International Bibliography of Football History Eisenberg, Christiane

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International Bibliography of Football History Eisenberg, Christiane International bibliography of football history Eisenberg, Christiane Veröffentlichungsversion / Published Version Bibliographie / bibliography Zur Verfügung gestellt in Kooperation mit / provided in cooperation with: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Eisenberg, C. (2006). International bibliography of football history. Historical Social Research, 31(1), 170-208. https:// Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Dieser Text wird unter einer CC BY Lizenz (Namensnennung) zur This document is made available under a CC BY Licence Verfügung gestellt. Nähere Auskünfte zu den CC-Lizenzen finden (Attribution). For more Information see: Sie hier: Diese Version ist zitierbar unter / This version is citable under: Historical Social Research, Vol. 31 — 2006 — No. 1, 170-208 International Bibliography of Football History Zusammengestellt von Christiane Eisenberg∗ Abstract: This bibliography comprises academic books and articles on international football history. However, the bor- ders between academic and popular studies are muddy in this area. Studies of individual clubs, cities, players and organisers have only been taken into account in exceptional circum- stances when the authors have dealt with questions relating to international football history. The list comprises titles in English, German, French, Span- ish and Portuguese; titles in Hebrew are noted in their Eng- lish translation. Contents 1. Collections and surveys 2. Statistics, encyclopedias, map books 3. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 4. World Cup 5. Football on the five continents 5.1. Europe 5.1.1. Britain; 5.1.2. Germany; 5.1.3. The Benelux countries; 5.1.4. France; 5.1.5. Switzerland; 5.1.6. Italy; 5.1.7. Spain; 5.1.8. Austria and Hungary; 5.1.9. Central and Eastern Europe; 5.1.10. Russia / USSR; 5.1.11. Scandinavian coun- tries; 5.1.12. Israel 5.2. Latin America 5.2.1. Argentina; 5.2.2. Brazil; 5.2.3. Uruguay; 5.2.4. Other Latin American states 5.3. Central America 5.4. North America ∗ Address all communications to: Christiane Eisenberg, Großbritannien-Zentrum der Hum- boldt-Universität, Jägerstr. 10-11, 10117 Berlin, Deutschland; e-mail: [email protected]. Thanks to all colleagues who contributed to this bibliography! 170 5.4.1. USA; 5.4.2. Canada 5.5. Africa 5.5.1. Cameroon; 5.5.2. Nigeria; 5.5.3. South Africa; 5.5.4. Other African states 5.6. Asia 5.6.1. Japan; 5.6.2. India; 5.6.3. China; 5.6.4. Iran 5.7. Australasia 6. Women’s football 7. Football in the media 8. Players’ transfers and migration 9. Stadia 10. Economy of football 11. Bibliographies and internet links 1. Collections and surveys Armstrong, Gary, and Richard Cocchi, Juan Carlos. Cuatro cetros del Giulianotti, eds. Football Cultures and fútbol mundial. Buenos Aires: Master Identities. London: Macmillan, 1999. Fer, 1963. ---, and ---, eds. Entering the Field. New Dietschy, Paul. “Le siècle du football”. Perspectives on World Football. Ox- L’Histoire 266 (June 2002): 77-83. ford: Berg, 1997. Duke, Vic, and Liz Crolley. Football, ---, and ---, eds. Fear and Loathing in Nationality and the State. London: World Football. Oxford: Berg, 2001. Longman, 1996. Banks, Simon. Going Down. Football in Eisenberg, Christiane, ed. Fußball, Crisis. How the game went from boom soccer, calcio. Ein englischer Sport to bust. Edinburgh/London: Main- auf seinem Weg um die Welt. Mün- stream, 2001. chen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Bausenwein, Christoph. Geheimnis 1997. Fußball. Auf den Spuren eines Phäno- ---. “From England to the World: The mens. Göttingen: Die Werkstatt, 2006 Spread of Modern Soccer Football (2nd ed.). 1863-2000”. Moving Bodies 1.1 Brändle, Fabian, and Christian Koller. (2003): 7-22. Goooal!!! Kultur- und Sozialgeschich- Longer version: “The Global Dissemi- te des modernen Fussballs. Zürich: nation of Modern Soccer Football: the orell füssli, 2002. 19th and 20th Centuries”. Proceedings Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef, Ulrich Bors- of The International Symposium on dorf, and Jürg Steiner, eds. Der Ball ist Soccer and Society, May 24th and 25th rund. Katalog zur Fußballausstellung 2002. Sendai College, Breuil, Xavier. aus Anlass des 100-jährigen Bestehens “Le football: un sport viril? Le ballon des Deutschen Fußballbundes 12. Mai rond et la représentation des sexes bis 15. Oktober 2000. Essen: Klartext, (1914-1945)”. Le Football dans nos 2000. sociétés. Une culture populaire 1914- 1998. Ed. Yves Gastaut, and Stephane 171 Mourlane. Paris: Autrement, 2006: Gehrmann, Siegfried, ed. Football and 207-217. Regional Identity in Europe. Münster: ---. “Fußball