The Compass, October 31, 2005

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The Compass, October 31, 2005 THE~C The Student Voice of Gainesville State College Vol. XL No. 2 October 31, 2005 Gainesville Siale College! Regents Approve GC Bid to Grant 4-year Degrees By Jessi Stone easier to remember. is www.gsc. Editor~in-Ch i ef edu and in January,lhe new email [email protected] fonnal will be [email protected] Don'l frel because the old Peach­ On Oct. 12. The Board of Re­ Net fonnal will sti ll work for one gents voted in favor of a new to two years until me transi tion is mission statemenllhal will allow completc. Besides the ncw name ase to offer the first in a series and email addresses. Nesbitt said of four-year baccalaureate pro­ GSC will still be mainly focused grams. The first four-year degree on Ihe first two year programs. that GSC will offer beginning Rest assured that luition will nOI next fall is a Bachelor of Science increase for students who are in Applied Environmental Sp..'ltial pursuing an Associale's degree aI Analysis. This bachelor's degree GSC. is not offered at any other institu­ GC has been Irying to become tion in the stale of Georgia. a four-year institution since 2002 The Iwo other baccalaureate when the chancellor announced programs that have been pro­ the opponunity for two-year col­ posed for the near future arc Ear­ leges to review their mission and ly Childhood Care and Education propose changes. GSC has now and Applied Business Tedmol­ enlercd into a new category of ogy. These programs have been chosen W10slly because GSC al­ Unh·erslty System of Georgia in­ ready has the facully as well as Ihe sti tutions. facililies for such programs. Dr. Nesbitt sa~d the fc..-OOback she Ncsbiu sialed Ihat Ihese ehnnges has receivcd from faculty and the are to "benefil the students in Ihe community has been very posi­ Nonh Georgia region by offering tive. In the ruture Nesbin hopes to them programs that arc unavail­ extend collaboration wi th Nonh able al other institutions:' An­ Georgia College and State Uni­ other change that students should versity. Gwi nnett College which be aware of is the new websile will also offcr some baccalaure­ domain and Ihe change in stu­ ate degrees soon. and Brcnau dent and faeully email addresses. Collegc. The new domain, which is much or morL' In orrn,ltion <J out 1 L' GC t o C;S( ran':>!tIOfl President Martha NesbItt gives a presentation at the reception held on Oct. 21 to celebrate GC becoming Gainesville State Colfege. ~e('pagl", [·1 l~ Nobel Prize Winner Warns GSC of Nuclear Power By Trina Manty spreading knowledge about the medical organizations in other honorary doctoral degrees, and Staff Writer grave dangers of the nuclear age. countries. and was rcwarded for most recently received the Lan­ [email protected] In 1971 she played a major role her efTons when the international nan Foundation's 2003 Prize for in opposing French nuclear test­ umbrella group for these organi­ Cultural Freedom. Nobel laure­ The woman comfortable call­ ing in the Pacific, and in 1975 zations, Internatiollal Ph ysicians ate Linus Paul ing has person­ ing Bill Clinton "gutless" and she worked to educate Austra­ for the Prevention o f Nuclear ally nominated her for me Nobel clinically estimating Ronald lian trade unions about the dan­ War, won the Nobel Peace Prize Peace Prize. Rcagan's IQ to "be around 100" gers of uranium mining and the in 1985. She has also founded In a rapid, concise manner, Cal­ may have been a bit restrained in nuclear fuel cycle. In 1977. she me Woman's Action for Nuclear dicott used a seri es of illustrations her Oct. 18, 2005 address to me co-founded Ph ysicians for Social Disannamcnt, and thc Standing to convey exactly how radioac­ packed audience at Gainesville Responsibility, an organization of for Truth about Radiation Foun­ tive waste materials from nuclear State College's C.E. auditorium. 23,000 doctors committed 10 edu­ dation. po\\er plants leach into me envi­ As a physician, author. activist. cating their colleagues about the She has been named as one of ronment, and tum the earth into and speaker, Australian native Dr. dangers of.nuclear power, nuclear the most influential women of the a loxic habitat for all species. in­ Ilelen Caldicott has spent the last weapons, and nuclear war. She twentieth century by the Smimso­ cluding man. Nobel Peace three and a half decades tirelessly has hclped found many similar nian Institution, has rcceived 19 Continued on Page 16 Helen Caldicott speaks to GC. News 1 Campus ute 4 Clubs. A & E " Sports 17 Opinions .. Oconee aI Page 2 asr:rtIP. October 31, 2005 -----------------~ News Briefs Wireless Access Expands Hall