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Vol. 19, Issue 23 www.beaconnewspaper.com Octiber 23, 2006 LOTS OF LAUGHS Rainy day inspires SGA campaign

JOSE DE WIT Opinion Editor

Rocio Perez, speaker of the house for the Student Government Council at University Park, was driving past a dollar store one rainy afternoon this summer when, on a whim, she went in and bought 17 big, blue umbrellas. She gave one to each member of the council with a specifi c set of instructions. They were to each fi nd one person who was stuck in the rain and hand them their umbrella, saying only, “SGA cares about you.” The umbrella project, as Perez and her fellow representatives call it, was not an isolated event, but rather part of SGA Cares, the SGC-UP House of Representatives’ program for improving student government this year. Asked to defi ne SGA Cares, representa- CHRIS CUTRO/THE BEACON tives could not agree on what to call it. “It’s A ‘BARRY’ FUNNY MAN: Students laugh during a performance by humor columnist Dave Barry, who spoke in honor a campaign,” said Representative-at-Large of his late father-in-law, FIU professor Leonard Kaufman. SEE STORY PAGE 4 SGA, page 2 Groundskeepers keep the grass greener on FIU’s side

IAN NATHANIEL COHEN and managing contracts. “You’ve got two or three people pretty agreed. Staff Writer The groundskeepers are contracted to much doing the same thing, so it’s easy “I’ve been living in Miami all my FIU from Aramark Services, and Salemi when you’ve got something to do.” life, so I’m used to the heat by now,” While walking across campus, the is in charge of managing Aramark’s As for the way tasks are assigned out Vargas said. sight of a groundskeeper mowing the contract. in the field, supervisors such as Goldwire “I love the heat,” Goldwire said. grass or trimming a hedge may be a “Aramark handles the landscaping decide who works on what area. “Now, when it comes to winter, I might common one. and ground maintenance side,” Salemi “We have equipment, basically, but have a problem.” One of these groundskeepers is John said referring to the mowing, weeding we’ll talk to our supervisor [Goldwire], Although Aramark’s regulations do Goldwire, who has worked at FIU for and fertilizing required to maintain the and he’ll let us know what he wants us not allow the groundskeepers to social- two years and two months, and currently campuses landscape. to do,” Vargas said. “Usually, you do ize with students beyond a polite greet- is a supervisor for some of the other “They report to me and that’s where the same thing you’ve been doing all ing, Goldwire has had the opportunity groundskeepers. more than half the bulk of my work along.” to meet up with some of FIU’s other “I love my job, and I have good comes from,” he said. Despite spending the day out in the residents – namely, the foxes that live employees,” Goldwire said. Groundskeepers work from Monday sun, Miami’s hot temperature doesn’t on campus. Between 16 and 22 groundskeepers to Friday from 5 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with bother the groundskeepers. “There’s about two or three of them in report to FIU and trek across University the exception of Goldwire. “I’m used to it,” Towner said, a native the woods,” Goldwire said. “We don’t Park in the hot sun in order to keep the As a supervisor Goldwire works until of Miami. have names for them. We just call them campus looking nice and orderly. 5 p.m., seven days a week. Vargas, another Miami native, ‘Fox.’” The groundskeepers perform land- Goldwire, however, does not mind scape maintenance duties such as cut- the hours. ting grass and trimming hedges on both “It keeps me busy,” he said. FIU campuses as well as the College of When asked why the groundskeepers Engineering on Flagler. had to get such an early start, “[Because] “It’s the type of work I like to do,” there’s mucho grass,” Goldwire replied said Kilo Towner, who has been working with a laugh. as a groundskeeper at FIU for a month Some of the groundskeepers have and a half. some experience in similar lines of According to Mark J. Salemi, super- work. intended of Landscape, Grounds Main- Towner had previously worked as a tenance and Athletic Grounds, UP covers groundskeeper but not at a scale as large about 341 square acres, the Biscayne Bay as a college campus. Campus covers about 200 square acres Before working at FIU, Goldwire and the College of Engineering is about had his own lawn service business but 36 square acres. changed jobs. Typically, Goldwire and the ground- Others, like Ricardo Vargas, who has skeepers under his supervision cover a been an FIU groundskeeper for about quarter of the UP campus in a day. three months, used to work on detailing “To me, it’s fun,” Goldwire said. and washing cars at a Mazda dealer- “You’re outdoors, out in the sun, and I ship. have great bosses.” Vargas heard about the groundskeep- While Goldwire supervises the work ing job from a friend who had previously CHRIS CUTRO/THE BEACON out in the field, Salemi operates on the worked at FIU. OVER THE HEDGE: Groundskeeper Juan Torres helps beautify the campus as he office side keeping everything together “It’s not really that hard,” Vargas said. trims the hedges at FIU’s University Park. 2 The Beacon – October 23, 2006 NEWS www.beaconnewspaper.com

THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS Cuban artist performs at UP MONDAY • OCTOBER 23 Panther Rage Meeting: 4 p.m., GC 150 MARIA CHERCOLES Asst. News Director TUESDAY • OCTOBER 24 SGA Special Elections: 10 p.m.to 7 p.m.. GC Visual artist Juan-Sí Computer labs (Also on Oct. 25) González will explore both Two Band Tuesdays: 12 p.m., Gracie’s Grill the use of fear as a politi- cal instrument and the fear WEDNESDAY • OCTOBER 25 which results from igno- Breast Cancer Benefi t Presented by Sisters rance in a one-night interac- in Spirit: 7:30 p.m., GC 243 tive performance at FIU’s SGC-UP Meeting: 4 p.m., GC 150 Frost Art Museum Oct. 25 RHA General Meeting: 9 p.m., BVH at 7 p.m. The Frost Art Museum, THURSDAY • OCTOBER 26 The Cuban Research Insti- Women’s Studies Student Association tute and the School of Art Presents Women’s Day: All Day, GC Forum and Art History worked Game Day & Poker Torunament: 4 p.m., together to have this one- Student Lounge night performance by Beauty and Awareness: 6 p.m., GC 243 González, which will con- (Tickets: $4) sist of a politically and Homecoming Cajun Cook-Out: 6 p.m., socially charged installation Housing Quad called “Patriotic Games and Public Talk “Go Native!” by Raymond the Domino Effect.” Jungles: 7 p.m., Wolfsonian Museum (Admission “With this performance, is free) I want to draw attention to how our public space, CHRIS CUTRO/THE BEACON our shared mental land- FRIDAY • OCTOBER 27 BUILDING A BOX: Construction of the giant black box that Juan-Sí González will scape, has become fertile SPC Film, “Lady in the Water:” 8:30 p.m., use to excite spectator participation during his performance Oct. 25. Panther Pool ground for indiscriminate marketing,” González said sions that this has and will through which he will direct voke and spark a politically SUNDAY • OCTOBER 29 in a statement to the Frost continue to have on our its spectators, making it an charged debate. However, Faculty Solo Piano Recital & Memorial Art Museum. “The lines emotional and psychic con- interactive performance. what exactly will be inside Dedication of the Dr. Miguel Salvador Piano have been blurred between sciousness.” Following the performance, the box is a surprise. Studio: 4 p.m., Wertheim Concert Hall, Free advertising and political González’s installation González will talk about the “It makes an allusion to propaganda … I want to will consist of a giant black installation and the issues - Compiled by Maria Chercoles reflect on the repercus- box outside the museum raised by it, hoping to pro- PERFORMANCE, page 3 SGA Cares diffi cult to defi ne CORRECTIONS In the front page photo for the story titled “Two SGA, page 1 Cares differed, everyone attendees include represen- this by inviting representa- Dismissed,” which ran Oct. 19, the man on the right agreed that it comprises three tatives from the Department tives to have one-on-one is FIU football coach Don Strock and the man on the Marbely Hernandez. specific goals the House of Parking and Transporta- conversations with them left is new Athletic Director Pete Garcia. However, Perez called it plans to fulfill over the tion, FIU University Health at least twice a semester. a vision, not a campaign. course of this school year: Services, Academic Affairs, Representatives can inform The Beacon will gladly change any errors. Call Others referred to it as a to take SGA to the students, Athletics, Housing & Resi- Meyer and Perez on their our UP offi ce at 305-348-2709 or BBC at 305-919- program. to implement dynamic and dential Life and the FIU progress throughout the 4722. Though the representa- positive change, and to build Police Department. Accord- semester, report any prob- tives’ description of SGA bridges between student ing to Hernandez, the forum lems they have encountered government, administra- will most likely take place and receive advice on how tion, faculty and on-campus in November, though a date to address them. SGA Notes organizations. has not been set. “Speaking from my expe- The centerpiece for the Students can also expect rience, having been a lower- House’s initiative to take forums for the Honors Col- division rep, you get kind Oct. 18 Call to order at 4:01 p.m., Adjournment SGA to the students is a lege and the College of of nervous when you start New Business: series of forums, including Health and Urban Affairs out as a representative. You • A 06-25 International Studies International Career Expo passed for $900 one for every college, in in the near future, possibly don’t know what you can or • A 06-26 Miss FIU Scholarship Program passed for $1500 which students can voice before the end of the Fall can’t do. We want to break • A 06-27 December of Dreams trip to passed for $800 their concerns to faculty and semester. down the barrier of having to administrators. Asked to describe stand up and speak in front President’s Report (Alfonso “Alfi e” Leon): The fi rst of of the entire • Incorporating Sunshine laws into SGA organizations and SGA itself these forums House, • Thanks to the 11,000 fans at Orange Bowl was held Oct. Marbely Hernandez, Representative-at-Large which might Academic Affairs (Melissa Sabatier): 16 in GC 140 keep some • Cram Jam is complete; library fi rst fl oor and GC will be open 24 hours, for the Col- Students“ can come and fi nd out more reps from $300 worth of blue books given out at Cram Jam when you swipe your lege of Arts and ask questions about academics, having an Panther ID and Sciences. about what Health Services has to offer opportunity Elections Board (Judene Tulloch): Represen- to speak to • GC computer lab will be the only polling site for Oct. 24 and tatives-at- them... us,” Meyer 25 elections. Charlie Andrews, SGC-UP advisor: “This was an Large Arthur said. administrative decision; reason for separate polling sites is to create “A.J.” Meyer, In its fi rst more access for voters. Only one position contested, every other spot is Jennifer Ruiz and Hernandez SGA Cares’s second goal, step toward developing SGA unopposed. We didn't feel like it was worth the staff time to poll at those and Lower Division Repre- – dynamic and positive Cares’ third goal, the House sites.” sentatives Paige LaPointe change – Perez said, “Some- held a professor’s luncheon and Tomas Martinelli are times reps have good ideas, Oct. 18. Each representative Judicial Board (Kathryn Cubbon): organizing the next forum, but they aren’t put into was encouraged to invite • Two sections of a bylaw passed last year were unconstitutional. which will allow students action.” fi ve to 10 faculty members Requesting the House amend or make a resolution to remove those parts to voice general concerns This is sometimes for to the luncheon, and repre- of the bylaws that are unconstitutional. about campus life. lack of organization or sentatives had a chance to sit Absences: “Students can come and simply because represen- down and establish a rapport • Representatives: Arthur "AJ" Meyer (At-Large), Ralph Delgado fi nd out more and ask ques- tatives don’t know what with faculty maembers. (Education), Charlene Collazo (Arts and Sciences), Rolie Marcel tions about academics, about practical steps to take in “That luncheon was a (Architecture), Maria Garcia (Law) what Health Services has implementing their ideas, nail in the fi rst two-by-four Old Business: to offer them, about stuff according to Perez. on that bridge. It was the • Looking into Pete Garcia and Rick Mellow's salaries and where the going on with athletics, Perez and Meyer, first step so that they can funds ($225,000) are coming from. Will report at next meeting. about campus security,” as speaker of the house understand us and we can Hernandez said. and speaker pro-tempore, understand them,” Meyer - Compiled by Angelina Troff, Beacon Staff Possible administrative respectively, have addressed said. www.beaconnewspaper.com NEWS The Beacon – October 23, 2006 3

