
xx xx Pathophysiology and management of acute failure ANNALS OF 2010, 23(4):257-265x xx 257x


Pathophysiology and management of acute

E. Pyleris, G. Giannikopoulos, K. Dabos

ALF is almost=40%, being much higher in those with pro- SUMMARY found and renal failure7. It takes at least 10gr This is a review of the latest up to date information on Acute of to produce ALF, the usual being more than Liver Failure, a multi organic syndrome sometimes with a 30gr. Patients with chronic and those taking fatal outcome, if not diagnosed and treated at the right time. enzyme-inducing drugs can develop paracetamol toxicity The review pays attention to some special features of the syn- at substantially lower plasma levels due to induction of the

drome and all the new technical progress for a cure. There is cytochrome P450 system and consequent increased produc- also special mention about ALF and the main causes of ALF tion of the toxic metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine in the Greek population. [NAPQI]. N-acetyl-cysteine {NAC}, by repleting glutathi- one stores, is highly effective in preventing massive hepat- Key words: Paracetamol overdose, hepatic failure, ic if given within 10 h of paracetamol overdose transplantation, ALF during pregnancy and reduces the severity of liver damage if given up to 15 h after drug ingestion.9,10 Late administration of NAC in INTRODUCTION paracetamol-induced ALF seems to improve survival with- out a measurable effect on liver function.11,12 The term (ALF) was first used by Trey and Davidson in 1970. ALF is a rare but dramatic Different classes of drugs can cause idiosyncratic ALF. clinical syndrome in which a previously normal liver fails Antiepileptics such as carbamazepine and valproate are within days to weeks. Based on data from the Liver Unit commonly involved. All antituberculous agents have been at King`s College , London, O`Grady et al.3 pro- implicated. and are also known posed a classification with three different subgroups for causes of ALF. Finally non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ALF: “hyper-acute”, “acute” and “subacute” liver failure. drugs, antifungal agents and recreational drugs have been A number of conditions can cause this sudden severe liver implicated. cell dysfunction, which finally triggers a multi- re- Viral is the commonest cause of acute liver sponse. The mortality is high despite considerable progress failure world-wide and in the Indian subcontinent alone it having being made during recent years, including intensive multi-organ support and . Abbreviations: FHF: Fulminant hepatic failure OLT: Orthotopic liver transplantation AETIOLOGY AND PROGNOSIS ALF: Acute liver failure Paracetamol overdose is the major cause of acute liver KCH: King`s College Hospital NAPQI: N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine failure in the UK, USA, Scandinavian and Mediteranian NAC: N-acetyl-cysteine countries. The overall mortality of paracetamol-induced H.E.L.L.P.: Haemolysis, Elevated liver enzymes, Low ICP: Gastro-intestinal unit, Chios General Hospital 82100 Greece CPP: Cerebral perfusion pressure SPEAR: Selective parenteral and enteral antimicrobial regimen Author for correspondence: FFP: Fresh frozen plasma Pyleris Emmanouil, Kalimasia, Chios 82100, Hellas, e-mail BAL: Bioartificial liver address: [email protected] ELAD: Extracorporeal liver assist device 258 E. Pyleris, et al was the indentified aetiology in over 90% of cases.13 How- strongly associated with the use of salicylates in the man- ever, less than 1% of acute leads to hepat- agement of pyrexia.24 ic failure.14-16 All primary hepatotropic viruses can cause H.E.L.L.P. syndrome {haemolysis, elevated liver en- acute hepatic failure with a different incidence in different zymes, low platelets } can be seen in pregnant women. It countries14-16. -related ALF has a better prog- nosis {70% survival} than which produces a is more common in women with hypertension or pre-ec- more severe clinical syndrome {40% survival}.14 The term lampsia. Spontaneous rupture of the liver can occur. non-A non-B hepatitis is used in cases with clinical fea- Malignacies may present as ALF. These can be due to tures suggestive of viral aetiology in the absence of any metastatic involvement of the liver (occult breast cancer, identified pathogen.16-19 