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DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1934 Page Five The Broad Scope War Paint No. 3 By Limbach New Issue "Food The Arrival of Mother Os Revolutionary Worker” Analyses CHANGE Music Criticism the Hotel Strike U. S. S. R. THE By CARL SANDS By HARRY RAYMOND Daily Work**’) Both mother and son laughed scope, a revolutionary you grt (Special to the music JF weant to a brief first-rate | happily. INcriticism will be much MOSCOW, Mar. 6 (By cable).— broader analysis of the recent general j proletarian mother, end- than its conventional The following article on the ar- This old bourgeois hotel workers strike which took ; ing her days in a lost village, left prototype, which has concerned rival of Dimitroff’s mother in the , i WORLD! [ it- place In New York City; if you want | quiet in the hour of dan- self capital appeared in yea- her comer almost exclusively with Europ- the real low-down how the strike Soviet ;1 ger thick By SENDER GARLIN on terdav’s issue cf organ to throw herself into the ean and American concert music—- was betrayed by Field, Cannon, “Pravda,” j son's his of the Central of j of the battle for her and and with only part of this music at Gitlow, Kostas, Gordon, Caldus and Committee the ' freedom, for the struggle ie my opinion,” writes L. R., “that you should have re- Communist Party of the Soviet. | comrades' that! One would suppose there never Christman—if you are interested in |of the working class against Ger- Hathaway-Dennis Union. The antlior Is Michael : IT:orded—in your news report of the existed at all the great musics of knowing just what happened be- | man fascism. ' Arabia, India, China, Japan and Koltzov, popular columnist of ! debate—the spontaneous roars of laughter from the audi- hind the scenes—then get a copy of Pravda.” She now has her reward, the best Indonesia. Ana as to primitive the March issue of the Food Work- of ail rewards—victory. • • • i ence. It seemed to me thrilling—those hearty laughs at music, how many music critics know organ The eyes of little 72-year-old er, official of the Food Work- By MICHAEL KOLTZOV as, Marx is anything about it at all—even its ers’ Industrial Union. | Paraskeva Dimitrova reflect not such statements by Dennis ‘the trouble with very existence! The times are In- A but not a Joy. Here a of the railway station again, j j only loving mother’s They deed auspicious for the inception is good picture in the rotten November twilight in proud gleam of a that he never read Freud,’ or that the workers should revealing the very shine with the of a proletarian music criticism. strike, how, from Paris. Not the sullen in- fighter has waged a steadfast of struggle, bustle of i who follow who are ‘superior in education, training and From no less an authority than outset the the Hotel people. Blinding is gleaning those and Restaurant Local the F.W, different sunlight j battle and now the Professor Johannes Wolf of Berlin of pours down upon the white morning ] fruits of victory brains.’ I.U, worked to unite all forces re- we have support for the dictum that snow. Laughing girls wait for the \ Together with her sons and gardless of political affiliation into “The laughter of the audience can be described only the whole history of music has to hoarfro6ted red-starred train to : | daughters, togther with hundreds be re-written In the light of the a solid united front for a victorious slow up. !of millions of other proletarian general how the by the word devastating. It was the laughter of future knowledge given us of non-Europ- hotel strike and The train stopped. The awaited ! ! fathers, mothers and children. leaders of Amalgamated refused 'logic' ean music by the recent researches the passenger appeared, stopped for a ! jParaskeva Dimitrova participates In oarricaders—laughter that completely annihilated the ornate sabotaged all offers of unity is in Comparative Musicology, and second in the doorway, blinded by :j this great battle as a soldier of the for murder militant workers. It the kind of laughter explained in detail in the leading : for Com- and torture of was The scope of a revolutionary the sunlight, then stepped down— I Comintern, as a fighter that gives every promise of turning to bulletroars that will completely music criticism Is also enlarged by editorial. slowly, because she is in her 72nd | | munlstn. Field and company spouted with year. destroy the fascist murderers when they pas* the stage of demagogic other than purely musical accre- tions. In the great cultures of anti- impotent viciousness all manner of “We Are Proud of