EC 1463 • November 1995 $2.50


OUTPhylloxera StrategiesIS for management in Oregon's vineyards information:

PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For

OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE Contents Chapter 1. : What is it? 1 Chapter 2. Reducing the risk of phylloxera infestation 3 Chapter 3. Sampling vines to confirm the presence of phylloxera 4 Chapter 4. How to monitor the rate of spread of phylloxera in your vineyard 5 Chapter 5. Managing a phylloxera-infested vineyard DATE. 7 Chapter 6. Replanting options for establishing phylloxera-resistant vineyards 9 Chapter 7. Phylloxera-resistant for grapevines 12 Chapter 8. Buying winegrape plants OF 19 Chapter 9. Tips for producing phylloxera-resistant grafted vines 20 OUT IS Authors This publication was prepared by a phylloxera task force at Oregon State University. Members are Bemadine Strik, Extensioninformation: berry crops specialist; M. Carmo Candolfi-Vasconcelos, Extension viticulture specialist; Glenn Fisher, Extension entomologist; Edward Hellman, Extension agent, North Willamette Research and Extension Center; Barney Watson, Extension enologist: Steven Price, postdoctoral research associate, viticulture; Anne Connelly, master's program student, horticulture; and Paula Stonerod, research aide, horticulture.PUBLICATION current most THIS For Chapter 1 Phylloxera: What is It? B. Strik, A. Connelly, and G. Fisher

History green, or light brown; on weakened distances. In Oregon, above-ground roots they are brown or orange. Mature nymphs have been detected on trunk The phylloxera, Daktulosphaira adults become brown or purplish- wraps in July and August. vitifoliae (Fitch), is an aphidlike insect brown, no matter on what kind of root that feeds on grape roots. Phylloxera they have fed. In summer,DATE. possibly due to environ- are native to the eastern and southern mental or population conditions, some United States. The pest was inadvert- Each female can lay as many as 400 nymphs may develop wing pads and ently introduced to from North eggs. Newly deposited eggs are lemon emergeOF from the ground as winged America in 1860, and by the end of the yellow, oval, 0.5 to adult females century had destroyed two-thirds of the 0.7 mm long, and (alates). The vineyards in Europe, all self-rooted about half as wide. rhylloxera now are in every females usually . Since then, phylloxera fly to an upright The pest's rate of have invaded most grape-growing major grape-producing surface such as development areas of the world; for example. New regionOUT in Oregon. the vine's trunk. depends on the Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. They lay male grape root and IS and female eggs, They were introduced into Cahfomia vine phenology as well as on numerous which hatch into male and female in the 1850s from the eastern United environmental factors, including soil phylloxera that have no mouth parts— States. Phylloxera were identified in and air temperature and humidity. and thus do not directly damage the the Penticton area of British Columbia grape-vines—but can and do mate. in 1961 and, in 1988, in eight sites in Phylloxera overwinter on roots as Washington state, one of which was a small, dark nymphs (hibemants). In the The female lays a large egg that V. vinifera vineyard. spring, when soil information:temperatures exceed overwinters probably in crevices on the a critical level (from our research, that trunk. This egg hatches into a female 0 Phylloxera also were discovered in can be between about 45 and 65 F) and who feeds on the leaves of susceptible Oregon about 20 years ago. However, vine sap starts to flow, the nymphs grape varieties, creating a leaf gall. She it was not until 1990 that this pest was begin feeding and then molt to adult- lays eggs that produce a population of discovered for the first time in modem hood. The mature forms deposit eggs nymphs, which can reinfest the root commercial vineyards. Phylloxera now by asexual reproduction. In Oregon system or other leaves. are in every major grape-producing vineyards, two to three generations a region in Oregon. In 1995, 13 infested currentyear have been seen, the first eggs in At the end of September, nymphs vineyards were identified;PUBLICATION probably June. begin to hibernate, and by mid- many more are infested in the state. December all forms are hibemants. Phylloxera are most numerous in late summer to early fall. Thus, they are The winged, or sexual, stage of phyl- most easiest to detect then by digging up loxera has been found in Oregon, DescriptionTHIS grape roots—and the risk of spreading caught on sticky trunk wraps in July and life cycle the insect also is the greatest then (see and August. It is not known whether Chapter 2, "Reducing the risk of winged phylloxera can complete their All adults are Forfemale. They are very phylloxera infestation"). life cycle on European . If difficult to detect because they are they can, the pest's rate of spread will extremely small—0.7 to 1 millimeter Newly hatched nymphs usually leave increase dramatically. However, we do (Vso to Vas inch) long and 0.4 to the roots where they were hatched only know that the winged form can com- 0.6 millimeter wide (see Chapter 3, if a high phylloxera population has plete its life cycle on the foliage of "Sampling vines to confirm the created feeding competition or when a American grapes such as 'Concord' or presence of phylloxera"). vine is near death. These "crawlers" a or on the foliage of French- travel on the soil surface or in cracks in American hybrids such as 'Marechal Color of the adults varies with the food the soil, or they can climb the vine and Foch.' supply. On fresh vigorous roots, they be blown by the wind for considerable are pale green, yellowish-green, olive Injury Injury to the above-ground portion of clay, generally are more favorable to the vine is an indirect result of root infestation than light sandy soils, Phylloxera damage Vinifera grapevines damage. Thus, the symptoms are which appear to be almost immune to mainly by inhabiting and feeding on similar to those of other pest problems phylloxera. Heavier soils contract and roots. It is believed that, when feeding, such as Armillaria (oak root fungus), crack when drying, and these openings phylloxera inject poisonous saliva that gopher damage, or nematodes (which allow the insect to crawl to and infest causes roots to swell. Feeding gener- also may cause similar root symptoms) root systems. ally is on the tips of the rootlets, and to symptoms of environmental causing yellowish-brown, hook-shaped problems such as severe water stress Rate of spread in Oregon has ranged swellings or galls (nodosities) to form. and winter injury. from nearly 2x (the infestation's These may curve and bulge around the doubling in size annually) to 1 Ox on a insect's body. In most cases, the The severity of the infestation may site where the pest came in on infested swelling stops differ because of the plant material. Managing an infested rootlet growth, and variety of grape, the vineyard, therefore, is a challenge (see the infested portion I here is no way to vine's age and Chapter 5, "Managing a phylloxera- eventually dies. vigor, soil condi- infestedDATE. vineyard"). Feeding on larger eradicate phylloxera in tion, and drainage. roots causes an infested, susceptible There is no way to eradicate phyllox- rounded swellings vineyard. Vigorous vines era in an infested, susceptible vineyard. (tuberosities), resist phylloxera OFThe only method of control is to plant which give the root attack better than do vines grafted to a resistant rootstock a warty appearance. The tuberosities weak ones. Differences in vine vigor (see Chapter 7, "Phylloxera-resistant also may decay, further weakening the can be due to site differences, but also rootstocks for grapevines"). vine. to differences. OUT Root injuries impair the absorption of Infested vines live longer in fertile, nutrients and water, causing a decline deep, well-drained soil than in shallow in vine vigor and productivity. Second- soil or soil with ISpoor drainage. Vines ary fungal infection and the feeding of growing in heavy, shallow soils appear other insects and mites also hastens to succumb to the infestation most decomposition of roots. rapidly. Fine-textured soils, such as information:

PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For Chapter 2 Reducing the risk of phyiloxera infestation E. Hellman and B. Watson

