Chapter III

Internship Activity

This chapter discusses about the activities conducted during the internship, both

main activities and additional activities. This chapter also discusses my translations, the

problems I faced during translating those texts and the problem solving.

Activities in General I conducted the internship in Pesona Dunia Tour in a group consisting three persons during a month or at least 100 hours of working time. I did my internship under Trifena Tinawaty’s control. My duty in this internship was helping this institution to maintain and improve the promotion media in order to increase the selling of its products. In order to fulfill my duty, I did several activities. However, the main activity of this internship was translating texts. There are two kinds of texts which I translated. Those texts are a catalogue of tour packages and descriptions of tourist attraction from English into Indonesian. The catalogue I translated was Dynamic Travel Solution -Confidential Agent Tariff- Thailand Confidential Tariff 2015: 1st issue () 01 Apr-31 Oct 2015 by Asia Explorer. The catalogue contains of 123 pages of Thailand tour packages which divided into three parts with my partners. Each of us translated about 40 pages and I translated from the cover to page 40. Translating the catalogue into

was a way to facilitate the Indonesian customers in understanding the content of the

catalogue. Therefore, the communication between the company and its customers

became more effective.

The descriptions I translated are parts of a booklet containing descriptions of some

tourist attractions in Central and . However, my supervisor asked me to

translate only the descriptions of tourist attractions in Surakarta. There are 13 texts

which are divided into three and I translated four descriptive texts. The texts that I

translated are the text of Solo Steam Loco, Sapta Tirta Pablengan, Taman

Saraswati, and Temple Complex. Further, the descriptions were also printed into

posters and displayed in Pesona Dunia Tour office. Displaying those posters in the

office room will make the customers know about places where they can visit in commit to user


Surakarta. Thus, Pesona Dunia Tour can offer some travel services, such as Tour

Package, hotel, and car rental for those who are attracted.

Besides translating those texts, I also did other activities in servicing the customer,

such as making reservations, telephoning and messaging, and responding complains.

These activities gave me opportunity to apply what I learned in my study. I was also

able to apply my experiences I got when helping my father’s job which was similar to

what Pesona Dunia Tour did.

Main Activities There were two main activities conducted during the internship such as translating a catalogue of tour packages and translating descriptions of tourist attractions. I did several steps before and during translating those texts which I divided into two, i.e.: preparation of translation and the translation process included the problem solving. Preparation for translation As stated in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Fifth Edition (1995:1270), translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language. Therefore, I prepared some tools which became important aids during the translation process. Those tools were computer, online and offline dictionaries, internet access, and parallel texts. The source texts were as important as the other tools. As I stated above, the texts were a catalogue of tour packages contains of 123 pages of

Thailand tour packages and the descriptions of tourist attractions in Surakarta which

were divided into three with my internship partner.

Translation process

I started the translation process by reading the whole text that will be translated in

order to understand the content and to find out difficult words or terms which can be an

obstacle while translation conducting. According to Nababan (2008: 25), the process of

translation is source language text analysis, transfer meaning, and restructuring. I did

those steps on my translation. The texts I translated were Thailand tour packages and

descriptions of tourist attractions in Surakarta.

Translating Tour Packages

The catalogue I translated contains of 123 pages of Thailand tour packages which

were shared with my two partners and I translated from the cover page to page 40. I commit to user

translated the 40 pages of the catalogue from English to Indonesian through the

translating steps based on Nababan’s theory, as follows;

1. Source Language Text Analysis

Source Language Text Analysis is the first step in translation process. In this

step, a translator must read the whole text in order to understand the content and

to comprehend the linguistic and extra-linguistic elements of the text. Analyzing

source language text is important because every text has some levels such as level of sentences, clauses, phrases, and words. Comprehending those elements is useful in understanding the whole text. (Nababan, 2008:25) In this step, I started my translation activity by reading whole text. After I read the text, I marked some difficult terms that I found in the source text. Here I took page 3 as the examples. Page 3 was about general condition related to the tour package. I chose one point for elaboration in the following:

GROUP DEFINATION / F.O.C. POLICY FOR TOUR PACKAGED A group comprises a minimum of 15 paying guest, otherwise, HIGHER FIT rates will be applied. ONE MEMBER FREE For EVERY 15 FULL PAYING MEMBERS, BASING ON TWIN SHARING RATE. Tour Leader is considered as one member of the group and only Full Fare Members are used in F.O.C. calculation.

