Copyrighted Material
Index ABN Amro, 51–52 Bahrain, 18 Africa, 17, 116 Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Agent-principal argument, xxiii 32–34 Agricultural commodities, 117–118 Bank-issued infl ation-linked notes, 109–110 AIG, macroprudential regulation and, 53 Bank of America, 46–47 Algeria, 19 Bank of England, 56, 106 Alpha, as myth, 82 Banks: ARCH/GARCH models, 78–80 concentration of derivatives in, 28–29 Argentina, 7 deleveraging of, xxv Asia: initiatives to address systemic risk in, central banks, 22 30–36 currency crisis of 1997–1998, 5, 24, 38 moral hazard and, 37–42 gross savings versus net lending in Barclays Bank, 48–49, 120 percentage of gross domestic product Barings bank, 27 of, 17 Basel Committee on Banking and Asset-backed commercial paper vehicles Supervision (BCBS): (ABCPs), in shadow banking system, limit on leverage ratios, 162 xxiv proposals for revamping rules, 173–175 Asset-liability committee (ALCO), 124 Basel II, 45 policies, 134–137 Basel III, 123 reporting, 136, 137–142 Bear Stearns: reporting, proposed, 174–175 fi nancial accelerator and, 68 Asset-liability management (ALM), systemic risk and, 52, 53–54 123–157 http://www.pbookshop.comBelgium: ALCO policy, 134–137 gross domestic product of, 51 ALCO reporting, 137–142 sovereign debt and, 100 basic concepts, 123–134 Bernanke, Ben, 14–15, 43 internal funding rate policy, 151–157 Best practices, internal funding rate policy liquidity risk management metrics, and, 154 145–151 COPYRIGHTEDBlackstone, MATERIAL 64 liquidity risk management principles, Blundell-Wignall, Adrian, 153 142–145 BNP Paribus: mismanaged, 86 effi cient market hypothesis and, 80–81 Assets: leverage and total assets, 46–47 internal funding rate policy and, 155–156 Boards of Directors: rotation of, 95–97 current regulations and bank strategy, strategy and review of, 161 160 Atkinson, Paul, 153 risk behavior and remuneration, 66 Australia, 68, 108 structure of, 167 191 192 INDEX Bonds, infl ation risks and, 110–112 debt as percentage of gross domestic Bonuses.
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