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A LINK BETWEEN T H ^ t ^ n C NATIONS No. 93 Spring 1996 £1.70 • Scottish Political Situation • Breton-Basque Solidarity Trial • Borradh sa Bhriotäin • The Hawks must be stopped • Roger Casement Vindicated • Cornish Today • Defining Manx Identity • Massive Military Force that Failed ALBA: COMUNN CEILTEACH • BRE1ZH: KEVRE KELTIEK • CYMRU: UNDEB CELTAIDD • EIRE: CONRADH CEILTEACH • KERNOW: KESUNYANS KELTEK • MANNIN: COMMEEYS CELTIAGH Tha Fionnlagh a' leum. a' leum, a’ leum 7e- Agus tha òrain na bodhaig againn cuideachd... "Cluasan. siùlean, srôn is beul” I Cluasan. sùilean. srôn is beul Srôn is beul. srôn is beul Cluasann. sùileann. srôn is beul An ceann a h-uile creutair. o Corrag bheag is òrdag mhôr Ordag mhôr òrdag mhôr Is e 'n t-ionnsachadh ôg Corrag bheag is òrdag mhôr an t-ionnsachadh bôidheach Air làmh a h-uile creatuir. Mata, sin agad e! Chan eil mòran diofar cadar croileagan Tibeatannach is fear agus an deidh sin a' toirt a-staigh an t-ôran Albannach. Bhiodh na Tibeatannaich fior S n a làithean a dh'aom thadhail an "Bha tuathanas aig Seann Dòmhnaìlach" thoilichte Tibeat neo-eisimileach Ihaicinn, fheadhainn ro bheartach is ro far an robh muneaidh ro fhiadhaich! far an robh croileagan Tibeatannach anns a chumhachdach baile Simla air na beanman Agus ni iad eacarsaich aig an aon àm h-uile àite, agus tha sinne air an aon ràmh, arda sna h-Innseachan. Chaidh iad an sin a coitach aig a cheart àm ris an fheadhainn gu dùrachdach. a thaobh saorsa na h-uile samhradh bhon a tha e fionnar an ôg againne mar "Làmhan anns a’ bhùrn” h-Albainn is na croiieagain againn. seo. Mata, bha iad a' dol ann fhad's a bha (no uisge) na Sasunnaieh a’ riaghaladh thairis air na h-Innseachan co dhiu — bhon a bha e ro I theth ann an Delhi. Làmhan anns a’ bhùrn An diugh, tha fògarraich à Tibeal ro Làmhan anns a' bhùrn bhochd is gun chumhachd sam bith an sin. Spliosaidh. sploisidh. splaisidh Theich iad on dùthaich aca bhon a tha na Tha mo làmhan anns a bhùrn. Sinich a' dèanamh geur-leanmhainn air a' chànain aca, air a’ chreidamh aca agus air II an dualachas aca — dîreach coitach ri geur- Siabann air mo shrôin leanmhainn is dearmad na Giiidhlig o Siabann air mo shrôin làithean Righ Chaluim Chinn Mhòir. Nach Spliosaidh, sploisidh. splaisidh fheumadh e na facían aig Mairead na Tha siabann air mo shrôin Mallachd, a bhean. eadar-theangachadh o Bheurla gu Gàidhlig oir cha robh duine ann III an Eaglais na h-Alba, an uair sin comasach Frasaidh mi am biim ort Beurla a thuigsinn! Frasaidh mi am bùm ort Ach tha na Tibeatannaich a' dèanamh Spliosaidh, sploisidh. splaisidh spàim air sgath na cànain aca is an dualachas Frasaidh mi am burn on aca dîreach mar a tha sitine a’ dèanamh an diugh. Tha croileagan aca cuideachd. ged a no òran a tha rud beagèasgaìdh... tha iad a’ fuireach ann an .sium ro bhochd. Lorgaidh duine sam bith an sgoil "Tha Sara a' dannsa" bhochd thruagh aca ann an Simla sios Gillean Tibeatannach sun croileagan aca. braighe far a bheil na taighean aca air an Tha am fear as luglio de na gillean tri togail le drumachan-oia cômhnard. Tha mu I bliadhna gu leth a dh ’aois. fhichead leanabhan ann. eadar tri bliadhna is sia bliadhna a dh’aois. Ach chan eile Tha Sara a' dannsa, a' dannsa. a’ dannsa moran diofar eatorra agus na croiieagain Tha Sara a’ dannsa. a’ dannsa fhathast. againne far a bheil ar claim eadar dhà gu Ma bhios leughadair deônach na leth is còig bliadhna a dh’aois. II croiieagain a chuideachadh, sgriobhadh e Coitach ris an dualachas Tibeatannach, 's Tha Sim ag ilhe. ag ithe, ag ithe -jc gu Fionnlagh Mac Leôid. CNSA, 53 Sràid ann 'sa na Gàidheil ôg againne...a tha ar na h-Eaglaise. Inbhir Nis IVI IDR. dôchas ris an àm ri tighinn. Arsa an Dalai III Alba/Scotland. A chionn gun lean na Lama, a tha 'na cheannard air na Tha Màiri a' ruilh. a’ ruith. a’ runh 7c croileagan gu sgeoiltean. colaisdean is Tibeatannaich, "Faodaidh an fheadhainn ôg oilthighean sa Gàidhlig agus Alba far a againn 'sna Innseachaich a bhi ann an cridhe IV bheil ar cànain Albannach an àite Beurla a' chaitheanih-beatha chràbhach chiùin a Tha lain a’ snàmh. a' snàmh, a' snàmh 7c chruiadh Shasunnach! thogras sin a chur air bonn a-risd." Mata, air Gilleasbuig Mac Mhuirich an laimh eile, tha dùil againn gunt bi ar V (Gilleasbuig Lachlainn Tlleasbuig) Gàidheil ôg a' cur ar cànain an àite na Beurla Tha Domhnall ag ôl, ag ôl, ag 61 yc feadh Alba neo-eisimealach uile gu leir. Ma thèid thu a-steach don chroileagan VI This is a discussion of pre-school teaching Tibeatannach ann an Simla cluinnidh tu na Tha Eilidh a' coiseachd. a‘ coiseachd. a’ through our Scottish language. pàisdean a' gabhail òrain Tibeatannach coiseachd 7c British Telecom In the last year or so many new, fact that far more people in Scotland speak multilingual payphones have appeared Gaelic than speak Welsh. While the