Where Torah, and Chesed Come Alive!

Midreshet Neve Michael - Pardes Hana, Israel Midreshet Neve Michael (MNM)

Midreshet Neve Michael is something new on the Israeli landscape. Living Torah Located in Emunah’s Neve Michael The world of Torah is waiting for you. Children’s Village in Pardes Hana, Midreshet Neve Michael is a beacon of Torah light that will ignite your Israel, this bold initiative for highly curiosity and provide both religious, intellectual and creative stimulation. motivated religious Zionist young women is unique and offers an You will be enlightened with the wealth of knowledge that emanates from the innovative educational model. teachings of the Rambam, Rav Soloveichik, HaRav Kook and many other great Judaic scholars. Are YOU looking Torah classes will be conducted on a high academic level and include various for a life-changing learning styles. Midreshet Neve Michael encourages critical thinking and encounter? open dialogue with the texts, enabling you to achieve new levels of learning, and to reach new horizons of personal meaning and inspiration. MNM presents you with the opportunity to spend a year, There will be weekly Havruta with our Israeli students and classes enrich your knowledge of will often include innovative projects like experiential evenings which will Torah, experience Israel exercise the body and nourish the spirit. and “hands on” chesed while living in Emunah’s Neve Michael Children’s Village in Pardes Hana. You will be 10 minutes from Zichron Yaakov and Caeserea in the lower Galilee, with the Carmel mountains to the north and Bet Shean Valley to the east. Sounds beautiful?

It is. Experience Israel What a stimulating concept and experience: Walking in the footsteps of Jewish history as you explore Israel. Discover Midreshet Neve Michael’s fun and inspiring tiyulim that will strengthen your connection to the and give you a better understanding of your place in the flow of our people’s history. Midreshet Neve Michael’s trips are organized in chronological sequence so that you will start in Biblical times and continue forward until modern- day Israel. You will embark on rich and rewarding educational excursions throughout Israel; for example, in the Carmel Mountains, Bet Shean, the Hula Valley and the Golan Heights. You will take field trips with Bible in hand and walks on the beach into breathtaking Mediterranean sunsets. Gemilut Midreshet Neve Michael’s Campus Imagine waking Chassadim up in the morning You cannot envision how this is in your air- going to change YOUR life. conditioned, modern bedroom Imagine living in and becoming part with an adjoining of this community, with 280 children bathroom and at risk who are waiting just for you to enjoying the become a part of their lives. availability of free wireless internet. In Emunah’s Neve Michael Children’s Home, you will be given an opportunity to The pathways of volunteer Sheirut Leumi style. You will become flowers and the lush involved in various aspects of the children’s daily green landscape lives; from meal preparation with the children in Emunah’s Neve to tutoring English, and from creating interactive Michael Children’s activities to tucking these children into bed at night. Village provides an esthetic and relaxing In addition, you will join the children in their environment. community outreach programs; such as meeting Holocaust survivors, volunteering in a home for children Your stay at with special needs, visiting the elderly in an old age Midreshet Neve home, distributing food to the needy, and more. Michael will include living In all of these experiences you will be able to utilize accommodations, your unique individual talents and explore your all classes, trips and resourcefulness in a framework where your efforts are outings, Shabbatot, most needed and the rewards for everyone will be 3 daily kosher great. lemehadrin meals Without a doubt, you will make a difference in the and snacks, 24-hour lives of Neve Michael’s children while at the same security and medical time enriching your individual world with acts of insurance. chesed and kindness. BEKIYUT - A review of Nevi’im and Ketuvim new growth and discovery within our hearts, TaNaKh and Current Events - Reading the news How can it be that millions of non- have a minds, and souls. on a regular basis in Israel, we find a steady better grasp of the breadth of TaNaKh than that stream of stories related to the TaNaKh. Living What of Jewish day school graduates? Some parts of Art Midrash - How have visual artists and poets in the land of the TaNaKh provides for us with a Nach have not been studied at all and others throughout the centuries depicted Biblical constant flow of archaeological discoveries that merely once. This course remedies that gap while scenes? Are they accurately portraying nuances in shed light on Biblical issues and figures. providing inspiration for further in-depth study. the text? Did the sages and commentaries see the story the same way? How would you portray the Nevua: Then and Now - What is Nevua? How we will Parasha Be’iyun with Prof. Nehama Leibowitz emotion that is often not explicitly expressed in did prophets receive inspiration? What core z”l - An in-depth analysis of various topics in the Torah text? This is a truly hands-on course for messages did they share that impacted the entire Torah through the keen eyes of the classical all. There is no need to consider yourself an artist world? What can we receive from the Nevi’im? Is commentaries. What are the apparent problems to gain from this class. Nevua possible today? This is a deep look into the in the text? How does each commentator offer overall themes and the specific messages that we תנ“ך study? a solution? What caused them to take such Torah and Today’s World - Finding relevant encounter in studying Nevi’im. TaNaKh views? What do you think? The trailblazing messages to our contemporary lives. We will path Prof. Leibowitz explore: Family Dynamics in Bereishit - Themes Seasonal Selections and Meaningful Megillot initiated in TaNaKh include: Parent-child relationships; sibling rivalry; Selections from Yona - Following our missions; study gives her a love and marriage; etc. Sh’mot and Tekumat Possibilities of change; Universalism. Kohelet place amongst the Medinat Yisrael - compare and contrast ancient – The meaning of Life, Friendship, Happiness, most significant Egyptian and twentieth century anti-Semitism; etc. Mishlei - Advice for a life of wisdom, women in all of social and political themes which Shemot offers knowledge, understanding, Yirat Hashem. Esther Jewish history! to modern Israel; the struggles & difficulties along - Revealing the hidden. Shir HaShirim - Searching with achievements and triumphs in becoming for love, and more. Rut - kindness, modesty, Between The a nation; and experiencing Divine revelation transformation, etc.