It can be seen that the difficult phrases I marked were ‘Group Defination’, ‘F.O.C. Policy’, and ‘Twin sharing’. Then, I continued to the next step. 2. Transferring

This means transferring the context, meaning and message of the source

language text to the target language text. In this step, I tried to find out the

meaning of those difficult phrases before translate the whole sentences. I used

parallel texts to solve the problem in finding the phrases meaning. The following

are examples of how I translate difficult phrases using parallel texts;

Phrase 1: ‘Group Defination’

I have been searching for the meaning or the explanation of the phrase but

there is no any information about it, even in English. I thought that the phrase was

mistyped. According to the electronic dictionary that I used, the word

‘Defination’ should be ‘Definition’ which could mean Ketentuan. Therefore, I

translated the phrase ‘Group Definition’ into Ketentuan Berkelompok based on the meaning of ‘Definition’ in an electroniccommit dictionary. to user

Figure 3.1. Meanings of ‘Definition’

Phrase 2: ‘F.O.C. Policy’

The first step I did to translate this phrase was finding out what ‘F.O.C’

stood for. Here I put two sources having the meaning of ‘F.O.C.’ from Suana

(2014) and Febiyahman (2015), as follows: Figure 3.2. The meaning of‘F.O.C.’ according to Suana

Figure 3.3. The meaning of‘F.O.C.’ according to Febiyahman

By reading the sources above, I knew that ‘F.O.C’ stands for ‘Free of

Charge’ which means gratis or bebas biaya. Then I continued to find out the

meaning of the term ‘F.O.C Policy’.

Based on the sources above, the term ‘F.O.C Policy’ can be translated

literally into Kebijakan Pembebasancommit Biaya to user. However, to make it sure, I looked for some parallel texts showing how the term Kebijakan Pembebasan Biaya being

used. Here I found two sources containing how the term Kebijakan Pembebasan

Biaya used from Kadek (2013) and Febrianto (2013), as follows:

Figure 3.4. The meaning of ‘F.O.C. Policy’ according to Kadek

Figure 3.5. The meaning of ‘F.O.C. Policy’ according to Febrianto

Based on the sources above, the term Kebijakan Pembebasan Biaya is common used in Indonesian. Therefore, I decided to translate the term ‘F.O.C Policy’ into Kebijakan Pembebasan Biaya. Phrase 3: ‘Twin Sharing’ Two figures below are the sources of the meaning of ‘Twin Sharing’ term according to Chaniago (2013) and Panorama Tours (2014). Figure 3.6. The meaning of ‘Twin Sharing’ according to Chaniago

Figure 3.7. The meaning of ‘Twin Sharing’ according to Panorama Tours

commit to user

Based on the parallel texts above, it can be concluded that term ‘Twin

Sharing’ was also used in Indonesian tourism industry. Thus, I used pure

borrowing technique to keep the term ‘Twin Sharing’ in my translation and add

short additional information related to the term. Therefore, I translated the term

‘Twin Sharing’ into Twin Sharing (1 kamar untuk 2 orang).

3. Restructuring

According to Kridalaksana in Nababan (2008:28), restructuring is changing the transferring process to the suitable stylistic form of target language, reader or listener. Nababan (ibid.) also states that a translator should pay attention to the language style and target language grammar. In this step, I collected the whole data to be written in target language grammar. Then, I rechecked my translation by reading the whole translation to prevent the probability of any mistyping, wrong diction and sentence structure, and misunderstanding about phrase or word. The following table is the translation of part of theresult. Table 3.1. The translation result of a point in General Condition