Non-A non-B-induced ALF fol- gastric cancer,83 occult bronchogenic cancer,, metastasis lows a subacute course of illness and has the worst prog- from /prostate89), due to primary liver malignancy 5,15 nosis of viral causes {<20% survival } . Hepatitis C vi- (primary fibrolamellar carcinoma,, primary hepatic lym- rus is a rare, but now well documented, cause of ALF in phoma, primary hemangioendothelioma)or due to hema- European countries and the USA. tologic malignancies (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leuke- 80 Special mention should be given to ALF due to hepa- mia). titis E during pregnancy. Mechanisms proposed to explain ALF due to neoplas- The high mortality is secondary to hormonal and im- tic or paraneoplastic aetiology are , hepatic ischemia munological changes of pregnancy. Steroid hormones (es- caused by obstruction of hepatic blood flow by infiltrating 81 79 trogen and progesterone) may promote viral replication neoplastic cells, and hepatic anoxia. and may also have direct inhibitory effects on hepatic cells Although the presence of a neoplasm is an absolute which predispose to hepatic dysfunction. They also induce contraindication for liver transplantation, some forms, immunosupression. Their accumulatory effect can produce such as lymphoproliferative diseases79 or small cell lung 78 severe liver damage and ALF. cancer82 may respond to chemotherapy with improved he- Ingestion of the Amanita Falloides mushroom is a rel- patocellular function. atively common cause of acute liver failure in Mediter- Furthermore, conditions such as Budd-Chiari, sepsis, anian countries, Ingestion of as few as three mushrooms ischaemic hepatitis and autoimmune chronic hepatitis can may prove fatal. Symptoms start 6-18 h after ingestion occasionally manifest themselves as acute liver failure. and are characterized by severe abdominal cramps, vom- iting and watery diarrhoea, The clinical condition usually With regards to Greece, the major cause of ALF is hep- responds to fluid and electrolyte replacement unless clin- atitis B virus(52%). Other causes are Wilson’s (4%), ical and biochemical signs of acute liver failure become ischaemic hepatitis(4%), drugs inducing ALF (12%), coin- established, usually 3-4 days later, Intravenous penicillin fection with HBV and HCV(4 %), Amanita mushrooms in- plus silibinin is the commonly used antidote and should be gestion (4%) and cryptogenic (16%).75 started as soon as the diagnosisis has been made. The prognosis of ALF depends on the etiology and the Wilson’s disease is a common cause of ALF. Pres- clinical course of the disease. HAV, HBV, paracetamol- ence of Kayser-Fleischer rings, in a young jaundiced pa- induced and ischaemic ALF have a relatively good spon- tient with, Coombs negative haemolytic anaemia are in- taneous survival rate of 36%, whereas idiosyncratic drug dicative of the disease. Liver biochemistry usually shows reactions and indeterminate causes have only 14% sponta- high plasma with relatively low plasma trans- neous survival rate.86 aminase activity and mildly increased or normal alkaline Table 5 shows in detail the survival rate reported with phosphatase activity. A ratio of ac- high grade hepatic . tivity to bilirubin of less than 2 is highly suggestive of the condition23.Urinary copper excretion is high. Plasma cae- ruloplasmin is usually low. CLINICAL PRESENTATION OF ACUTE LIVER FAILURE Reye`s syndrome is another rare cause of liver fail- ure, mainly in children between 5 and 15 years. It has The initial clinical presentation depends upon the cause been characterized by the development of acute enceph- and the time between toxic insult and hospitalization. Pa- alopathy with cerebral oedema and diffuse fatty change tients may present with non-specific symptoms such as mal- of the liver/ It usually follows a viral febrile illness and is aise, , , abdominal pains and dehydration and Pathophysiology and management of acute liver failure 259 often even after a careful history and examination the diag- sure) should be above 60 mmHg. A CPP below 40 mmHg nosis of acute liver damage may initially be missed, until liv- is critical and has been associated with significant neuro- er biochemistry and clotting screen become available. logical damage ranging from residual neurological defi- cits to brain death.