"Mount Sinai" courtesy of Yoram artist Raanan Lines, Midrashic in history. Holiness in Vayikra and in our Lives Journeys in Torah - What is holiness? What is purity? How does Eishet Hayil in Depth – An in depth and thorough and in Ourselves “Torat Kohanim” provide us with insight and analysis of the famous section from Mishlei. The Torah invites the inspiration as to living holy and pure lives? Crisis What does it mean on a simple level? What reader to dialogue and Leadership in B’midbar - How should we are the deeper meanings hidden within the with the text. We, learn from the models of leadership we see in pesukim? Who is it talking about? What are the with the guidance of this sefer? How can we learn from the various lessons for modern Jewish women? sages and teachers downfalls and the ways in which Am Yisrael throughout the bounced back? Devarim, Preparation for Eretz generations, and Yisrael - An examination of the speeches, mitzvot, Tehillim in Depth - Why is Tehillim so important our own unique songs, and blessings that pave the way for that it is from them that our prayers in times of perspectives, entrance into Israel. both celebration and tragedy are taken? We will contribute new examine overall themes and structures as well as understandings and Parashat Hashavua in Lashon HaKodesh a detailed analysis of some chapters of probably deeper meanings to Students will gain both textual skills and the greatest work of literature in the history of the the Biblical narratives. knowledge of Biblical and modern Hebrew while world! The Torah inspires studying the weekly Torah portion. Women in TaNaKh - We will Mishnayot Bekiyut - A fast-paced and learning skills that will Bein Adam LeHaveiro study as well as those with begin with the role of women in journey through Seder Z’raim and last a lifetime. We will also with an understanding some background. Why did Moed with a huge siyum at the explore the ideas that make of its development from the dean of a prestigious תורה שבעל פה the TaNaKh, and then embark on an extensive exploration of some end. In-depth analysis of various keeping more than the , Rishonim, law school say that students of the Biblical heroines that you The Wonderful mishnayot and perakim with a list of “do-nots”, but rather Hafetz Hayim, and P’ninei with a background in thought you knew well, and some interesting wording that impart a living expression of our Halakha. Students will study have an you may not know about at all. World of the Sages key messages, and that teach some faith and values. gain both knowledge and advantage? deeper values than learning skills that will last What timeless messages can they Hilkhot Kashrut from Lamdanut - Talmudic meet the eye. a lifetime. We will also be share with us? the Sources to our Lives analysis - We combine exploring the ideas that Hilkhot Shabbat Kashrut from the Gemara, developing Gemara and make keeping halakha more from the Sources Rishonim, Mishneh Berura, Rishonim skills with than a list of “do nots”, but Nature in TaNaKh - A study to our Lives - This and P’ninei Halakha into deep analytical thinking. rather a living expression of of how the natural world is a course combines our kitchens. Students will Throughout the year our faith and values. “living” part of the TaNaKh. In this practical Hilkhot gain both knowledge and we will introduce and course we will cover issues such Shabbat with an learning skills that will last Contemporary Halakhic utilize various learning as: Creation; Eden; farmers vs. understanding of a lifetime. We will also Challenges, She’elot methodologies, e.g. Tzurata shepherds; Noah and animals; its development explore the ideas that make u’Teshuvot - How De’shmaata; Yerushalmi Rainbows; Stars in the Avraham from the Gemara, keeping kosher more than a connect precedent with comparisons; Aliba and Yoseph stories; Biblical wells; Rishonim, Mishneh list of “do-nots”, but rather new issues. We will first De’hilkheta; Iyun Sefaradi/ Goshen / Nile / Plagues; Nature Berura, and P’ninei a living expression of our look at older responsa Tunisai; Brisker Lomdut; at Har Sinai; Natural Halakha. Students faith and values. and then delve into Telzer analysis; and other symbolism of the Mishkan; The will gain both more modern ones, e.g. academic approaches that Hilkhot Eretz Yisrael Desert; Descriptions of the Land knowledge and Archaeology and Halakha; have become prevalent in This course provides an of Israel; Nature in Tehilim / Iyov learning skills that Kosher cheeseburgers; some Yeshivot. in-depth analysis of issues / Kohelet / Shir HaShirim; Biblical will last a lifetime. cloning / genetic pertaining to the borders, Torat HaTeva - Ecology Animals; Plants of the Bible, etc. We will also explore engineering; Shabbat, time division, and settling of and Halakha - Issues such the ideas that make in space; current issues in Eretz Yisrael; the sanctity of as: Blessings on Nature; keeping shabbat Medinat Yisrael; etc) the land and cities; and of Talmudic environmental more than a list of course, Mitzvot HaTeluyot Talmudic Logic - An quality laws about air, “do-nots”, but rather Ba’aretz. While the class is introduction to Talmudic sound, waste, water; Bal a living expression text-based, some aspects of analysis. We will examine tashkhit and conservation; of our faith and agricultural practices (such various sugyot relating to Land use such as shmita, values. as kilayim) will be explored the Jewish calendar. What yovel, peah, leket, Women in Halakha from the “hands-on” in the Neve are the purposes of the shikhekha, orlah; sh’mirat Sources to our Lives - This course Michael garden. Mishna and Gemara? What haguf, the Mitzvah of caring surveys practical Halakhot related kinds of questions are for our health; Human Interpersonal Relationships to women in . We will asked? We will gain a sense rights and the environment; from the Sources to explore a vast array of sources, of the flow of a sugya. This Genetic engineering and Our Lives - This course from Talmudic to contemporary. class will be geared toward cloning. combines practical Hilkhot Students will gain both knowledge both beginners to Talmud Major Themes in Jewish History - This international communities, and of TaNaKh and Talmud, and Meaning in Mitzvot - Explore the course is an overview of the entire course, the Arab-Israeli conflict. following through the periods psycho-spiritual ideas related to scope of the legacy of Am Yisrael. of the savoraim, geonim, daily life (Orach Hayim) based Great Women in Jewish History - This Individuals with background in Jewish rishonim, acharonim, and on classical sources (like aggada course is an in depth encounter with and midrash), Medieval (e.g. Sefer אמונה ומחשבת ישראל ,history will also gain from these studies the sages of our generation זכור ימות עולם the influential post-biblical women who as there will also be a focus on places we will meet the great HaHinukh), Hassidic sources History have contributed greatly to the People Faith and Philosophy we will go on trips. We will trace individuals as well as the great (such as Likutei Halakhot), and of Israel. Some have enhanced Judaism themes such ideas that contributed to the modern thinkers (e.g. intellectually or spiritually, some, more as: Unity vs. understanding of how Jewish HaRav Kook and Rav socially or politically, and others have Fragmentation; life is meant to be observed. Soloveitchik). left diaries and prayers from which we Great can gain much understanding. We Great Debates in Jewish leaders vs. Pirkei Avot hope and pray that our studies will History - From Beit Shamai Great ideas; Be-Iyun - An in depth inspire the next generation of great vs. Beit Hillel to separation Recovery and exploration of the Jewish women leaders. of religion and state in Renewal in fundamental text modern Israel and North the wake of of Rabbinic ethics Shoah in Art, Literature, and Film America, we will cover tragedies; The with an emphasis While we are confident that most of fascinating and controversial Importance of on both traditional our students have studied the Shoah, debates that have divided Education; etc. commentaries and there is always more to learn. In this the Jewish world. Jews have personal meaning. Zionism course we will examine the morality of debated questions of justice, We will journey and Modern Holocaust movies, novels, poetry and authority, inclusion/exclusion, with the Rabbis and Israel - How other artistic expressions. For example: spiritual truth, submission see how their life did Zionism Lawrence Langer asks, “Do we violate and resistance, and more. stories and historical succeed in the sanctity of the moment by trying to We hope and pray that our context affected their building a endow it with verbal life? Do we violate students will also engage in teachings. Students Jewish national it if we refuse to do so?” Gerald Stern machloket l’shem shamayim, will create their home in Eretz says, that “Not only is poetry possible “arguments for the sake of own sefer of unique Yisrael? This after the Holocaust, but it is absolutely heaven”. explorations. is an overview necessary. […] Poetry is really the only response to the Holocaust […] it is only VeKab’tzeinu MeArba course that Derech