
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.826.561 on 1 August 1994. Downloaded from

Postgrad Med J (1994) 70, 561 - 567 © The of Postgraduate , 1994

Reviews in Medicine Gastroenterology - I: gastroduodenal and Helicobacterpylori M.C. Bateson General , Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham DLJ4 6AD, UK

Provision ofgastroenterology services The increasing number of gastroenterologists in of opiates, minimal or no sedation and well- Britain and the spread of the specialty outside illuminated suites are all reasonable university closely followed the discovery suggestions. Routine use of pulse oximetry to of the usefulness ofendoscopic procedures.'`3 The improve safety is also in vogue, but this needs to be British Society of Gastroenterology has recom- interpreted with caution.6 mended that these invasive tests are carried out Audit ofthe diagnostic benefits ofgastroscopy is appropriately in centres where a full range of rather subjective but it has been pointed out that equipment, technical expertise and adequate resus- normal examinations are often clinically very citation facilities are available. useful and important, even if they frustrate the

Gastroenterology is now almost entirely an managerial number-crunching efforts. Open-access copyright. outpatient and day-case discipline, and economic services to general practitioners seem to yield just pressures are likely to increase this tendency. as good results as a hospital referral system. Efforts Comprehensive recommendations are available for to select patients for the procedure have had only services, including the ideas that there should be at limited success.7 For instance, the use of routine least two surgeons with a special interest in gastro- serology to screen out patients enterology in every general hospital, and that there not requiring gastroscopy was found to be useful in should be a 50% increase in the number ofmedical Leeds and Southampton, but useless in Belfast and gastroenterologists to a ratio of 1:100,000 popula- Bishop Auckland.8-'0 The invention of curative tion served. Though these ideas may seem treatment for means that http://pmj.bmj.com/ ambitious now, the whole structure of hospital accurate diagnosis is even more essential than medicine is under review so we may expect more before, and the only way to achieve this is by an consultants and specialists (iffewerjunior trainees) aggressive investigational approach for all persis- in future. These levels of staffing will certainly be tent dyspeptic symptoms. necessary for the proper handling ofthe emergency Safety in endoscopy has usually been taken to gastrointestinal admission workload which is likely apply to the patient. The staff have also to be to continue to increase. considered. Endoscopists and assistants are on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected advised to be immunized against B virus and to wear gloves to reduce the risk ofacquisition Gastroscopy of H. pylori . Elaborate ocular protection is used when lasers are operated. The most impor- The explosion in the use of fibre-optic and video tant area has yet to be resolved: activated endoscopy has led to problems as well as advan- glutaraldehyde is required to sterilize equipment. It tages, as recent attempts at audit have indicated.4'5 is toxic and frequently allergenic, so that 30% of Though gastroscopy in outpatients is generally staff become sensitized. Use ofprecautions such as very safe, many of the in-patients studied are the air extraction, cabinets for sterilization and ade- frail elderly with cardio-respiratory problems quate ventilation of the endoscopy room are only which make them vulnerable to sedation and the part of the solution. Alternatives such as for- partial asphyxia of swallowing a tube. Avoidance maldehyde solution and 70% alcohol proved im- practical because of their toxicity, and the risk of Correspondence: M.C. Bateson, M.D., F.R.C.P. fire and explosion, respectively. The promising Received: 8 February 1994 newcomer is peroxygen solution, which is under Part II of this review will be published in the September study at present and may be found suitable as a less 1994 issue. harmful alternative. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.826.561 on 1 August 1994. Downloaded from 562 M.C. BATESON

