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ly. April 2. 1954 Friday, AprU 2, 1954 THE PORT WEEKLY Page Three able. After cutting her teeth, she Mystery Baby developed a passion for chocolate Port High's Quotes Port Washington s cookies. Give me the room whose every Most kindly remembered of her nook is dedicated to a book. My Social Beat childhood accidents was the — Frank Dempster Sherman L5 spraining of both wrists, caused by Sergeant Week-end by her initial attempt at ski Order and simplification are ry Club jumping. This misfortune ex• the first steps toward the mastery "B-r-r-i-n-g" the telephone rang. I answered it and heard a y held first meet- cused her from all her final ex• of a subject. The actual enemy is voice say, "Sergeant, there is a 3gy Club, officers ams. the unknown. war going on at the PDSHS gym. id activity plans Blue is our baby's favorite col• —Thomas Mann or, and her food tastes now lean We need your help." The officers are A teacher effects eternity: he toward Italian dishes. She enjoys Then I donned the traditional , president; Hea- can never tell where his influ• attending dog shows, and "The blue and white and carried a ;-president; Mar- ence stops. Garry Moore Show" is her fa• black flag for the losers in my t, secretary: and —Henry Brooks Adams reasurer. vorite T.V. entertainment. pocket. As I arrived in my trus• of the club will Although our baby lacks a car, ty jalopy, I heard horrible 1 projects that she has managed to travel far Cinemascope screams coming from the gym, on at designated and wide. She has set foot in (Continued from Page 1) I arrived just in time to hear the many of the forty-eight states, announcement of the winning froups. Mr. Olsen morphic lens, the Miracle Mirror and has visited Canada, Cuba, team. Marilyn Smith and John : and faculty ad- Screen, stereophonic sound and France, England, Ireland, Italy, Schermcrhorn were leaving with V group. a new four-track single film pro• and Switzerland. If you are ob• Maura Nordquist and Ralph Dea- jection. tort servant, you may now see her ter, Kai-Ia Klump and Howard The anamorphic lens restores irt, the honorary trying to get a ride down what Blakeslee, Virginia Seifts and to its original shape an image s invited to visit she jokingly calls "the moun• Eddie I/loyd for a small party previously distorted in filming. Medical Research Guess Who? tain" (Campus Drive). Her pride at Marilyn's. This lens makes it possible for a and joy is boasting of the Senior Saturday night I was com• "All I want for Chrithmath ith 35 mm. camera to "reach out" to s conducted on a Class' merits. fortably reading a book, when my two front teeth!" Although each side, as the eye does, and forman Molomut If you are still in the dark the phone rang. "Sergeant, I hate this week's mystery baby prob• "compresses" a wide angle scene iteresting talk on about the mystery baby's iden• to bother you again but the Port ably didn't recite this line, the into a narrow strip of film. When •k in cancer re- tity, here are some more clues. Movies is being occupied by some first words she uttered were said this film is projected through a She is interested in the activities of your high school friends. I with a lisp. Fortunately she soon compensating lens it spreads the ; people went on of St. Lawrence University, NYU, thought you might like the tip." outgrew this childhood affliction, image horizontally. >: Pat Lynch, Bill and Wisconsin University. Now I took the tip and went to the and today is quite understand- McClure, Steve here are the tip-off clues. Her "Hell and High Water" movies. There I saw Angela Da• er Musslewhite, pet peeve is gum chewers, and The first motion picture to be vis and Chucko Spencer, Sue n, Brooks Dorn, AT THE BEACON her pet expression is "Ma foi!" shown in Cinemascope is going Gaita and Jim Gilbert, Sue Dorn n Davidson, and If you're still in doubt, look in to be "Hell and High Water." It and Bob Metzger, Joan Brooks leyde. the advertisements for her name. April 2-3 Fri.