Hashem through metaphor, through strangeness, Kanfot - A study of Jewish will cover the (Foundations maybe even through rhythm, repetition, communities and cultures modern shivat of Jewish Faith) canting, moaning, singing, whispering, from around the world. We zion, the great The classic work of the that we can begin to understand—if we will focus primarily upon proto-Zionist thinkers, various Zionist Ramchal. Topics include: the can ever begin to understand.” We will segments of the population ideologies, institutions, and dilemmas. Creator and the order of Reality; We will also cover Independence, create as we learn. in Modern Israel. What has each eida brought with it to Purpose of creation and humanity; the problems and successes of Divine care and supervision; The “Sea” of Halakha - This course Israel? Jewish customs? Foods? nation-building, Israel’s developing The Soul and Divine inspiration; follows the flow of Jewish law Music? We will also listen identity, politics, culture, economy, Serving & loving HaShem through throughout history. Starting with the and taste as we learn. relationships with Diaspora and Torah, Tefillah, Mitzvot; etc. Ultimate Issues in - A survey Journey of the Soul - The famous stories of ”מבשרי אחזה א-לוה“ (of various opinions with regard to core issues Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (Sippurei Ma’asiyot in Jewish faith. We will use primarily Rambam will guide us in a journey to uncover the secrets and Rav Yehuda Halevi but will bring other of who we truly are, our purpose here in this Active Jewish Spirituality medieval masters as well as contemporary sages world, and how we can bring our lives, the to the conversation. Hashem, Creation, our Jewish people, and the entire world closer to purpose, evil, ethics, etc. redemption. Kosher Yoga / Medical Chi Gong - Uniting mind, body, heart and spirit, and re- Tanya - Foundations of Chabad Chasidut. Based Nature’s Song - Perek Shira - Perek Shira is energizing ourselves. upon Kabbalistic thinking, this class inspires an ancient Midrash that gives a specific pasuk deep thinking about life’s most important issues. to various aspects of nature. Some say that it is us who sing the song when we observe the Jewish Spiritual Awareness through Movement and Dance Introduction to the thought of Rav creation, while others say that the natural world is its own spiritual expression. We will explore - Integrating various forms of Soloveitchik - After a survey of his key works dance and healing. and contributions, this great genius of Modern an assortment of traditional commentaries and Orthodoxy will lead us in a sophisticated & create our own gallery of interactive digital art intense exploration of human nature & religious midrash. Rikudei ‘Am - Israeli folk experience as seen through his analysis of the dancing. Bereishit stories. Hasidic Empowerment in the Parasha - Pearls of life-enhancing wisdom and nuggets of Jewish Music - Culture, history Judaism and Psychology - Aside from the inspiration from the spiritual treasures of the and Hebrew skills developed well-researched study of Jews as trailblazers of Baal Shem Tov and his legacy. through classic piyutim psychoanalysis, there are many connections and modern Israeli songs. to be made between human behavior and Maximizing Marvelous Midot - Bahya Understand the songs you experience with the outlook of the Torah, Ibn Pakudah defined Mussar as “the science know, while learning new ones; Talmud, and Kabbalistic texts. What makes of the inner life”. We will study some excerpts slow shira with Nina Tokayer humans tick? How can we modify our from Talmudic stories and Mussar classics that (“Yonina”). behavior? In what ways can we influence our can provide lessons in character development, own happiness? How can we support and truly overcoming personal challenges and spiritual Jewish Meditation - An listen to friends and family without acting like growth in an honest, thoughtful, and effective introduction to the various their therapists? way. modes of Jewish meditation as seen in TaNaKh, medieval Rav Kook on Creativity, Individuality, and and Hasidic writings. Practical Knowing Ourselves - Self-exploration in the Jewish mindfulness techniques writings of HaRav Kook and other spiritual will be offered. masters. The texts will be springboards to discussions and contemplations that will help us delve deeper into ourselves and uncover hidden talents. MNM Weekly Schedule יום שישי FRIDAY יום חמישי THURSDAY יום רביעי WEDNESDAY יום שלישי TUESDAY יום שני MONDAY יום ראשון SUNDAY בוקר טוב בוקר טוב בוקר טוב בוקר טוב בוקר טוב בוקר טוב AM 7:30