CLINICAL COURSE OF ALF Treatment of cerebral oedema The clinical course of acute liver failure is that of pro- Mannitol gressive multi-organ failure. The severity of clinical signs and illness depends upon the adverse metabolic conse- The use of mannitol has been shown to improve sur- quences of loss of liver function, the systemic effect of vival in patients with ALF complicated by grade 4 enceph- 31 toxins from the necrotic liver and the rate and degree of alopathy . Acting as an osmotic agent, it reduces brain regeneration. In addition, and as a result of toxic injury, water and decreases ICP. A dose of 0.5-1 g {20% solu- the immune system is compromised with development of tion}/kg weight is administered over 20 min when clini- secondary bacterial and endotoxaemia giving cal signs of raised ICP occur {in cases where ICP moni- rise to a picture similar to that of septic . toring is not available}, or when ICP increases above 20 mmHg. The dose may be repeated as necessary, provid- ed that adequate occurs and serum osmolality re- CEREBRAL MANIFESTATIONS mains below 320 mOsm. In patients with oliguria and re- Encephalopathy. Severe liver injury results in impair- nal failure, mannitol should be used only in combination ment of cerebral function that ranges from abnormal men- with renal replacement . tation,, with drowsiness, euphoria and confusion, to deep Corticosteroids and L-ornithine L-aspartate . The diagnosis of encephalopathy is clinical, and a commonly used scoring system is shown in Table 2.Gen- Several randomized studies have demonstrated that eral measures for the treatment of chronic hepatic enceph- corticosteroids have no beneficial effect in cerebral oe- alopathy, such as withdrawal of dietary protein, lactulose dema in ALF, or produce any improvement in survival 32-34. and neomycin, are neither useful nor practical in severe rates LOLA has shown no benefit in encephalopathy acute encephalopathy. in ALF Cerebral oedema. Cerebral oedema occurs in 75-80% N- of patients with ALF and grade 4 encephalopathy, and There is increasing evidence that N- acetylcysteine 26-28 is the primary cause of death in these patients. ICP {NAC} is of benefit not only in paracetamol-induced ALF, may increase rapidly before any clinical signs appear but in all aetiological groups. Even though NAC has no and may result in brain death before any treatment can direct effect on ICP, it may reduce cerebral oedema by in- 30 be initiated. The clinical signs suggestive of raised in- creasing cerebral blood flow and enhancing tracranial pressure {ICP} are summarized in Table 3. consumption11,12. In addition, NAC may exert its beneficial ICP has been used extensively throughout effect due to its action as a free radical scavenger. the world in patients with ALF in order to indicate ap- propriate therapy as necessary. Above 20 mmHg is usu- ally associated with cerebral oedema and should be treat- Patients with ALF are prone to sepsis because host de- ed as an emergency. fence mechanisms are impaired, with development of en- Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) (which is the differ- dotoxinaemia as an immediate consequence of acute liver ence between mean arterial pressure and intracranial pres- injury. Invasive procedures and insertion of intravascular

Table 1. Classification of liver failure [O`Grady et al., 1993] Hyperacute liver failure Acute liver failure Subacute liver failure Prognosis moderate poor poor Encephalopathy yes yes yes Duration of {days} 0-7 8-28 29-72 Cerebral oedema common common infrequent prolonged prolonged least prolonged Bilirubin least raised raised raised 260 E. Pyleris, et al

