Seeschanges in catechism to clarify missionof laity


Well knott'u tor lris actiye interest in the la1, apostolate I'novcmol)t, the 6[;rt'-old prtlatc attt'actetl attcntion last vcar rvhcu hc callctl a tnect- inS ol tlte lrlot'ttttcc laity hrs peoplc rvelc Caltlinal (lia- (lttttttcil's filst conlo Let'cato. Alchbislrop of -,scssiottttrli'or to tltc itt o|tlcl', as lte put Ilologrla i ,\r'chlrisllop [)ttt'icltr lrclici, Sct'rctar.1'(icnt' ol thc it, to hi.rve,,lull knorvlcrigc" ul rii,'eopre's(r*si'cs Iillillli.,i,,il'i"li',..;').i,;..8:,lil\l tuf N1'cri. Kenr-a; Ilussian-lloln 'litular I)1'zantinc Rite An- tlt'ci Katkoff ol Nauplia; Auxil- ialv Bislrop,lcan Ilupp of I'alis; llisltr.rp Flrnilio (luano o[ Lilolno. autl trvo othet' Italiatr prclates- Attxiliarl Bishop 14nlico Ilarto- lctti of I-uecl an

ARCHBISHOP ["hlit sartl ltc folcsau, tlta{ thctc n'ould havc (o Lo chlttgcs irr tht: catccltisnt itl order to set [()fth the llasit tltc' ologl' o{ llrc (llrurch logalrlitlg tlttl New spirit of charity lolc ol tlrc laitt in lattgtragc tltat u'o'rlrl rrtcct lltc t:xpectaliotts o[ llt(' pcol)lc. seenresult 0f council

rlt'nl lronr tltc tlisctrssittns nnrl tltc rrrr llttr.t'lation. rrhiclr rvas scrtt tctiott slrielt ltas altt,:trh l;rlit'n blck trt n spr'cill c()ll)rnissi()n Y plat:c thlrt \\'r) (:lll ltroli lirl u crtatcd bf ilis llolincss l)opc PILO'I' S'['III)Y l,'t\ l)EftVA gerrrrinc litrrlgical t'elival nnrl I'e- .lolrn \\lll to stutll.that pr.ob, nt,rral in tirc lntlrcl inrltt'rlitrtc lenr. lls titlL. has Ilccn clrangetl. Itttttt'r.'." lli..lrrrlt l.'latlrgtrn coprlrt'rrtt'd. A I I I- -, I lliii,.";l;'*il'-f1'1-1il',,"l;;;*'ti;:,' or ltevolaliott" r)iicussins rho plr.stn(:c or rrtrr, l:"f:i.;,lli:latl;t'1'cs rI sclrools ('atholie ollsttLvels at thtr coutt- /\ r'crlolocesa "'l'lris cil's filst scssionr llishop [,'latta- ntiqlrt -.t'rnr nriuor." hc "l'cl)rt'- "l)ut A,art saitl tlteir 1lt'csr:ttcc. corrlirtttotl. it is irrtpoltant 'new sertting nrilliorts ol ('ltlisliatts lrecuusc one o[ lhc nraior ob- Irrrru Iiart antl \\'est u'a.s, I think. stitclos k) thr' plojtrrt as [ Inath' ont' ol tlrt' nrost signilic:rnt fea- pr.uscrrtct[ thirt thr vcrl' titltr :rdopt tttt'e's ol tlte counc'il scssiott." bcgilctl tho rlucstion attd u will lloserl

Irl lrttirtt'r.' rts rHEBrsHop ars. triscussc,' llli'lli:lll',.I,'i,llfill )lj'iil"i,olil -1.!:: :llll.-:f--::T:l.L"i:l 1l::Jl"1"i:i-li-i'l'.111""' 1'i:"1'':-- .,-"

Il u'a.s in tlris spilil ol slraritr',.{ lhe rvork of lhc Clhttrclt tltat At'clt- bislrtrp l'lolit callctt ttlx)tl lltc Celebrezse cl i,sco u rtts various r:lasscs itt his attcicttt Sct' --cradle ol tuatrl' s;tittts atttl sitc ',"iti*l,rf of tlrc .l?th lft:ttlttcnical Cotrncil, lf .fultttttt' atltrtttls ont' ol' a l,l38.4il*-to ioin hinr in n ltat rvas tct,;ucre dit roposu,l pl'obabll' t'etttnt'kaltlc tlrrzon l;arislt stltools in tlrt' At'clt- tlrc lnost elu

\\'t' nt'crl a lrrittltcrrratieal tdrr. Q. Are lhere different melh. ('lti(,n llritt will lrc arlt,r;rratt: [or' ods of leaching new mathe. 'l'lrc {r.n' linres, lcclrno!rgical malics? lf so, whrt is being |cvohtti0rt norv irt l)r\)1.{l'0ss f0- done wilhin the Archdioces: of rluilcs tlral tlrc rrcrv rrrlllrt'nntics I ndi anapol i r? lrt' tlrtijltl ilr uul sclrools. trrrrl tltitt tltc etupltitsis llc slriftr,tl in tlrc tolclling ol rtln.r' sulr.jeets ll- rt:atly irtcltrtlerl in our nrathe. . ililililil ililililililililililililililfi1ilililil ilililililil ililil1 nn{ics crrrliculrrnr. 'l'lrc Scout award tlarliliorral l)t1)(l.alll u{)r's n{}t lt gon('r'ill lt'llct:t ilrr' ,rt Ilrc r('('('nl ('lriulg('s.'l'rit(lition:ll lcxts "lrus," u.itlr tlrcit'enrplrasis orr lo "rvlrr'" tlrc cxeltrsion of scr.r.ctl llit'l1 u'cll nntil ilttcr' \\'rrr'lrl \\'ar. tl. Norr. it is plirr{rrll1. al)l)ill(,trt llliil lllrr l)t(.:('nlilllrlD 0f tttirtlrc- rrratics ir: ir t,ollr,t.tilrrol slilhll) rt'lutctl tt'chnirltres arrrl trrr,clr;rni. cal rnattipul;rtiuns can no krnil('r Falher Edmund Banet, rssisl. lle rlcfcrtrlcrl. .nl pastor af 5t. Michacl's par. ish, will rddres fhe group. Inrlcurl, il rllrs llrr.rlrockirrl la( itt sclrool trxtllrr.rnitrrcs lhll lrrl Scouls rrc esked lo essemblc The in Chancer.T tlrr' ltr,rlu'al q{rlr'illni0nl lo l(}t'tI lhe

?He cntreRtoN, FEBRUARy B, t95t PAGE THREE

Macmillan in audience- Bible reading- Crisis ! feared = T I BlbL.r..dhr In.P.nn.vl J The Vatican I Qullo! !:cnodo.-A mass til. ?r. t.s been in rsrlum .t the rgnodi; ro rcstily r*oru ci'i vcnie public schools has been neral rvas hcltl in thc Antlcan legation since the collapsc of thc courts. Thc plicsts saitl in thcir rllrcked in a brief rubmilled to mountain torvn of lliblian for l0S llungarian Freedom l.ighters'- slaten)ent that tlelay in rcsolying (luestion the U.S. Supreme Courl cs r chiklren anrl tcachcr'.s tvlro rvcr.e lhe, of civil nralliagei in 1g56. "catt violalion of thc free exercisc killetl rr'hen the t.oof antl rvalls and cottrt oatlts only bling of a Catlurlic_ collapscd. I COPENHAGEN - Lulhcren abottt an ttnhealthl' and painful end eslablishmenl clouscs of lhc .school D.enm.crk's hishcst church end tend to ncctlress FircrFrrlt AmendmennoAmendmanf lo rhe;;;.;'. lh€ consli' 9,::: :0:..:llll:T'1..."::t ^ll:lll: irritation'"iJllTjl;," I'u werc assctttltlirtg ftx' an cvening iivil lerders g.*" . *"r- *;1. tution' The brief areues-,th.e-l - bvprovidinl ro.'"iaingir';l ;;;';;.;; iii; sdcontl.ftoor chapci ioma ro Gerdiner Auousrin ici, "lhe :;'liT;il,lii;;'ii;';i'"::';:?ti,l-,],,,,.,, :"..i:,""?iTtYf:'.:'J: l"? Biblc in public schools, "ll,ii"" ,u. rrrrir,ri.a'- --;^ --.._-!t , r . r iii"'liJi'""1'",i"i'";r;ii ;"i"""; iiiii'ri'. q;il?'illirg' :; ljllTl",'.i1,,'J'""1,i;i:'lfiffil"""' '""""'"" L..':i:,,.i.f...HH: f;:tl: l!i:,i1T,1li'.lil:ill;':i""-$:;:.:iilff,:ii"ii:ri,Fr'" 'nd ii:'"""" '..r.od'r.,.b 'h L p'..i i"diirii'i"r,1r'llT:,1'",;?!l!f,fiT1g;i[Xi;;m:*.lt :::':{,"Ji,i"*lii:{Lilliil $'ii{'i"d:i:i11ff -Y-E!U ilaiRast',rvilloneaayrlccarictriiri.'ii,j,,,."ili"."t.i''i'""lii.ji"l.''iiil'lh*'|':l.l,]",,l,"',l;l].u.'i.Jl'",J;.'iitl"ttrc onro atrrrrir risrrr.,"l.,,'ll: :X,f,"'l'Jllil.lii'\.rl'i'iil'ilrreli,iiil,., '."'l 3{".;i"1,1,i;i;1,.;i;ii;;";'i;t,;;i;ii;;i'""ii;i;;"":l',1i,"";i.iJ :i,,::1.,1liS,'lt_rti!'^l* ""'i'::".Yi:i1; [ti3:,1". ]'l".,ipfi[i;;ili\Y l1;iil't[;:l,l:l,ji""f;']11#'il,'lf'i,'r'i,jii'"ir,i".' t'&n rs a "malatlv" ':, l1;.0",[T,l [Trt*lre rvas speakins li;a]r*l ar a candrcnras iil;;;."ii;; 'ii"iriiir'lXiii .)::.1: i",irloii"a""r e mcerin! Day(Fei,. illi2) ccrc'rony-rru'irrgilhliitfii'ii*iril":..1l':i.J [:,i"i::]::iri:t'rrii'lir':* ii'r.i'ii"i.rdinrr;fu'*:t*r,;i:"$i#:t ;;;;;;i..i;;';'j.""dn". ':. spoke. rvhich reurcsentativcs of ltonle's nronrlrorctrin ho< oh,rnrrnrl .nhi! ififi"i\,ji:t#if,|i::.ii,*i:'il:';1i v*rl,x*".;lx,t*ui,*l'*churehor:ganizarions "o'g;ii,:..::l ;h1['.:-p k;;i; l'llii"i'ri'lllj!;;;:1,*n"";.iii:: ii:.":"*iri].!i.lir]?i;'i' *iJ ancicnt tradition ur t1.ll^liid i;l!,i'y..-'Iplan,.four'-against.anrl tlni,il.,.Llll,ii,il..ll;,,,|i, li,.Xll] for the one and to 4i.ect co.r.scsfor pr,,,r,, tha trihute of an olnatc...,itrlll: unconrrnittctl.. ;':;;;;vr;ii;; A 5 to.s vote tvoukl ann tav Der.sollsn,ho arc at;outto ll"lli:ill"l,l'.; li.*l,il*ir,"i,n"li;5* ll;L'i:,,i-i;i",',';.'Il:,,'fi';!illi:.'" distributcrl thc candlcs to tliffet'- ANNUAL TRIAD CONCERT SCHEDULED FEBRUARY 8-The above scene will be re.enocled on ent countlics, irtcluding sotue to Fridry, Feb, 8, when lhe Columbians of Knights of Columbus Council 437 porticiprte in lhe 20th Ilon Curtain nations. annual Triad Conrert al Murat Temple, Indianapolis, Edward Krieger will again diract lhe Colum. bians. The olher singing groups laking part, as in past years, .ro lhe Muraf Chanlers and lhc Maennerchor of lhe Athenaeum Turners, WFBM.TV will carry parl of lhe program at 9:30 p.m. on February l0; and Station WIBC will present it on radio al 7 p.m, on lhe same dale,