Source Text Target text KETENTUAN BERKELOMPOK / GROUP DEFINATION / F.O.C. KEBIJAKAN PEMBEBASAN POLICY FOR TOUR BIAYA BAGI PERJALANAN PACKAGED WISATA TERPAKET A group comprises a minimum of 15 Sebuah kelompok wisata paying guest, otherwise, HIGHER sebaiknya beranggotakan minimal 15 FIT rates will be applied. ONE orang, jika tidak, akan dikenakan MEMBER FREE For EVERY 15 biaya yang lebih tinggi. Dari setiap 15 FULL PAYING MEMBERS, anggota yang membayar penuh, 1 BASING ON TWIN SHARING anggota gratis berdasarkan tarif Twin RATE. Tour Leader is considered as Sharing. Pemandu wisata dianggap one member of the group and only sebagai salah satu dari kelompok dan Full Fare Members are used in hanya anggota yang membayar penuh F.O.C. calculation. yang diperhitungkan dalam kebijakan

pembebasan biaya.

commit to user

In addition, the whole translation result of page 3 of the tour catalogue can be seen

on Appendix 1: The translation result of General Condition on the catalogue.

Translating Descriptions of Tourist Attractions in Surakarta

As I stated above, the description texts I translated were parts of a booklet

containing descriptions of some tourist attractions in and

Yogyakarta, but I only translated the descriptions of tourist attractions in Surakarta based on my supervisor’s request. There were 13 descriptions which divided into 3 with my internship partners. I translated four description texts about Puri Taman , Solo Steam Loco, Sapta Tirta Pablengan, and Sukuh Temple Complex. Further, the descriptions were printed into posters and displayed in Pesona Dunia Tour office. Thus, all the customers visiting the office could see and read the posters. The translation process of the descriptions of tourist attractions in Surakarta was rather different from the previous text. I added one more step after analyzing the source text, i.e.: revising source language text. Therefore, the steps were source language text analysis, revising source language text, transfer meaning, and restructuring. Here I took Puri Taman Saraswati as an example of how I translated the texts. 1. Source Language Text Analysis

During analyzing the source text of Puri Taman Saraswati, I got some

obstacles, such as grammatical errors, mistyping, wrong diction, and incomplete

sentence structure. By considering that those texts will be printed bilingually and

displayed as posters, I decided to revise the source text before translate the texts.

The aim of revising the source text was to correct several mistakes related to the

source language structure into the appropriate manner.

2. Revising Source Language Text

According to Nababan (2008:60), the difficulties in translation can be

caused by the low quality of the source text. The message of the source text will

be hard to be understood if the quality of the source text is not good enough, such

as grammatical errors, ambiguous sentence, incoherence ideas, mistyping etc. I

also faced the same problems during committranslating to user those texts. The following table is about the mistakes and the revised version.

Table 3.2. Example of the mistakes and the revision version of Puri Taman Sari

original source text

Revised Source Text No. Original Source Text

Located on Ceto Temple Puri Taman Saraswati is 1(East of Ceto Temple) Jenawi, located on Ceto Temple (East of

1 Karanganyar Regency. Ceto Temple main building) Jenawi,

Karanganyar Regency.

Declared on 28 May 2004 It is declared on 28 May 2004 2 by Regent of Karanganyar and by Regent of Karanganyar and Regent of Gianyar, Bali. Regent of Gianyar, Bali Puri Saraswati for Hinduist Puri Saraswati is functioned as 3 functioning as worship place to a worship place to Sang Hyang Aji Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati. Saraswati by Hindu people. That spiritual celebrating The spiritual ceremony to every sixth month, that falling on commemorate the Saraswati Day, Saraswati Day falling on Saturday believed as the day of knowledge, is 4 (Saniscara Umanis Wuku celebrated in every sixth month on Watugununga), is celebrated as Saturday (Saniscara Umanis Wuku the day of knowledge falling Watugunung) based on Java-Bali down. Calendar System.

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the example number 1-2 have no subject in both examples. On example number 3, the word ‘Hinduist’ is

inappropriate and has no meaning. The example number 3 also has no predicate.

Therefore, those 3 examples could not be called as sentences. Example number 4

has different problem. There is a mistyping on the original source text. Besides,

there are many repetitions of word ‘falling’ which is confusing the readers.

Therefore, I decided to rearrange the statement in order to make the source text

easier to understand. In addition, I also gave additional information which still

related to the context. Here I used the parallel text from Bewish International Tour

(2014) to prove my decision.

