District Climate Resilience Plan of Chitrakoot April, 2019 An initiative of CAN South Asia and EFICOR in co-operation with Directorate of Environment, Government of Uttar Pradesh and District Administration of Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh EFICOR 308, Mahatta Tower, B 54 Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058, India email:
[email protected] Website: www.eficor.org Layout and Design by EFICOR Printed by Bosco Society for Printing and Graphic Training CHITRAKOOT Chitrakoot District Vulnerability to Climate Change (L) and Adaptive Capacity Index (R)1 The two maps indicate the high vulnerability of Chitrakoot district to Climate Change and its relatively very low capacity to adapt to the changes and impacts 1 For index methodology, refer http://www.iegindia.org/upload/publication/Workpap/wp337.pdf Message from Director of Environment, GoU.P. FOREWORD (i) (ii) FOREWORD (iii) Acknowledgement & Reflection It is apt to recognise this contribution as compiling of information from secondary and primary sources, in an attempt to bring development and climate perspectives on the same page informed by local context of the district. In this endeavour, I would like to recognise the support of the Department of Environment, Government of Uttar Pradesh and the administration of the Chitrakoot district. Their endorsement to this initiative is key to making the effort worthy of everyone’s engagement. I also acknowledge the mentoring provided by Project Advisory Committee comprising- 1. Prof Vinod Sharma & Dr Shyamli Singh, Indian Institute of Public Administration, Delhi 2. Dr AA Khan, former OSD, Department of Environment, GoU.P., Lucknow 3. Avanish Kumar, Professor, Management Development Institute (iv) (MDI), Gurgaon 4.