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Skeptoid 3 Pirates, Pyramids, and Papyrus By Brian Dunning Foreword by Richard Saunders Illustrations by Nathan Bebb Skeptoid 3: Pirates, Pyramids, and Papyrus Copyright 2011 by Brian Dunning All Rights Reserved. Skeptoid Podcast ©2006-2011 by Brian Dunning Published by Skeptoid Media, Inc. Laguna Niguel, CA First Edition ISBN: 978-1453881187 Printed in the United States of America It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. Mark Twain Acknowledgements Although I do nearly all of the work researching and writing Skeptoid on my own, the following individuals provided a mas- sive amount of help with referencing and finding further read- ing suggestions for all the chapters in this book, and I am greatly indebted to them: Michael Arter, Mike Bast, Erwin Blonk, Mike Bohler, Katie Brockie, Justin Crain, Adam Deso, Josh DeWald, Lee Dunn, Jack Flynn, John Folsom, Kevin Funnell, Derek Graham, Greg Hall, Kerry Hassan, Diane Johnson, James Lippard, Kelly Manning, Tom Markson, Bob McArthur, Mark Metz, Dennis Mitton, Lee Oeth, Leonardo Oliveira, Kathy Orlinsky, Tom Rhoads, Rico Sanchez, Tom Schinckel, Thomas Shulich, Mike Weaver, Glen Wheeler, and Sarah Youkhana. Also thanks to Joe Nickell for giving me a (somewhat more than) gentle nudge improving the quality of these books. To Erika – The brightest light in my universe, and quite possibly in all the other ones as well. Contents Foreword: Why Skeptoid Is Part of My Life ............................ 1! Introduction .............................................................................. 3! 1. Search for the Missing Cosmonauts ..................................... 5! 2. How Dangerous Is Cell Phone Radiation? ........................
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