boxes • Sabhal Mor Ostaig offers a range of throughout Scotland. Despite providing are standardised throughout the "UK", it is full-time and short courses (April- instructions in six languages including surely possible for them to make an Sept.) in Gaelic, piping, fiddle, Welsh, Gaelic is not included. The exception for a country as large as clarsach, step dance, tin whistle and argument initially started when BT refused Scotland. accordion. Fur further information: to include Gaelic in two multilingual In the standard letters which BT have Gavin Parsons, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, boxes on the Isle of Lewis, despite the fact been sending to campaigners, they say that Sleite, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach IV44 that Comhairle nan Eilean the local they would consider providing Gaelic 8RQ, Alba/Scotland. authority has a bilingual policy and that instruction “if there should be an upsurge • To celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary the large majority of inhabitants speak in the use of Gaelic, which mirrors the Celebration of The Edinburgh Gaelic. situation in Wales” . They give no International Festival. The Edinburgh Gaelic bodies such as Comann an indication of what constitutes such an Fringe and the Drambuie Edinburgh Luchd lonnsachaidh (the Gaelic learners "upsurge" and seem oblivious to the fact Film Festival the University of association) have been conducting a that most involved with Gaelic would Edinburgh is offering courses on campaign for Gaelic in all such payphones argue that there has been one in many drama, music and film studies. Dates: in Scotland. Unfortunately this campaign senses. If you want to see Gaelic included 10-30 August, accommodation has not yet met with any success as BT are on all Scottish multilingual payphones, available. A number of short courses showing a very inflexible altitude on this write to: for adults, including Gaelic, are also matter and are justifying their position Eric Richardson. Payphone Customer on offer throughout the summer. with the flimsiest of arguments. They have Services Office. BT Payphones. 35 Contact: International Summer argued that there is insufficient demand for Wellesley Road. Croydon. CR9 2YZ. Courses, Centre for Continuing Gaelic, pointing out that 20% of the Welsh England. Education, The University of population speak Welsh as compared with Edinburgh. 11 Buccleuch Place, only 1.4% of those in Scotland speaking Edinburgh. EH8 9LW, Scotland. Gaelic. This argument seems to neglect the Alasdair MacCaluim i----------------------------------------------------- 1 i New Verses for j New Gaelic Radio Service I anAuld Sang ! By the lime this article is in print, the new There can be do doubt that the new' by James S. Adam, published by BBC Gaelic radio service should be in service will be a great improvement for operation. This represents both an advance those able to receive it. There can also be ! The Herald Press, Arbroath, 1995, and a retreat for Gaelic radio. Previously all no doubt that it is unacceptable that so price £4.65 of Scotland was able to receive one hour of many are to lose Gaelic radio. The BBC Gaelic radio every day excepting Saturdays seems determined to remove MW Gaelic on MW with the West Highlands and programming despite protests from the This is a splendid collection of verse Islands receiving the full Radio nan Gaelic movement. Surely the BBC can about Scotland. The poems are largely in Gaidheal service on FM. Under the new satisfy the eminently reasonable demand of Scots although Gaelic has its part as regime, the full range of Gaelic campaigners for a few Gaelic broadcasts on Scotland's other living language but programmes will also be available MW each week. Even if they are unwilling James Adam makes a point of going throughout the Central Belt on Fi\l. An to retain the present service, the BBC could beyond bilingualism into trilingualism improved FM service will also be available provide a reduced service of two or three following on the work of William Neill in Caithness. Badenoch and Strathspey. hours a week. in that field. These changes mean that the majority of In the long term, the only acceptable The opening verse "Scotia" is an Scots will receive more Gaelic radio. solution to the radio problem is a 24 hour unyielding affirmation of why we need to Unfortunately, the small amount of Gaelic radio service available throughout stand on our own feet, or our own Gaelic broadcasting on MW is to cease Scotland. platform and proclaim the importance of with the commencement of the FM service. If you want to see the retention of the Scot's view of him self/herself Gaelic radio will no longer be available in Gaelic on MW, write to: James Boyle, together with the need to be free to be areas without dedicated FM transmitters.