TECHNIQUE Tion in the Midst of an Be Driving on the NASCAR “The South’S Liveliest College Newspaper” Economic Slowdown
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Friday, September 21, 2001 Seniors prepare for gradua- Tech alum Joey Clanton may TECHNIQUE tion in the midst of an be driving on the NASCAR “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” economic slowdown. circuit in the near future. ONLINE FOCUS page 11 SPORTS page 28 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 87, Issue 9 • 28 pages Opinions␣ 6 · Focus␣ 11 · Entertainment␣ 15 · Comics␣ 22 · Sports␣ 28 Onion staff to speak Thursday ‘We can remember that we are WE’ Staff writers from the on- Institute unites to remember September 11 tragedies, reaches out with time and donations line satirical newspaper The Onion will be on campus to By Jody Shaw ing for the fundraiser at their speak courtesy of the Student News Editor meetings and by manning do- Center Ideas and Issues Com- nation tables throughout cam- mittee. The event takes palce As the initial shock of the pus. Thursday, September 25, from events of Tuesday, September “I have been blown away by 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Stu- 11 finally subsided, members of the campus response. In my five dent Center Ballroom. the Georgia Tech community years at Tech, I have never seen were able to rally together and the campus as united as we have support victims of the tragedies been since last Tuesday’s trage- Bush advisor through a campus-wide fund- dy. We have been getting emails raiser that began at last Friday’s and people asking us if they can cancels speech campus-wide remembrance ser- help by manning a table, giving Larry Lindsey, Economic vice. blood, or donating their mon- Advisor to President Bush, can- Early morning last Friday, stu- ey,” said Nattawut Guname, Vice celled his speaking engagement dent leaders involved in com- President of Service for Alpha that was planned for this munity service organizations Phi Omega. Thursday. Lindsey plans to kicked off their fundraising drive In addition to student sup- appear at Tech at a later date, for the American Red Cross Re- port, the effort also received as- and will discuss the events of lief Effort, which they coined sistance from the Alumni the last week on economic and “25 by the 21st.” Association, which purchased the monetary policy. The week-long event started “I Support America” buttons with a goal of $25,000 by to- being distributed throughout the day. On Friday the 14, $14,000 week at donation spots. SGA committee was raised, and by Tuesday that According to Guname, the total climbed to $20,000. At the fundraisers are seeking match- slots still open time of publication, the Red Cross ing funds from outside businesses, A number of positions re- Relief Effort totaled over $22,500 and they are encouraging groups main open for both under- in donations. to donate in lump sums up until graduate and graduate students The Alpha Phi Omega ser- the Friday deadline. who wish to serve on Institute vice fraternity initiated the drive, “I feel very confident that the Wide Committees. Interest- but it soon expanded to include Georgia Tech community will ed undergraduates can con- members from many student continue to help us reach the tact Undergraduate SGA organizations including Presi- $25,000 goal by Friday after- President Chris Kavanaugh, dents’ Council, Omega Phi Al- noon,” said Guname and interested graduates can pha, Freshmen Advisory Board, The Institute began coping contact Graduate SGA Presi- Student Government Associa- with the tragedies last Friday dent Trey Childress. More By Robert Hill / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS tion, the MOVE office and Cam- when President George W. Bush information can be found at Tech officials estimate that over 10,000 individuals attended last Friday’s campus- pus Civitan. A number of other wide remembrance service—the largest non-athletic gathering in recent history. organizations assisted by collect- See Response, page 2 AA to up campout New bookstore management brings change ticketing security By Tony Kluemper pand on that and hopefully get Staff Writer close to 50,000 titles to keep in By Jody Shaw this location to add to the as- News Editor When students returned to sortment already here.” campus last month, many no- “We are probably going to The Georgia Tech Athletic Association ticed quite a few changes when double or triple the current en- and its Student Ticketing Committee an- they purchased books for classes gineering reference, math and nounced this week that they are imple- in the campus bookstore. physics titles. Some of the most menting a number of new procedures in an Although the bookstore will critical departments on campus attempt to correct the student ticketing not move off campus until 2003 to support the Institute’s mis- problems that occurred