Public attitudos,not law, At home

a WAStIING'f()N * ,\r'tit'lcs irr tha Antelican (latholic pt'css (lc. selilling an anti.(latholic caul. seenschool pnign in llrr. Surlarr tax aid bar havc bcorr "rrntlrre labe lotl as ol heayilv Abroad tli'stot'ltxl" by llte, Stttlattcsc Illtt- ('lll('i\(iO --,. [)ublic atti- Slrtr:ir.r'. assis{lnt l{) ille prcsi. ilr.\, l{s.c of I,lxtc'sron ,ragazi'c, hassy ltere, u,lrich clainrcrl that I Llllr\, f'ct'u--Sotrth Aurcrica GOLDENGUERNSEY tLrrlcs,not pulllic larv, slantls rkrttt ol tltc Urrivcrsit.v- of Notlc publislrerl het'c. "gravc thc AI'r'ican nation has fulll'plo- is far:irrg a irr r',;r.v lirx srrpPol'l [);rrrrr,. rs;r rnt:tnbol of thc lltt'cc- FARMS,Inc. lhu ol lol tcctctl rcligious flccrlonr sirrr:c it nontic crisis," thc pliest rvho trr:rn polic.r' utrrl guirlancc conrrnit- t;.S. privatc -* (liot'no, sT 7-2?34 achie.'cd inrlcpen

ln tlte car'ly lg50s the rvcstrvalrl ntiglation ol thc ,St, Louis Nogro 'l'he Catholic selrools study, rvilh ghetto srvcpI iiu'orrglr lhe alea. A NEW which hc is WAYIO SAVE! associated, should On Your New Car purchase lltrorv lighl. on rlccisions ,,rvlrich cver'.vbody lcalizes ntrrst bc llrilrlc," Slnrster rvrites.,,Thcse il" 63 RAMBLER-l70B6i,Jf'{ir;','fi,.,..',il,, grow out of the clraracter of lhe Ert' Catholic educational prolllon *- anrl only 69.67 Dwn. 57.31 fiT thc Catholi<: erlucational situation. CORNER MARKlr AND DELAWARE STREEI5 "The problem is how lo con. vey lo lhe Church't pcoplc who. He thinkc fhe policy of school cver and wherever lhey may bc inlegralion rlarled in 1946 by a living rw.renass of lha mcon. Crrdinel Joceph Rifler, Arch- ing of their Faith in lermr of blrhop of 51. Louis, is lcrsely thc individual por3on, lhe frm. responrible for fhir rl'liludo. 160w. r6rh ily and lho rocial ordcr. Every. RQDQCKERRAMBLER MEr.mol body knows aboul lha problem bui noi one c.n lell ya,.r how Where Service is Part of the Sate lo tolvs it. "1Ve can. lrorvevcr, see ilre Catholic educational sitrration Experienced . . . rather clearly," Shuster con- in Indio, Philippines unues, ln our Diiinc Word Seminories Catholic Funeral Direclor "Wc wc hovc o number of sludenls preporing ltavc a school systcm ond Jopon, which coordinatcs rcligious and for the pricthood. lr{ANY ARE VERYPOOR ond need sccular learning. We also pos- hclp to conlinuc thcir sfudier, sess a good rleal o[ experience finonciol in how to rlcal with the irnmense ---- 3 Convenient poptrlation the systent docs n61 --- ltAt Otf and cannot rcach. Thcre are rclease-time arrangctnents, Strn. DaorFolhcrr tlay schools and otlrer deviccs, for sponsoring I student lorations Evcn so, the sad fact is that a Enclosedfind $- large portion of lhc Catholic sur. to lhc pricrthood for - doYr. I iace is hardly scratchcd at all, particularly in urban areas." NAA{l(plrp Tinl).*'*,.,.,.'..' IRVINGTONNORTHSIDE TAWRENCE MISSION UNDERWAY THE JESUITS see tltcit' r'olun. 5342 E. Warhington 344/ €oltege Ave. B05l E. {6th St. I'ONCE, P.R,-The Grcat l\lis. tary efforts as being prinrarily public FL 7-lls9 wA sion of I'uerto Rico, contmenlo- relations fol the Clrurch. 6.6056 Lt 7-5t40 t'ating the 450th anniversarv of thc first cnthroncrrrent of a biilron in thc Ncrl World, has bcgrrn RETREAT MASTER - Falher lVloore,Kirk & Usher hcrc, Thc religious obscrvance Jorchim Wclsh, O.S.B., o{ St. ru'ill spread lhroughorrt pucrto Meinrod Archabbey, will conducl Ilico in the corning weeks and lhe rclreel for lhe ladier of Our FUNERALHOMES r,.,ill cr-rme to an end on Flaster Lady of Lourdcr prrirh on Feb' llttP }|fl'lT0 REICH l|IS 00At Sunrlay with a genr:ri' falrrilv rurry 15, 16 end l/, el Frlimr (lommunion. Relrcol Hot're. PAGE FOUR THE CNITERTON.FEBRUARY 8, i96'

9ililililil[uililmtillniiiiiimiiiiiiiifiilIiiiiiniIiiniilliilillllllllllillilillllllillll O QUESTIONBOX O CONTROVERSY Cornrnenl = Must women wear Thc opinions expressed in lhcsa editorial columnr rcp' Is anti-clerical = = roronf . Cclhollc viewpoinl-nol necessrrily THE Calholic public = vlcwpoinl. They era efforts of the edilors lo serve oplnlon wilhin lhc Church rnd withln the Nrtion. the right F word?

By D. B. MAGUTRE Bravo, Senalor (Thc Cefholic Rcview, grltimorr) When pressed on the question, .,ls lVc are happy to sce that Senator C. \Vetttlell anti-clericalism on the rise Martin has appiriently had sonre secon(l thotrghts abo'.rt his in the United States?" I resort to two "thl'eat" equally Senate Bill 2Ol; u'hich we (lcscrilletl last rvcck-as il devious tactics. First, I would like to hear princiltle I'ol religious, e(lttctl- you define the term. to the ver.y 0f tax excl'ltptioll Second, I rvould say that I tional and clraritablc institulious, don'|, like your use of the term in the first piace,

Whenever this He has droppetl-into a substitutc ltill into the hopper whicll unlively subject is brought up, two seelns to takc considcfatioll thc olljections l'aise(l tl,..3s happen, !'irst, a certain group disappears against tlte previotts measut'e, tvhiclt ltc co-spollsol'cd lvith into the nearest alleyrvay and second, Senator Robert Lee Blokenbut'r. those left irnmediately bcgin to tire away with The substitule bill (Senate Rill 353), rvhiclt ltc co' anrmunition, authored \vith Senator I)avid ltogers, woul(l tax only Both -revenue-pfoducing pl'opel'ty o\\'llc(l by tttx-cxetnpI ol'galliza- reactions are curious because I say NO in anslver question. tions. to the No, because few of auy American priests are excessit,cly influencing putrlic This measut'e rccogttizcs tllc incstimttl:le contl'ibtlti0n opinion (i\Ir. Webster's made to tlrc cotrtntunity by rcligiutts, edttcettional an(l char' definition). And, no, beeause there have itable institutiolls. At the sattte l.illtc it elirninates tltc ttttfair been few if any acts of unfriendliness or hostility advantage enjoyed by ccrtaritr conlnct'ci:rl entct'1tt'iseswhich on the part of Anrerican Catholics to which h.appen to be ou,uccl anrl operarl.erllly tax-exettrpt ol'galliza- lpricsts) have bcen subjcct in recent years (to quore trons. an article priest in The ntagazine as rluoted by ltr. The Archeliocese of Ittdianapolis has long recognize(l Patrick Scanlan in the Brookll.n Tablet). this distinction and has paid ttrxes on rvltat little revenue- YHE SECOND PART of the distinclion producing propc|ty it orvrrs. now comes into play. Wc, in shor.t. need a n:rn.rc to cover Along rvillr Scnatc Ilill 353, 'scttatot'sNlaltin anrl ltogcrs a real sense of nralaise on the par.t of sonrc Anrcri- havc introrlucc(l a cotnpauion bill rvhich \vottl(l bettef fegtl- can Catholics. .{,nti-cler.icalisnr sinrply rvill not late the detet'mination of lax-exel:tpl pt'o1tcrt1'. I'ltis mca- stretch to coYer thcse new s]'mploms. 'l'ax (Senatc \\'ould gilc 1o thc Statc Iloald of sure Bill 354) What has lrcen obselr.crl i-s not,anti-an1.thing, (.lomntissiorters the sole attlltot'itv to dccirlc tvltat i.s tax- pr.o_an1.thing. \Yhilt is rvrong is iltat it is :rlso not ln exentpt pt'opcrtl' antl lakc it lttviiv ft'otlt tltc coullty zls.sos- 'l'hc tlris casc it tloes not e\,en sccm to be l,ro.Ecclcsir. s0rs lyhere iI notv rcsi(les, bill lY0ul(l RlijO Pr0Yi(lc fOr appeals nncl public hearliugs conccrning rlecisiotls of thc It is in fact an alleyance of nrind, total unconcer.n (alleady "anti-clcr.icalisnr" tax cotuntissioners. flcr.s ilre pale oI rele" POCI(ETE@K m.TY yance). the tlagic dehydrrlion of rpostolic ronccrn Such a latv rvould clitrinatc sotnc of thc inerlttitics -our sub.iect lrere. Not a nraladl' of all nrt,n in all perpetlatod by county assoss()r's$'ho sontetitltcs (lo not llave ilil1ililililililil111ililililil11ilililil11ililil1ililffililililililil1il1ilililil1ililililililtt scasons, pelhaps, but seerningly it affects those thc faintcst notion of thc naturc of thc institutions rylrcnr we or'

l', THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY 8, 1963 PAGE FIVE . TITJTYARDSTICK O \T/HAT OF THE DAY Religiol]?Race parley Has the pressbeen fair?