Figure 3.8. The meaning of ‘Saraswati Day’ according to Bewish International


commit to user

Therefore, the following table is the result revising process.

Table 3.3. Revising process result of Puri Taman Saraswati text

Revised Source text Original Source Text

Puri Taman Saraswati Puri Taman Saraswati

Located on Ceto Temple Puri Taman Saraswati is located

Complex (East of Ceto Temple) on Ceto Temple Complex (East of

Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency. Ceto Temple main building) Jenawi, Declared on 28 May 2004 by Regent Karanganyar Regency. It was declared of Karanganyar and Regent of on 28 May 2004 by Regent of Gianyar, Bali. For weaving Karanganyar and Regent of Gianyar, friendship through spiritual and Bali, for weaving friendship through culture between Society of Gianyar spirituality and culture between Regency, Bali Province and Society Society of Gianyar Regency and of Karanganyar Regency, Central Society of Karanganyar Regency. Puri Java. Puri Saraswati for Hinduist Saraswati is functioned as a worship functioning as worship place to Sang place to Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati by Hyang Aji Saraswati. That spiritual Hindu people. Besides, the spiritual celebrating every sixth month, that ceremony to commemorate the falling on Saraswati Day falling on Saraswati Day, believed to be the day Saturday (Saniscara Umanis Wuku of knowledge, is celebrated in every Watugununga), is celebrated as the sixth month on Saturday (Saniscara day of knowledge falling down. In Umanis Wuku Watugunung) based on

iconography, she is depicted as a Java-Bali Calendar System.

beautiful goddess with clean white In iconography, she is depicted

skin, tender behaviour, and white as a beautiful goddess with clean

gleaming clothe. Goddess Saraswati white skin, tender behaviour, and sits on lotus lying between goose and white gleaming clothe. Goddess

peacock. She is also depicted as Saraswati sits on lotus lying between

having four hands, that each of them goose and peacock. She is also

holds Wina (Kecapi), Aksamala depicted as having four hands, that

(Tasbih), and holy book. each of them holds Wina (Kecapi), Aksamala (Tasbih), and holy book.

After revising the source text, I decided to continue to the next step. *The other revisions are enclosed on commitAppendix to user2: Revising and transferring result of tourist attractions descriptions in Surakarta.

3. Transferring

As the previous text, what I did in this step is transferring the source

language text message in the target language text. This English-Indonesian

transferring process became easier because of the revised source text. The result is

as follow:

Table 3.4. Transferring result of Puri Taman Saraswati text

Source Text Target text

Puri Taman Saraswati Puri Taman Saraswati

Puri Taman Saraswati is Puri Taman Saraswati terletak di located on Ceto Temple Complex Kompleks Candi Cetho (sebelah timur (East of Ceto Temple main building) bangunan utama Candi Cetho), Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency. It is Jenawi, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Puri declared on 28 May 2004 by Regent ini diresmikan pada 28 Mei 2004 oleh of Karanganyar and Regent of Bupati Karanganyar dan Bupati Gianyar, Bali, for weaving friendship Gianyar, Bali, sebagai bentuk through spiritual and culture between kerjasama di bidang keagamaan dan Society of Gianyar Regency and budaya antara warga Gianyar dan Society of Karanganyar Regency. Karanganyar. Puri Saraswati ini Puri Saraswati is functioned as a berfungsi sebagai tempat ibadah worship place to Sang Hyang Aji kepada Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati oleh Saraswati by Hindu people. Besides, umat Hindu. Ada pula, perayaan the spiritual ceremony to spiritual untuk memperingati Hari commemorate the Saraswati Day, Saraswati yang dipercaya sebagai hari believed as the day of knowledge, is peringatan turunnya ilmu celebrated in every sixth month on pengetahuan. Perayaan ini Saturday (Saniscara Umanis Wuku dilaksanakan setiap 6 bulan sekali Watugunung) based on Java-Bali Calendar System. tepatnya jatuh setiap hari Sabtu

In iconography, she is depicted (Saniscara Umanis Wuku

as a beautiful goddess with clean Watugunung) berdasarkan sistem penanggalan Jawa-Bali. white skin, tender behaviour, and white gleaming clothe. Goddess Dalam Ikonografi, Dewi