Phylloxera can be spread from vine- Prevention is one of the few weapons can support populations of phylloxera yard to vineyard on soil or root pieces for combating phylloxera. and serve asDATE. a source of new infesta- carried by workers' boots, picking tions. A phylloxera infestation usually Prevention primarily means restricting totes, vehicle tires, and other means. is not diagnosed until several years movement of people, equipment, and Infested soil also could be exchanged after its introduction into the vineyard. materials among vineyards and among vineyards at the winery via Therefore,OF controlled access and thoroughly cleaning all items that picking bins during the hectic activities sanitation procedures are important for come in contact with vineyard soil. of dehvery and crush. There- all vineyards and wineries. We fore, both vineyards and wineries All vineyards should be considered recommend vineyards and wineries should take precautions against the potentially phylloxerated. Even follow these procedures to reduce the movement of potentially infested soil. grafted vines on resistant rootstocksOUT risk of spreading phylloxera. IS In the vineyard At the winery Make every effort to restrict the When that is not feasible, be especially Restricted movement movement of people and equipment in thorough with your sanitation prac- • Restrict all vehicles to paved areas. and out of the vineyard. tices. • Inspect all vehicles for cleanliness Restricted movement Sanitation information:prior to entry. • Control access to your vineyard. Do • EstabUsh the vineyard with clean, • Restrict delivery trucks to a sanita- not allow entry without your phylloxera-free grapevines. tion pad. approval. • Develop a set of standard sanitation • Keep picking totes and bins • Do not share tractors, trucks, practices for your vineyard, and separate for each vineyard. trailers, or other field equipment instruct all workers. • Do not share picking totes or bins with another vineyard. • Establish a sanitation station for with other vineyards or wineries. • Imprint the name of your vineyard current PUBLICATIONpeople to put on or clean their boots Sanitation on your picking totes and bins; before entering and leaving your • Establish a concrete sanitation pad accept only returned containers with vineyard. The station should include for delivery trucks. Wash down the your name. "loaner" rubber boots and a tub pad daily during harvest, using a • Do not share picking totes or bins containing a 10 percent bleach 10 percent bleach solution or a hot with other vineyards ormost wineries. solution to sanitize boots. pressure washer with detergent. • LoadTHIS and unload trucks outside the • Thoroughly clean trucks delivering • Require that all vehicles, totes, bins, vineyard on a paved or graveled grapes to the winery before the and other items be cleaned at the road. Where possible, load grapes trucks leave the vineyard. Use a For originating vineyard prior to into bins or totes outside the 10 percent bleach solution or hot delivery. vineyard rows so that the bottoms of pressure washer with detergent.• Scrub picking totes and bins before the containers do not pick up soil. • Thoroughly clean all equipment, returning them to the vineyard. • Bin or tote design should minimize totes, and other items before they the possibility of transporting soil; leave the vineyard and again before for example, avoid bins with a they re-enter the vineyard. Use a waffle pattern on the bottom. 10 percent bleach solution or hot Containers should be easy to clean. pressure washer with detergent. Chapter 3 Sampling vines to confirm the presence of phyiioxera B. Sfrik and G. Fisher

Grape phylloxera's feeding weakens Armillaria or oak root fungus. The carefully, immediately putting them in the grapevine's root system, causing weak area is circular and related to a sealedDATE. container. above-ground symptoms of weakened an oak tree on site prior to planting vine growth. These symptoms usually or adjacent to the vineyard block. Inspect new fleshy growth on fine, feeder roots for appear first as a lens-shaped, weakened Nematodes. The nodosities (small area in the vineyard. However, if weak area is not OF swellings), which phylloxera were brought in on self- necessarily linding grape phylloxera are symptoms of rooted (nongrafted) planting material, circular. Sample on infested roots is very phylloxera feeding. the whole vineyard block might appear for nematodes. generally weakened. As the phylloxera difficult, especially in the Root tips infested Gophers. spread, the lens-shaped weak areas OUTearly stages of an infestation. with phylloxera are increase in size, and other areas of Damage is more club-shaped or form random than infestation may appear. hooks. Nodosities from other causes.IS may be yellow, turning brown later on. To find phylloxera in the winged, or After root death, they will wither and sexual, stage of their life cycle in July decay, becoming impossible to detect. and August, look for leaf galls on When and Be aware that swellings on feeder roots susceptible vines—not brown or white also may be caused by nematodes; fuzz on the leaf bottom like that where to sample however, to a trained eye such swell- produced by erineum mites but light The best time to sample for phylloxera ings look different than those caused green galls on the underside of the leaf. is when populationsinformation: are at their peak, by phylloxera. V. vinifera are not susceptible to the from late July through harvest. Often tuberosities (large swellings) can leaf-feeding form of the pest (see Phylloxera reproduce most success- be seen on older, thicker roots. How- Chapter 1, "Phylloxera: What is it?"). fully on healthy root systems; dead and ever, phylloxera often are difficult to Finding grape phylloxera on infested weakened vines often have very low detect in advanced stages of an infesta- roots is very difficult, especially in the populations on the roots. When you tion as roots become dry or spongy. sample for a suspected phylloxera early stages of an infestation. We havecurrent The feeder roots often show nodosities, infestation in your vineyard, it's best to sampled weak areasPUBLICATION in vineyards for 2 but actual colonies of phylloxera are look for the pest at the border of the consecutive years without finding more prevalent on larger, thicker roots. damaged area, on vines just showing phylloxera, only to find them in the If these colonies contain numerous the first signs of decline. Most phyl- third year. Therefore, you should dig phylloxera, they appear as yellow spots loxera are present on roots in the upper roots in suspected weak areas over on the root. Often, phylloxera are most 1 to 4 feet of the soil, so this is the best repeated years. It may take from 2 to 5 found under sloughing bark or in THIS place to sample. We have had the years from initial infestation, depend- cracks of the root. ing on vine vigor and how the vineyard greatest success collecting root was infested,For for the above-ground samples within 1.5 feet of the trunk. symptoms to show. Sample as many suspect vines as Identification Keep in mind that there may be other possible. A sample should consist of a Because phylloxera are extremely causes for weak areas in a vineyard: pint to a quart of roots and associated small, use a lOx hand lens, or prefer- soil (soil that is stuck to the roots) for • Shallow soil or drought. Unlike a ably a dissecting scope, to identify the each vine. Samples should include a phylloxera-infested area, however, pest. If you need help, please contact portion of a larger root (about 0.5 inch usually the weak area doesn't your county office of the OSU Exten- in diameter) as well as feeder roots. spread annually. sion Service. Finding one phylloxera Remove roots and associated soil when sampling is enough to verify an infestation. Chapter 4 How to monitor the rate of spread of phylloxera in your vineyard B. Strik, G. Fisher, and A. Connelly

Once you know your vineyard is vines assumed to be infested within Look out for "satellite" infestations— infested, you should monitor rate of each lens. Do this in the fall just before new areas ofDATE. infestation that are spread and decline in production to or just after harvest when symptoms separate from the initial finding. This estimate how long the vineyard will are most apparent. Phylloxera-infested is typical in infested vineyards because remain productive. You also should vines that are succumbing to high weaker vines succumb to infestations consider how (or whether) to make the feeding pressure will show reduced fasterOF than more vigorous ones. transition to a resistant or grafted vigor and lighter green foliage. Often vineyard (see Chapter 6, "Replanting infested vines drop their leaves earUer options for establishing phylloxera- than healthy vines, or the foliage resistant vineyards"). yellows more quickly. However, other Vigor ratings factors such as other pests, nutritionalOUT This is a modification of the counting Monitoring rate of spread within your imbalances, or drought can cause system described above and can be vineyard means recording the rate and similar symptoms. more accurate if the same person rates direction of spread of above-ground AnnuallyIS counting vine vigor each year. Document the symptoms—not the number of size of the declining area(s) in your of the phylloxera affected vines will vineyard by counting the number of themselves— I he easiest, but least give you a rough dead vines and giving a vigor rating to because infesta- accurate, way to estimate rate estimate of the the affected vines in the area (for tions on roots can of spread is to count the economic rate of example, I = healthy; 2 = mildly be difficult to see. number of vines assumed to information:spread (that is, the stunted or reduced growth; Keep in mind that rate that the non- 3 = severely stunted; 4 = dead). Map once an infested be infested. or low-producing the area on graph paper to keep site is confirmed, area is increasing). accurate records. the phylloxera likely will have spread Subtract the number of vines affected A modification of this system is to in a much wider area than is evident last year from the number affected in keep records of pruning weights in from the above-ground symptoms. the current year and divide by the vineyard blocks or affected areas. As This is because it takes a while for number affected last year. This will current vine vigor declines due to infestation, populations to build to the level that give you the percent increase in size. PUBLICATION pruning weight also should decline. the vine is stressed and vigor is For example, if 50 vines show reduced Monitor pruning weight and per reduced. The insect already may be in vigor this year and 20 did last year, the vine in one or two long, narrow areas the entire block or vineyard, although rate of spread would be: symptoms may show first in naturally (transects) running through an infested weaker areas of the vineyard.most (50-20)720=1.5 area. The data will tell you a lot about THIS or a 1.5x (150 percent) rate of spread. rate of spread of phylloxera and its The following methods can be used to economic impact. estimate rate of spread of above- ground symptoms.For Doing this for a few years will give you an idea of how quickly the vineyard will succumb to the infesta- Aerial In Oregon, we've seen rate of Counting spread vary from I.5x in an older photography affected vines vineyard (from a point-source infesta- This is the most accurate method for tion, such as from infested dirt on a evaluating vine decline in the vineyard. Infestations often appear first as a lens- boot or picking bucket) to 1 Ox in a It also is the only method that can be shaped area of weak vines. The easiest, 7-year-old vineyard where phylloxera used effectively to monitor rate of but least accurate, way to estimate rate were introduced on the plant material. spread within a region. Many growers of spread is to count the number of find that photographs taken every 2 to phylloxera infestation.) Obviously, the dark red; weak and declining areas 3 years are adequate to detect vineyard photographic resolution and altitude at show up as lighter shades of red or not problems and phylloxera spread. which the vineyard is photographed red at all. (Keep in mind that healthy will determine the minimum size of weeds or cover crops also show as dark Weak areas are easily spotted from the weak areas to be detected (for red.) Weak areas due to shallow soils air and can be inspected with follow- example, 1 vine or 10). usually will not enlarge in size annu- up ground surveys to determine the ally unless erosion is occurring. possible reasons for vine decline. Infrared aerial photography is superior (Remember, however, that not all for detecting changes in vine vigor. weak areas in vineyards are due to Healthy vines show up as bright or




PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For Chapter 5 Managing a phylloxera-infested vineyard E. Hellman

Phylloxera infestation in a self-rooted a severe stress to the vine. It also is pulling vines; phylloxera living on root European winegrape (Vitis vinifera) important to maintain or improve your pieces willDATE. provide a source of spread vineyard is considered to be ultimately weed and pest management practices as their food supply is used up. lethal to the grapevines. The severity to prevent these stress factors from of infestation and progression of contributing to the dechne of the vine. damage to vines, however, can differ You also may consider a fertiUzation OF among vineyards because of local site program to enhance vigor. Slowing the spread conditions and management practices. of infestation Vigorous vines tolerate phylloxera Irrigating infested vines to avoid water Experience in other viticultural regions feeding better than stress is an impor- has shown that phylloxera eventually weaker vines; tant tool forOUT will reach every vineyard in an infest- therefore, condi- IVI aintaining a clean, maintaining vigor. ed district despite intensive preventive tions that promote tilled vineyard has several IfIS irrigation is not efforts. Nevertheless, preventive vigor, such as deep, possible, water practices can delay initial infestations fertile soils and drawbacks, including a availability can be tendency to increase the and slow their spread once they do irrigation, may increased by occur (see Chapter 2, "Reducing the enable infested spread of phylloxera by removing between- risk of phylloxera infestation"). vines to live longer. tilling, especially by tilling row groundcovers after May. or replanting with a Be aware that phylloxera can live on Prolonging the information:groundcover that is the roots of vines grafted onto resistant productive lifespan less competitive. rootstocks. The resistant rootstock of infested vines is one management Maintaining a clean, tilled vineyard, actually is tolerant of phylloxera approach for deahng with phylloxera. however, has several drawbacks, infestations and does not die as a result Another approach is to slow the spread including a tendency to increase the of phylloxera feeding. Therefore, vines of infestation within the vineyard by spread of phylloxera by tilling, grafted to resistant rootstocks can be a altering management practices. You especially by tilling after May. source of initial infestation in your should use both approaches, but current vineyard. Avoid planting infested stock eventually you will havePUBLICATION to make a Although your first impulse upon (see Chapter 8, "Buying winegrape decision on how long to retain the discovering phylloxera in your plants"). infested vineyard and when or whether vineyard may be to pull out the visibly to replant with vines grafted to a damaged vines, this practice does not Establish a strict sanitation program to resistant rootstock (see Chapter 6, eliminate phylloxera from the vine- ensure that no equipment (vehicles, "Replanting options for establishingmost yard. In fact, it tends to enhance its rate tractors, cultivators, mowers), tools, or phylloxera-resistantTHIS vineyards"). of spread. supplies (picking totes, buckets, stakes) move into or out of the vine- It is better to leave infested vines in the yard without first being cleaned of all For ground for as long as they are eco- soil and plant debris. Sanitation Prolonging nomically productive, managing them practices should be followed for all vine lifespan as described below. Remember that vineyards, including those grafted to Infested vines that are otherwise symptoms of phylloxera damage take resistant rootstocks, because resistant healthy and unstressed are better able several years to develop, and that the stocks can support phylloxera popula- to tolerate phylloxera feeding than infestation is not likely to be limited to tions. Educate all vineyard workers low-vigor or stressed vines. Be sure to the area where they have been found. about phylloxera and how to prevent or keep crop production in balance with Furthermore, it is not feasible to reduce its spread. the vigor of the vines. Overcropping is remove the entire root system when Other vineyard management practices long-term solution to the phylloxera The deciding factor should be the can reduce the risk of spreading problem is the use of resistant profitability of a vineyard block. Good phylloxera. Schedule all vineyard rootstocks (see Chapter 6, "Replanting recordkeeping is an invaluable aid in operations in the infested areas last. options for establishing phylloxera- making this important replant decision. Restrict tillage to the period between resistant vineyards," and Chapter 7, Review records of production, costs, November and May when phylloxera "Phylloxera-resistant rootstocks for and revenues for past years. Monitor populations are at their lowest. If you grapevines"). the rate of spread of phylloxera and decide to use clean cultivation between decline of vines to help you predict rows to reduce competition for water, how long your infested block can be aware that tilling during the season remain profitable (see Chapter 4, is very likely to facilitate the spread of Analyzing "How to monitor rate of spread of phylloxera. Tilled aisles also increase your options phylloxera in your vineyard"). the risk of rain or erosion moving Several options are possible: pull out infested soil downhill, and tillage Consider also the existing features of the vines after they become unprofit- results in more mud on boots and your vineyard. Are the varieties and able and don't replant; replant infested equipment. clonesDATE. well suited to your site and the blocks when they become unprofitable future wine market? Replanting No insecticide effectively controls to manage; or replant the entire provides an opportunity to change phylloxera infestations in established vineyard in a scheduled piecemeal some of the features of your produc- plantings. One is being evaluated to replant program. OFtion system such as variety, clone, slow the rate of spread. Soil treatments spacing, and training system in order to hold little promise, however, because Your decision to replant an infested improve your production efficiency, of the great depths at which phylloxera vineyard site should come only after fruit quaUty, or crop marketability. If occur, and because chemical penetra- you carefully consider the circum- you decide to replant, use only tion is poor in heavier soils. The only stances of your vineyardOUT operation and phylloxera-resistant rootstocks. business. IS


PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For Chapter 6 Replanting options for establishing phylloxera-resistant vineyards S. Price