8:00 AM "Coffee" for the Soul “Coffee” for the Soul “Coffee” for the Soul “Coffee” for the Soul “Coffee” for the Soul “Coffee” for the Soul Pre-Tefilla Inspiration Pre-Tefilla Inspiration Pre-Tefilla Inspiration Pre-Tefilla Inspiration Pre-Tefilla Inspiration Pre-Tefilla Inspiration

שחרית וארוחת בוקר שחרית וארוחת בוקר שחרית וארוחת בוקר שחרית וארוחת בוקר שחרית וארוחת בוקר שחרית וארוחת בוקר AM 8:10

A deep dive into a topic in the weekly bekiyut Chassidic Insights, Empowerment and Inspiration תנ“ך בעיון תנ“ך בקיאות תנ“ך בקיאות Depart to Yerushalayim תנ"ך בקיאות AM 9:00 from the Parasha: Weekly Summary: Community Meeting תנ"ך Options תנ“ך Options תנ“ך Options תנ“ך Options ירושלים AM 9:30 (students choose from catalog) Transportation to Yerushalayim for open Shabbatot

Diverse Cultures וקבצנו יחד / אולפן / Zionism and Israel תורה שבעל פה Options תורה שבעל פה Options ירושלים תורה שבעל פה AM Options 10:15

Mitzvot Hateluyot BaAretz: Hands-on outdoor class On-Campus Shabbatot תורה שבעל פה Options תורה שבעל פה Options ירושלים תורה שבעל פה AM Options 10:45 Art and the Parsha with a local Pardes Hana Artist מגוון בבית המדרש Themes & Projects מגוון בבית המדרש Themes & Projects מגוון בבית המדרש Themes & Projects ירושלים מגוון בבית המדרש AM Themes & Projects 11:30

ארוחת צהרים ארוחת צהרים ארוחת צהרים ירושלים ארוחת צהרים PM 1:00

Jewish Thought Options Major Themes in Jewish History: חברותה בעברית PM Ultimate Issues in Jewish Thought 1:45 In Anticipation of Tiyulim ירושלים (students choose from catalog)


חסד chessed Volunteering חסד chessed Volunteering חסד chessed Volunteering חסד chessed Volunteering חסד 3:00-6:00 PM On-Campus Shabbatot chessed ” Style with the “Sherut Leumi” Style with the “Sherut Leumi” Style with the With Local Mishapacha“ ירושלים Sherut Leumi" Style with the" Children of Neve Michael Children of Neve Michael Children of Neve Michael Children of Neve Michael

Dinner & Free time Dinner & Free time Dinner & Free time ירושלים PM Dinner & Free time 6:00-7:30 Magnificent Middot - Soul Journey- Rebbe Nachman’s Rav Kook on Induviduality& Creativity Jewish Thought Options Stories of Self-Discovery and ירושלים "PM "Science of Inner Life 7:30 or Rav Soloveitchik on Human Nature (Students choose from catalog) & Character Developement Redemption

ניגון ופיוט Spiritual Movement Jewish Meditation Jewish/ Hebrew Music Yoga/Chi Gong ירושלים PM 8:30 Dance/Rikudei Am or Spirituality in Sports Tisch with Nina Please note that the schedule .Optional Havruta Optional Havruta may be subject to change ירושלים Optional Havruta 10:00 PM Tisch with Nina continued or Individual Learning 11:15 PM - Depart to Campus or Individual Learning or Individual Learning