New investigations and an improved survival.'3'-5 Adenocarcinoma of the gastro-oesophageal junction and oesophagus is The advent of computerized tomography (CT) actually increasing in frequency.'6 scanning has been enormously helpful in staging Where carcinoma of the oesophagus is in- known carcinomas and lymphomas, but less operable and radiotherapy and laser treatment are effective in primary diagnosis of disease of the not effective in controlling , use of self- . Endoscopy and conven- expanding metal stents has been introduced.'71'9 tional contrast still hold sway. The These are probably safer and easier to use than the invention ofendosonography may be an advantage older plastic Nottingham stents but are very much in the diagnosis of pancreatic and prostatic car- more expensive. Cost depends on length but it is cinoma, and in staging oesophageal and rectal essential not to use too short a prosthesis if it is to tumours, but is a specialist technique under evalua- be effective. The lumen is dilated to 16-20 mm and tion at present. Magnetic resonance (MRI) offers a this should allow normal dietary intake. If tumour promising non-irradiating method of improved overgrowth occurs then laser can be used definition and resolution over CT, especially when but it is not generally required. contrast with gadolinium-DTPA is used." It is clearly superior in carcinoma of the oesophagus and can define smaller abnormalities. It is also Gastric carcinoma better for other solid organs such as the spleen, and kidneys, but only equivalent to CT The good news about this condition is its gradual for the adrenals. It offers the fascinating, but as yet decline in frequency over the last 60 years. The bad incompletely developed potential, for in vivo news is the poor prognosis of cases which become chemical analysis, for example of con- clinically apparent. Though pernicious anaemia is sidered for non-surgical treatment. known sometimes to be premalignant, it con- The modern gastroenterologist with free access tributes so little to the overall cancer rate that to MRI could probably dispense with CT periodic endoscopy surveillance has traditionally altogether. not been recommended because of low yield. This may be incorrect for younger patients, since a studycopyright. using 3-yearly gastroscopy in patients under 60 Oesophageal disease years did show an appreciable detection rate for early gastric cancer and carcinoid.20 The mass Reflux screening of normal populations undertaken in Japan, where the rate ofgastric cancer is the highest The occurrence of significant gastro-oesophageal in the world, is unlikely to be useful in unselected reflux disease is usually assessed by gastroscopy to populations elsewhere. assess oesophagitis and ulceration, supported by 24 Once carcinomas have occurred, staging by http://pmj.bmj.com/ hour oesophageal pH monitoring, where there is no ultrasonography or CT scanning may no longer be hiatus or other abnormality. Criteria for the ideal, since endoscopic ultrasonography cor- reflux in children are rather different from adults relates better with operative appearances.2' This where ranges have been well established.'2 In may be very important since it is reported that normal children there may be an oesophageal pH radical is now possible in 53% ofdiagnosed less than 4 for 18% ofthe 24-hour period, which is a cases, and confers a 70% 5-year survival.22'23 These much more liberal limit than for adults. Attempts figures are only achievable by selection ofthe right to replace pH monitoring with non-invasive cases for operation. For those cases which are on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected ambulatory radio-labelled food monitoring have inoperable, the options are not attractive. Res- been disappointing. ponse to radiotherapy is poor and chemotherapy with drugs like doxorubicin, cisplatin, mitomycin, Carcinoma 5-fluorouracil and BCNU carry only a 25% short- term response rate.24 The association of chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with the gastric metaplasia of Bar- rett's oesophagus is well known, and potentially Peptic ulcer important since some cases proceed to malignancy. The length of Barrett's oesophagus does not The management of peptic ulcer has been very change with time, which is important since it is only much coloured by the discovery of the importance the more extensive metaplasia which is premalig- of Helicobacter pylori but there have been some nant. Frequent surveillance is needed where there is other advances as well. Barrett's oesophagus of 8 cm or more, and is For those patients with bleeding peptic ulcers, rewarded by detection ofearlier operable tumours, operative surgery has become decreasingly com- Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.826.561 on 1 August 1994. Downloaded from GASTRODUODENAL DISEASE AND H. PYLORI 563 mon with the use of vigorous medical treatment