The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Part Xv
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\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Toronto THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART XV GRENFELL AND HUNT EGYPT EXPLORATION SOCIETY' THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART XV EDITED WITH TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES BY BERNARD P. GRENFELL, D.Litt. PROFESSOR OF PAPYROLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, AND FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE FELLOW OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY AND ARTHUR S. HUNT, D.Litt. PROFESSOR OF PAPYROLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, AND FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE FELLOW OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY WITH FIVE PLATES LONDON SOLD AT The Offices of the EGYPT EXPLORATION SOCIETY, 13 Tavistock Square, W.C. i and 503 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. .BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. i HUMPHREY MILFORD, Amen Corner, E.C. 4, and 29 West 32ND Street, New York, U.S.A. C. F. CLAY, Fetter Lane, E.C. 4 KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C. 4 GEORGE SALBY, 65 Great Russell Street, W.C. 1 1922 All rights reserved PRINTED IN ENGLAND AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS BY FREDERICK HALL — PREFACE Owing to the large compass of the Byzantine documents intended for this volume, it was found advisable to reserve them for a separate Part (XVI), which will probably be issued in the course of 1922 ; the present instalment therefore, like Parts XI and XIII, consists of literary texts alone. The more extensive of these, including 1787-90, 1792, 1798, 1800, 1805-6, 1808, 1810, belong mainly to the second large literary find of 1905-6; others proceed from the work of different seasons, and a few, of which the most important are 1786 and 1793, were acquired by purchase on the site of Oxyrhynchus by Professor Grenfell during his visit to Egypt in the winter of 1919-20. That unfortunately remains my colleague's chief contribution to the following pages : a few of the minor texts were originally copied by him, and he was able to revise my copies of a few others ; the rest of the work involved in the preparation of this book has fallen to myself a fact which accounts for some delay in its appearance and for many defects in its execution. I am again indebted to Mr. E. Lobel for much assistance with the new classical texts, and especially the fragments of Lesbian poetry. Valuable suggestions at an early stage were received from Professor Gilbert Murray, and Professor A. E. Housman kindly sent notes on a few passages in the poetical pieces. My thanks are also due to Professor H. Stuart Jones for a transcript in modern form of the musical notation of the early Christian hymn, No. 1786, and to some other scholars for help on special points, which is acknowledged in connexion with the texts concerned. ARTHUR S. HUNT. Queen's College, Oxford, December, 1921. CONTENTS PAGE Preface . .... v . vii List of Plates . ...... Table of Papyri ... ........ viii Note on the Method of Publication and List of Abbreviations . x TEXTS I. Theological Fragments . ......... i II. New Classical Fragments .... .... 26 III. Fragments of Extant Classical Authors . .172 IV. Minor Literary Fragments . .226 INDICES I. 1787-9 (Sappho and Alcaeus) ........ 231 II. Other New Texts ........... 235 III. Passages Discussed ... .... 249 LIST OF PLATES I. 1778 Fols. 1, 2, recto, 1786, 1813 recto II. 1787 Frs. 1, 2, 9, 1788 Fr. 15 . • . III. 1789 Fr. 1, Col. i, Frs. 2, 3, 1790 Frs. 2 + 3, Col. ii, 1791 at the end. IV. 1806 Col. iv, 1808 Cols, i-iii, 1810 Phil, i, Fr. 15 V. 1814 verso . 1 TABLE OF PAPYRI CENTURY PAGE 1778. Aristides, Apology (Plate I) . 4th . I 1779. Psalm i 4th . 6 viii . 1780. St. John's Gospel . 4th 7 1781. St. John's Gospel xvi . 3rd 8 1782. Didache i-iii Late 4th 12 1783. Hermas, Pastor, Mand. ix . Early 4th 15 1784. Constantinopolitan Creed . 5th .. 17 1785. Homilies? .... 5th ... 18 1786. Christian Hymn with Musical Notation (Plate I) Late 3rd 2 1787. Sappho, Book iv (Plate II) . 3rd 26 1788. Alcaeus ? (Plate II) . Late 2nd 46 1789. Alcaeus (Plate III) . ISt 60 1790. Ibycus (Plate III) ISt B. C. 73 1791. Pindar, Paean (Plate III) . ISt ... 84 1792. Pindar, Paean ? . 2nd 86 1793. Callimachus, Sosibi Victoria Late 1st 98 1794. Poem in Hexameters . Late 2nd no 1795. Acrostic Epigrams ISt 113 1796. Hexameter Poem on Egyptian Botany 2nd 116 1797. Antiphon Sophistes, Utpi 'AK^delas, i ? Early 3rd 119 1798. Anonymous work on Alexander the Great Late 2nd 122 1799. Oratorical Fragment . 2nd r 35 1800. Miscellaneous Biographies . Late 2nd or early 3rd x 37 1801. Glossary .... ISt 150 ."> 1802. Glossary Late 2nd or early 3rd 1 .") 1803. Glossary .... 6th . 