לילה טוב לילה טוב לילה טוב לילה טוב לילה טוב AM 12:00 Mishpacha Meametzet You will be “adopted” by a local English speaking family in Pardes Hana for a “home away from home” experience. MNM Breathing Hebrew When you live in a Hebrew Staff speaking environment combined with an intensive onsite Ulpan and interactive online Hebrew courses, your command of the holy language Rav Tuvia Aronson will improve dramatically. Rosh Midrasha Rav Tuvia is a soulful, eclectic, insightful, Internship Program and passionate educator. He studied A Message from the in Yeshivot Kerem B’Yavne, Ma’aleh An internship program will take Adumim, YU, Glendon College, place in Emunah’s College in Director of Emunah's Neve Wurzweiler School of Social Work and . Michel Children's Home several Batei Midrash. Rav Tuvia was ordained by HaGaon HaRav Zalman Shalom, Nechemia Goldberg shlit”a, is certified Courtesy Transportation I would like to welcome you to Midreshet by the Chief Rabbinate to officiate at Midreshet Neve Michael will Neve Michael (MNM). weddings, and serves as a rabbi in the provide courtesy transportation to The opening of MNM marks a new and local Pardes Hana community. exciting chapter in Emunah's Neve Michael A long time Jewish educator in a variety Jerusalem and back every Monday Children's Home. of settings, Rav Tuvia has spent years afternoon. For you, it means many opportunities to immersed in teaching TaNaKh, Talmud, deepen your Jewish knowledge, enhance Jewish history and Halakha, as well Family Visits your personal attributes, experience new as the mystical traditions of Kabbalah beginnings and see Israel in a different light. and Hasidut. He delivers uplifting Midreshet Neve Michael invites This will be both challenging and empowering. shiurim locally, around Israel and in North America. Rav Tuvia’s teaching your family to spend Shabbatot For me, it represents a remarkable chance for the 280 children at risk here on and holidays in Neve Michael style is engaging and multi-faceted; campus, to be given the opportunity to live and interact with you for a year, to learn he believes in interdisciplinary and Children’s Village (free of charge). from you as you become role models for them. interactive learning. Rav Tuvia evokes Wishing you Behatzlacha, critical thinking, meaningful learning and David Fridman, Director of Emunah's Neve Michael Children's Home passionate inspiration. Rachel Bargad, Panteha Michal Haverim Aronson Tanya White Rav Uri Brilliant Nina Tokayer Administrative Director Director of Student Life TaNaKh & Jewish Thought Torah Sheba’al Peh Informal Education, MNM As director of student life, Panteha (pronounced Pahnt’a) will Tanya has an undergraduate A graduate of , TaNaKh, & Jewish Thought Rachel Bargad, a native Israeli with dual provide overall leadership and day-to-day management of student honours degree (BA) in International Rav Uri is quietly one of the most Nina Tokayer is an Israeli Jewish Israeli-American citizenship, has been services. She will oversee residential life, recreation, informal Relations from The London School significant Gemara teachers of our Educator and musician. Born and raised working at Neve Michael Children’s Home learning, personal growth, and special programming experiences. of Economics and a post-graduate generation. His daily Daf Yomi in Jerusalem with American parents, as Director of Programs and Projects since She will also facilitate student health and safety procedures, and degree (MA) in Jewish Studies shiurim have over two thousand she is a graduate of the Beit 2013. Rachel is an accomplished educator spearhead fair and restorative disciplinary systems in cooperation and Philosophy from The London listeners each day www.sinai.org.il. Midrash for women. Previously, she as well. She has received an MA in School with the Rosh Midrasha and Director of Neve Michael. Panteha University, UK. She is currently Rav Uri has a gift for presenting the ran a center for Jewish learning and Administration at St. John’s University will directly supervise the madrichot and meet regularly with the pursuing doctoral studies in Jewish gemara in a clear and concise manner outreach in Tel Aviv, together with in New York, a BA and MA in Middle students to oversee their personal well-being. Philosophy at Bar Ilan University, and his soft style are very calming her husband, Yoni. Prior to that, she Eastern Studies at Bar Ilan University and Panteha is creative, organized, compassionate, flexible, energetic, Israel. Tanya is a graduate of Matan’s when approaching the whirlwind of spent two years as an informal Jewish also achieved a Teacher’s Certificate in and relates extremely well with young people and their parents. Ayanot Scholars Program in Ranana, Talmudic sugiyot. Rav Uri has also educator and program coordinator at History at Bar Ilan University. Her teaching She is an effective manager in informal education, with counseling and was an International Visiting served Israel’s Ministry of Education Livnot U’lehibanot in Tzfat that provides career includes a thirteen year tenure at the and dormitory experience. She is a skilled and excellent planner Fellow at the London School of in creating Talmud curricula. Rav meaningful Jewish & Israeli experiences Flatbush High School in Brooklyn, and program developer, and has exceptional leadership abilities. Jewish Studies and the Kinloss Kollel, Uri grew up in Israel with American for young adults from around the globe. New York along with tenures at Evelina de As a certified Yoga, dance, NIA, and ABD teacher, Panteha will both in London. At present Tanya parents and is completely fluent Her classes and programs are both Rothschild High School in Jerusalem and also oversee and facilitate the evening dance and active spirituality teaches courses in Jewish Philosophy in English, Hebrew, and of course, inspiring and uplifting. Nina now lives the Neve Hanna in . Rachel component of our curriculum. and TaNaKh for Matan in Raanana, Aramaic. in Pardes Chana with her husband served in the IDF as a Mora Chayelet Zichron Yaakov, Chashmonaim and and two-year-old daughter, performs where she commanded and instructed Tel Mond, as well as lecturing in Tel as a musician and studies Behavioral soldiers from difficult backgrounds. She Aviv and other places around Israel. Science & Psychology. Her role with speaks English and Arabic fluently and is Tanya is beloved by her students as MNM will include teaching TaNaKh, the Israeli liaison to the Kol Hanearim non- an engaging and energetic educator. Rav Kook and special informal activities, profit organization. Some of her Divrei Torah can be such as tisches and “slow shira”. seen at https://contemplatingtorah.

