Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47108-4 — More Sayings of the Edited and translated by John Wortley , Preface by Rubenson Index More Information

Index of Persons

Aaron, Abba E52, E95 Eligius [Eulogius?], Abba A10, A71 Abbakoum G53 Elijah, Abba L9, L28, S78, C24, C25 , Abba C5, C6, C9, E118 Epiphanius, Abba S6, S16, S90, S91 Achilles, Abba L38, A49, E55, E65, Epiphanius, E195 E119 Eulalius, Brother L67 Agathon, Abba L10, L25, L37, L56, S98, C2, Eulogius G4 E93, E94, E98, E99, E145, E182 G4 Agueras, Abba E166 Evagrius Ponticus A39 Alonios, Abba E39, E70 Ammoes, Abba E61, E75, E121 Gelasius, Abba A60 Ammon, Abba E117 Gregory, Abba S84, E189 Ammonas, Abba S69, E69, E139 Gregory heolog. A20 Amoun, Abba S32, S37 Ananias and Sapphira S31 Hierax, Abba C24 Angelos, Abba E41 , L53, L57 Anoub, brother of A31 Hophni and Phineas S89 Anter, Abba E60 Antony, Abba L3, L74, L75, S33, S40, A72, , Abba E24 C27–66, E73, E128, E137 Isaac, of Bis E106 mountain of S13 Isaac, disciple of Serinos G70 the true father in Christ of L69 , Abba G18, G37, G64, G71, A12, A63, Ares, Abba E80 A64, A68, E79 Arsenius, Abba L70, S7, S26, A5 Isaiah of Qalabo, Abba E67 Athanasius S67, C34, C43, C64, E146 Isaiah, Prophet G25 Avita, Abba A74 Isidore the Priest G33, L17, A66, E138 Isidore, Abba E43 Bane, Abba C4–9 Benjamin, Abba S57 , Abba E32, E71, E86, E96, E129, E132, Bis, Abba E24, E106 E133, E134 G17, G51, L1, L44, S12, S53, C20, E26, Cain G55 E42, E43, E59, E71, E141, E142 Clement, Abba E172, E173 , Abba A38 Copres, Abba S68 John, Abba L4, S46, E32, E110, E116, E120, Cronios, Abba E7, E35, E41, E54, E76, E152, E122, E129, E132, E140–142, E184 E153 John of Cilicia E85, E140, E141 John Colobos G35, L60 , Prophet G53 John, disciple of Ammoes E61 Daniel G4, G41, C10 , Abba G55, G60, S53, E34, E47, E70, Dioscorus, Abba, scribe C12–23, E21, E56, E83, E127 E86, E87 Joseph, L64, E19 Dives and Lazarus S71 Judas Iscariot G53


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47108-4 — More Sayings of the Desert Fathers Edited and translated by John Wortley , Preface by Samuel Rubenson Index More Information

 Index of Persons

Kamis, Abba E60 Paul, illoustrios G19 L58 Lazarus E142 Peter, Abba G71 E69 Longinus, Abba A65, A71, A78, A79, A80 Peter, disciple of a holy one L66 Lot, Abba S53 Philip, Abba E191 Pior, Abba L3, S24 Macarius G5, G51, G53, L5, L26, L32, L36, Pis, Abba E144 L63, L68, S45, S48, A23, A28, A57, C34, , Abba E112 C43, E49, E72, E129, E130, E181 Poemen G20, G70, L30, L35, L64, L94, S18, Menas, Bishop E39 S28, S32, S38, S46, S67, S97, A15, A29, Mios, Abba of Beleos E22 A30, A31, A75, E passim (30 occurrences) Misyani, Abba E23 Proutos, Abba A73 , Law-giver L22, A40, E19, E116 Moses, Abba G1, G2, G59, L8, L14, L50, L93, Sarah, Amma L44, A22 L94, S12, A51, A56, E3, E126, E132, Semias, Abba E39, E52, E83 E134, E135 Serapion, Bishop S75 Moyi, Abba A19 Serapion, scribe E39, E51, E88 Serinos, Abba G70 Nadbay of Persia, Abba E23 Silvanus, Abba L93, S53 Nedbew, Abba E68 Simeon Stylites C3 Nil, Abba A3 Simon, Brother A72 Niran, Priest C11 Sisoes, Abba G57, G63, L23, L71, S13, S40, Nisteros, Abba E25, E74 A43, E73, E91, E128, E137, E155 G55 Sophronius G55 Soy, Abba E77 Onouphrios, Abba A26 Syncletica G36, L18 Ôr, Abba S23 Tayis A19 Paesios, Abba E79 heodore of Pherme, Abba A49, [A64?], E15, Palladius G25, G41 E105, E131, E148 , Abba L34, C34, C43 heodosius the Coenobiarch G21 Paphnutius, Abba S19, E38, E59, E81, E82 heodosius, Emperor C7 Paul, Abba E25, E74 Paul the Cappadocian G23 Zacharaeus A23 Paul the coenobite E42 Zachariah E134, E135 Paul the Galatian E66 Zeno, Abba S30