Maidique discusses China campus NEWSFLASH

Board of Trustees receive apology from C. JOEL MARINO AND Q: What progress has back there, the campus is to see this in two years. University President Modesto A. Maidique BETSY MARTINEZ been made at FIU’s School built, there are some stu- Beacon Staff of Hospitality campus in dents [from China] there, Q: Will FIU students University President Modesto A. Maidique apolo- Tianjin, China? and the program is going. be able to take classes at gized to the Board of Trustees for the brawl between With the China deal, this campus? (This is the last part University of Miami and FIU football players Oct. two years ago, I was there Q: When is the first Yup, we expect some of a four part series in 14 at an emergency meeting Oct. 20. to place the cornerstone; class expected to begin? FIU students to go to which The Beacon inter- Via conference call, he updated BOT members on they said that in two years, In two years. They try to China. viewed University Presi- the events that took place in and subsequent the campus would be done. get two years at the Tianjin China is the next big dent Modesto A. Maidique action taken by the University. I said it couldn’t happen, University of Commerce, thing in the world, and we to commemorate his 20th Maidique explained to the members that the but now two years later, then transitioning to us. also expect Chinese stu- anniversary at FIU.) University increased the punishment the Sun Belt almost to the day, I was I expect to be there again dents to come here. Conference had originally handed down, which was initially a one game suspension. In all, 16 players were suspended indefi nitely and two players were dis- Performance questions politics missed form the team. However, the players who were dismissed will retain their academic scholarships. New athletic director Pete Garcia also briefed the PERFORMANCE, page 2 tute of Arts in Cuba and in Ohio, where he teaches designed and propagated BOT on further action being taken by the athletic worked with many Cuban Latin American literature by the government, whereas department, including anger management for all the black box in an airplane organizations, including and works as a freelance here it is primarily designed members of the football team and community service that records all that occurs. the Ministry of Culture. In photographer. and promulgated by private for the team and the coaching staff. It also suggests a dark- the early ‘80s, he began to “González has always enterprise and then con- BOT members in general were satisfi ed with the room where images that are challenge the parameters been involved in politics. sumed and further dissemi- actions taken by the University. captured by another black of what was accepted as Now that he is in the United nated by individuals.” box — the camera — are art from an institutional States, his new home, he González will perform Nursing representative at BBC disagrees with revealed. And it makes an standpoint. is constantly questioning at FIU as part of the Frost SGC president’s comment allusion to Mecca, which He worked with other American politics through Art Museum’s “Wednesday in the West today is often visual artists using street his visual performances,” After Hours” and the Cuban During a Student Government Association Uni- associated with a fanati- performances to eliminate said Caroline Paker, the Research Institute’s “Cul- versity-wide Council meeting Oct. 13, SGC-BBC cal, fundamentalist Islam. the role of art institutions as museum’s curator of edu- ture at the Edge” series. President Camilo Silva said that there is no need for Recontextualized within intermediary. However, his cation. Although he will perform the nursing representative position because there are our reality and fi lled with political views against the “I was struck by how for only one night, he will no nursing majors at BBC. photographic evidence of government soon limited much the political and reli- be visiting art and art his- Paula Delpech, nursing representative at the Bis- our daily surroundings, his work to underground gious advertising that was tory classes during the two cayne Bay Campus, disagrees. the black box represents performances until he felt beginning to crop up here days before the event. “We’ve been offering classes at BBC since fall another type of fanatical to Costa Rica in 1989. resembled the political pro- “As a pivotal fi gure of 2005 and became permanent in August 2006. Within fundamentalism — our After having exhibitions paganda that I grew up with an important art movement the nursing program we have the foreign physician own,” González said. through Europe, the United in Cuba,” González said. in the ‘80s in Cuba, Juan-Sí nursing program at BBC,” Delpech said. Cuban born González States and Latin America, “The difference is that in addresses social and politi- The foreign physician nursing program has 105 studied at the Higher Insti- González finally settled Cuba the propaganda is cal issues that will be of students currently admitted and plans to admit another interest to the South Florida 48 students in the Spring of 2007. community. This event will According to Delpech, courses in the program are HEALTH PROFESSIONS DIVISION be an opportunity for him to offered in the evening while clinicals (internships for reconnect to a generation of nurses) are scheduled during the weekend in differ- artists that reside in Miami, ent hospitals. allowing for renewed rela- Delpech said she would be contacting Silva regard- open house tionships to be formed,” ing his comment. said Elizabeth Cerejido, the “I just need to correct the statement,” Delpech museum’s curator, in a press said. sunday, october 29, 2006 release. – Compiled by XavierVillarmarzo and Eddith “Patriotic Games and the Sevilla, Beacon Staff Domino Effect” will be held Oct. 25 at 7 p.m.; it is free Information Sessions and open to the public. Group One 3200 South University Drive 1:15–2:30 p.m. Fort Lauderdale, Florida • Audiology • Osteopathic Medicine/ Please join us as our deans, Public Health/ program directors, and admissions Medical Informatics personnel meet with prospective EDITORIAL BOARD INFORMATION • Pharmacy candidates and discuss our C. JOEL MARINO EDITOR IN CHIEF The Beacon offi ce is located in • Physical Therapy programs. Tours for Group One CHRISTOPHER NECUZE PRODUCTION MANAGER the Graham Center, room 210 at • Physician Assistant the University Park campus. Ques- Information Sessions will be held BETSY MARTINEZ NEWS DIRECTOR tions regarding display advertising • Vascular Sonography at noon and 12:30 p.m. Tours for CRISTELA GUERRA BBC MANAGING EDITOR and billing should be directed • Financial Aid ALICIA BUSTAMANTE LIFE! EDITOR to the Advertising Manager at Group Two follow the Information JOSE DE WIT OPINION EDITOR 305.348.2709. Mailing address: XAVIER VILLARMARZO SPORTS EDITOR Graham Center, room 210, Sessions running from 2:45-4:00 HOTO DITOR Information Sessions CHRIS CUTRO P E Miami, FL 33199. Fax number p.m. Refreshments will be served. is 305.348.2712. Biscayne Bay Group Two MARIA CHERCOLES ASST. NEWS DIRECTOR Campus is 305.919.4722. Offi ce Call (954) 262-1101 or 800-356- YESENIA FORTE ASST. NEWS DIRECTOR hours are 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., 2:45–4:00 p.m. EDDITH SEVILLA ASST. NEWS DIRECTOR Monday through Friday. E-mail: 0026, ext. 1101, for directions or NICOLE ACOSTA BBC ASSISTANT Beacon@fi u.edu. Visit us online at: • Anesthesiologist SHAWN SPROCKETT ASST. OPINION EDITOR www.beaconnewspaper.com more information. GEOFFREY ANDERSON JR. ASST. LIFE! EDITOR Assistant CHARLIE GRAU ASST. SPORTS EDITOR The Beacon is published on • Biomedical Sciences Mondays and Thursdays during ANGELINA TROFF NEWS PAGE DESIGNER the Fall and Spring semesters and • Dental Medicine MICHELLE DIAZ OPINION PAGE DESIGNER once a week during Summer B. • Nursing One copy per person. Additional ANGELINA ESPOSITO COPY EDITOR copies are 25 cents. The Beacon • Occupational Therapy JESSICA ISER COPY EDITOR is not responsible for the content OBBY OE RACY COPY EDITOR • Optometry B J B of ads. Ad content is the sole ASHLEY CAPO COPY EDITOR responsibility of the company or • Financial Aid vendor. The Beacon is an edi- BEN BADGER JR. WEBMASTER torially independent newspaper partially funded by Student and TATIANA CANTILLO BUSINESS MANAGER Services fees that are appropriated Nova Southeastern University admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, and national or ethnic origin.  Nova ROBERT JAROSS DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA by Student Government. Southeastern University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 ALFRED SOTO ASST. STUDENT MEDIA DIRECTOR Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, Telephone number: 404-679-4501) to award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. 09-239-06dMSC AT THE BAY The Beacon – 4 www.beaconnewspaper.com October 23 , 2006 Dave Barry honors Kaufman with humor