als globales Phänomen. Lit, 1997. Historische Perspektiven”. Aus Politik Dt. Übers.: Gehrmann, Siegfried, ed. und Zeitgeschichte. Beilage zur Wo- Fußball und Region in Europa. chenzeitung “Das Parlament” B 26 Probleme regionaler Identität und die (2004): 7-15. Bedeutung einer populären Sportart. Online. Internet. Available: Münster: Lit, 1999. Giulianotti, Richard. Football – a socio- VGR,0,0,Fu%DFball_als_globales_Ph logy of the global game. London: Poli- %E4nomen_Historische_Perspektiven. ty Press, 1999. html. ---, Norman Bonney, and Mike ---, Pierre Lanfranchi, Tony Mason, and Hepworth, eds. Football, Violence and Alfred Wahl. FIFA 1904-2004. Le Social Identity. London: Routledge, siècle du football. Paris: Cherche 1994. Midi, 2004. ---, and John Williams, eds. Game with- Engl. Transl.: 100 Years of Football. out Frontiers. Football, Identity and The FIFA Centennial Book. London: Modernity. Aldershot: Arena, 1994. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004. ---, and Roland Robertson. “Die Globali- Span. Transl.: FIFA 1904-2004. Un sierung des Fußballs: ‘Glokalisierung’, siglo de Fútbol. Madrid: Pearson Edu- transnationale Konzerne und demokra- cación, 2004; Buenos Aires: Prentice tische Regulierung“. Fußballwelten. Hall, 2004. Zum Verhältnis von Sport, Politik, German Transl.: FIFA 1904-2004. 100 Ökonomie und Gesellschaft. Ed. Zen- Jahre Weltfußball. Göttingen: Die trum für Europa- und Nordamerika- Werkstatt, 2004. Studien. Opladen: Leske & Budrich, Other Translations: Italian, Japanese, 2002. 219-251. Turkish, Korean, Chinese, Russian, ---, and ---. “The Globalization of Arabic. Football: A Study in the Glocalization Fanizadeh, Michael, Gerald Hödl, and of the ‘Serious Life’ “. British Journal Wolfram Manzenreiter, eds. Global of Sociology 55.4 (2004): 545-569. Players – Kultur, Ökonomie und Poli- Hélal, Henri, and Patrick Mignon, eds. tik des Fußballs. Frankfurt/M.: Bran- Football – jeu et société. Les Cahiers des & Apsel / Südwind, 2002. de L’INSEP 25 (1999). Paris: INSEP, Faure, Jean-Michel, and Charles Suaud, 1999. eds. Football et Sociétés. Sociétés et Herzog, Markwart, ed. Fußball als Représentations 7. Paris: CREDHESS, Kulturphänomen. Kunst – Kult – Kom- 1998. merz. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2002. Finn, G. P. T., and Richard Giulianotti, Hopf, Wilhelm, ed. Fußball. Soziologie eds. Football culture: local contests, und Sozialgeschichte einer populären global visions. London: Cass, 2000. Sportart. Bensheim: Päd.Extra-Buch- FIFA museum collection. 1000 years of verlag, 1979. football = 1000 ans de football = 1000 Horak, Roman, and Wolfgang Reiter, anos de futbol = 1000 Jahre Fussball. eds. Die Kanten des runden Leders. Berlin: Ed. q, 1996. Beiträge zur europäischen Fußball- Gastaut, Yves, and Stephane Mourlane, kultur. Vienna: Promedia, 1991. eds. Le Football dans nos sociétés. Lanfranchi, Pierre, ed. Il calcio e il suo Une culture populaire 1914-1998. pubblico. Naples: ESI, 1992. Paris: Autrement, 2006. Mason, Tony. “Some Englishmen and Scotsmen abroad: the spread of world football”. Off the Ball. The Football 172 World Cup. Eds. Alan Tomlinson and ---. ed. Davidstern und Lederball. Die Garry Whannel. London: Pluto Press, Geschichte der Juden im deutschen 1986. 67-82. und internationalen Fußball. Göttin- Moorhouse, Herbert F. “Ending Tradi- gen: Die Werkstatt, 2003. tions: Football and the Study of Foot- Sugden, John, and Alan Tomlinson, eds. ball in the 1990s”. The International Hosts and Champions. Soccer Cul- Journal of the History of Sport 15.1 tures, National Identities and the US (1998): 227-231. World Cup. Aldershot: Arena, 1994. Morris; D. Das Spiel: Faszination und ---, and Alan Tomlinson. “Sport, Politics Ritual des Fußballs. München/Zürich: and Identities: Football Cultures in Droemer Knaur, 1981. First edition: Comparative Perspective”. Sport, The Soccer Tribe. London: Jonathan Popular Culture and Identity. Ed. Cape, 1981. Maurice Roche. Aachen: Meyer and Murray, Bill. Football. A History of the Meyer, 1998. 169-192. World Game. Aldershot: Scholar Wagg, Stephen, ed. Giving the Game Press, 1994. Away: Football, Politics and Culture ---. The World’s Game. A History of on Five Continents. London: Leicester Soccer. Urbana/Chicago: The Univer- University Press, 1995. sity of Illinois Press, 1996. Wahl, Alfred, ed. Football et histoire. Redhead, Steve, ed. The Passion and the Metz: Université de Metz, Centre de Fashion: Football Fandom in the New Recherche Histoire, 2003. Europe. Aldershot: Avebury, 1993. Zentrum für Europa- und Nordamerika- Schulze-Marmeling, Dietrich. Fußball. Studien, ed. Fußballwelten. Zum Zur Geschichte eines globalen Sports. Verhältnis von Sport, Politik, Ökono- Göttingen: Die Werkstatt, 2000. mie und Gesellschaft.
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