Susanto, R.D., J. M. Waworuntu, W. Prayogo
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REGULAR ISSUE FEATURE MOORED OBSERVATIONS OF CURRENT AND TEMPERATURE IN THE ALAS STRAIT COLLECTED FOR SUBMARINE TAILING PLACEMENT, USED FOR CALCULATING THE INDONESIAN THROUGHFLOW By R. Dwi Susanto, Jorina M. Waworuntu, Windy Prayogo, and Agus Setianto ABOVE. Survey vessel Tenggara Ranger, with Kenawa Island and the Alas Strait in the background. LEFT. Batu Hijau mine pit. BELOW. Mooring deployment. Photo credits: PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Oceanography50 Oceanography | March | 2021 Vol.34, Early No Online.1 Release The results of our research in the Alas Strait serve as an example of how collecting“ and analyzing oceanographic data are essential to the management of environmental issues facing mining companies located near coasts.” ABSTRACT. Newly released current velocity and temperature measurements in have only been collected in the passages the Alas Strait collected from November 2005 to February 2007 permit calculation of of major inflow, the Makassar Strait and the mean and variable transport of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) in this region. the Lifamatola passage, and outflow, the These data were collected by the Environmental Division of the Amman Mineral Nusa Lombok, Ombai, and Savu Straits and Tenggara mining company to serve as a guide for the deep submarine placement of tail- the Timor passage (Arief and Murray, ings produced by the Batu Hijau open pit copper-gold mine. Ocean currents, tempera- 1996; Murray and Arief, 1988; Murray tures, and winds in the Alas Strait region exhibit intraseasonal and seasonal variability, et al., 1990; Gordon et al., 1999, 2010, with modulation at interannual timescales that may be associated with intraseasonal 2019; Molcard et al., 2001; Susanto and Kelvin waves, the regional southeast monsoon, the El Niño Southern Oscillation, and Gordon, 2005; Sprintall et al., 2009, 2019; the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Currents in the Alas Strait were found to flow steadily van Aken et al., 2009; Susanto et al., 2012; southward not only during the boreal summer from mid-April to October but also Wang et al., 2020). Only recently have when a prolonged anomalously easterly wind associated with positive IOD extended minor inflow (Karimata Strait) and out- this flow direction through the end of December 2006. A steady shear between the flow (Sunda Strait) passage measure- northward-flowing upper layer and the southward-flowing layer beneath was recorded ments been collected (Fang et al., 2010; from November 2005 to early April 2006 and from January to February 2007. The 2006 Susanto et al., 2010, 2013, 2016; Wang annual transport was –0.25 Sv toward the Indian Ocean and varied from 0.4 Sv in early et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2016; 2019; Li et al., April 2006 to –0.75 Sv in August 2006. Hence, Alas Strait transport plays a dual role in 2018). However, none of these measure- the total ITF, increasing it during boreal summer and reducing it during boreal winter. ments include the ITF in the straits along Northward flows tend to carry warmer water from the Indian Ocean to the Flores Sea, the Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda) island while the southward ITF flow carries cooler water to the Indian Ocean. Although the chain from Bali to Timor (i.e., Bali, Alas, Alas Strait is located next to the Lombok Strait—one of the major ITF exit passages— and Sape Straits). Hence, their contribu- they have different current and temperature characteristics. For a more complete eval- tions to inter-ocean exchange between uation of the ITF, the Alas Strait must be included in any future monitoring. the Pacific and the Indian Oceans have not been recorded. INTRODUCTION and salt fluxes measured within the ITF This paper presents newly released The complex coastlines and narrow have been found to be a significant factor current velocity and temperature mea- passages of the Indonesian seas pro- in the global ocean thermohaline circu- surements collected in the Alas Strait. vide the only pathways for inter-ocean lation. Hence, the ITF may impact cli- These measurements were made from exchange of Pacific and Indian Ocean mate variability of both the Pacific and November 2005 to February 2007 using tropical waters, known as the Indonesian Indian Oceans and beyond. Temperature bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler cur- Throughflow (ITF; Figure 1; Gordon and and salinity changes in the Pacific and rent profiler (ADCP) and thermistor Fine, 1996, and references therein). The Indian Oceans may influence dynam- arrays. The Alas Strait, located between ITF varies at intraseasonal to interannual ics of the Asia-Australia monsoon, the the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa, is timescales, driven by regional and remote El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), one of a series of straits within the Nusa forcings from the Pacific and Indian