CRISTELA GUERRA “Leonard Kaufman visited BBC Managing Editor BBC many times, though we never had the money to pay him,” said Leonard Kaufman was a man Raul Moncarz, recently retired who enjoyed laughing. In his vice-provost and the evening’s daughter, Michelle Kaufman’s master of ceremonies. opinion, her father was almost as “But his love was the students funny as her husband. And her and the students loved him. That husband, humorist and Miami is why this is a night for the stu- Herald columnist Dave Barry is dents.” pretty funny. The event is held as a memo- In a night where the conver- rial lecture to raise funds towards sation bounced from politics to the Leonard Kaufman Memorial boogers and ended in a dramatic scholarship; however, this was the understanding of the relationship fi rst year it was held at Biscayne between men and woman. An Bay Campus. Evening with Dave Barry hon- Leonard Kaufman’s family ored Professor Leonard “Lenny” began the scholarship to honor the Kaufman with what he liked best: love he had for teaching and his

making people laugh. willingness to help students suc- CHRIS CUTRO/THE BEACON What could have been the ceed. According to his daughter, typical stroll down memory lane Michelle Kaufman, it was only FUNNY BUSINESS: Dave Barry reacts to a question from an audi- turned into a stand-up routine that appropriate. ence member at “An Evening with Dave Barry” in honor of the late had the entire audience rolling in “My family started the schol- FIU Professor Leonard Kaufman. its seats. Food was provided for the arship because we fi gured this is anything I can do?’ He continued told The Beacon. Peru and found anything involved benefactors and political fi gures a way that his legacy can live on asking and than started teaching “It turned out that I got my with it hilarious. I also remember such as the mayor of North Miami and he can continue to help FIU ten years ago in quality manage- bachelor’s degree in journalism sitting down at the dinner table and were present. students for years and years,” ment, he enjoyed it so much he from UM in May 1987... So, we him explaining engineering to me Barry entertained guests with Michelle Kaufman told The requested another class.” both graduated within days of each when I was like 14.” his usual wit in the VIP presenta- Beacon via email. Michelle Kaufman, who works other, which was very emotional Celita Kaufman, Leonard tion at the WUC ballrooms. Professor Shih-Ming Lee, as a sportswriter for The Miami for me. Watching him walk down Kaufman’s wife and the rest of Professor Leonard Kaufman chairman and associate professor Herald, confi ded that one of her the aisle at FIU graduation, know- the family lined the second row to taught at the FIU industrial engi- of the School of Industrial and Sys- favorite memories of her father ing he could now teach was a great enjoy Dave Barry do what he does neering department for seven years tems Engineering, acknowledged were watching him graduate from moment.” best: entertain. from 1995-2001. Kaufman’s persistent dedication. FIU with his masters in 1987. Rob Barry, Dave Barry’s son, “Everything is funny, people He was born and raised in “He always offered his services “I have vivid memories of him found the night an ideal way react to scary thing by laughing Cuba, a graduate of University of and served on our industrial advi- studying for his master’s degree to remember his stepmother’s so what better way deal with bad Illinois. He also earned a master sory board,” Lee said. late at night, after getting home father. things then by laughing,” Dave in business administration from “He would ask at every meet- from a full day of work in factories “He was really quirky,” Rob Barry said. FIU in 1987. ing, ‘Can I help?’ or ‘Is there because he wanted to teach,” she Barry said. “He was obsessed with

Talks on new cafeteria continue THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS MONDAY • OCTOBER 23 JOSE MAYA SPC Dancing with the Wolfe Series: 6 p.m., Pamela St. Fleur, SGC-BBC Vice President Staff Writer WUC 155 (Also on Oct 24 & 26) We“ are growing as Biscayne Bay grows. We’re are BBC Wishgivers Film Festival: 7 p.m., Proposals for the current cafeteria’s WUC 100 future and the goal to open a new caf- in need of more elbow room. eteria next summer are still underway, TUESDAY • OCTOBER 24 BBC Recreation Bench Press Contest: 1 but without any concrete decisions. Brent Maximin, director of student “We are growing as Biscayne Bay p.m., WUC Panther Square Members of the Biscayne Bay lobbying, asked the question on most grows, we are in need of more elbow SPC General Meeting: 5:30 p.m., WUC 159 Campus’ Student Government Council students’ minds: What will happen to room,” said Pamela St. Fleur, SGC- Panther Movement Dance Team: 6:30 p.m., met with Rosa Jones, vice-president the current cafeteria space? BBC vice-president. WUC 100 (Also on Oct 26) of Student Affairs and Undergradu- “It is important that dialogue in Discussion touched on possible ate Education, and Assistant Vice- relation to space has begun only this bookstore and credit union expansions, President Cathy Akens to review these WEDNESDAY • OCTOBER 25 semester. I have compiled a list and but Jones reminded student council SGA Time Management Workshop: 12:45 issues Oct. 7. student services is one of my priori- members that those are auxiliaries to Jones’s main concern was the new p.m., WUC 157 ties,” Jones said. the school. SGA General Meeting: 3:30 p.m., WUC 155 cafeteria’s food choices. Maximin agrees this should be at She also stated that they needed to “It’s possible to talk about the com- International Movie Day: 12:30, WUC the top of the list. come up with a marketing plan before Panther Square bination of an all-you-can-eat buffet “We should focus on expanding any major decision would be taken. and a cafeteria,” she said. student services instead of trying to “We shouldn’t centralize all food THURSDAY • OCTOBER 26 Akens, on the other hand, addressed cut corners, and at this point should we services on the first floor only. We Metropolitan Center “Business Writing”: 9 the potential profi t possibilities the put academic space higher than health should create another space for a snack a.m., WUC 157 (Also on Oct 27) expansion will hold for the students center” Maximin said. for students who don’t have time to go Fantasy Theatre Factory “Little Monster and the University. Jones assured that the Health and up and down,” said SGC-BBC Comp- Tales”: 10 a.m., WUC 155 “It is a business deal that has a profi t Wellness Center, currently located in troller Zach Trautenberg. Panther Power Thriller Nights Costume margin for the University; now it’s the a trailer near the BBC Library, will be As for space needed for other Party: 7 p.m., WUC 244AB time to have the input on what services brought in along with the expansion of campus services, The Beacon’s offi ce SPC Movie Series “Lady in the Water: 8 will be provided,” Akens said. the cafeteria. at WUC 124 was also mentioned. p.m., WUC 100 This input would affect the need to The exact location is still “Why not cut The Beacon’s offi ce expand and accommodate BBC’s cur- unknown. to create more space. There’s usually FRIDAY • OCTOBER 27 rent 278 housing students as well as the Ideas such as a game room, offi ce only one or two people in there,” Excellence & Ethics in Management overall student body growth. space for students and staff, a salon, Trautenberg said. Workshop: 8 a.m., WUC 155 (Also on Oct 28) Questions regarding the food a bowling alley and a dry cleaning But Silva reiterated that his main Wild Succulent Women: All Day, Bay Vista services were directed to Felicia service were also thrown around as concern is space for student services Residence Hall Townsend, director of business ser- possibilities to open up to students. members and brought up the question Cuban Dance Fever Class: 12 p.m., WUC vices. “We can set up a multi-purpose of Panther Print. Panther Square However, according to Jones stu- room that can be set up for classes and “If they are not serving the students, dent should address their questions to other activities,” Jones said. they should move out,” Silva said. - Compiled by Maria Chercoles the SGC-BBC. www.beaconnewspaper.com The Beacon – October 23, 2006 5 OPINION C. Joel Marino Editor in Chief • Christopher Necuze Production Manager • Jose de Wit Opinion Editor Rapture, Repent and Reload A new breed of Christian media is demanding that players kill, convert or be ‘left behind’

