WEEKLY COUNCIL MAIL Date: 01/26/2016

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WEEKLY COUNCIL MAIL Date: 01/26/2016 WEEKLY COUNCIL MAIL City of Thousand Oaks Date: 01/26/2016 MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 l Date Time Remarks Subject an~ -~~~_ation Councilmembersj _ j January (2016)_1_ _ 27 Wed 3:00 PM Redevelopment Successor Agency's Oversight Board Mtg. Bill-de la Pena CAP Board Room 28 Thu 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting - Special Meeting Price 1001 Pat1ridge Dri ve, Suite 150, Ventura 29 Fri - CITY HALL CLOSED 30 Sat 1 l:OOAM ~Yes Senior Concerns Caregiver Recognition Day Price T,os Robles Greens, 299 Moorpark Road - February (2016) I I - l Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price .._ -- " 1 Mon I :00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager /\dam 1 Mon 4:30 PM Dr. Robert Gates Lecture & Book Signing - A Passion for Adam Leadership, Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley ~ - 2 Tue 7:30AM RPD-21 General Membership Meeting Price Ventura County Govenunent Center, Hall of Justice Pacific Conference Room (Behind Cafeteria) 2Tue I 0:00 AM - 11 :30 AM Disabled Access & Appeals Advisory Board (D/\/\AB) Bill-de la Pena/Price Interviews, CAP Park Room 2Tuc 11:30AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 3 Wed 11:00 AM Meeting w/Patricia Jones re: Proposed Oakmont Senior Price Project, Assisted Living Facility 4 Thu 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting Price - 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura 5 Fri 9:00 AM VCTC Commission Meeting Bill-de la Pena Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Drive 5 Fri I J :00 /\M - 11 :50 AM Ventura County Leadership Academy focus Session Bill-de la Pena California Lutheran University - - -- 5 Fri 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM American Heart Association Go Red for Women Luncheon CB/JP/AA Four Seasons, 2 Dole Drive, Westlake Village 5 Fri 6:00 PM Law Enforcement and Firefighter Appreciation Program Price/ /\dam Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge, 158 N. Conejo School Road - - 6 Sat 7:00 PM Conejo Chinese Cultural Association Lunar Chinese New Rill-de la Pena/Adam Year Celebration, Fred Kavli Theatre 8 Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 /\M Meeting with Citt_Manager Price - 8Mon 1 :00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam - 9Tue 10:30 AM Meeting w/Consultants Larry Kosmont and Brian Moncrief Rill-de la Pena re: Economic Development Strategic Plan \ City Manager's Conference Room - 9Tue 1 I :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena - - Page 1 of 4 MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 Date Time Remarks Subject and Location Councilmembers - .... -··· .. I ! ~ - I ·- _i February (2016) ! - 9Tue 4:45 PM Meeting w/Consultants Larry Kosmont and Brian Moncrief Fox re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room 9Tue 6:00 PM City Council Meeting Council Forum IOWed 8:30 AM VR8D Board Retreat Price Courtyard by Marriott, 4994 Verdugo Way, Camarillo 10 Wed 9:00 AM Meeting w/Consultants Lany Kosmont and Brian Moncrief McCoy/Price re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room -- -10 Wed 12:00 PM - l :30 PM Bicycle Tourism Roundtable Discussion Bill-de la Pena/Price CAP Oak & Park Meeting Rooms lOWcd 1:15 PM Meeting w/Consultants Larry Kosmont and Brian Moncrief !\dam re: Economic Development Strategic Plan City Manager's Conference Room lOWcd 6:00 PM COSCA Board Meeting Bill-de la Pena/Fox Civic Arts Plaza Board Room 15 Mon PRESIDENT'S DAY HOLIDAY-CITY HALL CLOSED 16 Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena - -- 16 Tue 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Cultural Affairs Department Strategic Plan Meeting with Bill-de la Pena/Adam Elena Brokaw, Founders Ro~ 18 Thu 8:30 AM VR8D Board Meeting Price 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura 18Thu 4:00 PM EDC-VC Board Meeting Adam TBD 20 Sat 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM City of Thousand Oaks Youth Leadership Summit Price Thousand Oaks Library Community Room 20 Sat 5:00 PM Community Conscience 24th Annual Mardi Gras Ball 2016 Price/Adam Hyatt Westlake Plaza, 880 S. Westlake Blvd., Westlake 22 Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 22 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager !\dam - 23 Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 23Tue 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Doys & Girls Clubs Rocky & Lon Morton Building Uill-de la Pena/ Adam Dedication, Sequoia Middle School 2855 Borchard Rd., NP >- 23 Tue 6:00 PM City Council Meeting Council fornm I 25 Thu 3:30 PM V cntura County Fire Department Awards Ceremony Adam Padre Serra Center, 5205 Upland Road, Camarillo 29 Mon 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 29Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam Page 2of4 MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 -Date Time Remarks Cooncilmembers _C________ ~_~_ February (2016) I - i March (2016) [ ' l 1 Tue 7:30 AM RPD-21 General Membership Meeting Price V cntura County Government Center, 1lall of Justice Pacific Conference Room (Behind Cafeteria) I Tue 9:30 AM - 11 :00 /\M Conejo Coalition for Youth & Families Committee Meeting Bill-de la Pena CRPD Hillcrest Center, Recreation Meeting Room 1 Tue I 1:30AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 1 Tue 6:00 PM City Council Meeting Council Forum ~ 3 Thu NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. 