Official Journal of the European Communities Wines Derived from Vine Varieties Appearing in the Recommended Or Authorised Vine V

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Official Journal of the European Communities Wines Derived from Vine Varieties Appearing in the Recommended Or Authorised Vine V Official Journal of the European Communities 623 10.10.70 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 224/ 1 REGULATION ( EEC) No 2005/70 OF THE COMMISSION of 6 October 1970 on the classification of vine varieties THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COM­ wines derived from vine varieties appearing in the MUNITIES , classification of vine varieties may be considered as table wines ; Having regard to the Treaty setting up the European Economic Community; Whereas strict application of Regulation ( EEC ) No 1388/70 would, in certain cases , lead to considerable Having regard to Council Regulation ( EEC ) No difficulties, since the classification is intended to serve 816/701 of 28 April 1970 laying down additional as guidance for vine-planting ; whereas, therefore, provisions for the common organisation of the exceptions in respect of table grape varieties used by market in wine, as amended by Regulation ( EEC ) No the canning industry which are not subject to the 1253/70,2 and in particular the second subparagraph common quality standards applicable to table grapes of Article 16 ( 1 ) and Article 37 thereof ; should be allowed for a transitional period ; Whereas Article 16 ( 1 ) of Regulation ( EEC ) No Whereas the measures provided in this Regulation are 816/70 provides for a classification of vine varieties in accordance with the Opinion of the Management approved for cultivation in the Community ; whereas Committee for Wines ; those vine varieties should be classified, by administrative units or parts thereof, into HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : recommended vine varieties, authorised vine varieties and provisionally authorised vine varieties ; Article 1 Whereas this classification of vine varieties should be adopted in the light of the provisions and criteria of The classification of vine varieties shall be as shown Council Regulation (EEC) No 1388/703 of 13 July, in the Annex to this Regulation . 1970 on general rules for the classification of vine varieties ; Article 2 Whereas Article 16 (2) of Regulation ( EEC ) No 1 . This Regulation shall enter into force on the 816/70 provides that from 1 September 1971 only third day following its publication in the Official recommended or authorised vine varieties may be Journal of the European Communities . used for new vine planting, replanting or grafting ; whereas, moreover, in accordance with point 10 of 2 . The provisions of Title II of the Annex to this Annex II to Regulation (EEC ) No 816/70, only Regulation shall be valid until 31 August 1971 . This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States . Done at Brussels, 6 October 1970 . For the Commission The President Franco M. MALFATTI 1 OJ No L 99, 5.5.1970, p . 1 . 2 OJ No L 143, 1.7.1970, p . 1 . 624 Official Journal of the European Communities ANNEX Classification of vine varieties according to administrative units TITLE I WINE GRAPES VARIETIES SUBTITLE I : Recommended and authorised vine varieties I. GERMANY 1 . Regierungsbezirk Köln : ( a) Recommended vine varieties: Auxerrois B, Weißer Burgunder B, Faber B , Blauer Frühburgunder N, Huxelrebe B,. Kanzler B, Kerner B, Morio-Muskat B, Müller-Thurgau B, Ruländer G, Perle R, Blauer Portugieser N., Rieslaner B, Weißer Riesling B, Scheurebe B, Siegerrebe Rs. Blauer Spätburgunder N. ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: Roter Elbling R, Weißer Elbling B, Freisamer B , Malvasier B. 2 . Regierungsbezirk Trier : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties : Auxerrois B , Weißer Burgunder B, Ehrenfelser B , Roter Elbling R,1 Weißer Elbling B,1 Faber B, Freisamer B, Gewürztraminer Rs, Huxelrebe B , Kanzler B , Kerner B, Morio-Muskat B, Müller-Thurgau B, Rieslaner B , Weißer Riesling B, Ruländer G, Scheurebe B, Siegerrebe Rs . ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: Roter Elbling R, Weißer Elbling B , Färbertraube N, Weißer Gutedel B, Roter Gutedel R, Gelber Muskateller B, Muskat-Ottonel B, Perle R, Grüner Silvaner B, Veltliner B. 3 . Regierungsbezirk Koblenz : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties: Auxerrois B, Weißer Burgunder B, Ehrenfelser B , Roter Elbling R,2 Weißer Elbling B ,2 Faber B, Freisamer B, Blauer Frühburgunder N, Gewürztraminer Rs, Roter Gutedel R, Weißer Gutedel B, Helfensteiner N, Heroldrebe B, Huxelrebe B, Kanzler B , Kerner B, Blauer Limberger N, Morio-Muskat B, Müller-Thurgau B, Gelber Muskateller B, Muskat-Ottonel B, Perle Rs, Blauer Portugieser N, Rieslaner B, Weißer Riesling B , Ruländer G, Scheurebe B, Siegerrebe Rs, Grüner Silvaner B, Blauer Spätburgunder N, Saint-Laurent N, Veltiner B. 1 Recommended for production of sparkling wines exclusively in Landkreis Trier-Saarburg . 