Table 2. Staging of Selective parenteral and enteral antimicrobial regimen Grade Clinical symptoms Outcome {SPEAR}, has shown a 30% reduction in the overall fre- {survival %} quency of infection compared with those who received an- I Slow mentation 70% timicrobial treatment when clinically indicated.37 Further- II Inappropriate behaviour 60% more, there was no statistically significant difference in {confusion, euphoria} or drowsiness the rates of infection between patients receiving SPEAR III Permanent somnolence 40% and those given on admission. IV Coma 20% The administration of oral non-absorbable antibacteri- als {Rifacol} for selective decontamination of the does Table 3. Clinical signs of raised inracranial pressure not appear to improve survival in patients already receiv- 1. Systolic hypertension {paroxysmal or sustained} ing prophylactic systemic antibacterials.38 2. Bradycardia 3. Increased muscle tone, opisthotonos, decerebrate posturing Coagulopathy 4. Pupillary abnormalities {sluggish or absent response to Coagulopathy is almost universal in ALF. It is the result light} of inadequate synthesis enhanced consumption of clotting 5. Brain stem respiratory patterns, apnoea factors and their inhibitors, and abnormalities. Pro- thrombin time is one of the best indicators of changing liver function, and therefore its prophylactic correction is contra- lines are common sources of bacteraemia in these patients. indicated,39 especially if the patient is going to be consid- In a study by the “Lever Unit” of Barcelona’s University ered for OLT. Prothrombin time may be influenced for at Hospital, the isolated microorganisms are predominantly least 24 h after administration of fresh frozen plasma {FFP} Gram-positive bacteria {70%} with a striking incidence and under those circumstances, measurement of factor V or of Staphylococcus aureus {36%} followed by Gram- neg- VII should be considered.40 Severe haemorrhage requiring ative bacteria, especially E. coli. Other groups reported blood transfusion is rare, with a decreased incidence from Gram-negative bacteria as being the leading cause of in- 30% to 10% in recent years.41,42 In particular, the incidence 35 fection. of from the upper , which is Fungal infections complicate the course of ALF in the most common site of bleeding significantly reduced by 43,44 36 the use of H antagonists and . Prophylactic use about a third of patients and are predominantly due to 2 45 Candida albicans. They do present late in the course of ill- of FFP does not improve outcome, and correction of co- ness and should be suspected if deterioration in the level agulopathy with FFP or other specific factor concentrates is of consciousness, persistent leukocytosis over 20 x 109/L only indicated in cases of significant bleeding, before sur- or pyrexia unresponsive to broad spectrum antibiotics de- gery and in invasive procedures such as or in- velop after an initial improvement. sertion of an ICP . Central venous catheterization of the internal jugular vein is safer than the subclavian vein The role of prophylaxis with or without se- and does not need correction of coagulopathy.46 lective gut decontamination has been studied. The most important reservation about the early use of wide spectrum Renal manifestations antimicrobials such as ceftazidime and flucloxacillin is the Oliguric renal failure complicates paracetamol-induced development of multiresistant bacterial infection. ALF in 70% of cases with grade 4 encephalopathy, as well

Table 4. Indications for transplantation in acute liver failure {King`s College Hospital criteria} Paracetamol Non-paracetamol Arterial ph < 7.30 or H+ >50 Prothrombin > 100 s {ph < 7.25 if receiving NAC} OR{in the absence of the above}: All three of the following : Any three of the following : 1. Prothombin time > 100 s 1. Unfavourable aetiology {i.e. drugs, non-A, non-B 2. Serum > 300 μmol/L 2.Jaundice > 7 days before encephalopathy 3. Grade 3 / 4 encephalopathy 3.Age < 10 or > 40 years 4.Prothrombin time > 50 s 5. Serum biltrubin >300 μmol/L Pathophysiology and management of acute liver failure 261