sy REV. JOHN DORAN called-after having put some England if the principles must pressure on the six in order to be changed in ordcr to do so. prevent the application of the It tvould appcar. too, that Conlnlon l\Iarkct frorn rcally gct- criticisms answered I"rancc is not a little suspiciorrs ting started. Ilritain thus in its of rr'hat agrecurcnts nay havc turn rerluested nrernbership. l:r.rI By MSGR. GEORGE HIGGINS beerr reaclied Itctu'een Presitlerrt on its orvn conditions." KL'nne(ly anrl Ilefercrtec tvns nratlc in las[ Prime ltinistcr i\tac. a Ilillarr ir *-eek's colunrn to tlrc Natiorral Rurrnutla, suspicious What the French think of the that these nray (-ionferertcc on Ileligion and Itace bc aimed at shift- situation rvas sunrrneti rrp by the ing tlre control (Chicago January l4-t?), untlcr of the Conrrnon l'rench .\lini$er of l.'r.rreign Af- Ilarket out of tltc joint sponsorship of tho Coutinental lluropc fairs bcforc Ytre Nationnl r\ssenr. to a Britain.U.S. axis. bly on Januar;; Z.lth, s'hcn hc "Thc e said: British sid- Jeftindcrl :\ory there is untloubtetllv a thesis s'hich in itrct cave thc roorrr fol a gl'oat tlcal ol argri- iirlvlntagc to thc interesis of tlrtr Incnt olr rvhetltcr the Conrrnorr Corlrttortrloalth or r\rtterica tlte cotttrtelpar{ fllrkc{ slroultl uurkc charr(es iu llurope intercsts." An advantalc rlcpalttncnts of orrk'r' to irrclutlc t)nglantl or not. u hich thc lrrrropcarr countr.iis Onc rlocs hrtc to sec linglantl tluite naturall5' oppose. sittirrg chilletl and alone in the I''ronr rrhat I halc been allle to coltl rvater'-s of tlrc chanuel. tunder.sland about this n.hole mat. \11'poiut in this irlticle has ter, Frauce is acting rs the dtrrni. becn that tht're seerns to har.e nant Anrerica, spokcsnran for the lluropearr bcrn te13' little prescntatiotr o{ 1'his Cortl'crence, I sttg4cslrrtl, six in an unu'illingness lo aban. the l;'r'rnclr side o{ thc argunrcnt, don thc principles ,,col \r:rs onc of thc nrost sttc<'essfttl basic of the lust a .qrox'ling at the l. intrrt'rircial tttcetirtgs cvr:r helrl in Coururon ilIarkct rvhiclr havc It t'art ctl" l)etlaullc. Flir.nt'-qs :.,..' ' l'orked thc t,'rritctl Stales trntl ottc tltitI i::i:...,,.. ; orrt so s.ell thus far, antl shoukl dcnrartrl a rliffcrent treat. in nrarkcd a sigrtificant turltilltl TRANSFORMATION-The latlered clolhes of this South Americrn an unu'illinglress to acccpt lllc llt, point in thc historl'of intcr-faitlt boy have been replaced by apparel donaled by American Crlholics relations irt tlris countr.r'. lo lhe annurl Thanksgiving Clothing Collection. Poverl,l, deslitu. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilililllilililiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiil I think the ruajolitl'of tltc del. lion rnd unemployment rre only some of lhe problems lhet frce cgates to tltc (lonft'rence *'ottltl lhe populalion in many of the countrier. American aid fhrough the agrec rvith tlris :rpplaisal. IIou" Forminterfaith farm (o-op and Calholic Relief give er,ur, the []onfr,ronco ltas be0tl Alliance for Progress Services helps fo people criticizcrl b1' sorrc ohst,tt't.'ts otl lhe of South America :e!f-respect and, nourished by the food T,\IZE, !'rance-The Rlolhcrs of thr. Protestlnt uronastic com- they are 'faize [rvo cotnrts irt pat'lit'ttlar. and wrrmed by lhe clolhing, befter equipped lo help munitl' o[ and fir.c l oung far.,r couplcs u'ho ur.e C.rtlrolic 'I'ltc cltat'tc has llt'ett rtrarltr tlrat Actionists havc pooled their r.esour.ces to iolm au a{r.icultulll jrlcgrocs and Negt'o ot'girtliz;tliotts r\s tltc Irrcttclt attd other tta- cooperatlve. rverc not arlerlttatcl.v rcpresetttt:tl tions secttt to sce it, Illitain at thc (ionfcleulc..,\ntl il. ltas PLIGHT OF CONVERTMINISTER s'auis to cltattge the tvltolt' stt'ttc' llcen allcgetl tlnt tlte ('orl[ctcttt'r: ture of lltt Cotttnton llltrlict itt tlirl ttot atlecyttatrrl.r I'c. 'I'hc l)rogranr olrlcr to etttcr. Cotttttlotr flcct tlru serior.lsnr,ss oI tlte ritce -!lalkct rvorlis as of tlre pt't'st'ttt problenr irt thc Ll.S. atttl tlte ttr- ou the agrectttettt rcac'ltctl b1' tlttl 'l'he "Copex.'includc,s Liberalizution eo-op, knorvu as thc ilrc far.m lantls. gcnc-r' of lau:of ceiibacy live, nI solving il. u itlrrrrtl any -six corttrtries, all agrccnlcnt fulther rlclll.. 'l'reat5' stock aud machinery of the Taizc conrnruuitl'anrl the fivc ('ltlrolic kuotvtt as tlte of Rotrtc. o 'Ir corrples. Copex clpects tii adrnit other fur.nt fanrilir's as urcntbcrs 'l'ltr' tf l)e tiarrlle tlesct'illt's it thrts: Iit'it <'r'iticisttt is tltrr r':rsiar "\\'hethcl aftcr an irritial lrial pcriotl. '['rr ill tclllrs of tlteir in' onc to tlcal tiilh. sotrte etlcttt, urgeu councilconsKlerutK)tt i{ ttottld allltcirt'to lrc b;rsrrrlon lr r)t' ririsutrrletst;rrrrlirrg.Il i: rtrs iu- ?'iris is otLe oi'ic.s oJ drt.i.lps iry er'pt'r'ts ori rlrrc.sliorr.s th0ir Cot|ltnClcial Custorils anti _, ftrt'tllrtiotr tlrat llrt: irrvitatiritrs lp (,'otrrrcil clients, ol of thcir living atrtl conttrtittcc fot' tht' (lonferen<'e /or corrsidcrrdion. u,lx:tt lhe Srtcorrri l:cliccn rdcolll.ellpr- A neiv look trt thc lccluit- '1'lte u'orking contlitiotts, lltcrc nrc \renl to clalrorirtc lr:rrgths to rtu.i:l, Srrplerrrbr:r 8. auLhcrr l cs lecc jled irrlo the Ctrtholic urent and training of rnore sirnilat'itics than tliifcrcnccs BLIJE& WHI'I'IISBRVI(]E, IN[," rnake sttft, all intr:rrstcrl tlorrps lrriests L-/rurt:h irr. I95li cfftrr.srrrirjrrg for' l{i yrrur'.s in. llu: tlngllit:cn. r}ri?list.rU 'fhc. lvill ceriainly be on thu hettr'e'cn thenr. . . . r'cly fuct tvottlrl bc arllrlrt;rtcl1' rcJrresr,'lrlr.,tl. (,'tnrrnt't'irrtl. ortlttiuctl (lcllrolit: plir:st 8 LOCATIONSTO SERVE YOU in. Ilnglan

TheCiltedon During lhe coming Membership Campaign, enro!l Official Neuspaper of the the Arelulioee se of Intlianapolis your beloved dead as members of lhe Society for l2f W, Gcorsle, P.O. Box llf Indianapolis6, Ind. Propagalion of lhe Faith. Make the usual membership MElrore 54531 I\Icmber Audit wife, father, _ offering of $1.00 for each Person, Your deceasedhusband, ^illR Bureau oi 2313W. WASH.Sf. riE.2-e352 (lllilD) Circulatlons enrolled for a year. During NII/ - trIember Catholie molher, or anyone you wish may lhus be lia rns Press Associatioo

lnlrrrd ar lacond Chrr nrttir tirrcet.,.... af share in no less fhan 30,000 Masses' Zona.... Porf Ol'fitr, Indlrnrrollr, Ind. lhat time lhey EDITOR, Rev. Raymond T. USHER Bosler; ASS0CIATE EDITOR, ltev. Paul J. Ccurtley; llAN. Apostleship of Prayer Inlenlion for February: Success of the Council' AGING EDITOR. f'red W. U'ries;NEWS EDITOR,Paul G. Mission Inienlion for February: Africa' Foxi ADVERTISING Ii-fN- IIom:^Y":, AGtriR, James T. Brady. Prlcc 9,00 . ya.r. PublirhedWcekly Erccpl l::':.::' CATIIOI,IC'PJli,ttotIlSSlONS Lrst Wmk in Deccmbrr. Frank E, Johne INDIANAPOLIS6, INDIANA <&r POSTOFFICE BOX 302 PAGE SIX THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY 8, 1963 2 tourneys set to oPen

Trvo parish invilational baskct- ball tournamcnts rvcrc schcrltrletl to get un(lerway next Sunday in Inrlianapolis un(lcr CYO arrspiccs. Holy Spirit will play host to 20 Edited by the Cleric Seminariani of Wesl Baden College Freshman-Sophonore tcanrs, rvho will compete for four teallr tro. You. art: luck.y! phies starting Sunrlay flt I Secontl round garrrcs are schetl- tuled at ti:30 p.m. i\lontlay and BORROMEO,S'J. By RAFAEL Thurstlay, the qunrter'-finals Sat- urday afternoon antl tlre senri- finals on Sunday a{ternoon. lrinal garnes are set for Sunday night at 7 p.m, antl 8:15 p.m.

lVltcn scltool llegins lo annoy Also slated h lift tl,. li

inq St. ltoch, litl'28, in a garue CADII IOURXAMTIIIS ,,A" Conducted by Xaverian Brolhers Since l9ll Sunrla5'a[t(:rnoon at thc Littlc ()ll releirslxl-linl() IOURNAMTIII TABLE TENNlS,- I,;lrtf-vl)lanlis lilorvll g5 rn. ,lohn lilngcl lraccrl ;lrsl nound 5l. .rodrr of Arc .ll, Sl. .Jdnros 9; Sl. r^,^,ilk ntcfiM0N0 0rAiltRY All SPorts havc becn utailcrl for'lhc Junior' the scolint lirl thc rvinncrs. It 38. St. Supervised Study*- 31, S1. /r'lichlel 2l; Sl, tavrtlncc JUNIOR IOURNAMTNI CY() Tablc'l'cnnis'l\rulnanrurl, \ils lhc filsl. Iflt'shnran.Soplro- lrrke I l: lillle flo\vor 36. Sl. Andrc\r 23] Ro,, Sl. Bcrnil(jcllc 3d, Sl. i,,\onicn 22; 5rcrrri firrf d ()l)cn r)r.r 5l Lidry'5, Rrrll,ilond. dl, 51. tr1lry s. rvhiclt rvill llal'ch t{r. lrrritt' litlt' fot' tlte Noltltsitlct's. llr,Il 33, S1, 5u!dnn,] 3 | . "67" Ru5llvillc 33. Writefor Catalog Entt'y

'f O FANILY CLINIC 3illrtilillililniltuilm==lN THE JHOLE CHRIST ilililililmnfiililil[g The Christian Life = Wife treated as a pawn = J= by her bickering fam.ily

= di$riple b .lrengthened, rnd hk dnc€le love of thc Masrer ptr1 = t+eLP t" "ili::\"","" Sn".rn"r Te J- A6cRs AND p^Rzttfs NeEg = ccnconrinre, ad u*rc trrar* " u^*" E rN oio