Grape growers with infested vineyards replanting costs over a longer period Infested vineyards or growers wishing to avoid infestation You can base the order of block Because phylloxeraDATE. eventually will have several options available for removal and replacement on block move throughout the vineyard, prepare replanting existing vineyards with profitability. You also can order a replanting schedule for the entire phylloxera-resistant plants. This planting material vineyard. Replant- chapter reviews the available options well in advance and OF ing schedules will and discusses advantages and possible integrate the Otart planning now! The be dictated by the pitfalls of different replant strategies. replacement more prepared you are, the decline of phyllox- process into a era-infested vines The primary objective of replanting is more likely that replanting larger plan of (see Chapter 4, to establish a new vineyard that is vineyard rejuvena- willOUT be an opportunity for "How to monitor resistant to phylloxera. A second tion and improve- improvement rather than a rate of spread of objective is to reduce the costs of the ment. In short, your desperate attempt to rescue a phylloxera in your transition. Consider these two objec- decisions are IS vineyard"). You tives together. You should not use a dying vineyard. planned rather than will need to replanting method that will impact the dictated by the remove or replant long-term health and viability of the spread of phylloxera and the pattern of blocks with declining production when new vineyard. Likewise, you must vine decline. they no longer are profitable to carefully weigh the economic realities manage. of the transition to protect the financial Consider replantinginformation: first in vineyard health of your business. blocks with problems. For example, Your first priority should be visibly replanting provides an opportunity to infested areas. However, avoid spot renovate or change trellis systems, replacement of visibly infested vines. When to replant change vine and row spacing, change Distribution of phylloxera in the varieties or clones, or add an irrigation vineyard is much wider than the area All self-rooted Vitis vinifera vineyards system or drainage tile. In addition to of visibly affected vines, and vines in Oregon are at risk from phylloxera, conferring phylloxera resistance, outside a weak spot will continue to and it is possible that all these vine- currentrootstocks also can be used to correct decline. Also, the patchwork of yards eventually will becomePUBLICATION infested. problems with excess vigor, water different vine ages down a row that However, a vineyard could become stress, poor fruit set, or vine nutrition. results from spot replanting is difficult infested this year or it might take to manage. Replant infested areas on a Replanting profitable blocks before a 30 years. Growers can wait to replant row-by-row basis and extend the phylloxera infestation is confirmed is a until they know their vineyardsmost are replanted area well beyond the borders more difficult decision. Replanting still infested,THIS or they can replant to resistant of the visible infestation. stocks before an infestation is con- has advantages, particularly in the long firmed. Replant strategies may be term. A vineyard on resistant root- Replant the least profitable blocks next different in eachFor situation. stocks will provide a supply of grapes with the added goal of vineyard that will not be interrupted by phyllox- improvement. Replanting apparently Uninfested vineyards era, and resistant rootstocks substan- healthy, productive blocks will be your You have the most options if you tially add to a vineyard's resale value. most difficult decision. You must replant a vineyard before a phylloxera You must keep re-establishment time balance the temporary lost revenue infestation. In this case, you can to a minimum in any situation, but that against the potential value of an replant based on a long-term plan of becomes especially critical with entirely phylloxera-resistant vineyard. vineyard replacement and rehabilita- profitable production blocks where tion. Thus, you can anticipate financial time without fruit production must be Planting resistant rootstocks in an implications of replanting and spread kept as short as possible. infested site is not insurance against continued spread of phylloxera in self- • Are there pathogenic nematodes or grafted vineyard could be estabhshed rooted areas of the vineyard. Many fiingi present in the soil? with little or no loss of production. Do phylloxera-resistant rootstocks will Many of these factors can be corrected not consider interplanting if the support phylloxera populations, and most effectively before planting, existing vineyard has serious limita- these can serve as a reservoir for without existing plants or trellises tions that could be corrected by continued spread (see Chapter 8, obstructing access to the entire block. complete vineyard renovation. "Buying winegrape plants"). Vineyard renovation Interplanting has many potential This is your only choice when the problems. The most serious is competi- Replanting options existing vineyard has serious, correct- tion. Your considerable investment in able limitations. Renovation allows grafted plants may be lost if the new Growers replanting vineyard blocks deep ripping to plants cannot can choose to replant after vine and loosen hardpans successfully trellis removal, to replant attempting to and pull up old vine I he most prudent course is a compete with the reuse existing trellis structures, or to estabhshed roots. You can leave complete renovation of the attempt to plant between existing vines blocks fallow or DATE.planting. Poor take (interplant). The most prudent course plant cover crops to vineyard; it is also the most on new plants is a complete renovation of the improve soil health expensive. could result in a vineyard; it also is the most expensive, and to reduce OF nonuniform both in costs of renovation and in time phylloxera and vineyard made up with lost production. Interplanting is nematode populations. Fumigation is of vines of different ages and different the other extreme. There are potential an option only in the absence of varieties, with and without rootstocks. cost advantages to interplanting, but it growing plants. Soil nutritional Also, removing the old vines once the has a much greater risk of failure. modification requiring deepOUT incorpora- interplants are estabhshed may be a problem. Removal can generate Traditional European viticulture tion of phosphorous, potassium, or potential problems due to nematodes, recommends a rest period of 5 to lime is most convenient in the absence soil fungi, and high phylloxera 6 years before replanting a vineyard. of plants or trellisIS structures. Perma- populations on the older vines. This period can be shortened to 3 years nent modifications of new blocks such as changes in trellis systems or vine if the soil is fumigated. The primary If you choose to interplant, your first spacing or installation of drainage tile justification for this practice is the priority must be to establish the new also require a fresh start. possible presence of nematodes, fiingi, vines. Adjust vineyard management to and phylloxera. Phylloxera can weaken Replanting favor the growth of the new vines. young vines, even those on resistant information:Management practices to consider are: stocks. It is unlikely that many Oregon with the existing trellis • Provide irrigation to new plants. growers will wait 5 years to replant, Replant within an existing row only if but it is important to recognize the plan and organization of the • Remove permanent cover crops that potentially serious problems associated vineyard is acceptable and the trellis compete with young vines. with immediate vine replanting. system will last at least 10 more years. • Use plastic mulch around young Many of the major vineyard modifica- vines to reduce weed competition Evaluate vineyard blocks before tions discussed above are not possible and soil water loss. making replant decisions. Identify thecurrent if the trellis structure is retained. vineyard's limitations,PUBLICATION and determine Removing the old vines may be • Root prune the estabhshed plants. whether replant strategies offer an difficult. In some cases, large, old vines • Summer prune estabhshed plants to opportunity to correct them: cannot be removed without damaging increase available light for the new • Is the production system efficient? the trellis system, so they must be cut plants. • What is the anticipatedmost lifespan of off and killed with herbicides. The old You probably should remove the root system remains in place; however, THISthe trellis? established vines within 2 years, at the it may serve as a source of root time the new planting is being trained • Could the spacing or trellis system diseases and could increase phylloxera to the fruiting wire. be changedFor to improve quality or population pressure on the new production? rootstocks. Inarch grafting • Should an irrigation system be Self-rooted vines can be converted to installed or renovated? Interplanting vines with resistant rootstocks by a The goal of interplanting grafted vines • Are there limiting soil factors such grafting technique called inarching. between producing, estabhshed vines is as compaction, nutritional short- Resistant stocks can be planted next to to get the new plants into production ages, acidity problems, or poor the trunks of existing vines and grafted while the old ones continue to supply drainage? onto the trunk. The goal is to com- revenue. It is possible that a new pletely replace the root system of the 10 self-rooted plant with the phylloxera- Field grafting of any type has never Whatever replant strategy is used, the resistant stock. This technique has been reliable under Oregon's cool most flexibility is available when the been tried in California with mixed growing conditions. Cool, wet weather planning starts early. Start planning results. Some growers were able to after grafting generally results in graft now! The more prepared you are, the change the root system of established failure. Given Oregon's propensity for more likely that replanting will be an vines without losing production. unpredictable weather, growers are opportunity for improvement rather However, it is unlikely this technique advised not to try this system except in than a desperate attempt to rescue a would work consistently in Oregon. small-scale experiments. dying vineyard.




PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For

11 Chapter 7 Phylloxera-resistant rootstocks for grapevines M.C. Candolfi-Vasconcelos

Grafting, which combines two differ- Choosing becomes imperative if the clay content ent varieties or species to form a new exceedsDATE. 7 percent. plant with a blend of characteristics, is the appropriate a technique known from ancient times rootstock Rootstocks with Vitis vinifera parent- both in fruit trees and viticulture. It has age should not be used because they been used historically to change Rootstocks susceptible to phylloxera OFare insufficiently resistant to phyllox- variety, enhance vigor, or increase are still being planted, usually because era. The use of some rootstocks limestone tolerance. they are easy to propagate, which recommended in Europe for limestone makes them tolerance, such as Grafting became a common practice in attractive to the 41B, 333 EM, and viticulture after the phylloxera epi- nursery industry iOUT here is at present a vast Fercal (crosses of demic. Laliman was the first to suggest and furthers their choice of phylloxera- V. berlandieri and biological pest control of phylloxera: availability in the resistant rootstocks with a VT vinifera), is not grafting the susceptible wine varieties market. However, IS imperative in to the resistant American species. there is at present a wide range of adaptability to Oregon because vast choice of different soil and chmatic most of our The rapid adoption of this practice led phylloxera-resistant conditions. vineyard soils are to a chaotic period from 1880 to 1930 rootstocks with a slightly acid. when nurseries offered a confusing and wide range of adaptability to different disorderly assortment of rootstocks. soil and climatic conditions. Other viticultural attributes of The use of inappropriate rootstocks information:rootstocks, such as drought and lime caused new problems, particularly The parentage of rootstocks currently tolerance, are secondary factors in lime-induced chlorosis. offered in nurseries is illustrated in selecting a stock to suit a particular Figure 1. soil type or vineyard condition. Extensive research on rootstocks after 1950 revealed that several aspects of The first criterion in choosing a root- To obtain the best fruit quality, avoid scion behavior were dependent on stock is its resistance to grape phyllox- excessive vine vigor. The best of features of the rootstock. These includecurrent era. Resistance to nematodes also is the world are produced on low- to adaptation to growingPUBLICATION conditions, important in infested soils, but a moderate-vigor vineyards. It is very susceptibility to mineral deficiencies or nematode-resistant rootstock with important to adapt the rootstock choice toxicities, tolerance to soilborne pests questionable phylloxera resistance is to the soil and chmate to optimize vine and diseases, vigor, productivity, and not a wise choice. size. Do not use vigorous rootstocks in fruit quality. After more than a century fertile soils. However, high-vigor of experimentation withmost rootstocks in Exceptions to the rule are rootstocks to rootstocks can be of great value under EuropeTHIS and in the New World, there is be grown in very light siliceous or very dry conditions, in nonirrigated a considerable amount of information sandy soils, provided that the sum of vineyards. Trellising systems with to draw upon.For silt, clay, and humus in the soil does divided canopies and widely spaced not exceed 5 percent. In these soils, vines require more vigorous rootstocks Still, the choice of a rootstock for a vines do not seem to be affected by than single-curtain, closely spaced particular location depends on the phylloxera and can be grown self- systems. complex interactions between soil rooted (not grafted) or grafted to type, depth, and physical and chemical nematode-resistant rootstocks such as Root density (root mass per volume properties, and pests, diseases, water Harmony, Freedom, Ramsey, Dog unit of soil) is predominantly a availability, and environmental factors. Ridge, or 1613 C. The clay content function of rootstock cultivar. Spatial Thus, on-site evaluation is imperative. should not exceed 3 percent. Grafting root distribution is a function of the to phylloxera-resistant rootstocks soil environment. Rootstocks that

12 Figure 1.—Parentage of the commoniy grafted rootstocks.

Cordifolia J -> 44-53 Malegue ■< Riparia Gloire de Montpelier Rupestris Saint-George




PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For avoid water stress by developing a in magnesium, varieties with high levels of potassium in the soil are low, deep root system should not be used in magnesium demand (such as varieties with high potassium demand soils that are shallow or where soil 'Chasselas,' ',' (such as 'Cabernet Sauvignon,' layering prevents deep rooting. ',' 'Cardinal,' 'Gewiirtz- 'Merlot,' 'Aramon,' 'Cinsaut,' ',' traminer,' 'Ugni blanc,' 'Sauvignon and 'Miiller-Thurgau') should not be Mineral deficiencies sometimes are blanc,' and 'Syrah') should not be grafted to rootstocks prone to potas- aggravated by less favorable scion- grafted onto rootstocks susceptible to sium deficiency. rootstock combinations. In soils poor magnesium deficiency. Similarly, if the

13 A rootstock's resistance to nematodes Rupestris Saint George 3309 Coudrec depends on the nematode species. The Vigor: Very vigorous. Vigor: Low to moderate. information reported here refers to Effect on fruit set: Recommended for root-knot, dagger, and root-lesion Effect on fruit set: Due to extreme varieties with poor set, but the high nematodes, which are the most vigor, it induces coulure (poor fruit set) fruitfulness it induces requires crop common nematode pests in foreign and therefore is not suitable for removal in young vines. viticultural regions. In Oregon, studies varieties with irregular set. are showing that the most common Effect on maturity: Has a long Effect on maturity: Advances the species seem to be the ring nematode vegetative cycle and delays the maturity of the scion. (Criconemella spp.) and the dagger maturity of the scion. Soils: Has a deep, well-branched root nematode {Xiphinema spp.). There is Soils: Needs a deep soil and a pen- system. It is a good rootstock for deep, no information available on rootstock etrable subsoil. Under such conditions, well-drained cool soils that are well cultivar resistance to ring nematode, it can resist drought even if the soil is supplied with water. Unsuited for dry but we hope to fill this gap in the near poor. In shallow, dry soil, it will suffer and shallow conditions and not future. from drought sooner than Riparia. On appropriate for compacted soils. Has a no account should it be planted where moderateDATE. resistance to lime-induced there is stagnant water in the subsoil chlorosis. Does not tolerate saline soils Characteristics of during the growing season. well. Has a tendency to induce potassium deficiency in overcropped Pests and diseases: High resistance to OF young vines on clay soils. Experience commonly grafted phylloxera. Very sensitive to root-knot, from California shows that young sensitive to dagger, and moderately phylloxera- vines grafted onto 3309 are very resistant to root-lesion nematodes. nutrient demanding. resistant rootstocks Very susceptible to the root-rotting fungi Dematophora nectarixOUT Hartig Pests and diseases: High resistance to Riparia Gloire de andAgricus melleus, and very sensi- phylloxera. In France, it is reported to tive to fanleaf degeneration. be sensitive to any species of root-knot Montpelier IS nematodes and in California is Propagation: Roots easily, grafts well, Vigor: Low to moderate. regarded as susceptible to nematodes. and has excellent affinity with V. However, in Australia, it is considered Effect on fruit set: Improves flower- vinifera. ing and berry set. Varieties grafted to resistant to dagger and root-lesion Other comments: Has a tendency to this rootstock often have declined nematodes. Experiments in South through a tendency to overbear. produce shoots from below the graft. Africa showed that 3309C is resistant In the nematode-infested, deep, to crown gall but susceptible to Effect on maturity: Advances information: irrigated, sandy soils of the coastal phytophthora. It recently has acquired maturity. plains of southern France, Rupestris a bad reputation in California for its Soils: Shallow-growing, well branched St. George is being replaced by S04, sensitivity to viruses when grafted to root system. Suited only to deep, which performs much better under field selections of scion wood. those conditions. moist, and fertile soils with good Propagation: Easy to graft and root. drainage. Should not be used in poor, sandy soils. Not appropriate for current Other comments: In Burgundy, it is calcareous soils and dry sites. Riparia x Rupestris crosses being replaced by S04. Experience in PUBLICATIONBased on the excellent cultural California and Australia suggests that Pests and diseases: Very high resis- characteristics of these two species, it other rootstocks usually are better. tance to phylloxera. was expected that the crosses would Propagation: Roots and grafts easily. lead to high quality rootstocks. In fact, Good graft compatibilitymost with V^ following their hybridization, these 101-14 Millardet et de Grasset vinifera.THIS rootstocks expanded rapidly in every Vigor: Low to moderate. Other comments: In poor growing viticultural country and were highly Effect on fruit set: Improves fruit set conditions, vines grafted on Riparia praised in the beginning. They still are (better than 3309C in Switzerland). For regarded as rootstocks for quality give stems that remain thinner than the Effect on maturity: Advances winegrape production. In France, scion grafted on it. Therefore, it is not maturity (shorter cycle than 3309C). appropriate for low-density plantings however, their use is decreasing in with considerable fruit weight per vine. favor of Berlandieri x Riparia crosses, Soils: Has a fairly shallow, well- It still is considered one of the best which have a superior adaptation branched root system and requires moist, deep soils. A good rootstock for rootstocks for quality winegrape spectrum. fresh clay soils even if they are poorly production. drained. Not appropriate for dry and well-drained positions on slopes. Has a