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47108-4 — More Sayings of the Desert Fathers Edited and translated by John Wortley , Preface by Samuel Rubenson Index More Information

Index of Places

Aframet E127 Kellia L21, A42, A81, E34, E117, E120, Aila G55 E122 Aksewitis E39 Alexandria G4, G5, G23, G41, E146 Nesare E43 Amente [Gehenna] C49 Nitria, Mountain of G23, L3, S23 Arwe, Arwan E80, E95 Paesius, Mountain of G54 Balihaw E43 Panahon, Mount E7, E41, E54, E76, E152 Per E86 Calamus / Calamon L4 Petra E155 Constantinople G23, S83 Scete G4, G33, G54, L3, L70, S2, S54, S83*, Diolcus, Mount E77 A5, A11, A25, A49, A66, C1, C24, E3, E49, E127, E146, E152, E153 S2, S83, A25, A39, A78, E153 Sinai S85 Enaton G55, G60 Sodom and Gomorrah C45 Ethiopia G55 Euphrates A14 Tamerias E23, E39, E61, E75 Terenuthis A77 Houor, Mountain C4 hebes S41, S54

Jerusalem S85 Yotar[em], Mountain of E21, E86


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47108-4 — More Sayings of the Desert Fathers Edited and translated by John Wortley , Preface by Samuel Rubenson Index More Information

General Index

Accidie G25, G39, L29 Cell, staying in G57, G59, L22, L23, L29, S1, Actor prays for elder A70 S41, S54, C28, C31*, C37, C40, C54, Agapê G42, G52 C57, C58, E104 Almsgiving L54, L55, S13, S22, A25, A67, C4, description E51 E24 Children of Israel L42 fortiied by G48 Cistern S87 Angel feeds stylite C3 City E15, E63 Anger L11 Clothes S55, E136, E147 Animal E65, E101 Clothing, ’s L56, S75, C4 Apatheia G43, A68 Cloven hoof G66 Archbishop reproved A36 Coin[s] G53, A17 Arrogance G44 Communion, Holy A77, C19 Axe S76, A82 Compassion A37, C59 Compunction A69 Barbarians spare monks C21 Counsel, necessary C6, E190 Barley C9, E5 Criticism, adverse S43 Bath[s], bathing G41, A35 Crocodile[s] C30, C39 Bear A73 Cultivator (farmer) C44 Begin again each day L93 Curtains E51 , twelve C3 Custody of tongue L91 Blasphemy G45 Blind man E138 Darkness E116, E143 Boat E39, E71, E128 Day, a monk’s A81 Bodily prayer [εὐχὴ σωματική] G69 Deacon G33, S42 Body E108, E109 Dead man invoked L5, C1 Bone, small E21 revived L16 Book held high S81 Dead, prayers for the L69 stolen G33, E79 Deilements, four L73 Bread [and salt] L23, S2, S54, G8 Degeneration C36, C45 three loaves of C62 Demons: unleavened E5 army of E153 Brigand[s] A7, C1 complain S85 Brother, an exceptional S5 disguised as bishop A82 Brothers, two E133 fear Scripture-reading S4 Burden, heavy / light E158 little black Ethiopian boys L6 Moses and L14 Camel and Horse C60 one prepares nets S86 Castrated youth restored E146 small black girl E127 Cedars of Lebanon L38 two assail monk S66


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47108-4 — More Sayings of the Desert Fathers Edited and translated by John Wortley , Preface by Samuel Rubenson Index More Information