Table 5. Survival after Acute Liver Failure confirm the aetiol- such as hypophosphataemia and hypomagnesaemia are not ogy. Survival after Hepatic encephalopathy grade III-IV (John uncommon and should be treated as required.49 O΄ Grady. Acute Liver Failure. Comprehensive Clinical Hepa- tology.2000) ALF is characterized by profound metabolical dysfunc- Cause Rate percent (%) tion due to loss of liver cell function.. Wilson 1 is desirable in such cases. Glucose is given for the prophy- Drug hepatitis 2,5 laxis or treatment of (2-3 g kg -1 d1) and lip- Seronegative hepatitis 20 ids (0,8-1,2 g kg -1 d1) as energy supply. Amino acid use to Hepatitis B 38 support protein synthesis has proven unhelpful.85 Paracetamol overdose 56 Hepatitis A 67 Haematologic manifestations Hepatopathy of pregnacy 98 A rare but life-threatening condition is hepatitis-associ- ated aplastic (HAA). In this syndrome, marrow failure follows the develop- as in 30% of non-paracetamol cases. In non-paracetamol ment of ALF. This entity which is mediated by immuno- cases,28,47-49 renal failure appears early after severe liver in- logical mechanisms occurs either concurrently or within jury with rising serum creatinine and oliguria50. It is usual- 6 months of an ALT increase to at least five times the up- ly associated with advanced encephalopathy and often fun- per limit of the reference range. The treatment include he- gal infection, and is a predictor of poor outcome50. Renal matopoietic cell transplantation and immunosuppressive replacement therapy is still the treatment of choice when therapy.77 creatinine is above 400 μmol/L, in cases of fluid overload, acidosis, hypercalaemia and in conjunction with mannitol Pulmonary complications administration when oliguric renal failure develops. The main pulmonary complications include pulmo- nary edema, pneumonia and tracheobronchitis. Although Cardiovascular manifestations the exact mechanisms are not clear enough, it is believed The clinical syndrome produced in ALF resembles that that central mechanisms, vascular lesions caused by met- of in many aspects; it is characterized by hy- abolic and toxic factors, and increased susceptibility to potension due to low systemic with in- infections are the leading pathogenesis in this domain of creased .51 complications.84 The haemodynamic abnormalities of ALF begin with microcirculatory disturbances that lead to abnormal oxy- PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY gen transport and utilization. The management consists of Except for the symptomatological treatment of ALF fluid replacement under monitoring of pulmonary artery mentioned above, there are also specific which wedge pressure and cardiac output; if fluids fail to restore conform the aetiology. the circulation, vasopressors are required. Noradrenaline [norepinephrine] and sometimes adrenaline [epinephrine] Penicillin G is used early at the course of Amanita’s are the most commonly used vasopressors, while the use of mushrooms ALF. angiotensin 2 is reserved for more refractory cases. Despite Lamivudine, although controversial is used in ALF the efficacy of vasopressors in maintaining mean arterial caused by HBV. Intravenous acyclovir is given to HSV- re- pressure, their use is severely limited by the fact that they lated hepatitis (mostly seen among immunosuppressed and 52 decrease tissue oxygen consumption . In this respect the pregnant patients). Finally, plasmapheresis and chelation coadministration of prostacyclin, a microcirculatory dilator, therapy is given to ALF caused by Wilson’s disease. or of N-acetylcysteine may overcome this adverse effect.

Metabolic changes TRANSPLANTATION IN ALF Hypoglycaemia is a common manifestation in ALF, due OLT is the most effective means of therapy for pa- to severe impairment of glucose homeostasis. Metabolic tients with ALF whose prognostic evaluation suggests a < acidosis in paracetamol overdose is independent of renal 20% chance of survival with medical management alone. function and is the most important predictor of outcome4. NIDDK reported a 70% patient survival rate in the ear- In other aetiologies of ALF, a centrally induced respiratory ly post-transplant period and a 60% graft survival rate at is more common. Other metabolic abnormalities 3 years. 262 E. Pyleris, et al