163 1804. Ae'|eis 'PrjTOfiiKai . 3rd . 166 1805. Sophocles, Trachiniae Late 2nd 172 1806. Theocritus, Idyll xxii (Plate IV) Late 1st . 180 1807. Aratus, Aiour^eia 2nd 184 1808. Plato, Republic viii (Plate IV) Late 2nd . 186 1809. Plato, Phaedo . Early 2nd . 191 1810. Demosthenes, Ulynth. i-iii, Phil.i,Dc Pace(F\a.le IV) Early 2nd • i94 . TABLE OF PAPYRI IX CENTURY PAGE 1811. Demosthenes, C. Timocratem • 3'd 209 1812. Isocrates, Demonicum Ad . .... 5th or 6th . 211 1813. Codex Theodosianus vii (Plate I) . Early 6th . 2 14 1814. Index to Codex Iustinianus, First Edition (Plate V] a.d. 529-535 217 1815. Homer, Iliad i . ... 3rd 222 1816. Homer, Iliad xv . 3rd 222 1817. Homer, Iliad xvii, xviii 6th 222 1818. Homer, Iliad xxii, xxiii 5th or 6th 223 1819. Homer, Odyssey x-xii 2nd .... 224 1820. Homer, Odyssey xviii . 6th or 7th . 225 1821. Hexameters or Elegiacs 3rd 226 Hexameter 1822. Poem on Astronomy . 2nd 226 1823. Fragment of a Tragedy ISt B.C. 226 1824. Fragment of a Comedy 3rd . 227 1825. Fragment of a Comedy 5th 228 1826. Romance ? Late 3rd or 4th 228 1827. Oratorical Fragment . 3rd . 229 1828. Ethical Treatise ... 3rd ... 23O NOTE ON THE METHOD OF PUBLICATION AND LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The general method followed in this volume is the same as in preceding Parts. 1787-90 and 1792-4 are printed in dual form, a literal transcript being accompanied by a reconstruction in modern style. In the remaining texts the originals are reproduced except for separation of words, capital initials in proper names, some expansions of abbreviations, and supplements of lacunae. Additions or corrections by the hand of the body of the text are in small thin type, those in thick type. brackets indicate lacuna, round by a different hand Square [ ] a resolution of a symbol or abbreviation, angular brackets brackets ( ) the ( ) a departure from the text of the original, braces { } a superfluous letter or letters, double square brackets a deletion in the original. Dots within brackets [] [] represent the approximate number of letters lost or deleted ; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise illegible letters. Letters with dots underneath them are to be regarded as doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri in this volume and Parts I-XIV ; ordinary numerals to lines, small Roman numerals to columns. The terms recto and verso when used of vellum fragments refer to the upper and under sides of the leaf, where these are determinable. P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri, Vols. I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. P. Grenf. = Greek Papyri, Series I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and A. $. Hunt. P. Halle = Dikaiomata, &c., von der Graeca Halensis. P. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I-XIV, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. P. Rylands = Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Rylands Library, Vol. I, by A. S. Hunt. P.S.I. = Papiri della Societa italiana, Vols. I-VI, by G. Vitelli and others. I. THEOLOGICAL- FRAGMENTS 1778. ARISTIDES, Apology. 12x146 cm. Fourth century. Plate I (Fols. 1-2, recto). The following small but valuable fragment of the Apology of Aristides in the original Greek is contained on the upper part of a leaf from a papyrus book, adjoined by a narrow strip from the other leaf of the sheet. How the sheet was folded, i.e. what was the relative order of the two leaves, and what was the position of the sheet in the quire cannot be determined ; since, however, the strip from the second leaf is inscribed with but a single word, these questions are of slight importance. The handwriting is a handsome well-formed uncial, which though somewhat smaller and more compact has a decided general resemblance to that of 847, a leaf from a vellum MS. of St. John's Gospel, and like that specimen may be assigned with probability to the fourth century. No punctua- tion occurs. 6(6s is contracted in the usual way, but audpunros and apparently ovpavos were written out in full (11. 32, 37). Some inaccuracies may be detected in the text, which seems to have been of mediocre quality ; cf. nn. on 11. 26 sqq. and 33. The Apology is a recent addition to early Christian literature. The first step towards its recovery was made in 1878 with the publication of an Armenian translation of the first few chapters from two MSS. in the Lazarist monastery at Venice. This was followed eleven years later by Dr. Rendel Harris's find at Sinai of a complete version in Syriac ; and shortly afterwards Dr. Armitage Robinson, who had seen Dr. Harris's work in proof, recognized that the Apology was actually already extant in Greek, having been embedded in the early mediaeval romance, the History of Barlaam and Josaphat. The outcome of these fortunate discoveries was the joint edition by the two scholars of the Apology of Aristides in Texts and Studies, I.