Saraswati sits on lotus lying between Saraswati digambarkan sebagai dewi

goose and peacock. She is also yang berparas cantik, berkulit putih depicted as having four hands,commit that to bersih,user dengan perilaku yang lemah each of them holds Wina (Kecapi),

Aksamala (Tasbih), and holy book. lembut, serta mengenakan busana

berwarna putih nan indah. Ia juga

digambarkan sedang duduk di atas

Padma, kelopak bunga teratai, yang

diusung oleh seekor angsa dan burung

merak. Selain itu, Dewi Saraswati digambarkan bertangan 4 (empat)

yang masing-masingnya sedang

memegang Wina (Kecapi), Aksamala (Tasbih), dan kitab pusaka.

*The other revisions are enclosed on Appendix 2: Revising and transferring result of tourist attractions descriptions in Surakarta. 4. Restructuring In this step, I collected the whole data from the analyzing step, revising step, to transferring step. I also rechecked both the revised source text and the target text in order to avoid the texts from any mistyping, wrong diction, or inappropriate sentence structure. I also asked my supervisor to read and check my translation. Further, I printed the translation into posters. The posters are enclosed on Appendix 3: Posters of tourist attractions.

Additional activities

Besides translating those texts, I also did other activities in servicing the customer,

such as making reservations, telephoning and messaging, and responding complains.

This opportunity gave me a chance to apply what I have learned while helping my

father’s job since I was in Junior High School. Sometimes I answered some calls and

noted some reservations. That experience helped me in servicing customers on this


Making Reservation

My supervisor, Ms Tina, always controlled every job I did. She also trained me

how to make reservation as a travel agent. The first step I did to make reservation was

logging in an airline/train/hotel website by inputting the travel agent’s user id and password. Then I picked the date asked by commitcustomer to touser see the availability of the seats or rooMs After picking a date, I fulfilled the reservation form which requires the

customer’s full name, address, phone number, age, etc. After completing the data, I

restated the reservation and asked the customer’s confirmation in order to make sure

that the reservation I made has been correct. Then I issued and printed the ticket/hotel


Making reservation was a high responsibility job because if I made even a

mistyping, the ticket would be useless. Therefore, I did this job very carefully and not in

hurry. Conducting this activity became a new experience for me. Telephoning and Messaging Telephoning and Messaging were the most favorite ways for the customers and colleagues in reserving airline tickets or hotel vouchers. During the internship, I could handle about 10 calls a day. As I stated above, telephoning was not a new experience for me. I often answered some calls and noted the reservation in helping my father’s job. However, by conducting this activity, I could learn how to answer calls more politely. Besides, Pesona Dunia Tour also uses messaging service in servicing its customers, both Short Message Service (SMS) and Online Messengers. Most customers of Pesona Dunia Tour reserved airline tickets or hotel vouchers via SMS or Online Messengers. Ms Tina often asked me to rewrite the reservation which will be sent to the customer for make sure that the reservation has been correct before issuing. Sometimes, I made written promotion via Online Messengers which will be broadcasted and shared in chatting group.

Responding to Complaint

On my first day as an intern, I got a complaint. The company opened rather late

about 30 minutes. The first complaint was from a Japanese tourist who had visited twice

when the office was still closed. Then, when he came on the third times, there was no

other person except me. Trifena had not come yet and Henry went to bathroom. On that

day, I still did not know what should to do. He complained why the office opened late

and no one answered his calls. He complained in Japanese, little bit Indonesian and

English. The way he spoke made me confused. Therefore, we talked in very simple


To solve this problem, I just did what I learnt when helping my father. I

apologized for the unpleasant situation, explained what he wanted to hear. Then I asked

him what I can help and noted it. I alsocommit offered to userhim some leaflets of travel destination to be read while waiting for Trifena’s coming.

For the temperamental person like me, this situation gave me some benefits. I

could learn how to control my emotion, how to be nice, how to respect others, and how

to be more responsible. I could not do anything that I want because I have to keep the

dignity of my faculty.

commit to user