
KLTS Coordinator Session (K*)

Acute Failure

Dong Jin Joo

Department of , Yonsei University College of , Seoul, Korea


주 동 진 연세대학교 의과대학 외과학교실

Acute (ALF) is a rare but it could be life-threatening and devastating condition with up to 30- 50% mortality rate, which occurs mostly in patients who do not have preexisting . The incidence of ALF is around 10 cases per million persons per year in the developed countries. Some cases may be salvaged by vigorous medical treatment together with the liver’s capacity for regeneration, but orthotopic remains the definitive therapy for medically refractory ALF.

Conventionally, hepatic failure is defined as a severe liver injury, potentially reversible in nature and with onset of hepatic within 8 weeks of the first symptoms in the absence of preexisting liver disease. But, the time gap between and differs according to the causes of liver failure.

Globally, A and E infections are related to acute liver failure, with rates of mortality of more than 50% reported from the developing countries. ALF can be caused by infection. Particularly in Korea, acute on chronic liver failure caused by hepatitis B is not uncommon and sometimes ALF can occur in patients with reactiva- tion of previously stable subclinical HBV infection without established chronic liver disease.

Another important cause of ALF is drug-induced liver injury. Drug-induced liver injury is responsible for approximately 50% of cases of acute liver failure in the United States. Acetaminophen is the most common hepatotoxic drug that could induce ALF in western countries. Unlike western countries, herbal medicine can be noticed the cause of ALF in many Asian countries. Other causes of ALF are -induced liver injury, neoplastic infiltration, acute Budd–Chiari syndrome, heatstroke, mushroom ingestion, and metabolic such as Wilson’s disease. Rarely, pregnancy-re- lated ALF can occur before deliver of baby, which may require early delivery of the fetus. However, in many cases, the cause of acute liver failure remains unknown, despite intensive investigation. These cases often follow a subacute presentation, and rates of survival are poor without transplantation.

Supportive therapies such as units or bio-artificial are designed to provide a favorable milieu for regeneration by detoxifying waste molecules and providing synthetic function. These devices should bridge the patients until donor organs became available, or ideally, allow the patients to avoid liver transplantations altogether. But so far, there was no report to show survival benefit in these ALF patients. Thus, liver transplantation should be considered from the early period of ALF diagnosis.

108 June 20-22, 2019 | BEXCO, Busan, South Korea June 20 (Thu) June 21 (Fri) June 22 (Sat)

- (*K) 109

KLTS Coordinator Session Coordinator KLTS www.theliverweek.org three different diagnostic criteria. Ann Hepatol Ann2019. Hepatol criteria. three different diagnostic tol 2019. of comparison A failure: liver Acute-on-chronic AZ. de Mattos AA, de Mattos CV, Tovo RV, Picon Lunardi FL, GS, Leao 2002; 137: 947-54. 2002; 137: F,et AndersM,Cairo YantornoS,Cejas N, Barrabino M, S, P,Marciano F,Rojas V, Rubinstein Tagliafichi Mendizabal M, 2019. divergences. failure liver conceptual - Acute-on-chronic AA. de Mattos AZ, de Mattos Bernal W, Wendon J. Acute liver failure. N Engl J Med 2013; 369: 2525-34. 369: failure. N 2013; Jliver Engl Acute Med J. Wendon W, Bernal al. Liver transplantation in adults with acute liver failure: Outcomes from the Argentinean Transplant Registry. Ann Hepa Registry. Transplant Argentinean from Liver intransplantation adults Outcomes withfailure: the acute liver al. Trial Trial of Spheroid Reservoir BioartificialLiver inPorcine Model of Posthepatectomy Liver Failure. Hepatology 2019;69: 282-98. 3: The ofmanagement fulminant1970; failure. Liver Prog Dis hepatic CS. Davidson C, Trey HayAO, Hynan JE, L, Shakil TM, Han McCashlandTJ, SH, Davern A, Larson Ostapowicz FontanaG, Schiodt RJ, FV, Ann Intern Med study of of inResults tertiary athe centers States. failure acute care liver et United prospective al. 17 at Chen HS, Joo DJ, Shaheen M, Li Y, Wang Y, Yang J, Nicolas CT, Predmore K, Amiot B, Michalak G, et al. Randomized et al. Michalak G, Amiot B, Predmore K, CT, J, Nicolas Yang Y, Wang Y, Li Shaheen M, DJ, Joo Chen HS, 329-42.

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