County Heart Walk By Timothy O'Brien th e ability to get the signal out. Layout Editor "We arc trying to cover as [email protected] much green space as possible," With the help of Gainesville said Haag. College faculty and students, This semt:ster, Gainesville "Performance may vary but we $1 ,400 was raised in support State Col lege's Depanmenl of In­ arc trying to cover as much of of the Hall County Heart Walk. fonnation Technology began the campus as possible." The Continuing Education ()e.. deployment of additional wireless Haag and his team expect to partmen! donated GC shirts access points throughout both have additional access points to all the walk participants. canlpuses. Assistant Director of placed in the Science building. the Future Health Profession­ Infonnation Technology Brandon the Music building, the Adminis­ als Club held bake sa~ and Haag said, "We are hoping that tration building, and the Oconee contributed $130 19 the cause, by Christmas you wi ll be able to Administration building soon. and the GC Bookstore do­ login wi relessly from any point Students noted Haag install­ nated a $25 gift card that was on campus." ing access points in the Science raffled off during the silent auc­ 50 percent of the budget for this Build ing and inquired about cov­ project came from Student Tech­ tion bidding. ering the parking lots as well. " I nology fees and the remainder never reall y thought about it," came from GSC capital. "We're said Haag. Student 10 using thc Student Help Desk to Ha.1g adj usted antennas to cov­ hclp us with the install, who are er most of the Student Activities Conversions paid by Student Technology fees parking area as we ll as the volley­ as well," said Haag. ball courts. " We try to do what­ Phase one of the conversion Currentl y. there are new ac­ ever we call to help the studen\s process of student to num· cess points placed in the Science see that technology is working for bers occurred Oct. 26. From building, Academic II . the ACTT them ." now on when students login Center, the Student Acti vities JESSI STON~ Cornpa$S Studen\ Help Desk personnel to Banner-Web, a message building and the Continuing Edu­ are creating a website and maps cation building. will be received indicating the GSC student Jack Howland takes advantage of the new to show th e wireless coverngt: at .. It is more of an art than a sci­ student's new GSC 10 num­ wireless expansion in the halls of the Student Activities GSC. All of the new access points ence in placing these things," said ber. This number will replace Center. Other areas that are included in the eKpansion are the support both the older 802. 11b the social security number Science building, Student Activity building parking lot, and the Haag. Problems with GSC's brick standard as well as the new and on Banner. Phase two, which Administration building on the Gainesville campus. construction and the metal studs faster 802. 11 g standard. will change email, network in the Science building hamper login, and webct login will be changed on Jan. 2, 2006. Music Building Now Mold Free GC Celebrates becoming GSC By Rhiannon Grant building, "I actually got sick from Contributing Writer being around the mold so much [email protected] and I'm not the only one." She On Friday, OCt. 21, Gaines­ went on to mention that people ville State College held a re­ The Gainesville State Coll ege shouldn' t have spent more than ception for staff and faculty Music building is now free of an hour a day in the building prior - in the Continuing Education mold after the much needed reno­ to the reconstruct ion. ., Building 10 celebrate GC be­ vation. Aug. 29 marked the fina l Once the music building came ....... coming GSC. A presentation day of renovations being done to into the lime light, Administrati on was made by President Nes­ the music building. The projccl's noticed other problems as wel l - a bitt. estimated deadline was supposed slanted ceiling in room 109. This to be before the end of the sum- sparked the idea to go ahead and mer. 1·lowever, time ran short but begin the repairs. to Charles White, a second year As the projcct got underway, In Honor of James music major. " 11 was wonh the the builders kept Administration A. "Bubba" Dunlap wait." and music teachers infomled. A renovation that began in mid­ Weekly meetings were held to On Nov. 2. GSC faculty, stall. July came-to an end just as the fall inform the faculty and to review and the community wftl gather semester. According to Sixto Tor­ the plans. Allendees of these in the CE building at 11:45 res, chair of the Humanities and meetings included Stoy, Torres, a.m.
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