165 Abolition of Money 3 Absolutism (True Believer
Macintosh HD:Users:Raydens:Public:RAYDENS IMAC JOBS:14052 - EE - WINIECKI:WINIECKI 9781781951705 PRINT (M3118) Macintosh HD:Users:Raydens:Public:RAYDENS IMAC JOBS:14052 - EE - WINIECKI:WINIECKI 9781781951705 PRINT (M3118) Index abolition of money 3 creation of ‘national champions’ absolutism (true believer syndrome) 64 28–9, 39–42 inflation and 60 agriculture 11, 26, 39 macroeconomic imbalances 60 Alesina, Alberto 104 state controls 59–60 anthropology (pressure-of-history) natural resources 18, 61 37–8, 56–7, 84–5, 156 structuralist economics 60 anti-capitalists/-globalists 4–5, 8–10 see also BRIC countries ‘peaceniks’ 9–10 BRIC countries 158 ‘The Indignant’ 3, 5, 10, 12–13, 135, strengths and weaknesses 90–94 147 structural transitions in economic prospective alliances 11–12 development process 64–70 archeology 34–5 see also Brazil; China; India; astrophysics 35 Russia Attali, Jacques 115–16 Brown, Gordon 120–21 Australia 93, 111 Bulgaria 67 Austria 64, 67, 99, 125 Aviva survey 118 Canada 93, 101–2 capitalism 6, 149–50 Balladur, Édouard 119 Cardoso, F.M. 62 Baltic countries 126, 153 Castro, Fidel 111 banks 97, 100 change, attitudes towards 155 Barro, Robert 102 China 6, 17, 25, 72–82 Bauer, Peter 7 demographic policies/consumption/ ‘Beijing Consensus’ 75 labor 77–8, 88, 92–3 Belgium 64, 99 environmental problems 79 Bhagwati, Jagdish 82, 85–6 expectations, ideological and BHP Billiton (Australia) 18 substantive 72–3, 79–81 biofuels 43 foreign trade 76–7 Brazil 59–64 housing market 75 demographic factors 93 industrial economy 74 efficiencies/growth/macroeconomic
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