Technique Evolves from Sports Folder Into Semi-Weekly Paper During 3 7
Published Semi-Weekly by Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology Number 16 X-lll—Vol. XXXII ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 16, 1948 'Front Page Reporters9 Calmly Meet the Dead-line Technique Evolves from Sports Folder into Semi-Weekly Paper During 37 Years of Progress Anniversary Celebrated Wednesday; Tau Beta Pi Tells First Published on Eve of Ga. Game Of Winning Papers By Dave Crane In Theme Contest Wednesday, November 17, marks the 37th birthday of The Technique. Jim French, vice-president of Tau The campus rag, born in the spirit of the Georgia game, was first published Beta Pi, announced early this week on Friday, November 17, 1911. The Technique, Vol. I, No. 1, passed out at that Gene Damon, a senior C.E. from a giant pep rally on the eve of the Georgia game, played November 18, 1911, Meridian, Miss., has been awarded bore the headline, "GEORGIA, OUR first prize in the bi-annual Tau Beta ANNUAL TRIUMPH." The sub Pi theme contest. Ranking second in Sho' 'Nuff, Was head read, "Our Team Is Fit—It is a field of 58 entrants of last spring Up to the Rooters." was Joe Clemons with his article, Dr. A. J. Walker, head of the Eng entitled, "Engineer—Profession Or Once Hot Stuff lish department, commenting on the Religion." Charles McGinnis' article, first issue of The Technique, stated By George M. Small "Cathode Ray Oscilloscope," was ad that the whole issue, a simple four- judged third by the jury, consisting (Appearing in May 1 issue, 1912) page folder written in the manner of L DramaTech To Presentof Dr.
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