Intermetallic Compounds

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Intermetallic Compounds M o n o graph s o n I n orga n i c a n d Phy sic a l Ch e mist ry EDI T ED BY E"A NDER I NDLAY M A D i7 l c L F . Sc . A . , , . , ro fesso r o f Ch em str Un e r t Co lle e o f al e A er tw th . P i y , iv si y g W s , b y s y T o th o se e ngage d in gu iding the r e ad ing o f a d va n ce d s ud e n s o f c e m s r the d ffi cu o f o b a n a d e t t h i t y , i lty t i ing qua te ly s umma ris e d a cco u nts o f the p ro gr e s s m ad e i n re ce n e a rs m o re e s e c a a o n ce r a n o f th e m o e t y , p i lly l g t i r a c e ursued nes o f a d a nce be co me s e e m o e tiv ly p li v , v r r a c u f S r ha no be co me the o u me o f te ly e lt . o g ea t s w v l c e m ca e s a o n and so n u me ro u s th e c a ne s o f h i l inv tig ti , h n l its ub ca o n a n o t o n the o no urs ud e b ut p li ti , th t ly H St nt a lso the wo rke r d e s iro u s o f u nd e rtaki ng Re s ea rch in o ne o r o e r d e a me n o f his s ub e c fee s a o w th p rt t j t , l it gr ing d iffi c ulty to b e co me ( mf a t? with th e p re s e nt s ta te o f the mo re impo rtan t a nd m o re s tre nuo us ly cul tiv a te d re gio n s o f his c e nce T o a s s s es e two c asse s o f s ud e s S i . i t th l t nt o se e ad n fo r a n o no urs e e e a nd o se u d e r th r i g H D gr , th n — ta king Res e arch is the ma in a im o f the p re s e n t S e rie s o f o o a s M n gr ph . I n thi s S e rie s o f M o n o g raphs it is ho p e d to pla ce b e fo re a d a ce d s u d e s o f e m s r a cco u s o f ce a v n t nt Ch i t y , nt rt i n s e c tio n s o f I n o rga n ic a nd P hys ica l Che mi s try fulle r a nd mo re e xte nd e d l n s co p e tha n ca n b e o bta i ne d in o rd in a ry e bo o ks E a us e e a me o f the d ffe e s ub t xt . xh tiv tr t nt i r nt e cts o we e r s o far a s co nce s wo k m o a i n its j , h v , rn r i p rt n t me b u t no o o f s o r ca e re s w n o t b e ti w nly hi t i l int t , ill a tte mpte d ; th e chie f a tte ntio n will b e giv e n t o re ce n t e s a o s in v tig ti n . Arra nge me nts ha v e a l re a dy b e e n ma d e to p ublish th e fo o w m o o ra s a nd s o u d ese o e ems e es ll ing n g ph , h l th p r v th lv t o b e o f a ue o e s w b e ss ued f o m me to m e. v l , th r ill i r ti ti T H E C H E M I S T R Y O F T H E R A D I O E E ENT B F IC K O Y O f th e n e L S . S M y REDER DD , U iv rsity 8 v . o f Glasgow. o 2 5 . 6d . net . P art I . - Th e Rad E men and P e r d Law. 2 5. n et . P art II . io le ts the io ic n m P r c 8 . ne t . P arts I and II i One Volu e . i e 4 - P E R AC I D S A N D T H E I R S A LT S . ‘ B f a T c n c S B T P RI . se . o th e n c e . S C y LATER E, , Mu i ip l h i al chool , 8 3 n et . rm n am. vo . Bi i gh . 3 P U O S M OT I C R E S S R E . 8v N N Y B Ed S r e . o . B A " F I se . y LE A DER DLA , . , itor of this e i s 2 5. 6d . n et . P I N T E R M E TA L LI C C OM O U N D S . 8 H D D n r t a w. vo . 5 . B C CI . CH . S c . y E L ES , , of the U ive si y of Gl sgo 3 V F T H E I SC OS I T Y O LI Q U I DS . B A B E N A D c He d th e S D T . S . y L ERT R E T UNS N, a of e m a De a tm n E a Ha m T c n ca e and F ER Ch ic l p r e t, st e h i l Colleg , DI N AN D B N HO B Le ct re r o n Or an c T . S c . ER ARD LE , u g i r H 8 s. e m Ea am Te n a . VO . Ch ist y, st ch ic l College 3 E LE CT R O LYT I C D I SS O C I AT I O N T H E O RY . B P I I P r D tmen m r D . c . m . H L S y I C , , of the Che ist y epar t, I pe ial e e S c nc and Te c n S K n n n . Coll g of ie e h ology, outh e si gto P F F L ME T H E H YS I CA L C H E M I ST RY o A S . B AT M s r D r me n . E . m e The O . sc . y J C ES, , of the Che i t y pa t t, n r rm n am U ive sity of Bi i gh . C LAYS . W B . LLOR D . S c y J ME , Y C ATA L S I S O F G A S R E ACT I O N S . B L f r M A x d . D. HAP M A e O y C N, . , J sus College, o T H E E L E C T R O - C H E M I S T R Y O F N O N A E W MA BAI N P S L C h . D O . S O T N B . O S . S Q U U U I y JAME , , of m r D ar me n Th e n r r . the Che ist y ep t t, U ive sity, B istol CA TA LYS I S I N L I Q U I D S YST E M S . ’ B G O G S N D r H ta ed S c . S c . S t . a y E R E E TER , , of M y s ospi l M ical hool , L nd n o o . U M O L E C LA R AS S OC I AT I O N . W B . a . E S . T h r De t me Th U N D .
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