-Sat. will star Richard Widmark, Bel• and Dave Palmer, Toni Monetti 0 the following and John Hobbins, Jane Laugh- "Hell And High Water" la Darvi, Victor Francen, Cam• ratories: Barbara eron Mitchell, Gene Evans and lin and Jack Demshick and Peg• ood, Nancy Pick- in Cinemascope HELEN WICKS REID and a Short Subject David Wayne. gy Ray and Bob Lassie. , Aivars Krasts, School of Dance (Incidentally, in the last Port im Fetsch, Dick April 4-7 Sun.-Wed. 29 Bayview Avenue TO LOOK BETTER Weekly I was wounded, not ill Warden. killed.) ^, "It Should Happen Port Washington PATRONIZE lio To You" the This is Sergeant Week-end 1 32 countries all "The Stranger Wore PRIM BARBER'S signing off!! recently partici- A Gun" Clovers Kennel Shop 45 Main Street Herald Tribune Dog Food and Accessories Tel. PO 7-2569 IS the climax of Obedience Training April 8-9 Thurs.-Fri. JACK MURRAY le United States, "Rhapsody" Poodles For Sale snts from PDSHS Delivery Service SHORE GALLERIES HABERDASHER - CLOTHIER in being able to "The Great Diamond H. Aliesky, Prop. 154 Main Street PO 7-2560 Antique* - Brie-A-BrM - Objeeti of Art 18a Main Street n which was held Robbery" Frirate Sales AncUon s United Nations Port Washington. L. I. 1«8 Main Street 156 Ea«t Main Street ly. Port Wash. 7-186S Ft. Jetterson 8-1M5 by Mrs. Johnson, POrt Washington 7-2218 e, Linda Schnee- RE-NU Willowdale (Valther, Cherry Compliments of: Pomeroy, Nan- Cleaners & Dyers Commuters ne Guerry, and 40A Main Street Service Station WEBERS BAKE SHOP Bard and saw the We Call For & Deliver 965 Port Washington Blvd. es given by these Cleaning Service Telephone: PO-7-3722 Port Washington BlvcL ihm. United Na- ;ative for India DUELL'S & Willowdale Ave. PLANT ON PREMISES elcomed this for- MEAT MARKET Village Delicatessen POrt Washington 7-3057 annual one of its POrt Washington 7-2461 Home Made Salads troduction of the 74 Main Street our Specialty and Whitelaw POrt Washington 7-2450 18 Haven Avenue Quality Cold Cuts and editor of the 22B Main Street B, said a few opp. R. R. POrt Washington 7-1811 t and main dis- E. Franzenburg forum, entitled Want," then took OLYTECHNIC GET THE FACTS! ... Cut out - Paste on 2c Post Card & Mail Today e representatives INSTITUTE OF BROOKLYN "YOUR FUTURE D: ACADEMY OF AERONAUTICS United Kingdom, P LA GUARDIA AIRPORT, FLUSHING 71,N.Y. The Phillipines. 99 LIVINGSTON ST., BKLYN.1.N.Y.* TR 5-6412-Ext 38 $;„„ i854 in AVIATION" Without obligotion, ptease send mo facts about My Futur* in Aviotlon. Deech by Senator HB Applications Now Being Received For September & February Entrance • ;y, chairman of DAY, EVENING and GRADUATE COURSES sreign Relations the -sf Senior Senator LEADING to DEGREES in: ..Stole 1, the delegates ENGINEER R. 0. T. C. PROGRAM ENGINEERING ACADEMY of AND Fordan, Norway, *N0 VOCATIONAL COUNSELING, I expect to graduate . 195 TESTING AND PLACEMENT AERONAUTICS d Thailand dis- SERVICES AVAILAiLE LA GUARDIA AIRPORT from High Scliool ic "Ourselves as SCIENCE &PPLY TO DIREaOR OF ADMISSIONS OR CONSULT YOUR COLLEGE ADVISOR N. Y. C. HA 9-6600 DAY or EVENING CLASSES .