Ammonia including injection therapy. Adrenaline (epineph- rine) injected around and into bleeding ulcers will Urea + + arrest haemorrhage. Injections of 1-2 ml of H. pylori 1: 10,000 to 1: 100,000 adrenaline in each of four urease Co2 quadrants around the ulcer and into the bleeding site have been used, and this may be all that is Though the use ofunbuffered urea solutions can be required.2526 Sclerotherapy into the ulcer at the a cheap alternative, these are unstable and require same procedure can be added, and absolute alcohol tedious fresh preparation each time they are used. is convenient and apparently as good as anything The organism can be cultured with careful else. incubation, but this takes a week or more and there For chronic management of peptic ulcer, long- is a 5-10% false-negative rate even so. Antral term omeprazole can be safely used instead of the biopsy microscopy with modified Geimsa stain is well-established H2 receptor antagonists such as satisfactory and histology will show the asso- cimetidine or ranitidine.27 It is, however, known ciated . Both of these require laboratory that long-term acid-suppressing therapy will facilities. predispose to intestinal such as Sal- Less invasive tests include IgG ELISA serology, monella and this may make radical curative treat- though it is less specific because titres may ment a more attractive option for peptic ulcer reflect past not current infection.29-32 Complement disease where possible.28 fixation tests have also been used.33 The main role of serology is in epidemiology. Assessment of treatment ofindividual patients requires dual sam- ples before and at least 3-6 months after therapy to Helicobacterpylori compare titres. A much more attractive non-invasive approach There has been an alarming tendency for interest in is the use of the urea breath test.34 These can be this organism to swamp gastroenterology in recent performed on breath samples collected 20-30 years. There are more than one thousand original minutes after carbon-13 or carbon-14 radio- copyright. papers and several books published annually, and labelled urea is taken by mouth. The sample is journals such as now even give the germ its own analysed by mass spectrometry or scintillation section. The field is changing very rapidly and the counting, respectively. Non-infected patients ex- dogma of 1994 may well prove the heresy of 1995. crete <0.5% dose/mmol C02.kg, infected patients A symposium at the Royal Society of Medicine 1.0% or more. The test can be performed a month (published in its Journal in March 1994) reviewed after anti-H. pylori therapy, but should not be done the field comprehensively. before nor during antibiotic or omeprazole therapy This spiral bacterium inhabits the alkaline layer to avoid false negatives. http://pmj.bmj.com/ between the gastric epithelium and its mucus coat Polymerase chain reactions have been used to in half of mankind. It may be harmless for many locate small quantities of H. pylori DNA such as but is strongly associated with chronic antral are present in stool, but this is a research tech- non-immune gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers, nique. and probably also gastric neoplasms. Its eradica- There is agreement that H. pylori prevalence tion by antibiotics is definitely useful in curing increases with age.35-38 Infection correlates with peptic disease. lower social class and overcrowding, and is com- moner in developing rather than developed coun- on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected tries.39'0 What is more controversial is whether Diagnosis there is a progressive 1% annual additional infec- tion rate in young adults and middle age, or There is a wealth of alternative methods for whether different generation cohorts are infected proving the presence of active Helicobacter pylori persistently in childhood without acquisition of whose results correlate reasonably well. Where further cases with ageing. gastroscopy is being performed anyway, the urea Two studies showed, respectively, that only two gel/indicator test (for example, slide CLO-test) on a out of59 and six out of68 subjects sero-negative for gastric antral biopsy is a cheap and quick tech- H. pylori converted to positive over 11 and 21 nique. The Helicobacter pylori urease generates years, and this was taken to prove that adult ammonia which raises the pH to a level where infection or re-infection are rare.4'42 This is broadly phenol red turns magenta. A total of 90% of in agreement with studies after anti-H. pylori positive tests occur within half an hour but some therapy and implies that eradication should be a will only be seen by reading slides the following once for all process. Active infection rates fall in the day. elderly, possibly because chronic gastritis even- Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.826.561 on 1 August 1994. Downloaded from 564 M.C. BATESON