In Greece there are about 100 cases of ALF per year. There is increasing evidence that removal or devas- Often there is a delay in the diagnosis and patient’s refer- cularization of the failing liver stabilizes the clinical con- ral to a specialized center. The decision to offer OLT in dition of patients with ALF60-62. Total hepatectomy with such patients is quite difficult. If the patient recovers with- portacaval shunt is said to correct cerebral oedema and out the need for OLT, with pharmacologic therapy only, haemodynamic abnormalities, providing a window of sta- his liver will return normal. On the other hand, transplan- bility in the critically ill patient awaiting OLT. This win- tation implies the need for lifelong . dow is limited to 24-36 h. A number of centres have used Under this circumstance the correct timing for reference total hepatectomy as a form of temporary treatment to to a specialized center is “a must”. This should be done delay clinical deterioration. The total hepatectomy is po- if: Prothrombin time is more than 20 sec, (INR >2), bili- tentially life-saving, but has only short-lived beneficial rubin > 100 μmol/L, hypoglycemia, encephalopathy and/ effects. or developing renal failure.91 The selection of patients that should be referred to a transplant center for OLT is a cru- cial medical decision and is currently based on two sets LIVING RELATED LIVER of prognostic indicators which can be applied relatively TRANSPLANTATION IN ALF easily. The first set comes from King`s College Hospital BIOARTIFICIAL LIVER in London {Table 4}.4 In view of the potential for complete recovery of na- The second set, from Clichy, France, was based on tive liver in ALF, a liver support system to bridge the time patients with viral ALF who had developed confusion or to recovery would theoretically be the best treatment op- coma, and is a combination of grade 3 or 4 encephalop- tion. Several biological and non-biological liver support 25 athy with the levels of factor 5 in blood and age . Both systems have been developed. Non-biological systems in- sets were tested retrospectively in 81 patients with ALF, clude haemodialysis, charcoal and resin haemoperfusion, and the reported results were poorer than in the original blood and plasma exchange, and have been extensively 53 report. used but have not been proved effective enough to alter the course of illness65-67. Biological liver support systems MELD score in ALF using liver tissue were first tested several years ago, but it was not until recently that they were further developed An important issue is the time of listing a patient with and clinically tested for their ability to synthesize coagu- 54-55 ALF for a super-urgent OLT. The time needed for a lation factors and proteins and to detoxify blood. A bioar- suitable donor organ to become available can be as long tificial liver {BAL} or extracorporeal liver assist device as 48 h, and because ALF patients may deteriorate sud- {ELAD} consists of a mass of liver cells placed in a hol- denly, they should be evaluated with a view to being list- low fibre bioreactor perfused by the patient`s own blood ed for OLT as early as possible. or plasma. Several systems have been developed, using Absolute contraindications to OLT include uncon- different cell lines {primary mammalian or trolled intracranial hypertension where permanent neu- immortalized lines}, with or without a plas- rological damage and/or brain death is likely, refractory mapheresis system connected to the bioreactor.69-72 Clini- systemic , sepsis and adult respiratory dis- cal results so far have been disappointing. tress syndrome. The presence of ongoing psychiatric ill- MARS (Molecular Absorbent Recirculating System) ness and social or behavioural problems that may affect an extracorporeal machine that removes compliance to treatment post-OLT especially in cases with albumin-bound substances (, billirubin, suicidal intent, may be considered as relative contraindi- bile acids, cooper, protoporphyrin) and water –soluble sub- cations to OLT. stances (, Urea, creatinine, IL-6)88 is potential- The increasing shortage of human organs for trans- ly beneficial as a scavenger for substances with an injuri- plantation has resulted in an intensified effort to maintain ous role in liver failure. It has been used in the treatment patients` stability while awaiting OLT. In this aspect sev- of liver failure to enable native liver regeneration or as a eral modalities have been proposed, such as total hepatec- bridge to liver transplantation in acute or chronic cases.87 tomy, mild hypothermia, xenotransplantation, heterotopic Predictors of survival in MARS treated patients are aeti- liver transplantation, extra-corporeal human or animal al- ology of liver failure, grade of encephalopathy, factor V lograft as well as hepatocyte transplantation and adminis- and ALT levels.87 Positive prognostic factors after treat- tration of hepatic growth factors.58,59 ment with the MARS method include the Glasgow Coma Pathophysiology and management of acute liver failure 263

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