(.J. 11'lrat ura tlx: rfiliglations ol '1il'lltlllil'llltlltltllll*n clt iltlrt:n tou;ard tlrcir Txtrents? It-*ll:l],il rnr'l[i*li'#f'ift.'ri=$.d:il'"ffl"Tx1hift{::#:{,r*";ri"l;l}* i f.jlriklren owe to thcir parents rcvcrcncc, love, and oberliencc. i*::,llll;;;,llr-;.l"l,.t':l]ii,.lii.l'.li"1l;.."'l{,'ll"',lii:l";"".ii:""l"ii,il"''#' b r(ocnre sdiln,.a,rrrilr -,Tll "illil:" . DooDro ! onry*p"," o ao rre ni"i"" wiii, rv i"irii.i *;;;;i;i;; = ,,iMc$hh'iil..'"";ii,.i'-H.]il:;;;;-ii-i"i"i"',.y;|'Iliil j,',l ;1"::* lli],ld':|r;iJi'T,Iljii|lllIliftiTfjix+'Y"'''..Wi$$*:;$$|$q;ji"]ili'',l*',,:=iHg,1:-"T.$ll,l.,".i".t,*#$,i}li;|liii,"l}sll;=

li:linil",'l"'#.i;ll|.."Jl"..'.'l'i;:i*i'"i,1,:''i;^i.llll:yl:ii:*r"l;li';".f..:ji,ll:'iIIEllll:;l'lllilii:* .;llnli*, rn"i:-,1t,''":"H.'ll"rtlrit:it i (Collect rvlrcn rvc scc it. \\tc havc to spot = to l'olrr lVill. for tlte Flighth Sunrlal'aftcr Prntccost). = hcll in tltc loutlntoutlt rvlto shorrts = :i (hrlrl," ti Prul Publi(rrions,2187 vi(torv 8lvd, that thc rvlong lre tlocs is thc.only = ,,.,,1':lil;r,'tfir,jt?oflo't = ultural pattern' scc' *;i,l;tts ulc +ll,:41il]q*,"y$1il'C ollly lntcl'('sl, nloney lilc only plopcr goal of lifc, anrl pritkr thcill.,#iil,,l'lll'iill.l'iilliii'i,il'lii,llli: only ltorrnll hrrrnln itttittrtlo. cl a Il g c t' t o m a r r r a g c s sitt'r'irrlr, lo spotsuol tltcscllroso plrolroys nlrrltrrrvs for Ot) uL) "I'ht'y tlro fakcs thcy arr:, anrl to rer:og- S'l'. PAUL, l1inn.,*l\larriage are sel in chiklhoorl aurl "assurerl nizc tlte only real valttes thcrc faillre is for rnany" by arlolcscelt:e..' alt': tlru httntility and povorty of tlre r\nrerican'-t"l,f crrltrrral pattern, 'ofa .. ;rs rvlrich l-cad t; ctei.nal iii""iurlioii ^ group IIe sirtglctl ottt sclfisltnoss plcasur',', rparrioil colplcs lert'. thc ntaitt catt-sn tt[ tttitrt'iailc fitit- .t,rhrr "thc a rfqth.r r a),tirrlti(,rrr rrrn. ttrc atttl cltargctl dlrtirrg sls Ycs. rvc"rc rvolking to bcat. hell, l'gssor of nroral theology at St. tcnr fostct's sciftsltrlc'ss." irll litllrt, I thotrght slct'pil5', ltrrt By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA I'aul Scrninary arul fornrerly .a All r'n'riagc problcnrs, Ir*ther lltct'rt's ttttrclt l)loro lo life tltitn sciology prof-cssor lrt tlre__Cntlurlic ( Priesl of the Piltsburgh Oraloryl O,sirlliva' sii,l,- ca' 5c 5L.ltt,rr this ncgalir,e sitle, lotl-tvtr'ro ,,rr'r1tt, tlnivcr.sity of Atrtcrica. \Vlshing. ,lur'n to [\\.o so*rcLrs: got tiotl. tlrc only rvolkirtA lo lo tilrr, l).C., spokc at :rrt organizing nf affcction antl u.rluc ' Feb. l0 :;r..r,'r'r'A(ir,rsrlri\ suNr)Ay.'r'har. ,r".A pullx)sclrur l,r,sri rrrof ourrrrrr cntit'currLrrs bcittg,uu1116' wttlt-n rrrr- nrcciingilluurlrrB ofut ururrrUonfratcrnity, dr(r Ir(y. (,rof _ of posse-ssit,encsspossessit.encss of po\\'{.'fpo\\.{.,r ovr'I.ovr,l. t:yclt: rrf uolslrrlr rvlrir,lt rve cull tlre (_''syear tt'lulttttt'lttlttt tvc rvottkl cn


t THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY 8, 1963 PAGE EIGHT A SIiRIOUS MOVIB O BOOKS OF TTTEIIOUR A Childis Wairing' {ryb'i *:.:.:3":,P,,1*:"p,"::,P::5,rtardfor thc rcatrcrto srtare' RevicwingJ. D. saringer,s ::;llli";1,,,,f.J'l,oill,iltilii;.ii tnnbloc thnrnu' isstte ,;*--".T ';,,""""",-t;;.;:',r;,1;,*'1,*,,*"i""^,:,",:"-\, }C "Jutlgntcnt") -{ rvattts to move trts atrenrronto tilc vlst JAMES W. ARNOLD from !v. Life rvithout it rvould Ior :,W satrrrgcr(even this reviervcrcon- anrotrnt' By ;;; lit; S;ii;tj;; K, co'rri'i'''rrr ,,rcyK'a,ner sl,eciarizcs in :l,j;f*t*t;"$ll ili:'"t'i?1";,',tl-;,.1?,.i1",r"'il| i:li:",,i':o:l't mlt'f.[-:']*"*l:I!r nf iili fu *' .H ;:ll,i:' jll* iiftdiiliii,Ti;iivii iill'il,'illi'iJ:l,li,'' :;l"nilrl,"r*i*r"liiliFllr$*fr**ir"* J tb i ,I il ilbji[nTfJiiilf,dtili.."mlir i*',";trlillr.rii ir'ii,'*.;l1*}H.T-,".f.tii*;'l'.*"f'n'i''"**"o[.'i,'I:'g*"li*lTl,i&-di].j".l1'"ll..ilii.l$}1'':r ..l!p.{r.rrfl,"T"""r""""'""""";:""' re,u',..,--;!,".'""*''#i'rn'pHkrt'j}:l- j**,1 .1;:rri,*'...','rtr -' lI shofr {orieslil i!:11.'ii.:".'"!'!""ij,:;},-,i'i,ry*!!fi"l!ll: ;I iiifil,ili:rmi"f';1,}:".\$i$rilrillf;trl y$:f'ril:#lii:."rx!:r $tf;i'*$lit:ii.j$ llllllll-lf+;::r*"*",.'rlnli.'r*{iir{iri'T,y*:* Iil rI i:rr,i:#i'iri{i:1,{illil:,,:"{'.:n:3f3:$*rqyilr flLx1.ii"T""$':"*'"*""l'1.',".,,"""4-l."^ff',fI;-f"tlo'.n-,,.;:;"fH*||iihcen tt'ansfornred into a Caltlrtts. every possil.ll(! ntoans lu plulong MARYDALE GUILD DONATION-The Marydale Guild completed a thc httnran Personality. iatt, scnt to a utouastery to tlo the lile of a lropckrssl5' ill. suttcr'. Whether tlre blanre belongs to llut to hokl thats lipl

l*:^":d:;'i'l'i.{*"'"l*"ll::lii".;iijiil"il*l;i*;"#r:_--..'thcact$'o|oniqn'*u,olulr;:m"::: ,,',r,,'i:,:f$t$ii},': itf+;*{{fi",i|$p,liiJx,rr*:r,",r" Find prouesuntiquity 1l;i]'3'd6liiiiirii r1.pcy,,rrr,;,o,rs ''rr"rr'r*njr''"Jir#o;'rffiT:'i'".''r1'*';"'riij.i'i"ffi Hfili #:1'$"'i"i:'ill"rll.,'lli:i;llli:i:'"$l'"" of Extreme[Jnction ]i]ffif .,,,1m-tr#-:ii",;,$-ir,il*'i*i*i,il1*

rhrou(tr lltory, have bccil rurtil, l*l,;ilii'"T,}''l.;illi"""'j#jI5ilT;l"i:;.J;^j"llll":lliliilI;l.l'lj,1mliilillni|l'x{ij1riii.iir.i'''iilii,"."',rsi.l.,.,3, tove. but do nol gat it Yol tha the nost rel rBj *:fl:*ffiflffi;l]t]fi;tfrfii1]t*.fr ;tlt$ilj;riildr nit*l.'".m.;{,rr* t- ,&n TheHoosier/ miffi*#*nuulgitffi u*iffiffi iTii:ffi*; ''v rv^svvs "o.,.,,,,,..".;;;"'.,;.;';;;.*j:il|ll,[\'-$;i},'"'|-;*:";$lt'l-*"i{.l*':llt*tx,THEs|Lv.ER[|:ie.xtun[;ll."."i'l.:i'.l:.ii".lf..,lli+i"ir'r*t.:l:ir',"1,;llit mhE'nF "r ;h;;;d;d,' rlrtcrr\slil!ItcIl\sli$'Y.-cn|holico[5oi!edrD"'j;i:"i.f.;;;;;: $.Y. - Cilholic of soilpedrrp r i*;-;tlli*,,m ilf,l.ll'.r,,i:il:-,,.1*,,11 r',|l'1.i|hrnnrt,{i|hcs[tiD.u,i1nq,,*,1"*3Il,i,l.'t||;,,i]f"1lill."',lffdli,,iliirliil;:r*l+ $irl ols{Lri thc of rebru. Uorc cruclr *$$ffillfi;lT1:' T'i''ti

Uit:tt,,l'r':'.'f'"1,-'.".'l:::.,'Y:::::1::::::l::' ij ttttction of tltc sir:k, rt'lriclt t,,'ls "pnssir ii THE hrtt Iltr' c antl it't'cs-1r,trsi" tct'otltnrttttlcrIt't'cotttntt'ttrlt'rl antllttrl t"'t''i*iittttit'ti l;fi Indiana Croup It'otttttll{ltlorl :':tt 1i':: \d l)ll:,ill.l,ltll(l irs lt sacr':lIlrett{ lry Ilrt' r\posllc 'l'his lle.' t.l'".I ,larncs. lnr'uns llurt llri:i l;t OFCATHOTIC WEEKTY NEWSPAPERS r'.': ('ltlltoli 1rit,t'rt.f srlvcr''','ltt,'t,,;;;.'ii;.; lnosl alr:iclt lit tr;rl of il uthel " Chut'clt. (ContbineclCirculation in E:vcessof 148,000) cxplain tltlrt irr llcsico. \\'ht'rc [lt] -ffi=ffi 1] sr:lr'lar.s lra'c frrrrrrrl per.c.nt a sr(,,rjl..',']..i:]il1ii|jiiiJ']{'ii|lni,jlilli',.n.ll"lill:llil:il.ii..-'l-....fiill[$ sinritar.irrr,''t"',r,,'i"'tii.., l,l tl'l !]fl]1t]l'll1'l]'.-.1: Indianapolis-Evansville-FortWayne& South Bend'Gary'Lafayette ilrtiott lttrl tltr tcxt oI $t SslesUnlimited! *,n1*t,**igilt$-ffii .f]:1.111.1:1|1".|]ill.1,.itt,.:: e^sc .f :r sicrr 1rt,r's.n,r,'i,'-ir ,,,:., tli ('olll('r('llt'('s \\'lll('ll ll(: ffiffii"t(l pl'itv s('fl('s to lltl llt'ottght ittttl ltt',i srtid, u't're llitttctl rtt' rtslrkcttittg lrir' in th(: nir'r(,'.lf''iiii, "clvlc when an adverliser inlroduces his products and services l hc c(ills('.1('ll('('trl tllc [)cr)" Lottl" (Jtttnes ir, l l r, plc of Yttcatnn." 'l'ltc THE CEREMONY ittcltttl,rs ltttt'ltustt

savu ,):00 llanrl ..,,., . . . by using2 or more paperrlo earn LIBERAL GROUP DISCOUNTS