vert strangers through prayer or kill them with family members who are happy with their weapons like tanks and guns. While the game faith and enjoy Christian media. has no blood or excessive gore, killing and But at what point does ‘fi tting destroying are clearly central to gameplay. in’ cross over lines that contradict Many atheist skeptics would like to gener- the core message of the faith? alize and point to the game as a fanatical cru- Gamers won’t go to church sade against non-believers, but it’s important because they played LB:EF. to note that some Christians are not happy with They won’t believe in God In recent years, we’ve watched more and the game, either. because they got to shoot at more Christian entertainment fl ood into the Many believers are disturbed by the game, the Antichrist. They probably mainstream market. as it confuses Christian messages of ‘love thy won’t read the Bible just because Crossover music bands like Relient K and neighbor’ with Grand Theft Auto chaos. it came free with the game (yes, Underoath have found success in both secular The part that has Christians really furi- you heard me: a Bible comes free and Christian industries. The Passion of the ous is that cheat codes to be released with with the game). Christ generated the game will The game’s develop- more than $500 At what point does ‘fi tting in’ cross allow players ers have stressed that the million through to play as the game upholds positive controversy and over lines that contradict the core Antichrist, morals and Christian has made Mel message of the faith? where they values, but to be honest, Gibson famous can destroy I just don’t see it. all over again. Last winter, The Chronicles of Christians with all the same weapons. Doesn’t the Bible Narnia with its heavy Christian undertones Left Behind Games says it expects an “E say to ‘turn the other swept bookstores, theatres, gift stores and fast for Everyone” rating and compares the game’s cheek’? Isn’t this vio- food chains. wholesome fun to chess, but many parents lent game just a sad But one of the last remaining sectors of aren’t convinced. attempt for Christians popular entertainment remains untapped: the The Gallup Poll reported last year that a to fi nd acceptance in $10 billion gaming industry. Have no fear, majority of Americans view the media’s infl u- secular entertain- Left Behind Games (an affi liate of the popu- ence on their children as ‘extremely important’ ment? Christian lar Christian book series) is preparing for the in determining whether they commit violent game developers launch of the fi rst “high-quality” video game acts or not. are stooping to the with “inspirational content.” So if a kid’s favorite video game says it’s lowest level to be In Left Behind: Eternal Forces, gamers okay to ‘shoot thy neighbor,’ then how can we seen as ‘cool’. Even play as persecuted Christians in the near future expect them to act? Peter Brady learned this who’ve been left behind after God swept up N If God is love, then why are spirit-fi lled lesson: in the end you


true believers in an instantaneous rapture. B Christians arming against people in the have to be yourself. E


They face a world where the Antichrist sets /T streets? Left Behind: Eternal his global forces against Christians and seeks IAZ LB:EF is an attempt to bring Christianity Forces will be released D to eradicate them with his one-world govern- to the mainstream market, which doesn’t nec- November 7th. HELLE


ment. M essarily bother me. I have many friends and As a character in the game, you must con-

LETTER TO THE EDITOR WHAT DO YOU THINK? Banning of trans fats would help curb heart disease epidemic Would you use the proposed Metro- rail line to FIU? I was shocked when read- Walter Willmett, chair of labeling became mandatory ing Jose de Wit’s article the Department of Nutrition at in 2003 because of concerned awareness that followed a “Trans fats sans government” Harvard, said: “Trans fat from • Yes – I’ll save myself the time and money. (Oct. 16) because of its pecu- partially hydrogenated vegetable Kraft lawsuit. Food compa- liar argument that the recent oil is a toxic substance that does nies don’t easily budge. 78% regulation on trans fats is the not belong in food.” Before New York City pro- result of when “local govern- These fi ndings are cause for posed its trans fat phase-out, it ments feel they must step into concern, not an attack on per- conducted a year-long educa- • No – It wouldn’t be any cheaper or faster for me their constituents’ private sonal freedoms. tion campaign and survey of 13% lives and micro-manage their Coronary heart disease is its restaurants. eating habits for them.” a grave health problem in the They found that some However, this reason is far U.S., whose fi nancial and social reduced or stopped using • No – Eww, the metrorail is dirty. from the actual public state- costs are beyond imagination. artifi cial trans fat, but many ments made by New York City The phase-out of trans fats is a did not. The results of that 10% and its health commissioner. natural response. survey alarmed city offi cials Their proposal to phase out De Wit says: “When the FDA and made them decide to Total participants: 200 artifi cial trans fat is based on suggested in 2002 that it might begin the phase-out. Cast your vote at www.beaconnewspaper.com medical fi ndings that hydro- consider mandatory labeling I doubt any of these events genated oils are toxic. of trans fat content in foods, points to deliberate impinge- The health commissioner restaurants around the country ment on personal liberties. said: “Like lead in paint, made the switch from trans fats SEND US YOUR LETTERS artifi cial trans fat in food is to healthier oils.” This is an inac- Paul Benavides invisible and dangerous, and curate statement. Sophomore Letters to the Editor must be dropped off at GC 210 at it can be replaced.” First, the FDA suggestion for Psychology University Park, WUC 124 at the Biscayne Bay Campus or sent to [email protected]. Letters must adhere to a maximum of 300 words. Letters must include the writer’s full name, year in school, major/department THINK IT. SAY IT. WRITE IT! and a valid phone number for verifi cation purposes. The If you have a passion for politics, religion, ethics or school issues, let us know! Beacon reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and/or Pick up and submit your applications to the Beacon offi ce in GC 210 or WUC 124. spacing constraints. LIFE! The Beacon – 6 www.beaconnewspaper.com October 23, 2006 B L MARIA CHERCOLES/THE BEACON


TOMA!: (above) performed at “Carnaval!” on Oct. 19 as part of the Student Programming Council’s Hispanic Heritage celebration. The event included appearances by artist Kiki Valdes (second from bottom) and CALIBA and CTRAFFIK (bottom right). SPC members Jessica Padilla and Annette Hernandez threw out giveaways (second from top). L Hometown rapper discusses upcoming , collaborations

HIKMAT KILZI And to me, it’s my boatlift. 2006 is my Mariel. WRGP Staff They let me in the game and I’m here to take advantage of these opportunities. Miami-based rapper Pitbull – who Q: I know you went gold with the last recently performed at FIU – sat down during album and you’re trying to go platinum WRGP’s the “Itz All Gravy Show” to discuss with this one. his recent collaborations and upcoming album, It’s been 2 years since I dropped the last El Mariel. album M.I.A.M.I. It went gold and that’s a Q: You’ve got this El Mariel album drop- blessing. I got the [M.I. Still A.M.I album] out ping soon. I know you’re really excited about there – that’s at 300,000 copies. it. The anticipation is crazy. With El Mariel, we’re defi nitely trying to Fa sho! El Mariel album, that’s going to go platinum, it’s a slow grind, but a fa’ sho’ be out [Oct. 31] and all the fans out there see grind. That’s really the way I look at it. that the date keeps getting pushed back got to Q: What’s on the album that’s going to understand what I’m cooking up for them right give it that push to platinum? now is some left fi eld (pause). You know? What I got a lot of different types of music, but really nobody is doing right now. a lot of energy on the album. You got Jim Q: What’s behind the title of the album, Johnson producing, you got Diaz Bros., Lil’ El Mariel? Jon, Mr. Collipark. I got Toomp working on Basically, the album is entertaining, of there, too, so there is a lot of different types course, with the music. But somehow, some of music. You got your street records, your way the title is educating. It’ll educate folks on a little bit of history, on our [Cuban] culture. PITBULL, page 9 www.beaconnewspaper.com LIFE! The Beacon – October 23, 2006 7 Marching band promotes school spirit at home games

