Racism, St, 2762
SENATE DEBATES INDEX--1991-92-93 301 ============================================================================== Racism, st, 2762 Racism among youth, st, 1559 Radio-Canada International Effect of cutback, 1101-02 Effect of cut-backs on tourism in Canada, 308 Effect of cut-backs, senators statements, 259, 260 Effects of cutbacks, funding for government advertising, 1380, 1410 Reduction in funding, 2875 Radio Canada International, reduction in funding, inquiry, 2650, 2871-74 G-7 Group, 2872, 2873 Satellite television, 2872, 2873 Shortwave radio, 2871, 2873 Speaker: Senator Perrault, Raymond, 2871-74 Railway bill C-11. 1r, 377; 2r, 408-10; ref to com, 410; rep with observations, 475; 3r, 538; r.a., chap. 37, 1991, 599 At and East subsidy, 409, 538 Atlantic Provinces Transportation Commission, 540, 541 Subsidies, 409, 540-41 Speakers: Senators Corbin, Eymard G., 409, 540-42, 543 Kelly, William, 409-10, 538-39, 543 Olson, H.A., 538, 539 Railways, proposed sale of rail lines, inquiry, 647, 728-34, 1060-61, 1557-58, 1965, 2094, withdrawn, 2593 Abandonment, 729, 731, 733 Branch-line transfers, 731 Freight transport, 729 Highways, 734, 1060 Interstate Commerce Commission, 732 Prince Edward Island, 734, 1060 Provincial highways, 729 Safety, 1060 Shortline, 732 Truro-Sydney rail line, 729, 730 Speakers: Senators Bonnell, Lorne, 734, 1060-61 Corbin, Eymard G., 1557-58, 1965, 2593 Graham, Alasdair, 728-31, 733, 734 MacDonald, Finlay, 731-33 Recession, 33 "Referenda" or "Referendums"? Linguistic clarification, 1699 302 SENATE DEBATES INDEX--1991-92-93 ============================================================================== Referendum bill C-81. 1r, 1623; 2r, 1628-35; 1636-46; ref to com, 1646; rep without amdt, 1784; 3r, 1820-22; m in amdt, 1822-26; div deferred, 1826; 3r and m in amdt (con't), 1833-39; m in amdt, 1839-41; div deferred, 1841; motions in amdt neg, 1872-73; 3r, 1873-74; r.a., chap.
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