Swiss National Library 101St Annual Report 2014 Appendix

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Swiss National Library 101St Annual Report 2014 Appendix Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Kultur BAK Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek NB Swiss National Library 101st Annual Report 2014 Appendix (corrected version May 2018) Table of Contents Swiss Literary Production 3 Swiss Book Production (corrected May 2018) .................................................................................... 3 Swiss Book Production (original version 2015) ................................................................................... 4 Non Commercial Publications ............................................................................................................. 5 Swiss Literary Output, Classed by Authors (corrected May 2018) ...................................................... 6 Swiss Literary Output, Classed by Authors (original version 2015) .................................................... 6 Translations ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Continuing Resources ......................................................................................................................... 7 Collections 8 Collections’ holdings ............................................................................................................................ 8 Collections Growth .............................................................................................................................. 9 Catalogues......................................................................................................................................... 10 Preservation and Conservation ......................................................................................................... 10 User Services 11 Circulation .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Outreach ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Exhibitions ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Public Events ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Professional Symposiums and Events .............................................................................................. 19 Publications and Professional Lectures ............................................................................................ 20 Services and Personnel 26 2 Swiss Literary Production Swiss Book Production (corrected May 2018) Titles shown in the national bibliography The Swiss Book: Titles published in 2012/2013 for the year 2013; titles published in 2013/2014 for the year 2014. German French Italian Romansh English Others* Total+/- % of these, translations 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 000 General reference, computers, information 52 59 22 16 2 2 1 0 18 26 2 4 97 107 10.3% 4 8 100 Philosophy, psychology 227 215 92 121 7 7 0 0 45 55 4 7 375 405 8.0% 31 61 200 Religion 443 464 210 194 16 3 0 1 97 86 30 13 796 761 -4.4% 87 149 300 Social sciences 144 143 49 73 4 5 0 0 132 117 4 3 333 341 2.4% 5 25 320 Political science 78 70 31 32 2 7 0 0 35 37 2 0 148 146 -1.4% 8 10 330 Economics 108 128 40 52 4 4 0 0 48 88 1 3 201 275 36.8% 7 22 340 Law 769 703 105 132 7 9 0 0 33 67 5 3 