Your Son” •toglc., slander and lies against the F.W.I.U. quity and also In the great cultures But gay working girls from the j of modem been Indeed, this crowd of splitters went manner of reporting kept you from de- the Orient, it has “Trekgorka” factory take her arms . "Perhaps a too restrained so far as to turn off the lights and TUNING IN steadfastly held that mure, both in carefully, delicately, • But when you stop to consider that this was not force workers out of a meeting and lead her scribing this laughter. form and in content, is Iniimatriy the respectful of her age and fragility. | an at jokes' but that It was laughter In the connected with philosophy, science, where the Question of unity was to of your son,” just audience laughing the workers “We are proud the j politics and the social order in gen- be raised. They kidded Trekgorka girls tell Paraskeva Di- j very faoe of Dennis and his ‘lntellectual’ justification of Fascism—- and attempted them pin TONIGHT’S PROGRAMS eral. Have we or have we not much to make mitrova, mother of George Dlmi- : when you consider this, don’t you think the readers of the Dally Worker to learn here? The question can their hopes on the N.R.A., telling troff. Kc. answered after them that any unity with the F.W. should have been Informed of this deadly, contemptuous ‘ha-ha’?” only be exhaustive They offer her their gift—a piece , research. Even our own science 1.U., which is carrying on a cam- of | 7:00 P. M.—lnterview with Dr. Adolpn • material made In their factory, ! • • • strike-breaking Lorenr, Surgeon. holds much for us that the present paign exposing the stamped with a portrait of Stalin, N.R.A., enganger 7:ls—Billy Batchelor—Sketch. before Leo left for Toronto to defend the Secretary starvation support given to music- role of the would commander of the great army in 7:33—Shirley Howard, Songs; Jesters Tno KTBT Gallagher another Important deviation from them from the support of J ology cannot even estimate. getting whose ranks all of Paraskeva's chil- 7:4s—The Goldbergs—Sketch Labor Defense League, on for ’’sedition,” conventional practice Chicago Cops liar Filins Regional Labor Board. is B:3o—Wayne King Orch. of the Canadian now trial And lastly, but most Important, occurs. Revo- the There dren, and Paraskeva herself, lutionary music criticism, since it is more to it than this—but read about are B:3o—Jack Pearl, Comedian he let me look through his data In connection with the Reichstag fire the scope of music will of Workers’ Fight on fighting. Sylvia criticism furthering a revolutionary music as it in the Food Worker. 9:oo—Troubadours Orch.; Frou* was a note In be widened to include the music A large, shiny grumbles softly, Songs mass of Interesting • • trial. Among a material written a weapon In the class struggle, will •. car activities and potentialities of the Austrian Fascist Regime waiting in station entrance. In 9:oo—Fred Allen, Comedian authorizing the admit propagandist the 10:00—Hillbilly Moabit Prison, Berlin, in Georgt D1mitroll's own hand, masses. In operation its nature. DUITE a contrast to the New York ten minutes Music this musical Bourgeois criticism has consistently more she is in a warm, 10:30—General Hugh 8. Johnson, NRA Ad- fighting California attorney to take charge of his defense in Leipzig. criticism will have to make a CHICAGO, Mar. 6. Newsreels strike Is the strike of the work- sunlit room, with her son. ministrator, Speaking at Closing Meet com- deplored art of art 9 reunited plete Copemlcan twist. The focal the view of and showing the struggles of the Aus- ers in the William Penn Hotel in There is no person in lug of the Code Authorities Conference Dimitroff and the two other Bulgarian comrades are now In the criticism as We must happier the point will no longer be the exploits propaganda. trian workers against fascism were Pittsburgh, led by the F.W.I.U. and world than this little old woman, Washington, D. C. prove art and art- 11:00—Denny Orch. Proletarian Fatherland—the Soviet Union. Elsewhere on this page you of Individuals, but mass movements, assert and that barred from the screens of Chicago reported in the paper. The mili- proudly sitting on a sofa beside her always been prop- 11:15—News; Dance Orch courageous mass tendencies and mass criticism have Friday, by police orders which tancy of the workers in both of big Sitting thus beside her, 11:30—Rubinoff Orch. win find a stirring Interview with Dimitroff’a mother, achieve- The son. ments. aganda. musical lap-dog of this came directly from Mayor Kelly. these strikes was splendid and in George even bigger, 12:00—Harris Orch.