MondrY lhfu Jtlu't a sinrlrle norl_ol lris lrt'ilrl. IridrY Rrdlo - iiio i,utio,r'r I'rr,riikrnis--.lry 'l'horrr;ls SCHEDULEOF DISCOUNTS 6:00!,m.*sdcred Hcn.r ..,...... 'r;il,$ t3,;ii;:lli::li::yi",,l,li,ti]11 rl.l',.rr qlrrrrrlrllt;tvrt t'slrt't:tt'd itlis of IliL'v I PAPER RegularRale '3;l?""li,''', B;30fl;30 p.rr,*Avt'n.rir,*Avt'l,rcric,tlour l'lcric llour ...,..,.,.t'rtnc,..,.,,., .V/lflC {t(||,10l9..{l-tlIICHMOND ARIA lhrl,. ltlr irll iriu irlt':rlisrtr, he rvils trevcr stul 2 PAPERs:.:,:..::::::::..... combinedRares less 2% ,3l33i:lll:f,l,.]l":1l;i,;.i.:::::i::ii',ilio.rgo.n,.-rro},T*fl1ij|J,,...,.,$KBV-.,i,tl'l1'i-l l0rt5 p'nr'-llour ot 5r' Frdrrlis"""wr8r'1 J,y.lg.^.v n,"itl"n,"irl" is it g.orl 5r5l , ,, ?!r!, iliiifr"t' 1i;iritrnL ti,ititiiir, "o"',i..t,,,o,tnir.r, ^ciglrr!"),-ciglr!"), 3 PAPERS. .. . . CombinedRates less 4% Monday lhru tridry 7130 0.m.-SJrrrd (iovt'rttor(iovt'rttor.of lnclirtntr (l iril oitr(r('r as,ils littvt'r'r.littvvcr. /r45 D.m,-Rorrty llour ,..,..,.....111i1[ 7:J0 l,lrrotrghout' .:f ,t:]li'lll:' 10:30 p'rn'-Avc l''\ari l'resitlcnt ol'the thrited Siltt's' 4 PAPERS...... , ., . CombinedRates less 6% fntrl;t(vllll !t!A ;;il,;;."'liorr., [crtrrs as Victr sAtt irt ltls't' tadio-sundsy iuf"r"hlll rvlri Lr'.r irr t.r*r.rrth IVlancltester 8% l?:00 p.rn..-Slcrcrtttedrt .....,...,,.ir''liCE 0.u,.-tforltodlo he sornetitues \\'cll oll 5 PAPERS. .. .. CombinedRafes less C,ilO lhc son of :t corttrtr.t' tloctot'. r\nrl lvANtvtltr AR;A tlttltlrc t'tltttrtr]tlotttrtrS' w!tllrvitlr lti-s,fathcr'lll-s-l:llIlLrr' 9i30 s'ril'-''v€st Sorserse ntttlnri,l brrggy clrllst:rrlls ittirr Sund.y T.leYirlor 9,30,,v€slu'djll,,*t1fionr* \j9.'-d.t. it hclp trxliry's rutttlcrtt PLUS THESE FEATURES. . . ll; ..,...... {7}' ""1'#:f!i{i:l iii"r, it,tngitttl'ivh:rt -telephontr .;; 1'ui'a'ir"""Ir{' ,,,, through only ONE rourca, rocoive ONE slatemenl, pay with ONE check ;;,.-;;;; l?rl5 P.m.-llourr .,....,,,.sv,. Order lrdlo,,Pfosttmr tltt,clrY lntA ?,',;H:,1,r:?,',',','i.,1';i:,?:"',ii,iii,,l:':ri.:i'::",';,,lfT',il:.1 ,,,,J ",r -,,rrrw liwes Norv tltcre lre of lrt'r cotltnrutticitti..rtt tr'or Complete Details & Sehedule of Reasonable Rates, Contact di'''r"'H"'""'#;::; ;:7tl5E,rn,Hourcfjj;,',j;*.;-;;..'..''.-*,;';.;;.;.fil;illllii....'.'.''''''lF'1,rr;;.!1i;1^|111i:'l|,l]'.ll,:':}:.'r.*\l'l,-l:':;''ffi .r;:illi,illl$i*flri..lilil to il:l'il1$fitlitil+ltttii,'ffisonlr. s,(x)0 lltxr'sier.r norkilg htrrd Ihe Criterion rrdio-turdry rrrrt lraurr AREA 1'or thcre uro 1 ll:20 ...... ,,,',"Ciil Jun( |l:i0p'|t'-5.!|cdti|dtt,.....'.'....1,,.tooktI-r"x:'liH''' .124W. GeorgiaSt., MElrose 5-453I ,,'- vorir'Ph.trc '.trvictl as the lirlcsl 'lcteiiiiin-suiruvr{tw AIBAr{yARrA .?:30d.rn..-[dr]D Linrr rrfr ...... ,10) iiririxl io ttrrtittlititt js.\'ot to cullre. iu tlrc sorld. ;\rrrl tltc JamctT. Brady,Adv. Mgr. llrijOp,"r,-Ci,,i',tcp'rtlt,.,..,,,,,,.,',,1,i: 9i li t.'fl'*,r_tr.,ir...1",.,....n,,u, Mr. 'i;lB : : l:ll:il*i-t,*'ltr;;i :: : :;lil e,, i,:r,-(,ricli'i'hli"l'..,"'".,'*t',' THE CRITERION,FEBRUARY 8, 1963 PAGE NINE