wordpress.com/. Kobi Bar-Gad Rav Ariel Shalem Limor Salmon Jewish Thought TaNaKh & Torah Sheba’alPeh TaNaKh & Torah & History Rav Ariel Shalem was born and raised in Los Sheba’alPeh Kobi Bar-Gad received Bachelor Angeles, California and after earning a BA in English Literature at Bar Ilan University in Israel, Limor is a graduate of degrees in Law, Economics, Israeli and Bruria, and is history, and Jewish philosophy from he decided to make and volunteer in a combat unit in the IDF. He married during his a certified Yoetzet Halakha Bar Ilan University. He also holds from Nishmat. She has been Masters degrees in Talmud from service and went to learn in the Bat Ayin Yeshiva in Gush Etzion for five years, and learned at the teaching stimulating and Bar Ilan University and in School inspiring shiurim to groups of Administration and Leadership from LINK Kollel in LA before a four year shlichut at Southern California Yeshiva High School women all around Israel. Limor St John’s University. Kobi is a lawyer will be teaching Parasha and by profession but a passionate in San Diego where he acted as the spiritual coordinator, teacher and rebbe. Coming back to Halakha in easy Hebrew to educator at heart, with significant our advanced students, and is experience teaching at Bar Ilan Israel, Rav Ariel did three years of groundbreaking teaching/ training in a nonconventional fully capable of translating into University, Netanya College, and English when necessary. Flatbush Yeshiva in Brooklyn, NY. educational system that specializes in creating His stellar leadership abilities are new paradigms of teaching in healthy and happy rooted in his work as a personal environments called Rebbe Chiya. counselor for immigrant children. Parallel to this experience, he also completed Kobi’s shiurim are thoughtful and his Israeli teaching certificate and an M.A. in insightful. Education at Beit Berl College. Currently he is teaching Torah in an experience-based military preparatory academy in Beit Rimon. Rav Ariel loves to teach in creative ways, is always seeking to engage students and help them become deep thinkers and happy members in society, as well as productive forces for local and global change. מרגליות Contact Information

Rabbi Tuvia Aronson, Rosh Midrasha, MNM Telephone in Israel: +972-54-6867028 email: [email protected]

Mrs. Rachel Bargad, Administrative Director, MNM Telephone in the USA: 718-289-0244 Telephone in Israel: +972-53-3379774 e-mail: [email protected]

Mrs. Dina Klapper, International Liaison of Midreshet Neve Michael Telephone in the USA: 203-848-8334 e-mail: [email protected]