919 914 -0.5% 0 23 350 Public administration, military science 24 18 13 15 2 0 0 0 7 18 4 4 50 55 10.0% 2 7 360 Social problems and services 100 114 46 47 2 4 0 0 34 32 2 6 184 203 10.3% 7 13 370 Education 215 224 42 41 8 6 0 0 73 88 4 0 342 359 5.0% 1 33 380 Commerce, communications, transportation 24 42 6 5 1 0 0 1 8 10 1 0 40 58 45.0% 0 9 390 Customs and folklore 24 24 9 12 2 1 0 0 10 4 1 0 46 41 -10.9% 1 11 400 Language 255 162 54 45 3 6 3 2 119 82 29 12 463 309 -33.3% 0 15 500 Science 97 106 66 55 1 1 2 2 91 95 4 1 261 260 -0.4% 10 24 610 Medicine 216 186 62 81 2 6 0 0 75 79 3 4 358 356 -0.6% 27 43 630, 640 Agriculture, home economics 178 145 50 54 6 9 0 0 8 6 1 1 243 215 -11.5% 20 37 600, 620, 650- Technology, management, buildings 237 278 39 50 4 6 1 0 292 408 5 3 578 745 28.9% 10 42 690 700 Arts 547 419 332 302 63 40 0 1 193 306 52 6 1'187 1'074 -9.5% 51 344 780 Music 81 37 39 20 3 3 1 1 40 24 4 0 168 85 -49.4% 2 21 780 a Musica practica 283 33 190 46 27 7 1 2 372 72 829 1621 1'702 1'781 4.6% 0 25 790 Recreational and performing arts 76 121 43 57 17 7 0 0 9 36 3 15 148 236 59.5% 8 23 800 Literature 1'017 1095 630 645 90 69 26 18 121 121 39 57 1'923 2'005 4.3% 353 473 900 Geography 161 83 67 37 5 6 0 0 6 5 3 2 242 133 -45.0% 9 16 920 History 188 184 118 92 23 14 1 1 44 45 4 9 378 345 -8.7% 9 28 Total 5'544 5'053 2'355 2224 301 222 36 29 1'910 1'907 1'036 1'774 11'182 11'209 0.2% 652 1'462 % 49.6% 45.1% 21.1% 19.8% 2.7% 2.0% 0.3% 0.3% 17.1% 17.0% 9.3% 15.8% 100.0% 100.0% 5.8% 13.0% * Principally multilingual 3 Swiss Book Production (original version 2015) Titles shown in the national bibliography The Swiss Book: Titles published in 2012/2013 for the year 2013; titles published in 2013/2014 for the year 2014. Note May 2018: These numbers are incorrect. When switching from manual (until 2013) to automated statistics (from 2014), translations were mistakenly counted twice. This error was corrected in May 2018 (see previous table). of these, German French Italian Romansh English Others* Total +/ - % translations 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 General reference, computers, 000 52 6 3 22 17 2 2 1 0 18 2 6 2 4 97 112 15.5% 4 8 information 100 Philosophy, psychology 227 2 4 7 92 13 9 7 8 0 0 45 6 2 4 15 375 471 25.6% 31 66 200 Religion 443 54 5 210 2 4 7 16 3 0 2 97 9 2 30 13 796 902 13.3% 87 141 300 Social sciences 144 158 49 8 0 4 7 0 0 132 118 4 3 333 366 9.9% 5 25 320 Political science 78 75 31 3 5 2 9 0 0 35 3 7 2 0 148 156 5.4% 8 10 330 Economics 108 13 3 40 6 1 4 5 0 0 48 9 3 1 5 201 297 47.8% 7 22 340 Law 769 715 105 13 9 7 9 0 0 33 70 5 4 919 937 2.0% 0 23 350 Public administration, military science 24 2 0 13 17 2 0 0 0 7 2 0 4 5 50 62 2 4 .0 % 2 7 360 Social problems and services 100 12 0 46 52 2 4 0 0 34 3 3 2 7 184 216 17.4 % 7 13 370 Education 215 2 3 5 42 4 7 8 8 0 0 73 10 2 4 0 342 392 14.6% 1 33 Commerce, communications, 380 24 4 8 6 7 1 0 0 1 8 11 1 0 40 67 6 7.5% 0 9 transportation 390 Customs and folklore 24 2 8 9 17 2 1 0 0 10 6 1 0 46 52 13 .0 % 1 11 400 Language 255 16 7 54 50 3 6 3 2 119 8 7 29 12 463 324 -30.0% 0 15 500 Science 97 115 66 6 3 1 2 2 4 91 9 9 4 1 261 284 8.8% 10 24 610 M edicine 216 2 17 62 9 0 2 8 0 0 75 8 0 3 4 358 399 11.5% 2 7 4 3 630, Agriculture, home economics 178 16 7 50 6 3 6 