www.antt.org ANTT Guidelines The ANTT Clinical Guideline for the Preparation & Administration of Peripheral and Central Intravenous Medications (IV Therapy) Rationale and supporting evidence ANTT IV Prep and Administration V3 .0 2013 The Association for Safe Aseptic Technique (ASAP) www.antt.org www.antt .org ® © 2013 Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT) This document is a publication of The-ASAP and all rights of copyright, intellectual property and Trademark are reserved. ANTT is protected to prevent dilution and misrepresentation of the practice framework so as to avoid ANTT becoming another unhelpful generic term for aseptic technique that is variably interpreted. For guidance see
[email protected]. This document may however, be freely reviewed, copied and translated, in part, or in whole, for LOCAL, SINGLE ORGANIZATION educational use. It must not be published via the www/internet or its content used for production and publication of dedicated ANTT e-learning resources. ANTT is not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. The-ASAP provide a number of free core ANTT resources to help disseminate and train healthcare staff. The- ASAP requests that the balance it determines between free dissemination and protection of the standard is respected in the interests of patient safety. Disclaimer: The-ASAP provides the ANTT Clinical Practice Framework and ANTT Clinical Guidelines to healthcare organizations in good faith in a collaboration to promote effective aseptic technique. It is the responsibility of healthcare organizations to implement ANTT effectively. No guarantee or responsibility for the application or outcome of clinical practice can be, or is, assumed or accepted by The-ASAP/ANTT.