10c. IllppCD—Harper at lakesond AR. 4H211 it JLn/lIL y to Cartoon Mickey Rooney NORWOOD-TELENEWS Cont. from 11:4t Cooled. the privilege of deco- Wishmaker model SIAN FRONT.” The Greateet Film Come News Serial and iIAArER open 12:15. AR. 4020. Park Ere# Parking. Official Films "RATTLE OF Franrhot Tone. ’WIFE TAKES A FLYER.' row shares A corner scene in the new VIR- In "H4M>SIER Sf II4MH.HOY ." B->b Hope. Out of the War “THE VANISHING iFree.

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