Extensions of Remarks E 83 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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January 25, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 83 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TAX RELIEF FOR MILITARY keeping efforts in Bosnia and lets their families goals of further harmonizing and simplifying PERSONNEL SERVING IN BOSNIA know we care. I am proud to take this impor- those Customs rules which affect international tant step today with other members of the commerce. I also congratulate the U.S. Cus- HON. SAM GIBBONS committee. This legislation sends a positive toms Service for its fine work both nationally OF FLORIDA message to our men and women who are will- and internationally. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing to put their lives on the line in honor of this f country and to their families who make great Thursday, January 25, 1996 sacrifices to make this possible. I personally WELCOME STEPHEN CLEMENT Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, today with know of the many dangers they will face and METTLER II other Democratic members of the Committee the hidden cost to their families. This bill is a on Ways and Means, I am introducing a bill of small way of saying thank you to both our mili- HON. PETER T. KING great importanceÐa bill to provide tax relief to tary personnel serving in Bosnia and their OF NEW YORK United States troops serving in peacekeeping families. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES efforts in Bosnia. f On November 21, 1995, the Dayton peace Thursday, January 25, 1996 agreement was signed. Pursuant to this INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS DAY Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to wel- agreement, Operation Joint Endeavor under come a new American citizen, my nephew, which our military men and women were com- HON. PHILIP M. CRANE Stephen Clement Mettler II, who was born on mitted to peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia was OF ILLINOIS Friday, January 19, 1996, at 1:34 p.m. in Chi- initiated by President Clinton. Despite our var- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cago. Young Stephen weighed in 9 pounds, 2 ied and disparate opinions on whether United ounces, measured 21 inches long, and has Thursday, January 25, 1996 States troops should be sent to Bosnia, it is blond hair and blue eyes. time for us to support in whatever way pos- Mr. CRANE. Mr. Speaker, 43 years ago on I would also like to congratulate the proud sible our men and women who are being sent January 26, 1953, the World Customs Organi- parents, Stephen and Stacey Mettler, the to Bosnia. This bill would give these individ- zation, formally known as the Customs Co- happy grandparents Stephen and Kathy uals much-deserved tax relief. operation Council held its first meeting in Mettler of Atlanta and Charles and Mary Kaye Operation Joint Endeavor is described as a Brussels, Belgium. In recognition of this occa- Montforo of Houston, and especially, Stephen peacekeeping mission. However, the images sion, the Council observed January 26 as II's great-grandmother, Agnes Wiedl of At- of war-torn Bosnia that have played across International Customs Day. This occasion is lanta. our television screens and pages of every also being used to give recognition to Cus- f newspaper in this country make it clear that toms Services around the world in view of the peacekeeping in that country is not without role they play in producing national revenue PRESIDENT CLINTON'S TAX HIKES risks. I believe our troops will face similar dan- and in protecting national borders from eco- gers to those faced in a combat zone area nomically and physically harmful importations. HON. RON PACKARD while carrying out their peacekeeping effortsÐ I am particularly proud of the U.S. Customs OF CALIFORNIA the dangers of attacks on their lives by Serb Service for its great contributions to the Nation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES soldiers and other mercenaries, ground-to-air over the past 207 years of its existence. U.S. missiles, and the ravages, or land mines. Customs was once the sole revenue producer Thursday, January 25, 1996 Thus, my Democratic colleagues on the com- for the young United States. Its role in reve- Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, the budget the mittee and I believe that these men and nue collection continues: In fiscal year 1995 President proposes proves one thing beyond a women, as well as their families, deserve the Customs collected a record $23.3 billion in shadow of a doubt, he is a congenital liberal. tax benefits that would otherwise be available revenue. In addition, Customs has taken on Instead of cutting taxes, scaling back the to them if the area were declared a combat such important responsibilities as interdicting growth of Government, and putting our econ- zone. narcotics at our borders, preventing the expor- omy in position to create productive and stable This bill would provide, to the United States tation of critical technology, and enforcing the jobs with good wages, he wants to protect the troops serving in Bosnia, benefits under the regulations of more than 40 Government status quo with higher taxes and more bu- following sections of the Internal Revenue agencies. reaucracy. Code: Section 112 which provides for the ex- The U.S. Customs Service represents the In 1993, President Clinton enacted the larg- clusion of certain combat pay from gross in- United States at the World Customs Organiza- est tax hike in American historyÐimposing come; section 692 which provides certain in- tion [WCO], a 137-member international orga- more than $250 billion in tax increases over 5 come tax relief if an individual dies while serv- nization founded to facilitate international trade years on families, small businesses, and cor- ing in a combat zone; section 2(a)(3) which and promote cooperation between govern- porate America. Just a few weeks ago, with provides certain tax treatment when a de- ments on Customs matters. The WCO works his fifth budget in less than a year, the Presi- ceased spouse is in missing status while serv- to simplify and standardize legal instruments dent proposed more than $60 billion in new ing in a combat zone; section 2201 which pro- and rules of international customs. The WCO taxes. This tax package makes the Federal vides estate tax relief for members of the also renders technical assistance in areas Government even bigger, more expensive, Armed Forces who die while serving in a com- such as Customs tariffs, valuation, nomen- and more unwieldy than the current failed sta- bat zone; section 3401 which provides relief clature, and law enforcement. Its objective is tus quo. from withholding on compensation excluded to obtain, in the interest of international trade, The President tries to cover this massive tax under section 112; section 4253(d) which pro- the best possible degree of uniformity among increase with a sliver of a tax cut. And what vides relief from certain excise tax on tele- the Customs systems of member nations. The he offers with one hand, he takes away with phone service which originates in a combat United States became a member on Novem- the otherÐthe tax hikes are permanent and zone; section 6013 which provides certain tax ber 5, 1970. The United States and its trading the tax cuts are temporary. By 2002 only a treatment regarding the filing status where a partners benefit when both exporters and im- measure affecting IRA's would remain on the spouse serving in a combat zone is in missing porters operate in an atmosphere of simple books. All others will expire. Meanwhile, doz- status; and section 7508 which provides relief unambiguous Customs operations around the ens of other tax increases will have snow- for the due date for filing tax returns, as well world. balled into roughly $15 billion in new taxes in as relief from certain penalties and interest. I want to take this opportunity to congratu- 2002 alone. Mr. Speaker, this bill demonstrates our com- late the World Customs Organization on its These tax increases will not benefit Amer- mitment to support our troops in their peace- past accomplishments and for its ambitious ica. They will not benefit the economy. They · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E 84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 25, 1996 will not contribute to lowering the budget defi- Jesus entered Kean College of New Jersey Chief Lochinski has served as chief of po- cit. They will simply serve to underwrite more from which he was to graduate in May. While lice since 1990 when he became the acting new spending and expand the size of an al- at Kean College, Jesus became a valued police chief, until his formal appointment in ready bloated Federal bureaucracy. During his member of the collegiate community for his 1991. For the last 6 years, the department has State of the Union Address, the President superior academic performance as well as for prospered under his leadership, and the peo- voiced his commitment to an era of a smaller, his unconditional support of friends and fellow ple of Bay City have been lucky to have this less intrusive Government. Mr. Speaker, this is students. Among the recognitions received by fine gentleman. not the way to go about it. Jesus were being named to the dean's list for Former Attorney General Robert Kennedy f four semesters and an outstanding academic once said that ``every community gets the kind performance award from the Association of of law enforcement it insists on.'' I believe that REMEMBERING JOHN W.