Missionary Magazine
BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Vol. LIL No, 7, July, 1872. New Series, Vol. 2. No. 7; AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting. New York, May 21, 1872. The Missionary Union held its Annual Meeting to-day with the Calvary Baptist Church. A large company convened at 9 o’clock, A. M., and an hour was spent in devotional exercis es, conducted by the Pastor of that church, Rev. R. S. McArthur, who also extended to breth ren from abroad a cordial welcome to the hearts and homes of the Baptists ol' New York. At ten o’clock, the Union was called to order by the President, M. B. Anderson, LL. D. After singing the hymn, “ The morning light is breaking” the Scriptures were read, and prayer was offered by Rev. A. E. Dickinson, D. D., of Va. The President, in his address, suggested that our organization should be changed, so as to secure a comparatively-small body for deliberation, and a series of mass meetings, for several days in succession, at various points of our country. After the conclusion of this address, on motion of Rev. Dr. Murdock, it was, Ordered, That a Committee of seven be raised, to take into consideration the re-organi zation of the Missionary Union, to meet the present and prospective circumstances which seem to call for such a measure. The following brethren were appointed this Committee— E. Bright, D. D., N. Y., J. M. S. Williams, Mass., W- W. Everts, 111., S. S. Cutting, D. D., N. Y., S. L. Caldwell, D. D., R.
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