O Ncert Committee Will Present Pageant
Published Semi-Weekly by Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology Vol. XXXVII ■••••••• GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1953 Charter Granted To C No. 32 Local Sigma• Xi Club o ncert Committee The petition of the Georgia Institute of Technology for the estab- lishment of a chapter of Sigma Xi, high ranking natio nal scient ific organization, has been granted, it wa 8 announced recently and research by Colonel Blake R. Van Leer, Will Present Pageant President of Georgia Tech. The an- nouncement came at the annual meeting of the Executive Com- Basques Will Perform mittee of the Society whigh was held in St. Louis, Mo., on Decem- ber 29. In addition to President In Gymnasium Tonight Van Leer, Georgia Tech officials The colorful pageantry of the Basques will be brought to Atlanta presenting the petition in St. Louis on Friday, January 9, by the Student Concert Committee of the Geo r- included Herschel H. Cudd, Acting gia Institute of Technology. The entertainment will be Director of the Engineering Ex- held in the auditorium-gymnasium on the Tech campus at 8:30 p.m The public is periment Station, and W. T. Zieg- invited to attend, as well as stu- ler, Research Professor. dents and faculty, and no admis- a musician both in Europe and in A Sigma Xi Club at Georgia sion will be charged. the Western Hemisphere, and is no Tech was founded in 1946. Each The unusual production, includ- stranger to the United States. year it has actively promoted a ing native dancing and singing, is The content of the program program of research lectures in called Euzkadi, which is the collec- ranges from ceremonial dances to which faculty members or visiting tive name the Basques use to de- the lively steps of the Basque sail- scientists discussed research in scribe their land ,the land of the ors, from the virtuousity of its progress.
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