14 moderate resistance to lime-induced confer low to moderate vigor to the Teleki 8B chlorosis. Should not be used in acid scion, and some of them are drought Vigor: Moderate. soils without first applying lime to tolerant. They are suited to cool Effect on fruit set: Very fruitful in improve pH. Resistant to salinity. climate, quahty wine-growing areas good soils but not appropriate for high- due to earhness of maturity and Pests and diseases: Has high resis- yielding varieties. tance to phylloxera. Moderately moderate vigor. They probably are the Soils: Shallow-growing root system. resistant to nematodes. In South Africa, group best suited to Oregon conditions. Not appropriate for shallow, dry soils. it is reported to be resistant to crown Very resistant to lime-induced chloro- gall and moderately resistant to Selection Oppenheim 4 (S04) sis. More drought-tolerant than 5BB. phytophthora. Vigor: Moderate to vigorous. Pests and diseases: Has high phyllox- Propagation: Easy to graft and root. In Effect on fruit set: The available era resistance and is resistant to root- South Africa, it shows lack of compat- information is conflicting. Germany, knot nematodes. ibility with some varieties such as South Africa, and New Zealand report 'Syrah' and 'Chardonnay.' Propagation: Roots poorly but grafts it to be especially suited for varieties well. Other comments: In Switzerland, with poor set. In France, its excessive DATE. compared to 3309C it produced vigor is reported to cause poor fruit set. Other comments: This stock origi- slightly higher yields with the same nally was a mixture of five plants and Effect on maturity: Advances the sugar content. was further selected in Germany maturity of the scion according to OF(Durlach 50, 51, 52), Italy (Ferrari, researchers in Germany, South Africa, Schwarzmann Cosmo 2, and Cosmo 10), and Roma- and New Zealand. However, according nia (Dragasani 37, 57). Vigor: Moderate (more vigorous than to French literature, it delays maturity. 3309C and 101-14). Soils: Has a shallow-growing root Effect on fruit set: Improves the system. Tolerates high levelsOUT of lime in Kober 5BB fertility of the scion. the soil and performs satisfactorily in Vigor: Vigorous. Soils: In Australia, it does best on acid soils. Well adaptedIS to a wide Effect on fruit set: Can cause imper- moist, deep soils and should not be range of soils but does best in light, fect set in vigorous varieties and fertile used where summer drought is well drained soils of low fertility. soils. common. According to Galet (France), Suited to humid soils but not recom- Effect on maturity: Has a relatively this is a good stock for dry, mended for dry conditions. In New short season. In vigorous, valley floor nonchlorotic soils. In New Zealand, it Zealand, it is reported to be drought- sites, the excess of vigor can affect is not recommended for excessively tolerant. Assimilates magnesium fruit set and delay maturity. heavy soils. poorly and, wheninformation: grafted with 'Merlot' Soils: Shallow-growing root system. Pests and diseases: High resistance to or 'Cabernet Sauvignon,' induces Tolerates high levels of lime in the phylloxera. Highly resistant to root- inflorescence necrosis. soil. One of the best stocks for humid, knot and dagger nematodes. Pests and diseases: Very high phyllox- compact, calcareous soils. Less era resistance and is resistant to root- Propagation: Easy to graft and root. appropriate for sites with prolonged knot nematodes. In France, it favors drought. No salt tolerance. Not suitable Other comments: The advantage of the development of botrytis infestation for high-yielding varieties due to poor this rootstock compared to Riparia currentin the fall due to excessive vigor. potassium uptake. Gloire and the other RipariaPUBLICATION x Varieties with high magnesium Rupestris hybrids is that it is more demand should not be grafted onto Pests and diseases: Has very good tolerant to calcareous soils, and its S04 because they tend to show resistance to phylloxera and moderate trunk thickens as rapidly as that of the magnesium deficiency and inflores- resistance to root-knot and dagger scion grafted on it. This mostrootstock of cence necrosis symptoms. Susceptible nematodes. In Cahfomia, it is reported uncertainTHIS origin probably is a descen- to thyllosis. to be sensitive to phytophthora and, dentofthe 101 series from Millardet. thus, not recommended for sites likely Propagation: Roots well, but results It is not well documented in the to have standing water. Susceptible to of bench grafting sometimes are literature. For thyllosis. disappointing. Propagation: Roots and grafts well. Other comments: Stock develops Some incompatibility with table grape Berlandieri x Riparia slowly and shows low vigor in the first varieties was reported in Italy and with crosses years of development. Vine vigor wine varieties (',' decreases drastically after 15 to This group is characterized by good 'Colombard,' 'Servant,' and 20 years, leading to the need to phylloxera resistance, resistance to 'Abouriou') in France. lime in the soil, and good affinity with re-establish the vineyard. In California, V^ vinifera. These crosses typically 5C was mistaken for S04 for many years. 15 Other comments: Not suited for Riesling,' 'Miiller-Thurgau,' 99 Richter regions affected by severe winter frosts 'Sylvaner,' 'Chasselas,' and the 'Pinot' Vigor: Very vigorous. because its roots do not tolerate family. It is best suited to high-yielding Effect on fruit set: Has a much shorter temperatures below -80C (180F) at varieties such as 'Miiller-Thurgau.' vegetative cycle than Rupestris 30 centimeters depth (12 inches). St. George, which means that it could 420A Millardet et de Grasset be grown under cool conditions. Teleki 5C Vigor: Low to moderate. Effect on maturity: Delays scion Vigor: Moderate (between 5BB and Effect on fruit set: Improves scion maturity. S04). fertility. Soils: Root system very strongly Effect on fruit set: Well suited for Effect on maturity: Has a long developed and very deep-growing. varieties with poor set. vegetative cycle. Well-suited to a wide range of soils, Effect on maturity: Advances Soils: Root system is fairly shallow- but wet, poorly drained situations maturity. The earliest maturing growing and well branched. Well- should be avoided. Drought-tolerant rootstock of this group. suited to poorer, heavy-texture soils. A and performs well in acid soils. Does not tolerateDATE. salt but tolerates high Soils: Suitable to well-drained, fertile good stock for dry hillside sites, levels of lime in the soil. Assimilates soils. A good choice for heavy soils according to Italian and Australian magnesium poorly. (clays and clay loams). Has moderate sources, but susceptible to drought drought resistance and high tolerance according to French and South African OFPests and diseases: High resistance to to calcareous soils. sources. Does not withstand waterlog- phylloxera and root-knot nematodes ging. Has good resistance to lime- and moderate resistance to dagger and Pests and diseases: Very good induced chlorosis, but is prone to root-lesion nematodes. resistance to phylloxera and good potassium deficiency. resistance to root-knot and dagger Propagation: According to South nematodes. Pests and diseases: HighOUT phylloxera African experience, it roots and grafts resistance. Moderate resistance to root- extremely well, but the French report Propagation: Roots and grafts well. knot nematodes butIS susceptible to less successful results with bench Other comments: Selected in Austria dagger and root-lesion nematodes. grafting. from Teleki 5A. In California, it was Susceptible to phytophthora. Other comments: This was the erroneously sold as S04. This root- Propagation: Does not root or graft outstanding rootstock in a long-term stock has many of the attributes of easily. Has poor affinity with rootstock trial in Victoria, AustraUa. In 5BB except that it tends to advance 'Sangiovese' in Italy. France, under dry conditions, its ripening. It therefore has special value performance usually is inferior to for very cool chmates. Other comments:information: The oldest commer- cialized Berlandieri x Riparia hybrid 110R. In South Africa, it is considered the best rootstock for deep, fertile soils Kober 125AA and is used mainly for early-ripening table grapes and high-quality under irrigation. Vigor: Very vigorous. winegrapes. Grows very slowly and Effect on fruit set: Not appropriate for has a tendency to overcrop in early 110 Richter varieties with irregular set. years of vine development. Vigor: Moderate to vigorous. Soils: Moderately resistant to lime- current Effect on fruit set: Not appropriate for induced chlorosis.PUBLICATION Greater drought varieties with irregular set. tolerance than 5BB. In Germany, it is Berlandieri x Rupestris recommended for a very wide range of crosses Effect on maturity: Very long soils, particularly heavy, compact soils The rootstocks belonging to this group vegetative cycle delays maturity. with poor aeration andmost drainage. Not are vigorous, often very resistant to Soils: Root system not as deep- appropriate for shallow soils. In New drought, and are the best adapted to growing as that of 99R or Rupestris Zealand,THIS however, it is recommended warm regions. They have high phyllox- St. George. Well-suited to all kinds of for poor, stony soils. era resistance and tolerate calcareous soils, including acid soils. An excellent soils. The vegetative cycle usually is Pests andFor diseases: High phylloxera rootstock in warm grape-growing areas longer than the Berlandieri x Riparia resistance. with an arid climate. Resistance to and Riparia x Rupestris crosses and, drought is superior to 99R, and it does Propagation: Roots well but initially therefore, they are less adequate for well on badly drained, shallow clays. A develops slowly. cool-climate regions. However, their good rootstock for slopes or dry- Other comments: In most aspects, this adaptability to poor growing condi- farmed sites. Assimilates magnesium rootstock is similar to 5BB, although it tions, infertile soils, and drought are and potassium poorly but tolerates lime is more vigorous in growth and is among the characteristics that make in the soil. recommended for special conditions this group worth trying in Oregon. only. It gives good results with 'White 16 Pests and diseases: Highly resistant to to salinity. In the group Berlandieri x Soils: Root system is deep-growing phylloxera. Moderate resistance to Rupestris, it is the most resistant to and very strongly developed. Performs root-knot nematodes. lime in the soil. Assimilates potassium well under drought conditions. Propagation: Roots and grafts well. poorly. Moderate resistance to lime-induced Pests and diseases: Highly resistant to chlorosis but often suffers from Other comments: This is one of the magnesium deficiency. Used in the most important rootstocks in Portugal, phylloxera. Moderate resistance to root-knot nematodes. acid soils of the eastern Pyrenees, and Spain, Greece, North Africa, and Israel may be a good stock for dry regions as and ranks third in plantings in France. Propagation: Grafts well but is not long as the soil is low in lime. Initial vine growth is slow because it easy to root. first develops the root system. Pests and diseases: Very high resis- Other comments: This is a Sicilian tance to phylloxera. Resistant to rootstock, very popular in Italy and nematodes and has been reported to be 1103 Paulsen North Africa. It is considered the best resistant to fanleaf virus. Vigor: Moderate to vigorous. rootstock for arid, calcareous soils. Propagation: Roots and grafts Effect on maturity: Has a long extremelyDATE. well. vegetative cycle, thus delaying Other comments: Qualities are similar maturity of the scion. Riparia x Solonis crosses to the stock 3309C. Soils: Root system is deep-growing 1616Coudrec OF and strongly developed, resembling Vigor: Moderate. that of Rupestris St. George. Reported Effect on fruit set: Improves scion Riparia x Berlandieri to be more drought tolerant than 11 OR fertility. x Rupestris and 140Ru in Sicily and . In calcareous soils in France, it performs Effect on maturity: Advances the Gravesac maturity of the scion. OUT better than 99R but not as well as Vigor: Moderate. 110R, 161-49C, S04, and 420A. Does Soils: Root system shallow-growing Soils: Suited for well-drained soils of well in acid soils. Moderately tolerant and well branched. Sensitive to IS low fertility. Tolerates acid soils and is of salt but assimilates potassium drought and best adapted to fertile, resistant to lime-induced chlorosis. poorly. humid, badly drained soils provided Pests and diseases: Has high resis- they do not contain much lime. Grows Pests and diseases: High phylloxera tance to phylloxera, good resistance to poorly in infertile and light sandy soils. resistance. root-knot nematodes, and moderate High tolerance to salt and, in France, is Propagation: Roots and grafts well resistance to dagger nematodes. used mostly on saline soils along the and has good affinity with the varieties Mediterranean coast.information: Propagation: Roots and grafts well tested so far. and has good affinity with V. vinifera. Pests and diseases: Good resistance to Other comments: This is a new phylloxera and high resistance to root- Other comments: This rootstock was rootstock, bred in Bordeaux specifi- knot nematodes. bred and selected in Sicily and is used cally for tolerance to acid soils (cross in Italy, southern France, and North Propagation: Roots well, but the of 161-49C and 3309C). It still is being Africa. results of bench grafting are poor. tested. In Bordeaux, it performs like S04. It is not available in the United currentOther comments: The main advan- States, but it would be interesting to 140 RuggeriPUBLICATION tages of this rootstock are the nema- test in Oregon. Vigor: Very vigorous. tode and salt resistance. Effect on fruit set: In fertile soils, causes poor fruit set duemost to excessive vigor.THIS Complex crosses Further reading Effect on maturity: A very long Ahmedullah, M. and D.G. Himelrick. vegetative season delays maturity. Riparia x Cordifolia x 1989. Grape management. In: G.J. Soils: Root systemFor is very deep- Rupestris Galletta and D.G. Himelrick (eds.). growing and well branched, resem- Small Fruit Crop Management. bling that of Rupestris St. George. 44-53 Malegue Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Because of extreme vigor, not recom- Vigor; Moderate. NJ. pp. 383-471. mended as a rootstock for deep, fertile Effect on fruit set: Improves fruit set Carbonneau, A. 1985. The early soils that are well supplied with water. of the scion. selection of grapevine rootstocks for Performs well in shallow, dry, calcare- resistance to drought conditions. Effect on maturity: Advances ous soils and is very drought tolerant, American Journal of Viticulture and maturity. well-adapted to acid soils, and resistant Enology 36:195-198.