a few weeks ago with the completion of the Tech- sion in those areas.” during distribution for the football game nology Square project, many Many students like the in- against Florida State in Tallahassee. changes have taken place in the crease in non-textbook material “We know that things went unfairly at current location over the sum- within the bookstore. “Last year the FSU distribution and we are doing ev- mer and the beginning of fall there wasn’t that much space erything within our power to ensure that semester. devoted to non-class required nothing like that ever happens again,” said The changes began in June books,” said second year Com- Mike Harris, Chair of the Student Ticket- when the operation of the book- puter Science major Matt Har- ing Committee. store was handed over to the bers. “I really like the fact that Harris worked with Leigh Baker, Direc- college division of Barnes and the school bookstore is more like By John Jewell/ STUDENT PUBLICATIONS tor of Ticketing for the AA, to develop Nobles bookstores. Since then an actual Barnes and Noble store A customer browses the increased the amount of non-academic measures in an attempt to improve distri- numerous developments have now.” reading selections brought by the new bookstore management. bution. taken place in almost every area Although Pearson acknowl- The two met with Athletic Director David of the current bookstore. Ac- edges that the main focus is to level of the bookstore. Barnes shop for cds or home supplies.” Braine, Senior Associate Director of Ath- cording to Bookstore Director increase the engineering related and Noble made the decision to The other major physical letics Steve Orsini, and Industrial Engi- Tommy Pearson, a change most trade books, he also wants to add both a music section as well change that took place over the neering professor Paul Griffin. students will notice is the large point out that many new fiction as a section devoted to house summer was the relocation of “Most of the procedures are the same. increase in merchandise and gen- and classic literature selections wares, such as storages units and the computer store. According We are just going to better enforce the eral reading material. have been added as well. “We room supplies. to Pearson, although the physi- existing policies,” said Baker. “One of the first things peo- did also add science fiction, fic- “It’s was a great idea to ex- cal size of the store was reduced First, members of the Georgia Tech Po- ple will probably notice is that tion, as well as other literature, pand the amount of products by half, the actual amount of lice Department will be present at every we have a lot more trade books, and were still looking to expand you can buy at the bookstore,” merchandising has remained the campout and ticket distribution. The AA general reading and reference to another 5,000-10,000 titles said second year HTS major Alys- same. “That [the change in the books,” said Pearson. “We add- in that area,” said Pearson. sa Ribiero. “This is especially size of the computer store] al- See Ticketing, page 4 ed roughly about 22,000 more In addition, two new sections good for freshmen who don’t titles. We will continue to ex- have been added to the lower have cars to go off campus to See Books, page 2 2 • Friday, September 21, 2001 • Technique NEWS Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! Response from page 1 Last issue’s poll garnered 71 responses to the question: declared a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance. Institute Presi- “Should the ACC have played football this weekend? ” dent G. Wayne Clough decided to cancel classes from 11 a.m. to 1 • Yes: 25.35 % p.m., so that the entire Institute •␣ No: 74.65 % could come together to observe the occasion. This week’s poll is about the new ticketing procedures being At noon, the Tech community instituted for upcoming football games. The Athletic Association is gathered for a campus-wide remem- stepping up security and increasing restrictions on camping out for brance ceremony at the Campanile tickets. Plaza. According to estimates from Will these policies be effective? Will they solve all the problems Institute Communications and Pub- that occurred at the FSU distribution? Are they too restrictive? Will lic Affairs, as many as 10,000 indi- they kill the line culture valued by Tech students? Are they good viduals attended the event. Members ideas, but too difficult to enforce? Voice your opinion online at of different student organizations placed flowers of remembrance in the Campanile Fountain and a num- ber of individuals sharing reflections on the events. Undergraduate Stu- According to Pearson no major dent Government President Chris Books from page 1 changes in the pricing of merchan- Kavanaugh gave the opening re- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS dise have taken place since Barnes marks.