General Index 

Discernment G17, A82, C10, E156 Judging G37, G38, S10, S17 Disciple, unsatisfactory one retained A65 Keeping quiet L46, L48, L50 Discretion L10, E4, E18 Key E80 Doctor A1 King of Egypt, new E19 Dog[s] S82, E10, E193, E194 Kneeling A58 Door C18, E7 Know yourself S88 Dragon A74, C2 Dream G11, A72 Lentils L21 Letter, handwritten A7 Education E173 Linen, -working G50, S22 End of the world C36, C45 Lion[s] C44, C35, E10 Eucharist L21 Liturgy G64 Eunuch S59 Lives of the Fathers G67 Example, teaching by G70, S26 Love your neighbour E85 Exhaustion S20 Eye, evil C33, C42 Mat of Eulalius unburnt L67 sitting on to work E51 Fasting G22, G23, L9, E135, E152, E155, Meditation[s] / recitation L60, C10, C29, E13, E163 E43, E46, E55, E196 Favours, three E167 Memento mori S48, A52, E46, E179 Fig[s] C2 Moderation A37 Food E148 Monastic habit C61 Fool E103 Forgetting G61 Nails, burning A76 Forgiveness S25, S31, S34, E60, E146, E170 Nakedness G3, G4, G41, A35, E61 Forty-day fast A11 Nazirite S21 Fox[es] C44, E113 Nostalgia L85, S53*, C36, E16, E22, E27, E47, Friendship S78, A16 E70, E110, E115, E159, E161, E162, E184 Gazelles S86 General A17 Obedience G1, G2, S26, S72, C24, C30 Gluttony E38, E186 Oil L61 Gold G54, G55, A17, A71 Ostrich C32, C41, E7 Greeks A39 Parable of wealth E62 Hand in the ire C24 Patient endurance C26 Handmaid of God L65 Peacemakers E74 Harvest L60, A25, C1 Persian[s] G23 Haven of rest S44 Porches of Solomon E141 Head of the logismoi L39 Precepts, Seven L94 Hesychia G8, G39, G56, G69, A68 Prison E157 Honey G26, E124, E125 Porneia G3, G14, G25, G27, G28, G41, G45, Hood A80 L63, S16, S30, S31, S84, S97, S99, A8, Hospitality C17 A13, A14, A15, E33, E119, E124, E126, Humility G18, G20, G29, G46, G49, L15, E127, E144, E148, E149 L31, L64, L88, L89, C50, S26, A57, brother in G73 A60, A61, E58, E155, E160, E198, Possess Christ L42 E199 Possessions L18, L25, S96 Hunter[s] E7 Poverty E3, E27 Prayer S101–109, E187, E192 Infancy, raised in desert from L62, A59 Prayer of the assembly S7 Insane E52 Priest taken in adultery G41

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47108-4 — More Sayings of the Desert Fathers Edited and translated by John Wortley , Preface by Samuel Rubenson Index More Information

 General Index

Refectory E88 Snakes etc. in jar E84 Relatives, detachment from L69 Spirit, reception of C63 Repose G13, G57, G63, L1, L40, L41, L47, Staf planted on grave L65 L55, L77, L83, E151, E163, E166 Standing and falling G16, G36, S6, S33, C8, Responsibility, individual C66 E8, E126, E168 Restoration of sinful brother E14 Stealing E80 Restraint L2 Stillness in God S61 Riches a trap E114 Stones loat C4 River, crossing E35 Submission A56 Road E123 Sycamore C2 Rope A71 Rule of life E176 Table, legs on S36 rising from E117 Saracens L59 Teaching G72, S29 Saved G5, G12, G23, G63, L2, L68, L84, C25, heft E119, E130, E131, E183 E115, E121, E188 acknowledged C12 Sayings of the elders E2, E77, E173 Tower G14 Scorpion G62, E84 Tree-felling E94, E111 Scribe C12 Tunic[s] C20, E32, E79 Scripture[s] E1, E2, E13, E67, E77, E105, Twelve disciples G73 E110, E113, E140, E143 Two brothers S76 doubts concerning A38 Two elders reconciled G32 learned by heart A42, C10, C38 Seashore A78 Vexations S82 Sepulchres stoned, praised L68 Villages, two at enmity A29 Serpent C2 Virgin, fallen C52 Seven brothers tortured L59 Virtues, three E175 Sheepskin[s] E137, E167 Vision[s] G47, C49, C65 -mat C22 Visiting A34, E6, E72, E167* Shepherd teaches monk S3 Voluntary exile L48, E54, E64, E166 Ship [-owner] G55, S19, A71, A78 Shipwreck[s] A33 Wall of darkness E83 Sickness G42, G56, L65, C15, E200 Weaver E32 Silence S94, A12, A23, A24, A50, E66, Weeping L74, S8, E177 E191 Wheat S23, C12 Silver A48, E95 Widows and orphans E28 Simplicity S47 Wine S13, S71, A66, C31, E28 Sindonite E82 Wolf A44 Singing G23, G36, L37, L78, A60 Woman G14, C54, S21, S31, S99, A79, C19 Sins burst out when the belly is full L75 Work E171, E189 Sister visited L3, L4 Worldlings, to be avoided G5, G51 Slave[s] G19, L90 Worrying C51 Slavery to passion C47 Writing L4, C7, E43

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