CRISTINA RODRIGUEZ legiate marching band,” Martin Contributing Writer said, “but due to the diligent research of [former vice presi- You can see them standing dent of student affairs Patricia] on the sidelines at FIU home Telles-Irvin, she gave me ample football games. Some of the funding to purchase everything members are in groups chatting necessary.” away. Others members are play- With 25 years of experience as ing games that they have just an assistant director of the Long made up on the spot. Horn Band at the University of They call themselves “The Texas-Austin and a lecturer at Band of the Sun,” named for James Madison University (from Florida’s reputation as the Sun- which he holds a master of musi- shine State. cal arts degree in wind conduct- To show off this infl uence, the ing), Martin uses the marching band’s uniforms, fl ags and music band showmanship and wind all incorporate Hispanic culture conducting teaching methods and the art deco history of South when directing. Florida. “As I tell the students all But designing the uniforms, the time, there is very little that creating the fl ags and compos- is original with our band … ing the music were all among the tried and true methods that the last steps that Mark Gregory I know work and work well,” Martin said. Martin, the band’s director, took EDDIE ZENG /THE BEACON to assemble the FIU Marching The band rehearses three MARCHING MADNESS: The FIU marching band, known as “The Band of the Sun,” performs at the Band in 2001. times a week, two hours at a tailgate tent at University home football games. The band formed in 2001 after Director Mark Gregory Martin spent the first year time, and additional practices are Martin recruited members at high school football games and state marching band competitions. recruiting at high school football squeezed into the band members’ games throughout the Miami- busy schedules. mander. by a 30-minute on-fi eld clinic. performed on the nationally tele- Dade and Broward areas; he “Everyone has trouble bal- The band learned a new show Unlike a high school band’s vised Thanksgiving Day parade. set up booths at state marching ancing school and work, but add for the Sept. 30 home football serious involvement in the com- Recently, the band has been band competitions and got the a huge thing like a marching game against Arkansas State, petition circuit, a college band invited to perform in Ireland University’s name out there by band, and it takes one phrase to during which “The Band of the puts all of its energy into enter- at the St. Patrick’s Day parade using recruiting materials and describe: ‘Time Management,’” Sun” played Latin-based music tainment and bringing school and the Fourth of July parade in visits as a means of fi nding poten- said Alisa Feliciano, a lead horn in honor of Hispanic Heritage spirit to the university, Gonzalez Washington D.C. tial players. player in the band. month. said. “I’m really looking forward to He also did extensive research “We learn a new show every That same day, the group Despite its small size, the performing at the band competi- in fi nding the best prices for the home game, which can be very hosted a “band day” at FIU, in Band of the Sun has already tions this year,” Gonzalez said. band’s instrument purchase. difficult if we lose any time which participating bands per- gained both national and inter- “Those kids really show their “Many people do not realize due to weather,” said Andres formed and received taped com- national recognition. appreciation and support like no how expensive it is to start a col- Gonzalez, the band’s fi eld com- ments from evaluators, followed During the band’s fi rst year, it football crowd can.” 8 The Beacon – October 23, 2006 LIFE! www.beaconnewspaper.com


CONCERT GAME Alice in Chains Okami Using a unique JASON GELLER band’s heavier , Dirt and Face- LUIS H. GARCIA method of cel shading Contributing Writer lift, as he did with Alice in Chains Staff Writer “ and Jar of Flies, the only EP to ever and water coloring, If one practices hard enough, they can debut at #1. A speed-metal solo can be As we move toward the next generation Okami literally paints perfect any guitar solo or duplicate any learned with time, but to move through of gaming systems, it’s amazing that there drum beat, but to capture the soul of a fallen the melodic structure of an Alice in is still life in our current consoles. Sure, a living, mystical frontman is the greatest challenge of all. Chains composition proves much more we have the X-Box 360 along with Sony’s A frontman’s movements on stage, his diffi cult. PS3 and the anticipation of the release of world. interaction with the crowd and the pas- Bassist Mike Inez, who’s been with Nintendo’s Wii, but that hasn’t stopped sion in his voice sets the pace of the entire the band since 1993, and founding developers like Capcom’s Clover Studio With this brush, you can manipulate the band. drummer Sean Kinney provided the from gracing PS2 owners with Okami. very environment with mere strokes. Want“ “ When Layne Staley passed away in dark rhythm section as the band dipped The story is steeped in Japanese to turn night into day? Just paint a circle in April of 2002, Alice in Chains guitarist through most of their back-catalog. mythology of the god Amaterasu, awak- the sky and watch the sun emerge. Need to Jerry Cantrell faced this impossible task. Revolution’s intimate setting and ening as a wolf after a 100-year slumber; cross a bridge that’s down? Just fi ll in the Staley had the ultimate gift of stretching dark lighting set the perfect mood for then game then follows his fi ght with the gap by painting it with the brush. a note to a surreal length and then changing Alice in Chains. eight-headed beast, Orochi, to restore Controls are simple enough to grasp. its tone instantaneously. The band performed outside, against peace to the world. Early in the game, your moves are limited Just when you thought Staley could a mountain-like backdrop with red cur- Finding the world covered in darkness, but with progress, you will gain additional carry the note no further, he would let out tains adorning the stage. The crowd of Amaterasu sets forth to gain back his godly weapons and even powers of the Celestial the most spine-tingling wail, not heard mostly 25 to 40-year-olds had the option powers to restore life to the world. While Brush (like slashing through enemies by since Ozzy Osbourne’s heyday. of standing in the lower open-air crowd many games that go through translation painting a straight line). Staley’s voice allowed Cantrell to or on a balcony. and other changes suffer, Okami sticks Outside of combat, you can journey explore new layers of light and shade, Alice in Chains began with “Bleed to its Japanese roots with its style and throughout the land fi nding all forms of which granted the band access to limitless the Freak,” and “It Ain’t Like That” storytelling. Much of the kanji (Japanese life, human or animal, in need of your help. dimensions. His heroin addiction set the from Facelift. The band then stepped script) used throughout the game remained The game itself is as vast as its world and tone for the band’s dark lyrics and mood. heavily into Dirt, the album that brought intact, for example. For those interested, while it is not too hard for the most part, Losing Layne seemed like the end for Alice them mainstream success, with “Junk- the instruction manual does provide a brief the game is extensive. The amounts of in Chains. head,” “Them Bones,” “Damn That explanation on the myths that the story is cutscenes used in the game also contribute But seeing Alice in Chains at Revolution River” and “Rain When I Die.” based on. to the game’s length. on Oct. 12 was like fi nding a new love. Alice in Chains ended their set with The game’s presentation is nothing While presenting a unique approach to In addressing the crowd, William “We Die Young,” “Down in a Whole,” short of breathtaking. Using a unique art and style, Okami delivers solid game- DuVall, frontman for Comes With The and the radio staple “Man in the Box.” method of cel shading and water coloring, play that’s unique, captivating and easy Fall, sounds nothing like Staley, but if you They were immediately called back for Okami literally paints a living, mystical to grasp. In the midst of a trend of blasé close your eyes and listen to DuVall sing, an encore, which meant that after almost world onscreen. And to that, the game effort, it’s nice to see that there are devel- you can feel the soul of Staley passing a decade-long performing hiatus, there allows you to aid in the painting. Early in opers willing to take risks in presenting through you. was more to the group than the harmo- the game, you gain access to the Celestial something unusual that is accessible and Cantrell sounded as sharp with the nies still fl oating in the air. Brush, a very important tool in your quest. captivating to anyone willing to look.

