Extensions of Remarks E1239 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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July 11, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1239 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO BILL EMERSON For the women of Ledford it was their sec- unequalled. Over the years, he served as ond consecutive championship and their third clerk of works for every major municipal con- SPEECH OF in the past 6 years. With the title win, the Pan- struction project in the town of Provincetown. HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS thers capped off an outstanding 25±4 season And his inspection work has significantly re- under head coach John Ralls. duced the number of fires in the community. OF FLORIDA Like much of their season, the Panthers' In all his years of public service, Bill was on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pitching was the key to victory. The champion- call every day, literally 24 hours a day. Wheth- Tuesday, June 25, 1996 ship game's Most Valuable Player, Melissa er at home or at the office, the radio scanner Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Petty, was superb on the mound, holding would always be on in the event of a fire, say goodbye to a friend. Although many Mem- Forbush to just one run off of five hits. But, flood, hurricane, or other emergency. bers of this body have risen and recounted Mr. Speaker, defense alone does not win Former town manager Bill McNulty said in a what kind of man, legislator, and public serv- championships. The Panther offense was led recent newspaper story ``there is no way they ant Bill Emerson was, I believe it certainly by Stacey Hinkle, who knocked two home will replace Bill. He was always there, always cannot be said enough. runs as Ledford rolled to victory. on call. He knew everyone, and everyone I always thought that one of Bill's most out- Mr. Speaker, congratulations must also go knew and liked him.'' standing qualities was that he held passionate to team members Kelly Thomas, Ashley Cra- So today, I seek to bring to the attention of beliefs about how to improve the lives of our ven, Molli Patterson, Angie Wesson, Quinn my colleagues the fine work of an outstanding Nation's citizens, while at the same time pos- Homesley, Amy Disher, Heather Pitts, public servant. Bill Ingraham grew up just sessing the innate quality to debate divisive is- Courtney Troutman, Laurie Smith, Paige wanting to fight fires, but has become one of sues in an honest and straightforward manner. Koonts, Kim Clodfelter, Amy Wells, Ginger Cape Cod's most respected and beloved citi- Bill was one of the driving forces behind the Whitt, Amanda Reece, Lauren Craven, Misty zens. formation of the Alliance, a group of Repub- Sharp, Leslie Thomas, Janell Curry, assistant It is my pleasure to join with the people of licans who believe that we must return civility coaches Joe Davis, Danny Thomas, David Provincetown and Truro as they honor Bill and respect to the debates in the House of Smith and manager Tara Bowers. Ingraham to extend to him the best wishes Representatives. To Principal Max Cole, Athletic Director from this Congress on a job exceedingly well Unfortunately, we did not serve on the same Gary Hinkle, and to all of the students, faculty, done. committees in Congress, in fact, our congres- staff, families, and friends of Ledford High f sional districts were in very different parts of School, congratulations on winning the North this country. I was, however, pleased to have Carolina State 2A women's softball champion- TRIBUTE TO CANDACE SHEA the opportunity to serve as a member of the ship. Alliance with Bill, and to see him working at Mr. Speaker, as we honor Ledford High HON. WILLIAM H. ZELIFF, JR. School's season, we must also commend two our weekly meetings. I also was able to work OF NEW HAMPSHIRE other Sixth District high schools on their fine with Bill several years ago as cochairs of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House Task Force on Fair Trade and Open seasons on the diamond. The North Davidson High School Black Wednesday, July 10, 1996 Markets. Knights women's softball team, under Coach There is no question that he served the Mr. ZELIFF. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Mike Lambros, went undefeated this season Eighth District of Missouri and the citizens of take this opportunity to bring to attention the and made it all the way to the North Carolina our country very well. I know he will be missed outstanding accomplishment of Ms. Candace State 3A/4A semifinals. by all those who were fortunate to come into Shea, an eighth grader from Hampstead Mid- Congratulations must also be extended to contact with him over the years. dle School, Hampstead, NH. As the author of the East Davidson High School men's base- We were all heartened at the way Bill re- an inspirational and patriotic essay honoring ball team, which recently finished a terrific 22± mained strong during his last days in this insti- veterans and her explanation on the impor- 8 season, making the North Carolina State 2A tution which he loved so much. Whenever I tance of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, semifinals. she has made me very proud to be her Rep- walked on the floor and saw him following the Mr. Speaker, the Sixth District is proud of resentative. I am pleased to submit a copy of debate, even though it was obvious that lesser the winning tradition of its high school athletes her essay to the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on men would have been unable to do so, I real- and wishes them much success next season. ized just what kind of devotion and commit- her behalf. f ment he had for his service to his constituents WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE and to his country. TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM INGRAHAM UNKNOWN SOLDIER Mr. Speaker, we will all miss Bill Emerson. (By Candace Shea) I know, however, that his work in this body will HON. GERRY E. STUDDS The Unknown Soldier. Those words are serve as a lasting tribute to a man who de- OF MASSACHUSETTS like a light, pointing out all those killed in action. All those who fought for our country, voted his life to public service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f and then died for our country. Wednesday, July 10, 1996 The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a TRIBUTE TO THE LEDFORD HIGH Mr. STUDDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tomb in which the remains of a soldier whose SCHOOL PANTHERS identity is unknown is ceremonially laid to join with the people of Provincetown and rest. Truro, MA as they gather this week to honor The first unknown soldier was a tribute to HON. HOWARD COBLE and pay tribute to Mr. William Ingraham, who those who had made the supreme sacrifice in OF NORTH CAROLINA is retiring after more than 50 years of years of World War I. It was placed in Arlington Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES outstanding public service. tional Cemetery on November 11, 1921. The Bill Ingraham came to Provincetown in tomb is a white marble structure that has Wednesday, July 10, 1996 1970, after serving off-Cape as a firefighter for ``Here rests in honored glory an American Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, the Ledford High more than 25 years. Since then, he has be- soldier know but to God'' carved indelibly on School Panthers are State champions once come a fixture in the town halls of it. In Memorial Day of 1958, two more un- again. On June 9 in Raleigh, the Ledford Provincetown and Truro, serving as wiring in- known soldiers were buried in full tributeÐ women's softball team captured the North spector, building inspector, and volunteer fire- one from the Korean War and one from Carolina State 2A softball championship, de- fighter. World War II. On Memorial Day of 1984, a sol- feating the Forbush High School Falcons, 4± His dedication to public safety and his ex- dier from the Vietnam War was laid to rest 1. tensive knowledge of construction is at the monument. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks July 11, 1996 The Unknown Soldier is silently speaking Mr. Speaker, I urge you and all of our col- ton penchant for centralized bureaucratic to us all, saying we must never forget those leagues to join me in wishing David McNeill control may prevail. Wisconsin may not get who had full lives aheadÐand those whose the very best as he continues to show each the federal waiver it needs to proceed. lives were quickly shattered, perhaps by a In 1993, first lady Hillary Clinton's pro- bullet, a grenade, and other such weapons. use that the only limit to hold us back is our- posal to reduce the growth of Medicare He is saying, ``Never let it happen againÐ selves. spending from 10 percent to 7 percent was never.'' He is a voice that shall never be si- f touted by the administration as responsible lenced by anyone or anything. reform. Two years later, when congressional And forget him no one does. The President PERSONAL EXPLANATION Republicans proposed the same spending of the United States and other such people growth rate reduction, the president decried pay their respects the unknown soldier. It is a 7 percent growth cap as an attempt to truly a great honor to lay a wreath at the HON.