17 Casteran, P. 1971. Etablissement du Galet, P. 1991. Precis Pongracz, D.P. 1983. Rootstocks for vignoble. In: Sciences et Techniques d'Ampelographie Pratique. 6th grapevines. David Philip. Cape de la Vigne, n. J. Riberau-Gayon edition. Dehan, Montpellier, France. Town, South Africa. 150 pp. and E. Peynaud (eds.). Dunod, 258 pp. Simon, J.L., W. Eggenberger, W Paris, pp. 35-99. Hardie, W. J., and R.M. Cirami. 1988. Koblet, M. Mischler, and J. Chauvet, M., and A. Reynier. 1979. Grapevine rootstocks. In: Schwarzenbach. 1992. Viticulture. Manuel de viticulture. Editions J.B. Viticulture, Vol. 1: Resources. B.G. 3rd edition. Editions Payot, Baillifere, France. 312 pp. Coombe and P. R. Dry (eds.). Lausanne. La Maison Rustique, Dalmasso, G., and I. Eynard. 1979. Winetitles, Adelaide, Australia, Paris. 224 pp. Viticoltura Modema - Manuale pp. 154-176. Wolpert, J.A., M.A. Walker, E. Weber, Pratico. 8th edition. Ulrico Hoepli, Hillebrand, W, H. Lott, and F. Pfaff. L. Bettiga, R. Smith, and P. Milan. 747 pp. 1993. Taschenbuch der Rebsorten. Verdegall. 1994. Use of phylloxera- Foulonneau, C. 1971. Guide de la 10th edition. Fachverlag Dr. Fraund resistant rootstocks in California: Plantation des Vignes. Institut GmbH., Mainz, Germany. 462 pp. Past, present and future. Technique de la Vigne et du Vin. Howell, G.S. 1987. Vitis rootstocks. In: GrapegrowerDATE. 26:10-17. Paris. 196 pp. Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. R.C. Wolpert, J.A., M.A. Walker, and E. Galet, P. 1988. Cepages et Vignobles Rom and R.B. Carlson (eds.). John Weber. 1992. Rootstock seminar: A de France, Tome 1: Les Vignes Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. pp. OFworldwide perspective. Reno, NV, Americaines. 2nd edition. Dehan, 451-472. 24 June 1992. pp. 1-14. Montpellier, France. 553 pp. Jackson D., and D. Schuster. 1994. Grapes and Wine in Cool Climates. Gypsum Press, Christchurch, New Zealand. OUT IS


PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For

18 Chapter 8 Buying winegrape plants B. Strik and P. Stonerod

Selecting good plant material is a European winegrapes are not resistant for presence of phylloxera or symp- critical step in establishing a profitable to grape phylloxera and will die after toms of infestation in the winter when vineyard. Considering vineyard they become infested. Vines grafted plants are dug. However, this and other establishment costs and potential onto a resistant rootstock are the best certification or inspection methods for longevity, it is important to start with insurance and the only control measure phylloxera are not foolproof because it clean plant material. Choosing a good against phylloxera. There are many is very difficultDATE. to find this insect pest. nursery source is an important step in types of grafted rootstocks from which Certified grapevine nurseries in procuring good to choose. Select a Oregon also are inspected once during quality, true-to- resistant stock that OFthe growing season for presence of leaf symptoms of viral infestation. type plants. When V-^ hoosing a good nursery best suits your site you've made and desired Approximately every 5 years, nurseries decisions on what source is an important step in viticultural traits are sampled during the growing season cultivars or clones procuring good quality, true- (see Chapter 7, for the plant parasitic nematodes that to plant, you still to-type plants. "Phylloxera-OUT vector the fanleaf and leaf roll viruses. need to choose resistant rootstocks plant type (green for grapevines"). As added insurance against phylloxera or dormant, self-rooted or grafted) and The most popular rootstock-scionIS infestation, some nurseries treat their plant disease status (certified, or hot- combinations are in great demand. plants in a hot water dip or with water-dipped for pest control). All Order your plants well in advance of insecticide to kill any phylloxera that these things must be considered when your desired planting date. may be present. This may increase the ordering your plants. cost of plants. For an effective hot water dip, plants Plant diseaseinformation: must be dipped for 5 minutes at 110oF Plant type (to warm the roots) and 5 minutes at status 1250F to kill any phylloxera life stages Nurseries sell dormant field-grown and present. We have shown that this treat- greenhouse (green) potted plants. Grape quarantine ment eradicates phylloxera without Green plants need to be hardened off The Oregon Department of Agriculture harming self-rooted or grafted plants properly before planting and may need has an established plant quarantine that are dormant when dipped. more careful irrigation after planting. against fanleaf and leaf roll viruses and Check with nurseries for availability currentgrape phylloxera. If you wish to As an alternative to hot water dipping, and recommendations.PUBLICATION purchase plants from nurseries in the insecticide Malathion 5EC is California or other states, you must registered for use as a nursery plant Grade follow these regulations. It is against treatment for insect control. Nurseries Dormant, field-grown plants are quarantine regulations to import grape or growers using this product should available in two grades basedmost mainly plant material that is not certified to be check the label carefully prior to use. on plantTHIS size. Check with nurseries for free of fanleaf and leaf roll viruses and availability and costs of grades for the phylloxera. Also, the only rooted grape Keep in mind that phylloxera can live cultivars or clones you're interested in. plants that may be imported are those on the roots of resistant rootstocks. The For that have been grown in soilless, sterile resistant rootstock does not die as a Self-rooted or grafted? media. For more information, contact result of phylloxera feeding but can Although self-rooted (nongrafted) the Oregon Department of Agriculture. serve as a source of phylloxera that plants are about one-sixth the cost of infest nearby vineyards. This is an grafted vines, the Oregon State Treatment of nursery plants important fact to keep in mind, University Extension Service does not Plants purchased from Oregon grape- especially if you're planting near an recommend planting self-rooted vine nurseries commonly are field- established European, self-rooted vineyards in Oregon due to the grown. Nursery inspectors check plants vineyard block. presence of phylloxera. Self-rooted

19 Chapter 9 Tips for producing phylloxera-resistant grafted vines S. Price

Planting winegrape plants grafted to graft union with a 1-inch wrap of probably is not necessary with most of phylloxera-resistant rootstocks is the plastic electrician's tape. Then dip the the commonDATE. rootstocks being consid- only sure way to avoid phylloxera graft union and the bud in a mix of ered in Oregon. damage to a vineyard. Grafted plants equal parts bees- are expensive, however (five or six wax, paraffin, and After 3 to 5 weeks, times the cost of self-rooted cuttings). linseed oil and then OF when new shoots in cold water. Make u,nlike traditional methods, on the scion are You can reduce the cost of replanting if sure the wax is not the method described here about 1 inch long, you produce your own grafted plants. too hot—keep it o remove the grafted Bench grafting is a relatively simple does not require an 80 F just above the callusing room or a green- cuttings from the process, but observing several key melting point. OUT boxes. If there are points can greatly affect your success. house, making it an appeal- longer shoots, trim Callus the grafted ing system for small-scale them to two nodes Some Oregon growers use the follow- cuttings in a IS and remove the ing system with good results. It is a grafting operations. waterproof con- larger leaves. modification of a commercial system tainer at least Again dip the top used in several New Zealand nurseries 18 inches high. New Zealanders use a of the cutting either and appears to work well there on all range of containers, from waxed in wax (this time, a mix of equal parts the standard rootstocks. Unlike lettuce boxes with their sides taped up beeswax and Unseed oil) or a plastic traditional methods, it does not require to 4-square-foot plastic picking bins. antitranspirant. If you use wax, keep an 80°F callusing room or a green- information: the temperature cooler than the first house, making it an appealing system Fill the container with 9 inches of dip, and dip the grafted cutting in cold for small-scale grafting operations. moist perlite and place the grafted cuttings in the container with the graft water after the wax dip. Timing of the whole operation depends union up. The graft union should be After callusing, you can plant the on the planting date in the nursery. To several inches above the perlite. Seal grafted cuttings directly in the nursery. plant cuttings in warm soil in mid- to the whole container with transparent Two weeks before planting, cover late May, graft in early to mid-April. plastic to keep the air in the container current well-worked soil with 3-foot-wide PUBLICATIONat 100 percent humidity. First, cut rootstock wood to length (12 black plastic strips to warm the soil. to 16 inches) and disbud it. You can Keep the temperature inside the box at Just prior to planting, run a spiked disbud rootstock wood with a pruner at 80oF. Be sure to monitor the tempera- wheel or some other device over the the time of collection or later using a ture both in the air, under the plastic, plastic to mark the spacing and cut wire brush on a benchmost grinder. and in the perlite. holes in the plastic. Space cuttings 4 to THIS 6 inches apart, with two rows of All wood for grafting must be stored Lights should be suspended over the cuttings on each plastic sheet. Dig under cool, moist conditions prior to containers. The light source is not plants the following dormant season. use to avoidFor desiccation. Carefully important—banks of fluorescent lights, select single-node scions for grafting to quartz work lights, and incandescent Typical success rates in New Zealand match the size of the rootstock. bulbs all work well. Usually the lights average around 55 percent. Some supply all the heat necessary. Adjust Oregon growers have had 90 percent Grafts can be made by hand, using a the temperature in the container by success using this system. At Oregon whip and tongue graft for example, but raising or lowering the lights. State University, we have had success they are easiest when done with a rates of 40 to 70 percent, depending on grafting machine that makes either an Some rootstocks may require bottom the rootstock. The one noticeable omega, slot, or "V" cut. Secure the heat to improve rooting, but this exception was 1616 Coudrec, on which we had no take. The plant quality after 20 growth in the nursery generally is very plants are well watered and fertilized in a greenhouse instead of a small good: root systems are large, and top during the growing season. container. growth is adequate. This method is a little different from If you are interested in trying your own The quality of nursery stock you the standard method of producing grafting, start on a modest scale to get produce will be closely tied to your bench-grafted plants in the United experience with how the system works nursery practices. Generally, the best States, which involves callusing in the and what sort of success you have. nursery ground is not the best ground dark, hardening off callused plants in a Most failures are the result of using for vineyards. Nurseries should be greenhouse, then field planting. poor wood, so make sure you can planted on rich, fertile soil that is Systems similar to the one described secure a good source of quality plant easily dug in the winter. A sandy loam here are used on a large scale in material and can store it properly until is considered ideal. Make sure the France, but the callusing step is done April.




PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For




PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Extension work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties.

Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials—without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, disability, and disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status—as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title DC of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.