12 0 0 8 9 1 1 243 252 3.7% 20 37 640 600, 620, Technology, management, buildings 237 2 8 6 39 6 9 4 11 1 0 292 4 18 5 3 578 787 36.2% 10 42 650- 690 700 Arts 547 52 2 332 3 6 3 63 56 0 2 193 4 6 8 52 7 1187 1418 19.5% 51 344 780 M usic 81 4 2 39 2 3 3 5 1 1 40 3 5 4 2 168 108 -35.7% 2 21 780 a M usica practica 283 3 5 190 4 9 27 9 1 2 372 8 1 829 16 72 1702 1848 8.6% 0 25 790 Recreational and performing arts 76 12 9 43 6 5 17 8 0 0 9 4 0 3 17 148 259 75.0% 8 23 800 Literature 1'017 14 0 9 630 756 90 8 4 26 2 6 121 13 5 39 70 1923 2480 29.0% 353 474 900 Geography 161 9 5 67 3 7 5 6 0 0 6 8 3 2 242 148 -38.8% 9 15 920 History 188 19 7 118 10 1 23 17 1 1 44 4 8 4 10 378 374 - 1.1% 9 2 9 Total 5'544 576 8 2'355 2 58 7 301 2 8 0 36 4 1 1'910 2 178 1'036 18 57 11182 12711 13.7% 652 1460 % 49.6% 4 5.4 % 21.1% 2 0 .4 % 2.7% 2 .2 % 0.3% 0 .3 % 17.1% 17.1% 9.3% 14 .6 % 100.0% 10 0 .0 % 5.8% 11.5% * Principally multilingual 4 Non Commercial Publications Titles shown in the national bibliography The Swiss Book : Titles published in 2012/2013 for the year 2013; titles published in 2013/2014 for the year 2014. Dissertations account for a considerable proportion of these. English and German French Italian Romansh Total +/- % othe rs* 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 2013 2 0 14 General reference, computers, 000 34 3 6 25 2 0 2 2 2 0 216 111 279 169 - 39.4% information 100 Philosophy, psychology 38 4 2 11 11 3 2 0 0 30 4 8 82 103 25.6% 200 Religion 41 6 0 31 2 0 8 6 0 4 8 3 88 93 5.7% 300 Social sciences 55 5 3 33 3 6 11 8 1 0 42 6 1 142 15 8 11.3 % 320 Political science 21 14 17 13 6 0 0 0 31 2 5 75 52 - 30.7% 330 Economics 143 15 9 101 10 8 29 16 0 0 316 2 3 1 589 5 14 - 12 .7 % 340 Law 47 5 6 66 4 8 10 13 0 0 91 4 9 214 166 - 22.4% Public administration, military 350 53 3 0 30 16 16 5 0 0 26 10 125 61 - 51.2% science 360 Social problems and services 91 110 72 7 2 8 2 4 0 0 78 6 5 249 271 8.8% 370Education 63 6 4 52 5 8 17 8 0 1 19 13 151 144 -4.6% Commerce, communications, 380 34 4 7 22 2 5 5 2 0 0 36 2 9 97 103 6.2% transportation 390 Customs and folklore 9 7 3 5 2 2 0 0 1 0 15 14 -6.7% 400Language 10 12 15 14 3 6 0 1 15 9 43 42 -2.3% 500Science 38 6 3 33 3 3 3 2 5 3 802 8 7 1 881 972 10.3% 610 Medicine 231 2 8 8 40 7 9 7 2 9 0 0 788 8 13 1066 12 0 9 13 .4 % 630, Agriculture, home economics 76 8 7 43 4 9 5 15 2 0 97 9 2 223 243 9.0% 640 600, 620, Technology, management, 90 10 5 35 5 3 7 2 0 0 0 403 4 5 5 535 633 18.3% 650- buildings 690 700 Arts 147 17 5 131 14 3 45 3 9 2 0 62 4 7 387 404 4.4% 780Music 50 15 40 6 3 1 0 2 1 1 94 25 - 73.4% Recreational and performing 790 44 113 23 6 6 2 17 0 1 7 17 76 2 14 18 1.6 % arts 800Literature 120 8 9 35 4 7 25 19 0 0 21 10 2 201 257 27.9% 900Geography 19 5 0 19 14 4 1 0 0 8 8 50 73 46.0% 920 History 66 6 9 19 3 4 6 7 0 0 5 4 96 114 18 .8 % Total 1'520 1'7 4 4 896 9 7 0 227 2 4 4 12 12 3'103 3 '0 6 4 5'758 6'034 4.8% % 26.4% 2 8 .9 % 15.6% 16 .1% 3.9% 4 .0 % 0.2% 0 .2 % 53.9% 5 0 .8 % 100.0% 10 0 .0 % * Hauptsächlich in Englisch 5 Swiss Literary Output, Classed by Authors (corrected May 2018) Published abroad Published abroad Total 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 % % % % % % Swiss and foreigners in 5'097 45.6% * n.a.

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