2 Recommended for production of sparkling wines exclusively in Landkreis Cochem-Zell . Official Journal of the European Communities 625 ( b )* Authorised vine varieties: Roter Elbling R, Weißer Elbling R, Färbertraube N, Früher Malingre B, Müllerrebe N. 4. Regierungsbezirk Rheinhessen-Pfalz : ( a) Recommended, vine varieties: Auxerrois B , Ehrenfelser B, Faber B, Weißer Burgunder B, Freisamer B, Blauer Fruhburgunder N, Gewürztraminer Rs, Helfensteiner B, Heroldrebe N, Huxelrebe B, Kerner B, Kanzler B, Blauer Limberger N, Morio-Muskat B , Müller-Thurgau B , Gelber Muskateller B, Muskat-Ottonel B, Eerie Rs, Blauer Portugieser N, Rieslaner B, Weißer Riesling B, Ruländer G, Scheurebe B , Siegerrebe Rs, Grüner Silvaner B, Blauer Spatburgunder N, Saint-Laurent M, Veltiner B1 . ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: Färbertraube N, Roter Gutedel R, Weißer Gutedel B, Früher Malingre B ,2 Roter Muskateller R, Müllerrebe N, Blauer Trollinger N. 5 . Saarland : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties: Auxerrois B, Weißer Burgunder B, Ehrenfelser B, Roter Elbling R,3 Weißer Elbling B,3 Faber B, Freisamer B, Kanzler B, Kerner B , Müller-Thurgau B , Weißer Riesling B, Ruländer G, Scheurebe B, Siegerrebe Rs . (b ) Authorised vine varieties: Roter Elbling R, Weißer Elbling B, Roter Gutedel R, Weißer Gutedel B , Huxelrebe B , Früher Malingre B, Morio-Muskat B, Gelber Muskateller B, Muskat-Ottonel B , Perle R, Grüner Silvaner B , Veltliner B. 6 . Regierungsbezirk Darmstadt : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties : Auxerrois B, Weißer Burgunder B, Ehrenfelser B, Faber B, Blauer Frühburgunder N, Gewürztraminer Rs , Kanzler B , Kerner B, Müller-Thurgau B , Muskat- Ottonel B , Weißer Riesling B, Ruländer G, Scheurebe B, Grüner Silvaner B, Blauer Spät­ burgunder N. ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: Färbertraube N, Weißer Gutedel B, Morio-Muskat B , Gelber Muskateller B , Blauer Portugieser N, Saint-Laurent N, Siegerrebe Rs . 7 . Regierungsbezirk Nordbaden : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties: Auxerrois B, Weißer Burgunder B , Freisamer B, Blauer Frühburgunder N, Gewürztraminer Rs, Roter' Gutedel R, Weißer Gutedel B , Helfensteiner N, Kerner B, Blauer Limberger N, Müllerrebe N, Müller-Thurgau B, Gelber Muskateller B, 1 Recommended exclusively in Landkreise Mainz-Bingen und Alzey-Worms and in the territory of Mainz and Worms . 2 Authorised exclusively in Landkreis Landau-Bergzabern for the Gemeinde Maikammer, Kirrweiler, Edenkoben . 3 Recommended for the production sparkling wines . 626 Official Journal of the European Communities Roter Muskateller R, Muskat-Ottonel B, Blauer Portugieser N, Weißer Riesling B , Ruländer G, Scheurebe B, Grüner Silvaner B, Saint-Laurent N, Blauer Spätburgunder N, Roter Traminer R, Blauer Trollinger N. ( b ) Authorised vine varieties : Heroldrebe N, Morio-Muskat B , Perle Rs, Rieslaner B , Siegerrebe Rs, Veltliner B. 8 . Regierungsbezirk Südbaden : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties : Auxerrois B , Weißer Burgunder B, Freisamer B , Gewürztraminer Rs, Roter Gutedel • R, Weißer Gutedel B , Kerner B , Morio-Muskat B , Müller-Thurgau B , Gelber Muskateller B , Roter Muskateller R, Muskat-Ottonel B , Weißer Riesling B , Ruländer G, Scheurebe B , Grüner Silvaner B , Blauer Spätburgunder N, Roter Traminer R. ( b ) Authorised vine varieties : Saint-Laurent. 9 . Regierungsbezirk Nordwürttemberg : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties : Auxerrois B , Weißer Burgunder B, Ehrenfelser B , Blauer Frühburgunder N, Gewürztraminer Rs, Roter Gutedel R,' Weißer Gutedel B , Helfensteiner N, Heroldrebe N, Kerner B , Blauer Limberger N, Morio-Muskat B , Müllerrebe N, Müller-Thurgau B , Gelber Muskateller B, Roter Muskateller R, Muskat-Ottonel B , Muskat-Trollinger N, Blauer Portugieser N, Weißer Riesling B, Ruländer G, Saint-Laurent N , Scheurebe B , Blauer Silvaner N, Grüner ' Silvaner B , Blauer Spåtburgunder N, Blauer Trollinger N, Roter Traminer R. ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: Fréisamer B, Perle Rs, Rieslaner B, Veltliner B. 10 . Regierungsbezirk Südwürttemberg-Hohenzollern : ( a ) Recommended vine varieties: Blauer Frühburgunder N, Gewürztraminer Rs, Roter Gutedel R, Helfensteiner N, Heroldrebe N, Kerner B , Blauer Limberger N, Müllerrebe N, Müller-Thurgau B , Blauer Portugieser N, Ruländer G, Grüner Silvaner B, Blauer Spåtburgunder N, Roter Traminer R. ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: None 11 . Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken : (a ) Recommended vine varieties: Auxerrois B , Werner Burgunder B, Ehrenfelser B , Faber B , Freisamer B, Blauer Frühburgunder N , Gewürztraminer Rs, Roter Gutedel R, Weißer Gutedel B , Helfensteiner N, Huxelrebe B, Kanzler B, Kerner B , Morio-Muskat B , Müller-Thurgau B, Muskat-Ottonel B, Gelber Muskateller B, Roter Muskateller R, Perle Rs, Rieslaner B , Weißer Riesling B , Ruländer B , Saint-Laurent N, Scheurebe B, Siegerrebe Rs, Grüner Silvaner B, Blauer Spåtburgunder N. Official Journal of the European Communities 627 ( b ) Authorised vine varieties: Heroldrebe N, Blauer Limberger
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