Archdiocesan schools Cartl lrarty slated (Continued fronr page [) at St. Larvrence of differcnt mcthods, brrt ratlrer Tic Tacker LINDEN, Calif.-Bishop Hugh A. Donohoe of Stockton. Calif,, tlre devck-rpment of progrants in "a INDIANAPOLIS - A Washing- an effort to doterrnine the best lold farm families here that farming life is real vocation in " iort's Ilirthday cartl party will lic service, approach to the new mathe- hcld at the St. Larvrence Cafc. COLLECTOR'S tTEM-'t'he fit'st Anret'ican Catltolic Iloritage re' nratics. "tr'arming is something noble. The farm could and should be a lcria, 4650 N. Shadeland Ave., on cording is norv available for scltools. illstitulions and indivitlrtals intcr' The major elenrentary sehool Thursday. t'eb. 21, beginning place for excellent family life," Bishop Donohoe declared, at ested in their Catholic ltrarlcr'.s of st'r'ct'al gc'nerations ago. Originated progl'ants are: School I\Iathe- 8, All game.s rvill bc played. bl'Falher Adrian Fuerst, O.S.B.. profcssot'of Chtrlch I{istor5'at St' nratics Study Group, Grcater He spoke ai a rural life liturgical day held at lloly Cross church Candl' pr.izes. door and rafflo prizes given Mclnrrd Semincry, the sarics rvill featttlc notatrle events as narratcd tjleveland I'rogr:.m, I\ladison hcre. During the ceremonies, San Joaquin Valley farm families rvil be away. Tablo Pro.ioct, University of lllinois asked prizes rvill bc furnished by prominent national figtu'r's. Gotl's blessing on rural lile and brought samples of seeds antl for thosa rvho play Arithnretic Project, l'or thc high soil from their farms to the..sanctuary to be blessed by the Bishop. at honre, School schools: I\[athentatics Ills. Carnrelita Garrison. the Study Group, University of Illi- Bishop Donohoe ,stressed that when the Church concerns itsclf gcncral "the cltairrnan, invitcs ilre with farming life, Church is not telling you how to run your nois, UniversitS' of l\Iar.vland, public to attenrl. The Q. Whrt do you lell parcnlc admission Boston Collegc 1\Iathematics In- farnt, Only you know how to do that," is S.25. who say fhey don't follow thr stitutc, tsall State Experimental "But conceplr of ncw malhemalicr the ansrvcrs to yorrr problems must be within the frame- I)rogra Dr. - end lhcrefore cannol help lhc "We have the fccoll- u'ot'k of morality." he added. all live onc moral life. The M.rkcrr-tlonuncnrs-Strtu.ry play prtrsscrl by IICA Victot' Custoln The colleges I I The 33rt long t'ccot'tls nre child ai home? ytru pattern menda'rions of tlte Conrntittee on Church ean shorv a moral thal should govern your Record Depat'tntenl and tlis{r'ibtrterl lltt'ottgh Our Suntlay Visitor. Inc.' the Undergraduate Itrogrant in living," (Jopics Inforntation lloosier of Httntington, Ind. ale availahlc at the Catholic I I I\latlrenratics, an ot'ganization Center, t48 lV, (;colgia St., Intliattapolis. M'NUMENTGo., rNc. sponsored by the 1\lathentatical 111iui1iiiiiiii1 THURSDAY, FEB. 14 I I r\ssociation of America. This Holy Angels Social 2058N. Moridian $rA345$ AROUND ABOUT-.1';uscttt' S. I'trllianr. assistant ptrblisher of the ai 6:30 D.rn. I I "llany conrnrittec has as one of its basic in the school lrall, ZSth antl Noltlr- - Inclianapolis Star-Netvs. rvill l;rtrnch the I"aces of l'olitics" t 'l'htrt'stla1" conccrns the improventcnt of coJ- western, F eb. 14' at 8:15' on series of Jtlarian L{!ctttt'cs ncxt lege antl university training which 'l'hc "Politics: the college canlpus. subjcct it Tha Nervsp$per Look." ft,tule teachels of ntathcmatics Rememberthem in your prayers , , . Frfhcr Roberl Minlon, pflst()r of Holy Frmily prrish, Richntontl, receive. The Luncheon Crrd Prrty spon. sot'cd reports that his parishioners at'e tloing a bettcr' ,iob rvitlt congrcga' A nrajor objcctive of tlte nerv lltDtAltaP0us sislcrs, l,,l!ry AlcGow, Mrr9.f!l Slohr, S'3. by St. trlark's Altar Societr: WltrlAM A. towtrY, 56. our L.dy ot lcr Mdrth. f,,lrry, C.5.J. t bcgins at lL:30 in lho clrulcir tional singing follotving llre blc.ssinr.l of thrrrats last Strnday' pr()granls is to bring about a Lourdcr Church. teb. L Crlyrry Ccmelrry. Survivor!: wife, Alice M.; daughler, Prud' basenrent, U.S. 3f genural improvenront in ntathe- OfOTGG ,. t^OataatC 89, L,rrr. Sisrfrt S. anrl Stop 8 m t tnct Ann; soil, Willianr Michatlt sislrrs, &lrri! (rois zsso:',.Hrfis$oornD rnatics tcxtbooks, !'or this rea- Poor Chaprl, F.b. 6. Holy Road. I I 5(hofirld and Iucill._RoNley, ,.,".L,j1'r", son, con)mercial pttblishet's havo I Al(.t-ng3 | a vital role in the upgrading oI t tA80Rl{ M. tltll0llX, 59, lloly llontt l' .*: I Church, Feb. ?. 5t. J05eDh Ccdrelary. Thc Catholic lnlerrociol Coun, school ntathetrtatics. Srrrvivor:r v/ife, Katheriill; d6ughtcr, 0ori5 t60{$,.M0RRr$.l jons,oonald cil rvill ntect at 8 in St. I $T. Schools in tlre Archdiocese that Voii E. and Laborn J.; si5lafs, vir!inid llendrix, Ve6 Powcll; btothcts,0tal Thornas r\rluinas Annex, .l7th antl r,rr have pilot studies unrlerwal' are' and Mdrk Hcildrix. I s-t3s0 | Illinois Sts. - IIoly Trinity, Irnnraculate IIcart -.-..*:--:-- of i\Ialy, Clrrist the King, St, Larvlencc, St. l,t,ke, St. I\Iark, St. i\lichael, St. [lonica, St. l)itts K, all of Intlianapolis; Iloly Nanre, IJecch Glove; St. llar- w. o. tholomerv, Colurnllusi and St. JONESI Augustine, .f cffclsonvillc, CLEANERS 4440N. KEYSTO$YG Q. How fasl is lhe changc. over being .ffocted? FurnaceSeruice OIL or GAS 24 Hour CHRYSLERAIRTEMP CallAnytime F[ 9-9571 Oil Filters * Humidifiers * Parts TV OFFERING.-C)ne oI thc lcty f rnc rcligiotts pfogranls of t'eccnt "l)ilections '6lJ-A origin on lltc tclcvision uctrvolks is Catltolic I'ct'- spective," wlrich rvill he vir:rt'crl in llrc Intliattapolis alea Sunday, I"cb. ('hattncl 'l'ltis Fr'. Wa[sh The Department of Speech and .t0. frorn 2 lo 2:!10 p.ln. {rn \Vl,W'1. 1ll. Sttntlay the Theatre "ln progratrl rvill lcatulc ["ace oI l)r:ath," a television ale tinre rrf ilulhors and the opportunity to lcarn tlra for bettcfit dancc Garnr: basic nrathentatical itlcas sul)- """ polting "-0".1;-"'"",'ll"o-"rr" thc new approach develop r:ttiltlrenobtv a v(,r.v favorable attitutlc. lt is on F el)rnitry ll2ntl significant that teachcrs rvho have taugh[ one of lhc inrprotctl plo- granls arc generally not tvilling I}|IEVES'MRNruAI to rctttrn to conventional nta- tclials and procetlurcs. 'J'lre [\[any tcachers rvlto at't: opposcrl Thehilarious French farce-comedy mind recoils a little bit at tha suggestion that a to change reverse lheir pol;itions .self-styled attcutpt to rlctermine the patriotism of authors rvhen thcy see the lcsrtlts oll- of books irt a school library should bc treated with dignity by "crusade," tlined bl'collengues using lltc artd regarded ns a cottrmcnclnble ncrv nraterial.'flte entltusiasrtr of s{urlenls anrl tcaclrels rtsing JeanAnouilh If it is necessafy to n'arr'r au intelligent antl t;luture pirf- thc nclv matcrials is cotttagiorrs. ent {in thal statc or ir}y other'} aborrt the distortion, mis- "galno youngslcrr chief, antl cltaos this kind of ol authors" can cleiltc, Q, How do lhc rc- - Feb. there is sornc causc for alat'tn. rpond In ihe cltrsroom? Friday,Feb. l5 Saturday, 16 Student lesl)onse is mainly Sunday,Feb. I 7 lavot'able.'l'ltele is rle[initcly 'this, more student.intcrest. I bclievc, is rlue to the fact lhat in Curta .r: 8 O'clock the approilch stu(lents aIe givcn lhe cltnnce lo lhink about nrathc- Sevcrrcar(linals 'l'lre (ollege nralit:s, lclv nntrtro ()f tllc in the Auditorium nraterial krads lo spititcrl algrr- dierl in l2 ulonths rncnts, antl llris is a good sign 3200Cold Spring Road Reservaliotts; WA 4'2601 lf this kceps rrp. l)ir:k arrrl ,Jaue rnuv lrave to t.akc the lhat sonre lt'alnirrg is going ort. ItOllFl--Scvcn u'ill SPrrt antl I'uff? I,'ttrtltclrnole. tlre youngstcls canliunls lralc -_l!i1ll:_All,t 1'rhat dietl irr tlrc past l2 Iravc littlc clrancc lo beconrc nronths. illcnr. bcrship irr tlrc boled rvith louline. Jttst ns lre Sacrcd Collcgc of Caltlinals nor+' stitnrls llrirrks the ptolllcurs lravc settled at. BB. 'l'hrcc Tusostute coI le tlorvn anrl are all suscr:ptiblc lrr of tlrc cnrtlirrals rlietl last ges lhe sanrc ntctlrotl of solrttiort, up l;'ebtuar.v, trvo last. Jtrll'. otre tlris pops sonretlring rliflcrcnt. ,lartrrarl' arrtl onc in I'cbruar1,. DOYTEFURNITURT CO.INC. 'l'lta student's reaction also rlc. n vcragc lgc of the r:ardinals ponrls on his abilitl' anrl previorrs nt, offe r ct'ed it c0Lt rses lraining. Ilorr.cvcr, lhis docs not 'l'he cnrtlirrals. llrei- agcs, and nrcan that slorv stttrlr,'nts di.slikr: rlatcs ol' tlealh follorv: Carrlinul - thc ncrv progflrns. Capallle chil- CARPETSFTOOR COVERING .lohu l)'Alton, 80. Arcnbislrop of rircn rvh tltentselves. I'arcnts x11r ltappy SUBSEQUEi.fLY I" a t h e l irt lt)5{ nrarle {)oarl.iutor to Car'. 'I'lrorttas that tlreil chiklren lravc Ihe ogr- ll. Sullivan. Ncs'rnan Cultural setat Ltturdes rlinal tllia l)alla Costa, r\rchhish. CLEARANCE portunity to studS'the nerv nlathe- (llub chaplain lt llolla. Lcceiletl op of I.'lolcncc. Ilc succcctk'd rrratics. antl they sa5'ihat tltc (Cotttrrtrrcrl pclrttission fot' a ('atltolit' ('out.i(' frorn plgc ?) to thc Sct' follon'ing tht' cartlinal's V chil

NATIVE OF ARCHDIOCESE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltttttlnr FARMER'S VIEW uilllililIil[ililIilti,,,.,il1ilililt! = Gr::rb er pen! = Ilencdictine Sister By DANA C, JENNINGS nrail right now. lt ,,uk,,s; yo,- u:,i,;'; r"',r\rlrJ'li'I lli::il :",:lt li*ii.i',,l;;:i' llookle t ot' takc olrt rrrcnlrr:r,shin :',* f:1"','Jt.' ii fli:l3*'.T,:,# ch,.srnail.tou.n arrrt suburbarr. Lurites Bogotct in trrc Natio,r,,r C,,tr,,,il'il,',,ltiijl-lli NL'RLC, Life Confcrencc* ltut tlorr,t_b". rnarle rrp of , from prlcsts itrttl, trtostly, "ltortte." cattsc tltot'c's no pcll Ialtlri, a16 - laymct.t, nerv Witlt t-efcrcnce to thcn rvc forgct. frghls for tlte Presct'r'ation antl thc popttlar First l''arnily recotd' rrigrrr.norv,.wrrire rJll,:lli ing, slte says tlra{ the Sisters ltavc . yu:.11."rJ,ili5: ;l,i:"il,lH,'|;11,i",!:'i:,Ji,lilJ ing eif ir, lrolle. ar "'l.l no irrtcnlion of lcaving lhcll' ;;;l,;,i;,iiirj"""'' rhar rtcperrls "jttst kirls to fctr:lr orr pcrr, pirper.9l ]lll *po' castle-likc convcllt as it l and "':::'.,,,;;;_ cnvelopc, rvot'k is to llc

A NEW WIND is lrhrrvirrg Klil.t,Y Huesman's Garage 'l'hc llrrrrrrllr lltt' ('lrrrlt'h. in. GENERALAUTO t't't'itslrl ittlt'l lql in {)('ulu('lnslll CIIlMl0[,1]T' arrrl ;r rrrorc clrirtitirlrlr irltpt.traclt REPAIRING Greenwood,Ind. TU 1.9371 Io orl sr l)ilitl{'(i lltlllttctt is Itrlll- Bluc Ridge Rd. Ph, EX. 8.4212 inq rrs to rcllizc lllrt, altlrotrllr u't' havt llri' Irllnlss of rctt';rlt-.rl tflrlll. tlt('\' lrit lrllr' lheir' llosilivc BUTTZ.HIGGINS Duffy- Warble lr'lillious nl'iJlll:. lrrrtlthtrl a cus MUSIC CENTER F. M. DREYTING Insurance,Inc. tottt ot lt'rtriili{)ll ir r)(}l n(,('(,ssalilY Palntnizc \r't(rtlg {)f ilt}.( ;rlllf,li(: ittst ll0r.attst: Wilgro Shopping Center ",NSURANCE" ConrpleteIiiSUItANCII Ser.vicc I'trrllsllttls happcrr lo [ollou, il. (Junclion lordt 'llll t Jll All lltlsr, firrlr)t'\ ;u(f hr,lpirr;1 lo Phone TU l-2975 0ur PhoneEX.8.4156 ttt'oarlr,rrlrrrtlr r;rrl rrtinris irrtrl oul' 731 Moin Kl. 7-5156 syrrrlralhit's. Ilolrl cxperinrcnls PhoneWH 4-2285 Adnertisers 15Public Sq. Shelbyville t30l r. halr,lorlirr ;r lrr,lllr t:lriur(,c of Sfate and Mairr Streels lrt:itlr{ sttlt'r's.lttllv rrct'eJrlt,rllhtrn Spring5t. 0pcn Ireningr bY APPoinlrncnl :rl trtrt' lirrtt' rnrtc tlrr' (lrrtncil ol TheEger Sludio 'l't't'ttl. '['{rt}tilt't wH.56679 o\t tlt0 r'ltatlc0s "1'orlrrrils .'.. rna5' bo r,rr,n lrli,Llrllr'. \1'r'tltlirtr/s" r\llolltlr :ltil:r,:l iotr lot ntaliin! /39 Mein Si. a tnr)f{' i :tlrrirlrlr. u\r' 1)l ('t c{)n! t Phone Kl 7.4881 HalgoOil Companyi PIIIGETT I ( l'{r)rr'(l liiir,''r,,l Hayes Pharmacy, Inc, localBldg. Supply i Ilarislr 1111111'1rst:l ChevrolelSales Ins.Agency Inc. lNc. Evrard FUELOIL i 'f't'r'rc "A I) ['red I;'outs- Larr'-vAllrcrtson i n 1[arr I c FR'fNDI.YPIACT IO ,1,\('K l,lVll,\ll Full Line Bldg. Materials 907 Main 5t. K | 7.2481 "lle 'l TRADE'' llo,l;fli Ph=vffij ntodtlirt11Otu' Spet:ilrlty" l'itilili I{.\t"f l';--'ilrl Jlollrors' Tell Cily, lrrd, ('lrtir Ph. Dt 2.6634 irrrrl ll,rlr' \rrrtrt, Sor:rr,lr of fclcphoncRo r.42!3 St. I'llrit'li . ( lrrrlr'h rvill spotrsor rlanct' {)n Morrislown, Indiono tht'ir irrrrrrrrrl l):n lsll Ace Heating Co' Wilhite& Son I"ritl;rr'. l llr 3..1. irr llro sr:lrool PhelpsDrug Store Itirll. llttlr rrrrrl l'oplrrt'. lit'rrurrrl Anrl 5crvicc Ali 0lhilt "Funeral "Yrrrtr lus olt'lrlslla I)rcscriptiottStore" l[;tirtitttlt :rnrl rr,ill McBANE Airseol CALL US ANYTIME Home' Dl:r.r'lrorn 1| to 1'.1rtrirlttrgltt. WH 4?931 or WH 56796 No, Side of Square ,\{llill:'l')n i. il il} ;tr,l' r'rirrplr'. 'l'iclit'i. Eost 8lh and Culberfson Dt 2-3321 ;tri' ;tr rrilirlrlc tr'onl nl{'nt' BurialUaults 632 Main Irr't': of lhr, ll,rlt' \;rtttc ltttl ( .\ltilhrr' lrrlr. SEPTIC TANKS liun?,'ul IIurna IndianaBank & Trust Patronize 'lt,,,,,t,,',,1' PtiuI l'. Shrutltr tlr.. \\ rllr;rrrr rvrll and 0fhcr ' UstrlDllshtrd i,J{(,} Companv sptlrk rirr [[rr1.. lo l,rr r' \\'itltortl Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home "C'otri Our Ilt';rtt l)i:t'lrrr"' irl llrr' Scltrtlle Concrete Products Orygcn lqulPmrnl lwo'WoY fodlo 1;lr'll lirrrrltirrr;,5'cruir:c '-' Ambulancc Service ._- Ili-:lr Stir,'ol )lollrt'r'' ('ltrb rrrr.ot. ,Sirrcr: lfl0l)" 'l 'l'hc OiofRockwett 3-5241 Adaertise,rs int nn irirr.rili',, l"t'lr. l.l. N.W. Corner of 5c. TELLCITY, IND. nl(,('lnrL *rll lrr: !lr'irl rtr llrt: st'ltool ilonRlsrowN,rNDraNA ilcli\tlirrr I{}1)n}iri ;::i{} l).llt, THE CRITERION, FEBRUARY 8, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN

Lerrlics of Ch.rrily Marian to present plan invest il.rrnt lt'r'enclr (:()ruedy

ry9 lNl)lANi\l'OL[S-'l'he f,adies "Thieves' ef, ol' lNl)lr\Nr\l,0LIS -.- Chulitv ol' Sl. \'inccrrt tle I'arrl ('alnivul," ir lorrr-act plly by rvill <:rtloll nc'rv rnemllurs in cofc- \'7 l,'ronch playrvliglr{. Jcan Anouilh, \\ \\r tnonies \Ycrlncsrla'r', I,'cb. ll]. at iln ll il.ltr. llass in Sl. \rinccnt's rvill lre prcscntcrl lrcll. lir. 16 antl (Jhapcl. llospilal l7 irl. llarirrn Collogc, at 8 Irallrcr l)aul Srvecncl', clrtlllain in thr: luttitor.itrnt. :tI lltc lttrspilal. lssislt'tl lrl'lIiss 'flrrr illarit Larvhot'tt, prc'sitlcnt of llrc 1rl;r1r.r's, .\larian strrtlent Latlies of Chalit.r', rvill cuurlrrct rlt'atrrir olg;rnizltion. tr.ill pcrfornt thrt inlt'stitulc ccrcmonics. [ol- iu tlrc Ialt'r.conrctll' uurlcr tltc di- lott'itri1 13cuctliction. a \iultrnlitrrr tectiun oll llrrbcll lloran. facrrlty lli,:"1i";',',1',{:'l:,ffii:i,il"i,'ilrl NEWcAMpus r,rcrnbcr ol' th() collcgc spcccir antl tlratttit tlcpltt'tntetlt. i\Iac l,'r'arrnbu|g, r'hlriIrtilrn, $.ill ('.\Rr\t'.\S. \:t'nezrrelu-r\ p|o.i- l.le assistctl lll tur.tttltct's ftonr cclctl uc$ six nrilliort rlollal ln tlrc cast iront lnttianitpOlis (latlrorllal palish. culltl)us for Vcnr'.,rt--la's onlv trlc .iuuior.s Roltcrt eatnpllell- and r\ (lallrrrlie 'l'honrls ltttsittcss ntcctittg is scltetl. univclsil.v rvill lrr.blc.ssr:tl \\,irlncr. rntl sertiors Jos- 12. cptr Kcrripf. antl ,tirck trerrcghan. O IndianapolisParish Shoppirg List O ._:,1::lj1-ll:11..!1-l.._*-.*,*__^_- _1,1,_treur.rrlrv

S;race Novv - -r' -' ,o'rt$',,* ntltotllil''In,, ' -- t',lill,-.-uuirtnixc."n,r A vailerble r*ll-,""'l FOIfNTAINFFp( Prinlln$-l.onnio lurnef. f,l[. t'5658 0t FOUNTAINEERS Insutta' .-..,.:-.-...-ll ]'6134, Ases l8 . 56

sttl0[xE8's PlrAffrAct BRltl0 Y0Ull I't[!CRllill,]il f(] Us SteadyFull Time Empfoyment Y,'itl] lh. isilrnrrro th..t ii.lili !ille4 "Exdclly.ji ln Be l'Jritlen" \\'ril'li irr r,tl(' {)l ()li' rrr0tlt,r,n. o\(,r,ll(,lllll. tlt,silrrrt,rl. (,k)lul. 5601 tl lllinoi\ Cl" 5'5881 \\,ilfnl slrr'trs. Irt'r'lu1ls .rtr' is rr'irilirl)1. it] )r).t' (]lt r] rr(,i!hl)ol.hrorl. lin.jrrv tltr' l.',rlLrrvirr.-l: '['h o (ioorl Slirrtiuq lrtrr' O iluspiltrlizlrtiorl. 1,11,'.urrtl .\lir.ior.Jlr,rlrt.irl ltsul.llt(,c is o I)trirl Sick l,car,e o l.ilrcr';rl ]lt'r';trrrlist'[)irt'riuill a l'irirl Vur:rliotrs O lit,ltlt'rrrt'nl l'l;:rr. l]irrt St:ctiorr 11 1'ott sltl)pll' a('(cl)t;rl)lo L',,s. l)ir.its(, (,unlit(.t (;of(lon \\'it{r,ttol' itt lltt, I'clsonltr.l J)r'lrur.lrrrr'rrl. \'(r (,\l)r,r.i(,nc,' rr",,rii,,j, \\'rl ttill llaitl.r'ru ott lirt'i,rlr . HOOKDRUGS, INC. tt+ Markot and Calitornia Sts.


Desirable Service Station Locations. Financial tti Assistance Available lo Responsible Party. E.rstSideBike S-iore.".-l\n# "',Xj,[nrdlr:l-::;,1'i1,:lllll;,;i'j,,,ii.'-llffil--,...-,]'AXEiEp4u....- lE lffiioll;,]"ji,i.,l'li,;,'0..,';,',l.j'1 [ aRT,s DF-u"r 1ff,f Forlnformation Call Ll. 5-1351 anz t. iaiia,i,t,,i_rl, . - ill lRVlN0T0N-Bnrllcio. Att. PrivdtcIo!n0. -ieiaio crrnDlclclyfufl1. All rrtilrlirs. tL 6.36.1J. ,,vou.^iluliit'olnni,i,, -51. or after 7 P.M.- FL 6-2540 ruruoii""'i::'"'::::: -"--- ::',:::l i:t"t*.:*... C'all -t . p'.',;p',-t',rr,.tr,r i-,-I Jl.i t,O,','ti ,1,r' ],1 | ?5rh5r rr 5rrtiorr5r' rr' 't63r;i MoNzEL *or, , ln:tern Avc.,ei)t,0,ilf irll 6 19'?r' ;;1"',ji??l:;,J'"Jl:l',9, | -Prlscri1!i:i::- I ,rficr 6 D.r1r. rrvinslonrce &. Fuer co" i ff,i,|.i?l'i{i1,.l::i | .- .""1 i;,.,,,',,,hnlrll:1.:1,n1?;l;;"'ri,,u,,r.\k,, '.Lr,rri,'.r,.rlrnus,r,;;..'.. ;;';.'- ;t\; a;. r"'rrrtlrv'-dianronilq-rtrrr:tt lo0s riitr4r'1v0. tl., '/'tl3li q. r.pdirlrrir olic [,'onr0n,'A:sr)i inlion llolr)l tor \!rrrl:ir,i a B.' UPHOLSTERING I .laCKS BUTgHER SHOp It'rrrrr lNow!](J rjf:ftvir:q .l,,rifrrl,, l:,1i(1!,d ti!!,iir.rtr.,l 'flllil | 3!t,i t.a(l tflrR stlFrt _i iacr.rllife. feoll ;-crrr.i,rr ti:r,,lr:.i,.,,,p.,1 1,,,11 If r\'l'RONtZl; A t)\ilitl,.l'ISERS uurli, lrrrl sav0. !all i,1r:;.It.rr,i'r ilorti, ilt @j',',''.'i',i'i|]lalr5FUfnith1d?,,,,.noooi,'.,,*nn,o","?,l.''llI'll#]i.,,,frignt,|s,,.|Ph0n0|iE,6.906t|ndirnaoolisl.lnd. /.ot t7, -1...-... llltur:-ljond,rvfirruilrurrudvSarn.,'lri;an.rrt.l- nA\,|t1:o.rr"o'l-i'l;;,";.;]:],''^,,,"..',"",,;;;.;;;;i@ '162?tdlllcnth5trerl 0loftri.].],i/'!ll..|ltil]"u"n!,n',,,),o,i|iif^}LE6N];,TViffiiorcrq-|l*ft),[,,cARD|sl- | - Birli0fy Croorll

