Southern Africa d13j~J])@ffi~ July 1996 ~@lill~TI2l®~lli ~jf~ii©~ July 1996 REPORT Vol. 11 No.4 Contents Editorial: Lean and Mean . 1 Fighting for Control: The Indigenization Debate in Zimbabwe .... 3 ESAP's Fables II . 8 Southern Africa REPORT Gay Bashing in Zimbabwe: is produced quarterly by a collective I- Mugabe's Unholy War 13 of TCLSAC, the Toronto Committee II - Outing the Gay Debate 14 for Links between Southern Africa & Canada 603-1/2 P a rliament St Toronto, Onta rio M 4X 1P9 Who Governs? NGOs in Rural Mozambique . 17 Tel. (416) 967-5562 Email
[email protected] t Submissions, suggestions and help in Liberalizing AIDS in Africa: production are welcome and invited The World Bank Role . 21 ISSN 0820-5582 Member: Canadian Magazine Publishers Association Confronting the ANC's Thatcherism . 25 Indexed in: Canadian Index; Canadian Business & Current Affairs All rights reversed Namibia's Wall of Silence 30 Subscriptions Southern Africa Report subscription & TCLSAC membership rates: SUBSCRIPTION: SAR Collective Individual (1 year) $18.00 Institution (1 year) $40.00 Margie Adam, Stephen Allen, Carolyn Bassett, Lois Browne, Marlea Clarke David Cooke MEMBERSHIP: (includes subscription) Kourosh Farrokhzad, David Galbraith, David Lisa Regular . $35.00 Hart~an , Hor~o c ks , David Pottie, John S. Saul, Yasmine Shamsie, Marit Stiles, Unemployed Student . $18.00 Lauren Swenarchuk, Joe Vise, Jonathan Vise, Mary Vise Senior Sustainer . over $100.00 Overseas add $10.00 Cover design by A rt W ork Cover photo by Paul Weinberg - Afrapix/lmpact Visuals Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 569607 ®@n~©~n~n __________________ ________________ _ '"'u "'a.