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around the world, and I see what markets to do, but like anything in life you have Castro situation? What would you like PITBULL, page 6 I can basically target and really milk the to cater in order to be catered to. Little by to see happen with Cuba? club records, your deep records. It’s just album. little, dawg, you give them what they want For Cuba, the bottom line is, you know a variety of music. It ain’t just one style. My biggest markets are the biggest to hear and then you give them what you I would like it to be free. You know Pitbull. states of America. You got Texas, Los want them to hear. As far as the Castro thing, I think it’s First of all, I’m diverse when it comes Angeles and Florida, New York, Chicago. Q: Who would you like to work with all smoke and mirrors. I think Castro is to that. I try to give people all different I make sure my plans in those markets that you haven’t had a chance to work dead and they’re just trying to fi nd a way types of music. are A+. with yet? to cover it up and line it up so they can get Q: I’ve seen you grow, Pit; you’ve Q: You make dance music and club I’ll just work with anyone who wants ready for what’s about to happen. been in and out of the studio with me music to appeal to the masses, but what to work with me. Hopefully, the island will open up with over the past few years and I know kind of music would you do more of if The only person I didn’t get a chance to God’s help. you’ve learned a lot of things as an you could? work with that I wanted to work with was artist. What do you think you’ve I wish I could always do [something Celia Cruz. Maybe I can make a record Pitbull’s album, El Mariel, will be learned from the last albums to this like] a song on my album called “Rain with one of her samples. released in October. Anyone interested in album that you’ll apply to your market- Drops.” Q: I know you’re very passionate fi nding out more about the rapper and his ing strategies this time around? Once you all hear that, it’s a different when you talk about Cuba. What do you work can visit www.myspace.com/pitbull I’ve been around the country, been side of Pitbull. That’s really what I want think is really going on with this whole and pitbullmusic.com.

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SarasSexyToys.com needs two sales representatives for Home/Adult Parties. OLIVEIRA, page 12 The setter began playing to fi x,” Oliveira said. Great Commissions, work when You want. Must be outgoing. Sara 786 247 7761, team volleyball in Brazil at Given her mind-set off [email protected]. winners,” Oliveira said. the age of nine. She is the the court, it is only fi tting Freshman outside hitter most experienced player that Keila is leading the Tutoring center in Miami Lakes hiring tutors for all subjects and grades. Flexible and fellow Sun Belt Con- on the team, which makes Sun Belt Conference with hours. (786) 246-7438 or (305) 825-9918 ference player of the week, her a mentor younger play- an average of 13.52 assists Yarimar Rosa, was out with ers look to for advice. Her per game in conference play an injury and couldn’t play veteran presence is crucial and 12.85 assists per game Administrative Assistant – medical equipment company seeks intelligent, highly in matches against North since fi ve of the 12 players overall. motivated individual to assist with operations. Duties include payroll, accounting, Texas and Denver Oct. 6 and are freshmen. According to Oliveira, and management functions. DME billing experience preferred. $12-14/hr. Email Oct. 8, respectively. “She is very mature. FIU gives her an opportu- resume to [email protected]. Oliveira did not panic She gives us younger play- nity to be an athlete and a over the loss of her team- ers advice during the good student simultaneously. Wanted:Motivated students to assist National Honor Society in registering and mate; instead, she responded times and the bad times. This is in contrast to acting as local offi cers. 3.0 GPA required. Contact: [email protected] with her best week as a She always supports us,” Brazil where volleyball is Golden Panther. Rosa said. a player’s main focus and “I didn’t think about Oliveira’s willingness to profession. She still hopes to Shells Seafood Restaurant now hiring servers for afternoon and evening shifts. Apply in person 7390 sw 117 Ave, Miami [Rosa’s absence]. I was just guide people through tough leave her mark in both fi elds trying to show them how times is not only an attitude before leaving FIU. much I trust them,” Oliveira she refl ects as a player, but “I want to help this team Sitters Wanted. Average $10 per hour. Register free for jobs near campus or said. also as a person. win the conference and home. www.student-sitters.com Oliveira is convinced all “I’m helping other people improve [the volleyball players on the team have on the court and outside the team] at FIU, give my best, contributed. court. My major is physi- maintain my GPA, enter a ANNOUNCEMENTS “Volleyball is a team cal therapy. I like physical physical therapy program game and we need each therapy because I like to and get my degree from other,” Oliveira said. help. I like to fi nd problems FIU,” Oliveira said. Sigma Alpha Lambda, a nat’l Honors and Leadership organization is seeking members and offi cers for the FIU chapter. Contact:[email protected] or [email protected]

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Read The Beacon Every Monday and Thursday www.beaconnewspaper.com SPORTS The Beacon – October 23, 2006 11 Midfi elder cheers for Barcelona and country mate

OLIVEIRA, page 12 Q: How does club soccer ting my engineering degree and I Q: What’s the most memo- on to that, it would have been in Iceland compare to college like playing soccer here. rable moment in your career? amazing. green and Greenland covered in soccer in America? Q: What’s your favorite The most awesome game I’ve Q: That loss and the follow- ice?” Everybody says that. I don’t It’s good. It’s at least at the soccer team? ever played is when Thor won the ing loss to Tulsa hurt FIU’s know why; maybe it’s something same standards as in America. My father cheered for [English 17 to 19-year-old Icelandic Cup. chance to win the conference. they teach in school. I played in the fi rst division and club] Tottenham Hotspur, so I It was a 4-4 game that we led but How can the team rebound? Q: It’s from a movie teams are [evenly matched], but did, too, because he would have the other team always equalized. We have to work together and called... here it’s different from game to thrown me out otherwise. We won in the penalty shootout do better than we did against Oh, yeah – from The Mighty game. I cheer for Barcelona in the and it was so dramatic. Tulsa. We didn’t go out there to Ducks. It’s funny because some Q: Do you want to play pro- Spanish league because I like At FIU, the game against lose and we played bad. I can’t people don’t even know what fessionally when you go back? the way they play and they have [South Methodist University] was really explain what happened that Iceland is. There’s a doctor in I’ve thought about it but I’m Eidur Gudjohnsen. He’s one incredible, but it was ruined by night. But we basically have to one of my engineering classes 22. Usually it would have hap- of the best Icelandic players in the referee. It felt great to score win every game if we’re going to who has a PhD and everything, pened already. If the opportunity many, many years so I support on the penalty kick and take the make it to the NCAA tournament, but he didn’t even know. came, I would take it, but I’m get- him and his club. lead, but if we would have held and I want to go. National audience gets fi rst view of Golden Panthers