59{}r C0il.r,6! tttltftE iEt trrtlleir Elu.!.r.'rr./Ler]ill|d?Jdn4|,o*r'BdUl|,|t^'s,.icnrALlNABARElu.!.r.'a/Ler]ill|d?Jdn4|,o*r'BdUl|,|t^'s,.icnrALlNABAR wj-...... /'jl,AnA8ftt0s[lY|CE;.;:|0:|'F.wJ5hi,!0to,lsl^1r'.^ln\ REALESTATE Wl--'jl,AnA8ftt0s[lY|CEipnrDoLLEN,5;:|0l|2'.wJ5hi||(|o||sl.Mr7.6805 " --' ',--, --*"-"-' o o rdlh, lrrinrl -,--- -'. ,- i DELBO DRUGS 1,,r..r,,r,.irl.;rrrr. lllijlhij inlurriiinlUrrji y0uyou lrq:hiiirt,trr::h;iir,, .jrd.:rrd (rrorjorol DIRK'5 MA'.:KET @ i tsrt N. Emerson s. atrrl /)r,,,i'1v^,,.,,, inu rn,i :.r,,,^..lrrv;c, iljr''t. orrn A-r 3.6rrl BUYINGor SELLING ; lvas lfub ll'clch S'nl's.' iRriror.Lr;/EnY i FL9'8265 i- Real Erilalc |:L,/Jtg3o55i|4[.tl65h'5t.|.eRESCR||l|0trS:ffi rnnoE3-BEDRM, ..NEW AccurstclYfilrcd I I CALL HOMES i -.;;;;GER- i+ l,l,;;il''i,ll^,i,,,i.ililllll:1,?,ill;,llll R. woLMANDRUG5,rNc. i HEIDEI.IREICHnErDEr'rRErcH I I AIiGUS RENTALUNITS i ^-- c'ALLEl\|r\'El\ "lil[ t,r,i\,:rrtiri0n BALLENGER "lit[ u r.3r5r lnquire Irvrllrcrr'. ciirr'c,""n' I L I Iilt-PiloNrI[lt-Pt0Nt fLORlil"rLoRril" I I r*rr,rrrvrky VJ'r l'lrona flr)vrrra iliiij,i',iuAo?\,/ir!ri aboul our l8l4 Applc{ilo Mg ?.9491 . - | ;fr, Slandard-'"';';;;;"--standard Serviceservice i,r,. orr*,li^;l';'1.:'irliY,lii, ,.uo' home lrsde" TRADEDHOMES!" jlj.:il1 plan, tllil 1]I':t_]| s, onrfi 2{ llourl i- in ffi A Complete Service! re AMERICAN W ESTATCSCO. Whtrter,ct' ),eut' housillg ltt'ecls nrighL l;c 5420N, Colleee CL 1.9402 PATRONIZETHE I l'jf,,,,";,,Jil'li"l,,PuL:;"u.;,,,,111'oi,'r:,ililii I -*\\ lIy uof collstllI ollc ol' ()l.ll' tlairtccl q I l',rrk, ttoDr rrn,lcr t":rlro'rrr, livit roorD I ADVERTISERS '^r () .r,r'l porr h. t)l l]t,c l',',r'c, r;t ll brrill. [ I lB r'rllr .f E)rtiI ( I ,'r l,r i,'1I)c' l',1 S,,tur,i.ty, I t'l,ru,try I aud callalllc t'trpLes0llt,ilt.ivcs![lall ll'otltrt'! ,l y lo ,l p.rrr. I rr Salutrl,ry. Irl trr',, | 6llt, ? I E ,lillloril ,rl t'rrl. FuneralHome | l\oitrln I "llorrto ffiURCH. SCHOOT. HOIJIE .IIIAINTENANCE of Porcot]il1 Sofvica" 24 lluur i\nbulancc Scrvi,;l w ,,.430{ - ?418 [. roth sr. ME. Contractors- Suppliers - Electricians Carpenters llolon Jor(,dn, O\ril,I &18. 6..1305 - - - -)Iffiffi:j" Plumbers Plasterers Painters Fencing I@ BEECHCREST l-lfAnilrrJ, P'jtdrrr,r; 'nrl \rrvirinu illl Llberiy7.549l o,'...u","111;,,Ll,t,ll"'i11.,i,,,,,,,,0,,, A. J. Laker and Sonr i -ffi Soufhlown Vacuum Sales tr'or Penqtle MELLow AtR Furnace& : rfiJit';l'oiil,lliil" CAPITOLGLASS and Service t';ffilil;;litftn'Plrnsrntrun Prvrv'-N' AUllt0RlztDlt00vtR StRvl(t Air contliti.nirrgcontriri.,,,,,o .J.,co., Inc. (lHnfir :""; i,,,i_r r.JJ,t,.JJ,' ?,?i .,.*n, "...I COMPANY,INC. Pc;rdir All Mrkcs Yrcuum VIrc l)entury!! " frt e.r474i _. .- _-** a Pick-up .rn(l Dclivcrv It ::111::11111*":' tl*":' _ l,t4 t. loulhern SI 7,1109 t@ i Cook'sr--:t-t- Glass ^l-^- & o Mirror rrr-.,^- Co.F- I 3 Slore Fronfs I nel,rs,rNsuRANcE I SPIVEY ! ,',0',rll,;;,,,^|]"lljlll,l., o Furnilure Tops w T'he llest fi,- I I Thor.r A. WelchCo. I o Window Glass 304Inlrnd Blds, ME 8.656{ "Krio'tJil F0it (luAUtY" In Tlrcir :-.'.:"/ffi| i T:il*litii'l;f'.I O Mirrors | | BO-KA FLORIST -- o Alsynite Fibre Gi.rsr cuI fr,orYtRs, PtANts, IF fLOTAI.AIIIAN6fMTNIS Neu llom

t'cpt'csentittiotr anrl lrostility lltat KANSAS CI'f\'. i\lo. -- ;\ (lallto- still rcsitlcs in fal too tttuch of ral:bi said ltct'c tltat ouf textllook ittsIr'ttctiott abottt lic-.Jcu'islt tttttlct'slatrrlittg cach otltet'; can lle gt'cittll'sllcctlerl ttlt "'tb o otierrt pt'rtpclll lt'achet's hSnh.l faillrs I'clllo\'0 lltt: if both itr ortl t'cs1tt:ctivc t'cligiorrs seltools ltos- RABBT TANENBAUM saitl tltat t'ttisfel)l'cselttatiott a11(l in intcr'-r'cligi()tls I'clationsl iltld "tcxtbooli (lltt'istians antl Jt'tt's.sct in tilitv ii ittstt'ttctiott rrrtk'ss "a of ttttttttal tttttleL- C "'['o ouI ill crch otltct'," nrotiott c5'cle ctlilcalc l)ill'L'nts ahoirt on a llloft'cxilct posilivc 'l'hc ttall ol llis Ilolirrt'ssl)()lle stirrrrling blst'tl Itotv to cotnntttnicatc krrou'ltrlge ol' lhcil t'espcctivc atl itu(lcs allottl otltet's lo llttlit' ,lolrnXXlll lol' tttttlttitl{'rl{'('lll " Irislolit's atltl tlntlilions"' thcy chilrl len. rvill not bfitll rtslllts ii ('irllrrrlics "trt:ttnictlical rrrnl tittrl thc pr{'scnt anrl non-tlalltttiit'stonlt'arlit'l llris "of rvhat nvail." hc contittttetl, "ltllr" alltit glotv" fltlinA bcfotc tltcit' "s'ill ;rll1lealb1' lt'ai'llittgsill bc tlre call ol l)opt'Jolttt o.\t5. l[. I"atlrt'r's ol tlttr cctt- tt,rtbooks,silitl llalrbi .\1:tlt: "ttn X\lll and thc tllc level" 'l'ancnbattntrtf \crt' Yol'k llt' itsst'tlt'rl tllal nrcrrical council litt' gror!'lll!{ 'f'he ttt llc tltrntr in- tlilectot' ol itttlt'tt'ligiotts lhe lritlrl rltlt'li" sentitncltts Ix:ttvctln (iatholics antl lltt: litllrr*'ing: allails ol ll)(1 .\lll('l i('illt ,ltrtt'islt cltttlt's rrorr-[)alholics [or'ttttttttitl cstecnt' (llllrolir:- a "'lir rcnt()\'c tlrc inltct'iterl Conttttittcc spr)l(c itl a if this is contlarlictctl b1'anti- rlI Itlis' -s1'tnPosittltt al Iiot'kltttt sI iurri nott-rlot:lt'ittttl sottt't'os ,lrl'islr tcaclrings in [11cnl lcxt' . --:1""1:l]_ lruolts'l Ot'ilt att attti-Jervislt pct'- solal attittttlt'oI a palish l.caclttlt'? rcsscs I lt t'ctt c lcr]cn [s 'Sinrilall.v. lirl thc .Jetr'. lttitv St ('lll htt itr go{)d I aith and itr lt'alisnr t'xpcct. Cltt'istians to arkrp{ it'ne\\' ;lppl'oaclt' lo Jtt' rlaisrn anrl tlrc'Jervislt pcttplc if Itc t'onlittttcs trl ltat'lltrt antl ttl .N.m *_ insl|trct {lrc gcttcl'atiott itr Large selection of Valentine Cards lnti-(k'ntile atlilrrtlos inltclitcd *nclrlcts class lor Protcstatrts Ilorlt tttt'tlievitl ltot'iotls ol pt'tstl- Religious included. "'['hc rution artrl polctuical drsptrta- l'OIl'l'l,r\NI). olc.-..r\ (lalltolic purposc is lot Lrs to orr- t ions:' nurt hls st'oretl lt hit lcaching countef ortr: attotlloL lttrl to rtrt- "THIS Irtlttlt Sttlttlin'st'ltortl t'litsscs itt a caclt otltcr llcttcr," Sis. lS NOT to rrsli Cltt'istians rlclstunrl I'Lcslll'tct'ian cltul't'lt ltcfc. "\\'c Mail Orders Promptly Filled lo tullprl rvitlt tlteir tltcologl'lo tcr ,loltn i\la11' statetl. ltlvc ;rk'ase lltc,lcrt's," llahbi'l'ancn- Sisl<'r .John Jlat'r', t'ltlit'ntatr of bcgun to capitalize on rlhat sc "Nrrt'it lxtrrrrr stritl. is lrt aslc Ilrt' rlitisirrlt ol llilrlit'll st'icttt't', ,lt'u's to lcvise tht'it' luslrtt'y tlrcolo;1r' itrttl llltilosolrltl' at i\llrt'1'l' Knruc Bnos. Esrabrishedrse? Irouks altrl to t't'1lt't'." tho hlo(r(ly Ittrt'st ('ollt:gtt, irt tttitl-,littttt;tty ('lrlistian llatcs ol pct'sccution oI llcgun tcacltttr{ it six-u't't'k ittlttlt I[oust, .lorvs rvlrich \r'cro a tt'agic fitct ol scrrtirutt on Iiilllc stttrlics to ?0 ttt Cotholic Sup1tl.1, Iil(. .lt'rvish lifc. ttO pltisltiotret's ol llot'clatttl (li "ll l'r'esb1'tcliutt cltttt't'lt at thc i11' Block South of Ayres) is lo t'ltitllt'rtgt' lrollt (lltlis- "lo litatitrn ol'ils pastttt'. tht: llt'r'. liln anrl,lcrr'," lrc ttssclterl. ME 8"34t6 l\llt'r'is,l. Kt'5stl'. vitu' tlrc bcsl in tlrcir' histolics ll9 5. Meridiarr Indianapolis ME 8'3417 lrrrl tlatlitions as nriding posts, MUTUAL t'nlltttsiasttt ittttl itt- nol lritchirrg posts." Iclest huvc ltet'n tltc results tlltls lll c(!ll- Ilirlrbi'l'altt'nlraurtr sitirl Ilral ort Ial oi tht exl)cfllllont lno|,listtl. 'l'lrt' an{)lhor lt'r't'l [ol arlvant'ittg trtrt- lllo\'olll{'nl ltits "Ilctrtbct's littrt'gital trrll l('('r'l)tunc('. (,'atlrolics arrrl ol' Iltt' r'trttgt't'gittiotr int'ti';tsing llrol('stilnI "shot,lrl lcsrrllpri itt .lort's st'cli lrl o\'(ttc(llIt(l slrotv t'ttt'iositl' allottt scvt't'itl tlt'ttl anrl ittt' THE ECUMENICAL cotttttil ir\!iil('ll('i5 0f lltt r,r't'r'r' inrlrulst' of \Vcstct'n httltris lhirtgs--lot' t.'xatttllle. tttl' t'cligiotts ol sactittttt'tt1',1 ;1('lloll rvill {it'c it rlr'ltrtttt'tttll)('ltl\ l(} l)ol liln{'(' rvlrit'h lrls cottrliliolrcrl llrt'rn to r'ran)r'," Sistct' ,loltrt Ilar'1' sairl. gt't'att'r' ('allrolit' sll'('ss ()n litur';ttcll tlr.irai.' ltc sltirl.'l'lrr' lurtrl itt pcrr:r'ir,'r'r'ach o{hcl in inilccru'lte ol lltt' \1'or

will br"in9 sanrples F;T:iul io yorir home A-l TermiteControl Service, Inc.

?i05 l, Mcrrdrrn lniirnrlolir