3 Thu 8:30 AM YRSD Board Meeting Price 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura 3 Thu 3:00 PM A WA Board Meeting (Annual Meeting-Elections) McCoy 5156 McGrath Street, Suite 104, Ventura 4 Fri NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. - -- 4 Fri 9:00 AM VCTC Commission Meeting Bill-de la Pena Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Drive - 5 Sat N LC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. 6 Sun NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. -~-·~ . 7Mon NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. 8Tue NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. 9Wed NLC 2016 Congressional City Conference Price Washington, D.C. JO Thu 5:00 PM VCOG Administrative Committee Meeting Adam City of Camarillo, Council Chambers - 14 Mon 10:00 AM- 11 :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price I - -- 14Mon I :00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam -15 Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 17Thu 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting Price 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura 17Thu 4:00 PM EDC-VC Board Meeting Adam TDD 21 Mon 10:00 AM - 11 :30 AM Meeting with City Manager__ _ Price - - -- -- Page 3of4 ·1 MAYOR/COUNCIL CALENDAR From 1/27/2016 To 4/24/2016 i Date Time Remarks Subiect and Location Councilmembers1 ,. r:i · ~ - I March (201§) I 1 21 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM ,Meeting with City Manager Adam 22Tue 11:30 AM ,Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 28 Mon 10:00 AM - I I :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 28Mon l:OO PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam - ~- 29Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Dill-de la Pena ' I - - I April (2016) t 1 Fri 9:00AM VCTC Commission Meeting Bill-de la Pena Camarillo City Ilall, 601 Carmen Drive 4 Mon 10:00 AM- 11 :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 4Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam 5 Tue 7:30 AM RPD-21 General Membership Meeting Price Ventura ColUlty Government Center, Hall of Justice Pacific Conference Room (Behind Cafeteria) 5Tue 11:30AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 7Thu 8:30 l\M V RSD Board Meeting Price 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura 8Fri LCC Public Safoty Policy Committee Meeting Price Sacramento, CA 11Mon10:00 AM- 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price II Mon l :00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam 12 Tue 11:30 AM Meeting with City Manager l3ill-de la Pena 12Tue 6:00 PM City Council Meeting Council Ponun 16 Sat 10:00 l\M - 3:00 PM City of Thousand Oaks Arbor/Earth Day Festival Bill-de la Pena/Price Thousand Oaks Community Park, 2525 N. Moorpark Rd. 18 Mon 10:00 AM - I I :30 AM Meeting with City Manager Price 18 Mon 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Meeting with City Manager Adam 19Tue 11:30AM Meeting with City Manager Bill-de la Pena 21 Thu 7:00 AM - l:OOPM AWA Annual Water Symposium & Exposition . McCoy Courtyard, Oxnard 21 Thu 8:30 AM VRSD Board Meeting Price 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 150, Ventura 21 Thu 4:00 PM EDC-VC Board Meeting Adam TBD Page 4of4 DRAFT CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS DRAFT **FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY/CONFIDENTIAL** PENDING CITY COUNCIL MEETING USTING 112612016 12:11 PM All Meetings are Regular Mtgs. at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted Revised Schedule Due to Holidavs and/or Ch . I 1 ~ Legal Agenda Review - .. , _ Reports ~ Notices Workflow Final No . I: Meeting - ~- -· - ~ Category/Description Dept. Later Than Date - Due Due Tuesday ~ -• i Due Publish in back 5 p.m. 10a.m. noon 219/16 Regular Meeting 1/19 1/26 1/25 2/1 212 Special Presentations Recognition - TOPD for the partnership/support of Be the DD and POL/CCD Win (ProjectSafer) Presentation - "Arts & Economic Prosperity Study" from the Cultural CAD/CCD Affairs Commission's Community Outreach Committee Public Hearing Oakmont Assisted Living Project Zone Change and Development CDD 1/26 Entitlements (Rolling Oaks and Los Padres Drives) Department Reports Wastewater/Water Financial Plans, Proposed Rate Adjustments and DPW Cost of Service Study - Approve & Set Public Hearing Date Westlake Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements (Cl 5337) 2nd DPW Amendment with MNS {Triunfo Canyon Rd.

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