PUBLICITY, page 12 respectability before this. It was making small and conservative a high school football player in steps in its quest to one day be California had no idea FIU even known nationally. existed; now he does. However, with the constant The same principle applies losing and poor competition in to prospective recruits for all its conference, it was going too sports. Even though the atten- slow and progress was halting. tion FIU brought is negative, at The brawl, although unfortunate, a subconscious level it doesn’t accelerated the program’s ascen- matter. What matters is that the sion to be known nationally at name is out there. least 5 years. Local high school prodigies When the dust settles and the who would have chosen pro- whole pandemonium has ceased, grams like Florida State up in all that is going to be left is the Tallahassee or the University of exposure this event gave FIU. Florida in Gainesville now might In fact don’t be surprised to be inclined to stay here because see next year’s UM–FIU rematch they feel FIU actually matters. on national television and maybe CHRIS CUTRO/THE BEACON The football program was even in primetime. on a good safe pace to national Priceless publicity. RECOGNIZED: Before the brawl, many people shared this man’s sentiment toward the FIU football team. SPORTS The Beacon – 12 www.beaconnewspaper.com October 23, 2006 Transfer midfi elder has no problem translating game

ANDREW KAMEKA moments this season. Staff Writer Kristjánsson, who is majoring in indus- trial engineering, took some time talk to Dadi Kristjánsson has experienced a The Beacon. few Lost in Translation moments since Q: How did coach Karl Kremser he transferred to FIU from the University recruit you? of Iceland. Kristjánsson speaks English I e-mailed some coaches in America fl uently, but Miami’s unoffi cial second when I was interested in coming here. language has occasionally made commu- I had friends who were playing for San nication diffi cult. Diego State and UNC-Greensboro, so I “It’s weird when you’re in Publix and e-mailed him my soccer history and made ask where something is and then people some videos. answer in Spanish,” Kristjánsson said. He came to Iceland to watch me play “But it’s alright. Most people speak Eng- and I scored the winning goal in the last lish and I can get by.” minute of the game, which was good, Kristjánsson, 22, obviously. hasn’t had any prob- Q: Did knowing teammate Óli Birgis- lem translating his son affect your decision to come to success on the soccer FIU? field. After earning Oh, defi nitely. We wanted to transfer team MVP honors to the same school if we could and four times as we liked FIU as a school and the a member area. We’re taking 15 credits of Icelandic in the engineering department club Thor so there’s a lot of work and Akureyri, not that much free time, but the sopho- we’re doing good. more mid- Q: So how do class- fielder has mates respond when quickly become you say you’re Ice- a core member of landic? the men’s soccer The most common team. His two goals response is, “Isn’t Iceland and one assist have JESSICA MARSHALL/ THE BEACON all come at critical DADI, page 11 Brawl gives FIU just the CHRIS CUTRO/THE BEACON publicity it’s looking for SETTING IT UP: Junior setter Keila Oliveira, who was once an outside hitter, sets the ball for one of her teammates. She currently leads the conference in assists per game. T he first ever meeting between nifi cant while the national media ignored cross-town rivals Miami Hurricanes and them altogether. Setter assists her team the Golden Panthers turned out to be much After the incident, though, everything more than anyone ever anticipated, and has changed. unfortunately, it wasn’t pretty. ESPN 2’s and ESPN Radio’s morn- However, the brawl at the Orange ing show “Mike and Mike in the Morn- on and off the court Bowl, believe it or not, was ing” calls this brawl the main a complete and monumental story of the weekend. ABC’s blessing in disguise for FIU “Good Morning America” is SERGIO BONILLA which is the playmaker on the team. and quite possibly it’s one of showing clips of the brawl, Contributing Writer She acts according to how the opposing the best things that could have “SportsCenter” opens its 90- team is defending and she exploits their occurred to FIU athletics. minute Monday morning edi- Most of Keila Oliveira’s volleyball weaknesses using her teammates. The thug-like brawl that tion with this story and The teammates can describe the junior setter “As setter, I am the brain of the team,” occurred Oct. 14 was without New York Times, Los Angeles in one word: inspirational. Oliveira said. “I have to analyze the a doubt unfortunate, disgusting Times and USA Today promi- MY VIEW “She’s a player that every coach block and play against the block with and grotesque, not only for the nently covered this football wishes to have once in their career. She my best players. I organize the plays players and coaches involved JAIME game. works hard every practice and expects we do.” but for fans, administrators RODRIGUEZ All in all, the name of FIU her teammates to work as hard as she In Brazil, her native country, Oliveira and anyone else involved with STAFF WRITER has been mentioned on national does and that has been a huge change for played as an outside hitter and enjoyed either of the universities. media more times in this past our team,” said coach Danijela Tomic. it very much. Outside hitters score So far, 31 players from both week than it has ever been Following her success at Miami-Dade the majority of points. While at FIU, teams have been suspended and more mentioned in the 34 year history of the College, where her team compiled a 66-1 Oliveira never demanded to be an out- punishment is possible as Larry Coker institution. record in a two-year span, Oliveira chose side hitter. and Don Strock have acknowledged Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not to transfer to FIU. She recognized that the team’s best embarrassment and total discontent after applauding what took place during the While on the team, Oliveira propelled chance of winning is having her play as this incident. game, but it happened and we can’t change the FIU Women’s Volleyball team to a the setter. But in all honesty, who were the Golden that. That being said, this type of exposure 16-6 record and changed the chemistry Oliveira is also known for the inspira- Panthers before their match with the cannot be bought. of the FIU Women’s Volleyball team in tion she gives her teammates. Hurricanes? They were a young football As the old addage says, “There is no her fi rst year at FIU. “One thing I told them was, fi rst of program that became Division I-A after such thing as bad publicity.” “She came to the team when we really all, believe that we can play, that we have only a couple of years and were still in On an athletic level, that exposure started being a team,” said outside hitter the potential and we have the talent to be awe of the whole thing like a child when has the most benefi ts. Before the game, Olga Verun. he or she is fi rst taken to Disney World. Oliveira plays the setter position, OLIVEIRA, page 10 The team was barely mentioned in the local media and if it was, it was very insig- PUBLICITY, page 11