and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) Tenggara island chain that connects the Oceans, which set up a pressure gradi- (Bryden and Imawaki 2001; Lee et al., internal Indonesian seas (the Banda and ent and sea level differences between the 2002; Sprintall et al., 2019). Flores) to the Indian Ocean. The water two (Wyrtki, 1987; Susanto and Song, Although the ITF has been measured depth at the northern entrance of the Alas 2015; Sprintall et al., 2019). Water, heat, over the last three decades, these data Strait is approximately 400 m, and there Oceanography | 100°E 110°E 120°E 130°E 140°E a 0° Meters – 1,500 – 1,000 – 500 – 0 – –500 – –1,000 10°S – –1,500 – –2,000 – –2,500 – –3,000 FIGURE 1. (a) Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) path- ways (Susanto et al., 2016). (b) The Alas Strait study b area is located between Lombok and Sumbawa 8°S islands. The purple circle in the middle of the Alas Strait identifies an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) mooring. The red circle denotes a tide gauge station. The red star locates the Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara mining company and meteorological station. The open circle (SC) south of Sumbawa is the location of the Senunu canyon. LW and LE in the Lombok Strait indicate the west and east moorings, respectively, of the International 9°S Nusantara Stratification and Transport (INSTANT) program. 115°E 116°E 117°E are some small islands on either side off of Strait in order to ensure the effectiveness FIELD MEASUREMENTS Lombok and Sumbawa. Along the north- of their submarine disposal of mine tail- AND ANALYSIS south strait, the water depth decreases ings. As required by the Indonesian gov- As part of the PT AMNT mining compa- slightly from 180 m to 125 m, with a sill at ernment, detailed oceanographic assess- ny’s environmental monitoring program, 95 m depth, where the mooring is located. ments must be made before permission oceanographic measurements were col- The strait’s average width is ~15 km. The is granted to dispose of mine tailings in lected in the Alas Strait using a sub- mooring location (width 16.8 km) is Indonesian waters. We use these newly surface mooring, CTDs, and underway slightly north of the narrow constriction, released data to attempt to fill the gap ADCPs. Current measurements in and placed to avoid a ferry route that connects in oceanographic measurements from near Senunu Canyon, where the tail- Lombok and Sumbawa (Figure 1). previous studies of the ITF. We present ings were to be disposed, were collected The main objective of the field mea- our findings on the dynamics of current using a bottom-mounted ADCP moor- surements made by the Environmen- and temperature variability in the Alas ing, a ship-mounted ADCP, an ADCP/ tal Division of the Amman Mineral Strait, its contribution to ITF transport, current meter lowered from the ship, Nusa Tenggara (PT AMNT; previously and heat-flux variability from the Pacific and an ocean glider (Waworuntu and PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara) mining into the Indian Ocean. We also describe Febriana, 2002; Bachtiar et al., 2011). In company was to understand and assess an interesting application of oceano- general, the measurements show that the oceanographic conditions in the Alas graphic measurements. South Java Current, the South Equatorial Oceanography | March 2021 Early Online Release Current, the Monsoon Current, and the (2012). To avoid surface reflection con- soon (Wyrtki, 1987; Susanto et al., 2001), ITF consistently contribute to the current tamination, the first two bins near the creating a stronger north-south pressure system southwest of Sumbawa. The ITF surface were removed and replaced with gradient and increasing the southward plays a crucial role in carrying a fine par- a mean of constant velocity as observed ITF flow (Susanto and Marra, 2005; ticulate tailings plume offshore through in the third bin from the surface along Iskandar et al., 2009; Ningsih et al., 2013; the Alas Strait, as detailed in a five-year with continuous shear to the surface. Siswanto et al., 2020; Wirasatriya et al., mapping of tailings distribution and foot- The vertically gridded ADCP velocity 2020). The prolonged anomalous easterly print conducted by the Oceanographic time series were then four-day low-pass winds extended until December because Division of the Indonesian Institute of filtered with a Lanczos filter (Duchon, 2006 was an El Niño year (Niño3.4 posi- Sciences (LIPI). 1979) to suppress inertial and tidal vari- tive) and the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode A subsurface mooring was deployed ability (Sprintall et al., 2009). Index was also positive, (Horii et al., in the middle of the Alas Strait from 2008; Iskandar et al., 2009), thus inducing November 2005 to February 2007, with WIND, CURRENTS, more vigorous upwelling along the south- recovery and redeployment every three AND TEMPERATURE IN ern coasts of the island chain and driving months. The mooring consisted of an THE ALAS STRAIT a more substantial southward flow (ITF).