tually creates a hostile environment for H. Table I Eradication of Helicobacter pylori pylorn35'38 Cigarette smokers, nurses and bare-handed Success gastroscopists are predisposed to H. pylori.38'43 Studies Patients rate levels of alcohol intake not Ordinary do appear to Bismuth/metronidazole/ 3 203 94.1% be important though heavy drinking may increase tetracycline infection rates. Bismuth/metronidazole/ 6 150 73% amoxycillin Significance It is striking that in Africa high rates of H. pylori There is a problem with assessing suitability of infection are not linked with the associated drugs for treatment. Laboratory tests suggest elsewhere. The mere presence of H. pylori gastritis efficacy which is not borne out by actual therapy could probably not be blamed for dyspeptic sym- because of intolerance to the doses needed ptoms in adults and this has been shown elegantly (erythromycin) or primary failure (ciprofloxacin). for Tibetan monks.`4 In children the importance Metronidazole sensitivity testing requires anaero- of H. pylori infection is not so clear. Some believe, bic conditions whereas the organism grows best in and others doubt, its link with symptoms.47-49 micro-aerophilic culture. Nevertheless, metro- The intriguing idea has been put forward by at nidazole resistance is worryingly common: up to least two separate groups that, for patients under 50% of cultures where the antibiotic is freely used the age of45, IgG ELISA would identify a group of as monotherapy for other conditions such as dental sero-negative patients who do not require gastro- sepsis and pelvic inflammatory disease.58-65 Cig- scopy for dyspeptic symptoms.8'9 Unfortunately arette use encourages acquisition ofmetronidazole this could not be confirmed in two other series and resistance which might be yet another reason why invasive investigations are probably unavoidable if smokers have more trouble with ulcers.' important diagnoses are not to be missed.'0'6 Bismuth salts and the proton pump inhibitor A side note is that H. pylori has no role in omeprazole alone will suppress but not eradicate producing symptoms in the gastric metaplasia of H. pylori.67'1 Lansoprozole is an analogue ofcopyright. Meckel's .° omeprazole which demonstrates rather greater activity against H. pylori and could be bactericidal even on its own.72'73 Suppression of gastric acidity Peptic ulcer healing will, however, facilitate antibiotic activity in the and good results have been obtained with There is now convincing evidence that the use of omeprazole plus amoxycillin or clarithromycin, antibiotics will cure duodenal and gastric ulcer with which are useful alternatives to triple therapy.74-76 a lower relapse rate.5' "7 The World Congress of However, two weeks treatment with omeprazole http://pmj.bmj.com/ Gastroenterology recommended a regime of a 20 mg twice daily plus amoxycillin 500 mg four fortnight's therapy with:' Metronidazole 400 mg times daily or clarithromycin 500-750 mg three three times a day and tetracycline or amoxycillin times daily - will be insufficient to guarantee 500 mg four times a day and bismuth chelate universal rapid ulcer healing, and more prolonged 120 mg four times a day. This will eradicate H. acid suppressant therapy will often be required. A pylori, though the treatment is hard to take because success rate for H. pylori eradication of 70-80% of the high tablet load, and because it can cause may be expected. Though amoxycillin resistance by , diarrhoea and pseudo-melaena. H. pylori has not yet been demonstrated as a on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected Analysis of different antiobiotic regimes has problem, the wide use ofthis drug for other reasons shown a clear superiority for this triple therapy suggests it may become so in the future. (82% success) over dual (48%) or single (18%) The literature is replete with alternative drug drug treatments (Table I). Furthermore, tetracyc- regimes such as the following:77-82 line performs better in the triple regime than amoxycillin. The triple regime including tetracyc- *Tetracycline plus amoxycillin plus bismuth line should be regarded as standard therapy except eSucralfate plus tetracycline plus metronidazole where pregnancy is a risk. Published evidence *Omeprazole plus metronidazole plus tetracycline relates to adults rather than children, where *Omeprazole plus amoxycillin plus bismuth amoxycillin would be preferred. oOmeprazole plus tinidazole plus clarithromycin Currently anti-H. pylori therapy is recom- oAmoxycillin plus furazolidone plus metronidazole mended for refractory, recurrent or complicated oOmeprazole plus bismuth plus tetracycline plus peptic ulcers after healing therapy has been given metronidazole but a more logical approach would be to offer *Omeprazole plus amoxycillin plus metronidazole treatment routinely to all proven benign ulcers. *Omeprazole plus clarithromycin plus tinidazole Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.70.826.561 on 1 August 1994. 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It may be concluded from this that we still seek the H. pylori infection Holy Grail of a simple totally effective curative treatment for peptic ulcer disease. There is, indeed Chronic antral gastritis still an atavistic school ofthought which promotes chronic H2 receptor antagonist therapy in the face Intestinal metaplasia of the evidence for anti-Helicobacter treatment.83 We should only be satisfied with a system which Dysplasia offers permanent cure with easy temporary treat- ment. Thirty years ago standard curative treatment Carcinoma for peptic ulcer was gastric surgery, which has all The geographical association of positive but disappeared in primary therapy. Maybe we serology with high prevalence areas for cancer was shall look back in the future with similar embar- shown in Britain, and confirmed in a 13-country rassment at our present stumbling steps towards survey (Eurogast).8687 Independent confirmation proper control of peptic ulcer disease. has also come from other studies in , Mexico and Costa Rica.88"9 A Dutch study could not support this, however, and the authors made the Gastric cancer and lymphoma point that proof of association would require demonstration of a reduced gastric cancer risk in The exception to the depressing scenario described those where H. pylori had been eliminated.92 The under 'gastric carcinoma' is B-cell gastric lym- ground is clearer with B-cell lymphoma where there phoma (MALToma). These cases respond well to is apparently progression from H. pylori-induced radical surgery, and the challenging suggestion has lymphoid hyperplasia to local lymphoma which is been made that they may even respond to anti- indolent and responds well to gastrectomy.93 This Helicobacter pylori drug therapy since they are link is persuasive because the normal non-infected invariably associated with infection by this stomach does not contain lymphoid tissue. organism.14 The burning question, therefore, is whether

There seems little doubt that H. pylori infection anti-H. pylori therapy should be offered to infected copyright. is associated as an independent risk factor for subjects in high-risk areas or groups to try to carcinoma of the stomach.85 Its exact role is still control gastric malignancy. This might be an under scrutiny but the concept of progressive appealing public policy in some developed coun- mucosal change has great attraction: tries, especially Japan.


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